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Chinese Virologist: SARS-CoV-2 Genome is Genetically Manipulated; Coronavirus comes from Military Research Laboratories

Source: Taiwan News; Zenodo #Sept14

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Chinese Virologist: SARS-CoV-2 Genome is Genetically Manipulated; Coronavirus comes from Military Research Laboratories

Yan Meng-li, a Chinese virologist who used to work at the University of Hong Kong before fleeing to the United States, released a pre-print paper with her research team under the affiliation of Rule of Law Society & Rule of Law Foundation in New York.

The title of the paper is entitled "Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of its Probably Synthetic Route.”

Yan told Fox News earlier that her colleagues at the University of Hong Kong ignored her research. Academic papers with similar topics have been effectively censored.

This non-peer-reviewed report of Yan and her team concluded the following:

// 1. If it [coronavirus SARS-CoV-2] was a laboratory product, the most critical element in its creation, the backbone/template virus (ZC45/ZXC21), is owned by military research laboratories.

2. The genome sequence of SARS-CoV-2 has likely undergone genetic engineering, through which the virus has gained the ability to target humans with enhanced virulence and infectivity.

3. The characteristics and pathogenic effects of SARS-CoV-2 are unprecedented.

The virus is highly transmissible, onset-hidden, multi-organ targeting, sequelae-unclear, lethal, and associated with various symptoms and complications.

4. SARS-CoV-2 caused a world-wide pandemic, taking hundreds of thousands of lives and shutting down the global economy. It has a destructive power like no other. //

The research team urges for an immediate independent audit of the P4 laboratories run by the Chinese government-controlled Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the laboratories of their close collaborators.

Source: Taiwan News; Zenodo #Sept14

#Covid19 #WuhanPneumonia #WuhanLaboratory #Coronavirus #Pandemic #YanMengLi

Yan Limeng and team's Pre-print Academic Paper:
German Think tank Closes Hong Kong Office Over National Security Law Fears

A German think tank Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom announced the closing of its office in Hong Kong on September 16, 2020. All their activities in Hong Kong will also be suspended.

In their statement, the foundation said it is impossible for them to guarantee the employees' safety in Hong Kong under the National Security Law. One of their employees has resigned due to safety concerns.

Source: Stand News #Sept16
#WhiteTerror #Thinktank
Police's testimony found inconsistent with video; Man acquitted of two charges

Due to the suspect of unknown gas leakage at Tai Hing Police Operational Base on Oct 30, 2019, a large crowd of civilians protested against the incident. Police dispersed the crowd at that night and arrested a 23-year-old waiter of illegal assembly and possession of offensive weapon.

In the first hearing on this case on 15 Sep, 2020, the police officer arresting the suspect recounted the process of intercepting and arresting in the court. However, the progress described could not be found in the video provided by the defendant lawyer.

In the adjudication on 16 Sep, 2020, Magistrate Wong Ching-Yu rejected the police officer’s statement, and the defendant was acquitted of two charges.

Source: Apple Daily #Sep17

#PoliceState #ArbitraryArrest #AsiasFinest #PoliceLie

Southern Mongolian Herders Further Suppressed

//As the CCP’s drive to wipe out Mongolian culture intensifies, new measures are planned to ban livestock grazing—an integral part of the traditional nomadic lifestyle.

//the CCP declares that it aims to “recover the grassland ecosystem.” In reality, though, the end goal seems to be a complete eradication of the Mongolian nomadic way of life.

//We, ethnic people, can do nothing but graze. If we are forbidden from grazing, how is it different from slaughtering us?”

//“It’s wrong that grazing is prohibited in the name of restoring grassland ecology, shifting the blame onto five animals and Mongolians,”... “If mining is stopped, grassland ecology will restore its balance itself.”

Full article: Bitter Winter, (15-Sep)

Further reading:
A Thousand-Year-Old Tibetan Buddhist Temple Destroyed in Shanxi

#Mongolian #GrazingBan #CultureGenocide #CCP

In Shanxi more than 200 private properties confiscated by the government

Source: i-Cable China News

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In Shanxi more than 200 private properties confiscated by the government

Property owners: the ownership certificate clearly showed that these were privately owned.
Lawyer: The county government may have broken the law.

(8 Sep) "Since we have the ownership certificates, they just came to lock our properties by force and robbed us." Recently, 30 or more private houses and guesthouses were force to close down and seized by the police in Pingyao city in the Shanxi province, this caused strong oppositions among residents. Some were forcefully dragged out from their houses.

The Pingyao city government sent out notice to the residents and owners of more than 200 private properties, telling them that under socialism, it was absolutely necessary and correct to renovate private properties, and therefore the government was about to confiscate theirs, and was giving them half of a month to relocate.
The ownership dispute on ancestral homes began in 1958. It was the time of transforming to socialism and the government used the idea of "government as agent managing and renting houses on behalf of people' to rent out properties which were idle and vacant. Until the opening up of the country in the 80s, the owners re-obtained what belonged to them and got ownership certificates.
And now, the government voided the certificates.

