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#Politicization #MidAutumnFestival #FailedState #Mooncake
Hong Kong Correctional Services Rejects Retired Cardinal's Applications to Distribute Mooncakes to Persons in Custody for "Political" Reason

Source: HKCNews #Sept2

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#Politicization #MidAutumnFestival #FailedState
Hong Kong Correctional Services Rejects Retired Cardinal's Applications to Distribute Mooncakes to Persons in Custody for "Political" Reason

Retired cardinal of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, Joseph Zen Ze-Kiu, have been sending mooncakes to persons in custody for Mid-Autumn Festival since 2010. He was still able to do so in the midst of the 2019 anti-ELAB movement.

However, the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department (CSD) has rejected his application in 2020 on the grounds of categorizing it as a politicised activity.

In Zen’s blog, he felt upset to be forced to discontinue this tradition of his, because he understood that this year's mid-autumn festival for the persons in custody would be less warm. They have always looked forward to the mooncakes and always asked him during visitations, “Cardinal, any mooncake this year?”

Some of them said, “At least, there are people who still remember us and are willing to care for us during this festive season.”

Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong shared this activity on his Facebook page earlier and said he had received Zen’s mooncakes three years ago for the first time in jail. At that time, he and other inmates longed for the distribution of Zen's mooncakes.

Zen said that the activity this year was planned to be the same as every other year. He speculates that the reason behind why the the government rejected him was due to the mentioning by Joshua Wong,
Secretary-General of the now disbanded Demosisto, and pro-democracy lawmaker Bottle Shiu Ka-Chun, who is also a social worker.

Source: HKC News #Sept2

#CSD #MoonCake #JoshuaWong #ShiuKaChun #JosephZen #CatholicDioceseHongKong #Cardinal
#OpinionArticle #UniversalTest #COVID19Test
An Open Letter from an Ordinary Hong Kong Doctor to Secretary for Food & Health 

Published on Stand News on August 27, 2020, the open letter raises questions over the universal COVID-19 testing scheme organized by the Hong Kong SAR Government, with test results run by Chinese companies.

These questions include:

- "For citizens who have taken the test, should they undergo self-quarantine while awaiting the result?"

- "As the coronavirus might mutate, when should one go for a second test despite the first negative result?"

Read all the questions raised:


Source: Stand News #Aug27

#SophiaChan #HongKongMedics #SelfQuarantine #RecurrentInfection
#Censorship #WhiteTerror #Banner #FreeSpeech
Further Suppression of Freedom of speech: University Authorities Remove Pro-Freedom Banners

On Sept 5, 2020, 3 staff members of Production Center and 2 teaching assistants of School of Creative Media removed banners hanged outside of Creative Media Center (#CMC) at Run Run Shaw, City University of Hong Kong (#CityU).

During a strike in support of the Anti-ELAB movement last year, students hanged two banners quoting the book 1984 by George Orwell: “Freedom is freedom to say that two plus two make four,” and “We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.”

According to Production Center staff, the removal was conducted under demand of Dean Richard Allan Williams. Persons revealed that Facilities Management office (FMO) was suspected to put pressure to the School of Creative Media to remove the banners.

Source: City Broadcasting Channel #Sept4
#GeorgeOrwell #Book1984
#Newspaper #OpinionArticle

How to crack down Hong Kong judiciary

(6 Sep) The claim “No separation of powers in Hong Kong” by Chief Executive Carrie Lam and Secretary of Education Bureau Yeung Yun-hung has caused much controversy. Yesterday, Pro-Beijing newspapers, Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, started propaganda with 4 pages tp create a trend of public opinion. They have criticised Hong Kong Court obstructing Hong Kong government carrying out its functions, and alleged opposition was against Beijing and downplayed Beijing’s power by hyping separation of powers which never existed before. The pro-Beijing newspapers also interviewed Henry Litton, a permanent judge of Court of Final Appeal, who wrote an article to criticise court and judges lately, and used him to point put that there was “no separation of powers” on Hong Kong. A senior Counsel and commentator stated that the reason why pro-Beijing camp was cracking down the judiciary of Hong Kong was to eliminate or limit all possibilities of judicial review, so that the power of hegemonic government would no longer be limited. It is the path for Beijing to take over Hong Kong entirely.

Source: Apple Daily
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

Further reading:
Education Bureau has a presentation mentioned “Separation of Powers” in 2011

#1984InHongKong #RuleOfLaw #ChinesePropaganda

The Pentagon Is Urging Its Subordinates Not To Test Their Genes Casually, How About You?

(24 Aug) On 20 December, 2019, the U.S. Department of Defense issued an internal memo advising its component personnel not to use commercial DNA testing kits, citing the potential security risks posed by these tests.

//but the protection of privacy for the subject is close to zero. Even if you buy the set under a false name, pay for it with a secret credit card, and receive it at an address that is not your own, the DNA sample is unique to you and can be traced back to only you.

//In the People's Republic of China, notifications can even be set up as a WeChat widget, which is how your personal genetic information is linked to WeChat. As long as you have a few more people around you who are genetically linked to you for testing, your relationship and your personal identity will have nowhere to hide.

