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Australia plans to Give Federal the Power to Abolish Agreements Between Local and Foreign Governments: Not Against China

Source: Apple Daily #Aug27

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Australia plans to Give Federal the Power to Abolish Agreements Between Local and Foreign Governments: Not Against China

Australia is proposing legislation to give the federal government the power to repeal any agreements that local governments and public bodies make with foreign governments. Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, said on Thursday (27th August 2020) that the action was not directed at China.

Under the new legislation, the foreign minister will have the power to revoke any agreement between a local government, city council or public university, and a foreign government if it "jeopardises Australia's diplomatic relations" or "is inconsistent with Australian foreign policy". The legislation has a retrospective effect, and Morrison said, as far as he knows, Australia has 130 agreements with 30 countries.

The legislation is designed to reduce the influence of the Chinese Communist Party in Australia's trade and national security. Nevertheless, Morrison denied that the new law was particularly for China and that "the law concerns Australia's sovereign interests".

In recent years, almost all of the Australian regional governments signed cooperation agreements with China, including in mining, education and tourism. Australian universities are also trying to forge closer ties with China, as overseas students are a significant contributor to Australia's economy, generating AUD 35 billion (HKD 196 billion) a year, with Chinese students accounting for a third of the total.

#Australia #China #ChineseEconomicInfluence #ScottMorrison #Federal

Source: Apple Daily #Aug27

Police arrests 16 people in attempt to rewrite history

The Hong Kong Police Force has arrested 16 people, including Ted Hui and Lam Cheuk-ting, on charges related to the 721 incident and other anti-government protests that happened last year.

Protesters have accused the police of colluding with the attackers, with substantial evidence that the police arrived late at the scene and did not make arrests that night.

Police said at a news conference that the July 21 incident was not an "indiscriminate attack" by the men in white, and accused the media of one-sided coverage.

Source: ABC #Aug27

Ottawa New Democrats: Liberal government must act quickly to protect Canadians and support Hong Kongers

NDP Critic for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Jenny Kwan, made urgent calls for special immigration measures for the people of Hong Kong to Minister Mendicino. She urged the minister to implement special measures including immediate actions to expedite and expand family sponsorships, extend student and working visas, and offer more pathways to citizenship.

NDP Foreign Affairs Critic, Jack Harris stated that the Liberals had the responsibility to take a leadership role in bringing like-minded nations together to stand up to China regarding the things that are going on in Hong Kong, and on Human Rights.

#Canada #NDP #Ottawa #HumanRights

Source: New Democratic Party of Canada

China's State Media Praises Former Judge for Criticizing HK's Judicial Review System; Pro-dem Lawmaker and Lawyer: "Ureasonable statement"

Former permanent judge of the Court of Final Appeal Litton wrote in a Chinese-language newspaper Ming Pao Daily on Sept 4, 2020 that the Hong Kong courts accelerated the chaos in society through undergoing judicial review of decisions made by Chinese authorities for Hong Kong.

This opinion article by Littton has been praised by China's state media People's Daily (https://twitter.com/PDChinese/status/1302775090015133698?s=20).

Litton criticised two Hong Kong judges who handled the judicial review of the anti-mask law, which was forcefully enacted without passing through Hong Kong's legislature in 2019, for giving themselves power and raising their status to Beijing's Standing Committee of National People's Congress (NPC).

Pro-democracy lawmaker and Lawyer Kwok Wing-hang pointed out that most of the legal sector and Hong Kong citizens see the interpretation of Hong Kong's constitution Basic Law by the NPC standing committee and the direct implementation of the National Security Law as a violation of the rule of law, as well as the human rights and freedom. Kwol criticised Litton for being misleading, because the culprit was the government, not judges or citizens.

Kwok stated that the rule of law stated by Litton was "China-style rule of law", instead of the one agreed by the international society. He said the only silver lining in this eveny was that Litton has already been retired.