An owner, whose certificate was void, claimed that he/she only redeemed the family siheyuan (traditional four building courtyard houses), "We paid 162 thousands and bought 18 rooms. I have bought the ownership of them back. Those properties are a private ones. This is clearly written in black and white. Since it is claimed that this is a lawful society, this country should help to safeguard our private property and rights, and this Pingyao governmemt has violated both the party's policy and the law.”

Lawyers also doubted that the county government may have broken the law by confiscating and voiding the ownership certificates without paying any compensation.

The historical Pingyao county has over 2700 years of history and mainly relies on tourism as major source of income. The citizens estimates that the properties confiscated value over 10M on the market.


Source: i-Cable China News
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#PrivateProperty #China #Pingyao
Unscientific and Unethical, Says US Expert as Chinese Pharma Pushes Wuhan Virus Vaccine Not Fully Tested

Source: Apple Daily #Aug29

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Unscientific and Unethical, Says US Expert as Chinese Pharma Pushes Wuhan Virus Vaccine Not Fully Tested

The Chinese pharmaceutical CanSino was reported to have been negotiating with several countries for urgent approval of the use of its Wuhan virus vaccine, which is still in phase 3 trials. Public health experts have voiced concerns as the vaccine has yet to be fully tested for its safety and effectiveness on a mass scale. They stressed that the experimentation and the trials must be transparent and that CanSino must disclose data concerning the vaccine’s trials in the Chinese military.

A senior manager at CanSino revealed to The Wall Street Journal that the pharma was negotiating with several countries, requesting emergency approval for the use of its experimental Wuhan virus vaccine before its phase 3 trials are completed. If approved, the early-stage vaccine will be in use globally for the first time, with health professionals and essential workers like soldiers and police officers being the first to get the shot.

Public health experts worry that despite the new evidence indicating the vaccine’s effectiveness and safety, it is highly risky to put it to public use before large-scale trials are completed. Dr Amesh A. Adalja, a senior expert at the John Hopkins Center for Health Security, said there is some data showing the vaccine’s effectiveness and safety following its trials in the Chinese military. “It is crucial, however, to use the vaccine in accordance with the data obtained at Phase 3 clinical trials,” he added. “Its effectiveness can be determined only in an environment where many people are exposed to the virus, and it is necessary to look into a better sample group to know if the vaccine is safe.” CanSino, he said, should disclose the data obtained at trials in the military to reassure the public.

Pierre Armand Morgon, Senior Vice President for International Business of CanSino, said giving several million people the vaccine before the clinical trials conclude helps ascertain its safety and effectiveness and create a database of safety information. Morgon declined to name all of the countries the pharma is in talks with, saying only that they include Pakistan, Latin American countries and a number of developed countries. None of them has approved the vaccine for use, he said.

Source: Apple Daily #Aug29

#China #CanSino #WuhanVirus #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Pandemic #Vaccine #Ethics

The University of Southern California a professor because of speaking "that" in Putonghua, discriminating against African-Americans

Source: Apple Daily #Sep05

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The University of Southern California Suspended a professor because of speaking "that" in Putonghua, discriminating against African-Americans

(North American News) A Communication Professor at the University of Southern California (USC) used a Chinese vocab "nèige" (meaning "that") with a Putonghua pronunciation, has led to a petition from a group of angry African-American. They said that it sounded like a word with discrimination or defamation to Africans, requesting an apology from the professor and the teaching suspension to have an investigation.

Professor Greg Patton has taught at USC Marshall School of Business for 20 years. During the online teaching of MBA related curriculum last month, Patton used Putonghua as an example, saying "nèige" replaces some meaningless words, like errs and umms, in China. He repeated "nèige" thrice.

Nevertheless, some students thought that the accent of the professor for "nèige" was similar to "nigga", a word that insults Africans. They pointed out that the professor had offended all African students in the class and had affected their mental health. The school said that another speaker will take over the curriculum at this moment, during the investigation period for Patton.

#US #USC #nèige #nigga #Chinese #Putonghua #Mandarin #African #AfricanAmerican #GregPatton

Source: Apple Daily #Sep05

Overseas Hong Kong Activists get harassed by pro-CCP groups, just like in HK

For Hong Kongers living in Canada, it might be 'far from home'. Unfortunately, they are not far from danger. Some people received rape and death threats on social media from CCP supporters. Others received threatening phonecalls to their personal hotel rooms.

Pro-democracy activists in Canada have experienced the impotence of the Canadian police in the face of doxxing and death threats.

Activists around the world face risks and pressure which are manifested in the same form as how they are in Hong Kong or even mainland China.

