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Seems like the Hong Kong Government is suggesting something here... Are they trying to incite secession?

#HKSARGovernment #StandWithHK #Secession

Source: Studio Incendo https://www.facebook.com/studioincendo/photos/a.1557839794464104/2675720716009334/?type=3&theater
#PolicePressConference #YuenLong721 #MassArrests #ArbitraryArrests #PoliceTriadCollusion

Police Deny Turning Pro-dem Lawmaker from "plaintiff to defendant" Even after Arresting Him, Police: 7.21 Yuen Long Attack is Not Police-Triad Collusion

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#PolicePressConference #YuenLong721 #MassArrests #ArbitraryArrests #PoliceTriadCollusion
Police Deny Turning Pro-dem Lawmaker from "plaintiff to defendant" Even after Arresting Him, Police: 7.21 Yuen Long Attack is Not Police-Triad Collusion

Police arrested 16 citizens including pro-democracy lawmakers Lam Cheuk-ting and Ted Hui on Aug 26, 2020.

In a police press conference on the same day, the police was asked by the journalists under what ground Lam, who is a victim of gangster attack in Yuen Long on 21 July, 2019, is charged with rioting on the day of the event.

The police evaded the question and claimed that "indiscriminate attack" is an "untruthful" description of the Yuen Long 7.21 Attack. Moreover, the police changed their earlier statement of having arrived 39 minutes late in Yuen Long. The police now claimed the time they took to arrive was "18 minutes".

The police also rejected the accusation of police-triad collusion on that day where the police allegedly turned a blind eye to the violent assaults inflicted by the white-clad gangsters on civilians and pro-democracy protesters.

The police was asked to explain a photo that captured a police officer tabbing a white-clad person on the shoulder but without stopping and searching the two men carrying long metal rods. The police said it was not a sign of collusion, but without providing further explanation. The police spokesperson also became agitated during the press conference, emphasizing "no matter what colour you are wearing, we will look into you!".

The police also questioned the journalists for "not knowing what happened in Yuen Long on 21 July 2019" and insisted that they did not turn Lam from "plaintiff to defendant". At around 1608, the police spokesperson left when journalists were still asking questions.

Source: Commercial Radio; HKTGB; Apple Daily #Aug26

Republic of China Debts Recalled as US Senator Introduces Resolution Demanding China to Repay USD$1.6 Trillion Debt

Source: Apple Daily #Aug14

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Republic of China Debts Recalled as US Senator Introduces Resolution Demanding China to Repay USD$1.6 Trillion Debt

US Republican Senator Martha McSally put forward a resolution on Thursday demanding China to repay its sovereign debt of more than USD$1.6 trillion (around HKD$12.5 trillion), interests included, to US bondholders.

McSally said, “China has repeatedly failed to honor its obligations to America, taking American families’ money and jobs… We are holding China accountable for its debt and for unleashing the coronavirus on the world. We demand China pay back the $1.6 trillion it owes to American families.”

The bonds were issued in 1912 by the Republic of China, which subsequently migrated to Taiwan. The People’s Republic of China established its sovereignty in 1949 and insists that Taiwan is part of China. According to international law, a successor state is responsible for the debts of its predecessor.

#PRC #MarthaMcSally #McSally #coronavirus #debt #sovereigndebt #ROC #Taiwan

Source: Apple Daily #Aug14

China defends legal detention of Uighur model in Xinjiang in the video published by BBC

Source: Stand News #Aug18

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China defends legal detention of Uighur model in Xinjiang in the video published by BBC

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) released a video that Merdan Ghappar, a 31-year-old Uighur model, was detained in a Chinese detention camp and handcuffed to a bed earlier this month. More than two weeks later, Chinese officials responded to the BBC that Mr. Ghappar was “lawfully detained”.

The BBC quoted a statement written by the Xinjiang government that according to Article 37 of the Prison Law of the People's Republic of China, the people’s government shall assist released prisoners to settle. The statement explained that Mr. Ghappar had committed self-harm and “excessive acts against the police” during the transfer. Therefore, law enforcement officials took legal measures to stop him and lifted those measures after he stabilised emotionally. The statement mentioned Mr. Ghappar resisted epidemic prevention staff when they tried to check his body temperature, verbally insulted them and attacked them. Due to these illegal behaviours, the police had taken forcible measures and the case remained in process. However, the statement did not respond to the allegations in Mr. Ghappar’s film about the unsanitary conditions of the detention camp and the beatings. Relevant statement cannot be found.

#China #XinJiang #Uighur #Model #MerdanGhappar #detentioncamp

Source: Stand News #Aug18
Experienced educators leaving HK due to the city's sliding situation

Source: SMH #Aug19

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Experienced educators leaving HK due to the city's sliding situation

The Principal of the Australian International School Hong Kong, Mark Hemphill, resigned due to the challenges of seeing his family in Australia amid the pandemic.

With the shrink of academic freedom, teachers in Hong Kong are facing the greatest challenge ever. There had been a program of embedding mainland teachers in schools, textbook publishers have deleted politically sensitive materials, and some schools' sponsoring bodies have been terrified of upsetting the Hong Kong government and Beijing.