Source: 852 post #Sept4
#RulebyLaw #FailedState #1C1S
#StandWithMongolia #CCPControl
Mongolians Strike in bid to Prevent Beijing from Eradicating Their Mother Tongue in Schools

Source: Societas Linguistica Hongkongensis #Sept3

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#StandWithMongolia #CCPControl
Mongolians Strike in bid to Prevent Beijing from Eradicating Their Mother Tongue in Schools

On the first day of the new school term on 1 September 2020, approximately 300,000 Mongolian students held a strike against the action by the Chinese government to replace the Mongolian language with Mandarin as the language of instruction in the schools of Inner Mongolia.

The Chinese police have offered 1000 RMB as a reward to people who make reports against those who went on the strike.

According to the news, the parents of at least two Mongolian students have protested against the authorities for forcing their children to return to school. They were a teacher and her husband. More Mongolians joined the movement in defending their mother tongue.

Employees of Inner Mongolia Radio and Television (IMRTS) have jointly petitioned and threatened to resign collectively if anyone of them were to be laid off with their participation in the strike being the reason.

It has already been three days since the start of the strike, and the government has not budged. However, the strikes and demonstrations have been forecasted to continue.

Source: Societas Linguistica Hongkongensis #Sept3

#PoliticalOppression #InnerMongolia #Strike #MontherTongue
#ChowTszLok #10months #HLM #HongKongLivesMatter

A Name Not Often Heard, But Never Forgotten

On Nov 4, 2019, 22-year-old university student Chow Tsz-Lok fell from a carpark in Tseung Kwan O with severe injuries during police operation nearby. Riot police blocked nearby roads and turned away ambulances, delaying paramedics from attending to the injured Chow by over 20 minutes.

Reports and footage showed police were already in the carpark before his fall, and even interfered with first-aiders on the scene. Tsz-Lok passed away in hospital 4 days later on November 8.

10 months has passed but the cause of Tsz-lok's fatal fall remains unknow.

The Coroner's court is set to hold a pre-inquest review for his case on Sept 16.

May Tsz-Lok rest in peace.

May the truth be uncovered.

Remembrance of the Lost in Hong Kong's #AntiELAB Movement

#HongKongProtests #Remembrance
#FreeAgnes #RealMulan
Police Surround Agnes Chow and District Councillor's Anti-Health Code Booth

On the evening of Sept 7, 2020, Agnes Chow, former vice-secretary-general of Demosistõ and Yau Tsim Mong District Councillor Ho Fu-wing set up a street booth in Jordan, expressing their opposition to the government's implementation of health code.

This has attracted police attention. Chow and Ho were encircled by the police and everyone at the booth was ticketed for "violating the gathering ban".

In August, police arrested Chow for "breaching the national security law". Chow has to report to the police again on Dec 2, one day before her birthday. Chow had mentioned earlier that her only wish is to be able to return home and spend her 24th birthday at home.

Source: Stand News #Sept7

#599GTicket #HealthCode #MassSurveillance #BigData

I wish to spend my next #birthday at home: Agnes Chow
#PoliceBrutality #ChildAbuse
Orthopedic Surgeons: Police's Violent Tactics may have Broken 12-year-old Girl’s Ribs and Lumbar Spine Bones

Source: Apple Daily #Sept7

Read Full Article:
#PoliceBrutality #ChildAbuse
Orthopedic Surgeons: Police's Violent Tactics may have Broken 12-year-old Girl’s Ribs and Lumbar Spine Bones

Watch the footage by RTHK:

A 12-year old girl, on her way to shop for pastel chalk on Sunday, September 6, 2020, was body-slammed head-on by the riot police, who knocked her off her feet. Three more riot police piled on top of her as she was forcefully pinned to the ground in between one of the officer’s legs, causing multiple injuries on her body.

This left the city enraged and the girl traumatised.

The mother of the girl, Mrs Ho, told Apple Daily that her daughter refused to talk about the incident nor watch any relevant video footage. She is worried that her daughter might be suffering from psychological trauma and might need help from a psychologist.

Several orthopedic surgeons, who refused to be identified, commented that the police’s violent enforcement, targeting a young girl, had a good chance of breaking the girl’s ribs and lumbar spine bones. They added, “The girl was very lucky to have gotten away with just abrasions."