Full translation: https://telegra.ph/The-Pentagon-Is-Urging-Its-Subordinates-Not-To-Test-Their-Genes-Casually-How-About-You-09-07

Source: Pazu’s Facebook
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#DNAtest #GeneticInformation #Privacy #CommunityWideTesting #WeGene #CircleDNA #23MagicCube #WeChat

HK America Centre shuts down and the great jump ship

HK America Centre shuts down after CCP propaganda campaigned accusation against the institution for conducting 'infiltration' against CCP's indoctrination programs in HK. 7 former board members of HK America Centre resigned in May before the official closing of the centre. The Presidents and Vice Chancellors of universities in HK had been long serving board members as universities were a source of financing for HK America’s academic exchanges.

Source: Apple Daily

Here are some examples of why #HKPF are chronic liars and why they cannot be trusted...Just like the Hong Kong government. They are also some rare moments of justice remaining in Hong Kong now. #policebrutality #justice #GoHKGraphics

Source: Standnews
#Sedition #Court
Police Charge Pro-democracy activist with Sedition for Chanting "Five Demands and Not One Less" and Other Protest Slogans

Source: Stand News #Sept7 ;
Apple Daily #Sept8

#WhiteTerror #Censorship #RulebyLaw #FreeSpeech #TamTakChi

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#Court #Sedition
Police Charge Pro-democracy activist with Sedition for Chanting "Five Demands and Not One Less" and Other Protest Slogans

Pro-democracy activist Tam Tak-chi, deputy chairman of People Power, was mentioned in Fanling Magistrates' Court on Sept 8, 2020, after being detained for more than 50 hours.

The police arrested Tam in Tai Po at noon on Sept 6, charging him with “sedition” and "causing others to hate or despise the government" under Article 10 of the Cap. 200 Crimes Ordinance.

In court, the prosecution claimed that the following phrases incite hatred for the government and the police.

1. "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times"
2. "Five Demands Not One Less"
3. "Corrupt Cop, May Your Whole Family Die"
4. "Disband the Police Force"
5. "[Police] Disppeared on 7.21, Murdered on 8.31 and Shot People on 10.1"

The court refused Tam's application for bail and the next hearing will be held on November 27, 2020. Tam was sent to Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre for further detention.

One day before the court, pro-Beijing channel TVB News had already released information: it was said that Tam from the end of June to August had been disseminating "seditious materials" by running street stations, speaking via loudspeakers, and publishing on social media platforms. These messages included "Down with the Communist Party" and slogans "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our Times", and calling for "sanctions against officials". The pro-Beijing news channel described his behavior as "an attempt to provoke surrounding people."

Source: Stand News #Sept7 ;
Apple Daily #Sept8


#WhiteTerror #Censorship #RulebyLaw #FreeSpeech #TamTakChi
Approximately 20million people protest in Belarus; tens thousands of people in Lithuania and other places support the human chain; Alexander Lukashenko toting a rifle to support the riot police

Source: Stand News #Aug24

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Approximately 200,000 people protest in Belarus; tens thousands of people in Lithuania and other places support the human chain; Alexander Lukashenko toting a rifle to support the riot police

Up to 15-200,000 people took to the streets for two consecutive Sundays in Belarus, requesting the step down of the President, Alexander Lukashenko. The local media uploaded a video in social media, showing that the President was toting a rifle and wearing bulletproof vest to support the riot police. In Lithuania and Czech Republic, people form human chains to the Belarus protest.

Viktor Khrenin, Secretary of Defence, posted a video and warned that if the city is found to be in a turmoil, they will be facing against the army, instead of the police. But there were still 20million people gathering at the Independence Square in Minsk, holding the red and white flags that were used by Belarus after gaining independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. “Resign!” and “pull Lukashenko into the police car!”, they shouted. The demonstrators marched around the city.

According to The Guardian, the local government media uploaded a video on social media platform, showing that Lukashenko was wearing a bulletproof vest and inspecting the demonstration in a helicopter. “They flee like rats,” said the President when he order the pilot to fly closer to its citizens. He then toted rifle to cheer for the riot police. The police responded with hands clapping in jubilation.

People from the Three Baltic States, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and Prague in the Czech Republic formed various human chains to support the protesters in Belarus. In Lithuania, around 3.5million people joined, stretching the chain from the capital Vilnius to the border with Belarus. The chain was over 30km. The President of Lithuania, Gitanas Nauseda, also participated with her wife together, standing by the border.

Source: Standnews #Aug24
Police Forbid Hong Kong Boy from Giving out Free Masks to Fellow Citizens During Pandemic

At around 7pm on Sept 8 in Hong Kong, a youngster wearing a black tee that read "We love Hong Kong so damn much" was encircled by several police officers. The youngster was giving out free face masks for his fellow citizens outside Kwai Fong metro Station.

The police stopped the boy from distributing masks, recorded his personal details and searched his bag for at least 10 minutes. Passersby went to console the boy after the police left the scene.

Source: PSHK #Sept8

#FaceMasks #CoronavirusPandemic #LoveHongKong #HongKongYouth

Police Charge Pro-democracy activist with Sedition for Chanting "Five Demands and Not One Less"

12-Year-Old Girl, Shopping for Stationery, Body-Slammed to the Ground by Police