International school teachers said they were torn between the ongoing political strife in Hong Kong, curbs on freedom of speech and golden handcuffs that have locked them into contracts.

The crackdown on pro-democracy movement in HongKong, driven by national security laws imposed by Beijing, comes on top of the coronavirus pandemic. It has already struck hard on Hong Kong's education system.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald #Aug19

#nationalsecuritylaw #education

#PoliceState #ArbitraryArrest #JuniusHo
Staff From Beijing Loyalist Junius Ho's Office Claims to be Attacked by Teen

A female staff member from Beijing loyalist Junius Ho's District Office accused a youngster who was waiting for a barber next door of attacking her.

Soon after that, a self-proclaimed police officer arrived and prevented the youngster from leaving without showing his warrant card. Then, several more uniformed police officers arrived and took the youngster to the police station for investigation.

Tsuen Wan District Councilor Jackson Lau had rushed to the police station with a lawyer to aid the youngster.

Source: USP United Social Press #Aug24

#JacksonLau #TsuenWanDistrictCouncil #Barber
#HistoricalNegationism #CoverUp #Whitewash #YuenLong721
Hong Kong Police Whitewash Yuen Long 7.21 White-Clad Gangster Attack

On August 26, 2020, the Hong Kong police tried to rewrite the
Yuen Long 7.21 White-Clad Gangster Attack into a "clash between two camps of similar force, where the white-clad people were being provoked first". Police denied the collusion between the Triad and themselves and changed their earlier record of their absence from 39 minutes to 18 minutes, claiming the statement they made in 2019 was "inaccurate".

Let's look at what have been documented in photos, videos, reporters and civilians' testimonies regarding the happenings in Yuen Long on 21 July, 2019, as we know it:

Read the #Timeline:
#HistoricalNegationism #CoverUp #Whitewash #YuenLong721
Hong Kong Police Whitewash Yuen Long 7.21 White-Clad Gangsters Attack


A #Timeline of Yuen Long 7.21 White-Clad Gangsters Attack

In pictures: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24545

22:45 (July 21, 2019)
White-clad gangsters attacked train passengers and civilians wearing black returning to from pro-democracy rally at Yuen Long Station.

See video capturing the gangsters chasing after a man:

There is no police around to control the situation. Blood can be seen scattered in the train station.

Some white clad gangsters waited outside the train station to entrap and assault more civilians.

A reporter found a woman with head injury in a toilet.

Reporters including Stand News reporter were attacked by the white clad.

Watch video:

White clad attacked train passengers inside every train compartment.

See video of a train passenger bleeding heavily:

White-clad gangster blocked the way, barring first aiders from treating the injured citizens.

Watch video:

Beijing Loyalist Junius Ho was sighted walking and later greeting and shaking hands with a white-clad person at Kai Tei.

See photo:

Police asked the citizens threatened by the white-clad gangsters to "return home". Citizens questioned how as they had been chased after and beaten by the white clad gangsters wherever they went.

Two police officers appeared, but walked sway from the Yuen Long Station leaving the white clad gangsters there to continue the assault.

Watch video:

Police wielded their batons at civilians, intimidating while yelling at them, who tried to seek help from the police.

00:17 (July 22, 2019)
White-clad gangsters swarmed Yuen Long Station to start a new wave of attack.

Former news anchor Ryan Lau (柳俊江) was attacked in Yuen Long Station and was bleeding severely in the head.

Lau later wrote a book on his testimony of the Yuen Long 7.21 White-clad Gangsters Attack.

White-clad gangsters broke car windows.

Watch video: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/551

It has been 3 hours since the white-clad people gathered in Yuen Long and inflicted violence on citizens without police intervention.

See the massive number of white-clad people gathering at a carpark:

Reporters at Yuen Long could still hear glass-breaking noises. The white-clad gangsters are holding metal rods, some are shouting obscenities at passersby and police officers.

Riot police did not take any action.

At Nam Pin Wai in Yuen Long,
two vehicles carrying white tees departed, passing by the riot police.

Police have not stopped nor searched any vehicles or persons.

Police have yet to respond to media’s inquiry about the happenings in Yuen Long.

Source: RTHK; Stand News; Apple Daily; AntiBlack Channel; Scott Scout Channel


For more footages, please watch #RTHK Documentary Program, Hong Kong Connection:
#CHRF #YuenLong721 #NeverForget #NeverForgive
Civil Human Rights Front Urges Hongkongers to Don Black on August 27 and Never Forget 7.21 Yuen Long Attack

Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) condemns the police for altering the facts about the 7.21 Yuen Long mob attack by whitewashing history.

CHRF urges Hongkongers to remember what happened on July 21, 2019 and don black on August 27, 2020, to show the regime Hongkongers' determination to defend the truth.

Source: CHRF #Aug26

Hong Kong Police Whitewash Yuen Long 7.21 White-Clad Gangster Attack

A #Timeline of Yuen Long 7.21 White-Clad Gangsters Attack