Watch Video by HKUST Radio News:

Source: Apple Daily #Sept7

#PoliceState #Trauma #HongKongYouth

Mother to seek Legal Assistance before Pressing Charge Against Hong Kong Police for Injuring her Children
Families Waiting for The Return of the #MassArrest Victims

On Sept 6, 2020, Hong Kong netizens initiated a march in protest of the government's postponement of the Legislative Election, which was originally scheduled that day.

Police cordoned off many areas in Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui and Mongkok and conducted a mass arrests of at least 289 civilians.

Outside of Hung Hom Police Station, some arrestees said the police crowded over 100 of them in a carpark under the hot and humid weather. They also said they were only passing by the area when arrested.

Outside of Sau Mau Ping Police Station, many families were still waiting at 11pm on Sept 7. Their closed ones had been detained for more than day.

Ms Fung received a call from her sister at 9am that she would be able to bail, but Ms Fung still saw no sign of her sister in the evening. Police only opened one room to grant bail.

Source: Stand News; InMedia #Sept7

#Politicization #MidAutumnFestival #FailedState #Mooncake
Hong Kong Correctional Services Rejects Retired Cardinal's Applications to Distribute Mooncakes to Persons in Custody for "Political" Reason

Source: HKCNews #Sept2

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#Politicization #MidAutumnFestival #FailedState
Hong Kong Correctional Services Rejects Retired Cardinal's Applications to Distribute Mooncakes to Persons in Custody for "Political" Reason

Retired cardinal of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, Joseph Zen Ze-Kiu, have been sending mooncakes to persons in custody for Mid-Autumn Festival since 2010. He was still able to do so in the midst of the 2019 anti-ELAB movement.

However, the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department (CSD) has rejected his application in 2020 on the grounds of categorizing it as a politicised activity.

In Zen’s blog, he felt upset to be forced to discontinue this tradition of his, because he understood that this year's mid-autumn festival for the persons in custody would be less warm. They have always looked forward to the mooncakes and always asked him during visitations, “Cardinal, any mooncake this year?”

Some of them said, “At least, there are people who still remember us and are willing to care for us during this festive season.”

Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong shared this activity on his Facebook page earlier and said he had received Zen’s mooncakes three years ago for the first time in jail. At that time, he and other inmates longed for the distribution of Zen's mooncakes.

Zen said that the activity this year was planned to be the same as every other year. He speculates that the reason behind why the the government rejected him was due to the mentioning by Joshua Wong,
Secretary-General of the now disbanded Demosisto, and pro-democracy lawmaker Bottle Shiu Ka-Chun, who is also a social worker.

Source: HKC News #Sept2

#CSD #MoonCake #JoshuaWong #ShiuKaChun #JosephZen #CatholicDioceseHongKong #Cardinal
#OpinionArticle #UniversalTest #COVID19Test
An Open Letter from an Ordinary Hong Kong Doctor to Secretary for Food & Health 

Published on Stand News on August 27, 2020, the open letter raises questions over the universal COVID-19 testing scheme organized by the Hong Kong SAR Government, with test results run by Chinese companies.

These questions include:

- "For citizens who have taken the test, should they undergo self-quarantine while awaiting the result?"

- "As the coronavirus might mutate, when should one go for a second test despite the first negative result?"

Read all the questions raised:


Source: Stand News #Aug27

#SophiaChan #HongKongMedics #SelfQuarantine #RecurrentInfection
#Censorship #WhiteTerror #Banner #FreeSpeech
Further Suppression of Freedom of speech: University Authorities Remove Pro-Freedom Banners

On Sept 5, 2020, 3 staff members of Production Center and 2 teaching assistants of School of Creative Media removed banners hanged outside of Creative Media Center (#CMC) at Run Run Shaw, City University of Hong Kong (#CityU).

During a strike in support of the Anti-ELAB movement last year, students hanged two banners quoting the book 1984 by George Orwell: “Freedom is freedom to say that two plus two make four,” and “We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.”

According to Production Center staff, the removal was conducted under demand of Dean Richard Allan Williams. Persons revealed that Facilities Management office (FMO) was suspected to put pressure to the School of Creative Media to remove the banners.

Source: City Broadcasting Channel #Sept4
#GeorgeOrwell #Book1984