Source: CBC #Sep10

#10Sep #Canada #HongKong #Overseas #Doxxing #Harrassment
#Statement #Save12HKYouths
Hong Kong's Maritime Transport Services Industry Trade Union Demands Authorities to Release Data from Navigation Surveillance Radar

The full statement is as follows:

//12 Hong Kong residents are suspected of being arrested by the Guangdong Coast Guard within Hong Kong’s waters. Our association requests the Hong Kong Marine Department to release the navigation surveillance radar information and data as evidence.

The Chinese Coast Guard on August 26 announced in WeChat that on August 23 at about 9 o'clock, they intercepted a suspected illegal cross-border vessel in Chinese waters just outside Hong Kong southeast and detained 12 Hong Kong residents.

Our association demands the Hong Kong Marine Department to release the radar images of the navigation surveillance system as evidence to substantiate the actual position of the vessel at the time, verifying whether the Guangdong Coast Guard had cross-border enforcement. It will also serve to relieve the general public’s concerns and to protect the safety of local marine operators and passengers. //

Source: Maritime Transport Services Industry Trade Union

U.S. to Ban Transaction and Download of China's #WeChat and #Tiktok From Sept 20, 2020

The U.S. Department of Commerce issued a statement on Sept 18, 2020, prohibiting transactions and downloads relating to Chinese mobile applications WeChat and TikTok, starting from Sept 20, 2020. Hosting or transfering internet traffic associated with WeChat will also be banned.

"The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has demonstrated the means and motives to use these apps to threaten the national security, foreign policy, and the economy of the U.S."

These threats include "collect[ing] vast swaths of data from users, including network activity, location data, and browsing and search histories"; being "active participant in China’s civil-military fusion"; and their "mandatory cooperation with the intelligence services of the CCP."

Source: U.S. Commerce Department #Sept18
Image: AP

#Court #JamesSpigelman
Judge Resigned Allegedly for National Security Law Concerns in Hong Kong

Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam withdrew the appointment of Polish-born Australian James Spigelman as a foreign non-permanent judge in the Court of Final Appeal. The order was gazetted on Sept 18, 2020 and backdated to Sept 2, the day Spigelman resigned.

According to ABC reporter Stephen Dziedzic, Spigelman resigned due to concern over Beijing's insertion of the National Security Law in Hong Kong.

Spigelman was one out of 14 foreign judges appointed to the Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong.

Source: Apple Daily; Stand News; 傑出男公關 #Sept18



#LGBTRights #Court
High Court Upholds Discriminatory Definition Of Marriage, Judge: “I didn’t dare to make the right choice.”

Source: Stand News #Sept18

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#LGBTRights #Court
Hong Kong's High Court Upholds Discriminatory Definition Of Marriage, Judge: “I didn’t dare to make the right choice.”

Jimmy Sham, a member of the LGBT+ rights organization Rainbow of Hong Kong and convener of Civil Human Right Front, got married to his male partner in New York in 2013. He lodged for judicial review in Hong Kong in 2018 requesting the High Court to rule the Hong Kong government rejecting oversea same-sex marriage as discriminatory, which is a violation of the “Basic Law”.

In the High Court verdict on Sept 18, 2020, Judge Chow stated that the current statutory definition of marriage in Hong Kong was “one man and one woman” and that therefore Sham's marriage wasn’t legitimate, so the court ruled against him.

Sham said outside the court that the Judge agreed to unfairness and discrimination of the existing system, but he dared not to make the right choice, and restore justice where it has been deprived.

Source: Stand News #Sept18


#SameSexMarriage #JimmySham #RainbowofHongKong
Animal Abusers Let Free by HK's Department of Justice; Pro-Democracy Lawmakers Voice Discontent

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Animal Abusers Let Free by HK's Department of Justice; Pro-Democracy Lawmakers Voice Discontent

On Februrary 14, 2020, a series of animal abuse incidents occurred at Hong Kong Garden, Tsing Lung Tau, where 29 pet animals including cats, rabbits, birds and hamsters were dropped from height on 3 subsequent days, with 15 of which died as a result. The police tried to track down the apartments resided but were unable to find any suspects.

Eventually, 2 male residents, accompanied by lawyers, surrendered themselves to the authorities. However, the Department of Justice (DoJ) decided to drop all charges due to a “lack of evidence.”

On September 9, voluntary organization “1020 Dog Parents” and Pro-Democracy Lawmaker Claudia Mo held a press conference demanding the DOJ to reconsider bringing the charges. “The moral progress of a nation and its greatness should be judged by the way it treats its animals,” said Claudia Mo, quoting from Gandhi. She condemned the DOJ’s lukewarm attitude towards the incident and the absence of explanation. She said their protest may be of no avail. ”But if we don’t do anything, we’ll get nothing,” she added.

Source: InMedia #Sept10
#FailedState #DoJ #AnimalRights