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#FailedState #Covid19 #Covid19Test

Hong Kong Government Proposes Untrained Medical and Nursing Students to Aid in Covid-19 Tests

Source: InMedia #Aug18

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#FailedState #Covid19 #Covid19Test

Hong Kong Government Proposes Untrained Medical and Nursing Students to Aid in Covid-19 Tests

After hiring 3 Chinese companiese to run COVID19 tests in Hong Kong without public tender, the HKSAR government has recently proposed to recruit medical and nursing students to assist in the collection of samples.

Trained surgeon and pro-democracy lawmaker, Dr. Kwok Ka-Ki of Civil Party, said that the government is playing with fire by recruiting untrained medical students, nursing students, and amateur doctors.

Dr. Kwok pointed out that the nasal swab test is a high-risk task. During nasopharyngeal swab sampling, sample collection helpers have to be in close contact with the patients. If a patient coughs and vomits, the crew needs to change an entire set of protective gear and equipments.

He said that he still feels the stress while collecting samples, despite being a doctor for more than 10 years. Hence, he finds the government's choice in selecting untrained and inexperienced individuals highly questionable.

"They haven’t seen any patient yet, how are they expected to safely collect samples?”

Dr. Kwok also questioned how come professors in medical schools are not speaking out and objecting against the proposal. Untrained students may hurt the patients and get embroiled in a lawsuit before even graduating. They may also not know how to protect themselves adequately.

A source said that the government's Home Affairs Department is checking with the Social Welfare Department about the venue for COVID-19 test.

Cheung Chi-wai, Vice President of Hong Kong Social Workers’ General Union (#HKSWGU), stated that community centres might not meet medical requirements. Some of the older facilities may not have an air conditioner or proper ventilation system. He called for the government to stop this arrangement.

Cheung said, “some of these buildings have kindergartens and elderly care centers. Not only do many people come in and out, but many of them are also weaker in their immune systems. It is still very risky, even if the sample collection were to be done at the lobby.”

Source: InMedia #Aug18

#KwokKaKi #CheungChiWai

A note of thanks to Kyoko Koizumi for sharing the petition agianst the Hong Kong National Security Law

(3 Jun) Kyoko Koizumi is a famous Japanese idol in the 1980s, she was one of the top 3 idols in the 80s with Matsuda Seiko and Nakamori Akina. Until now, Koizumi is still active in the Japanese entertainment industry and also a book reviewer at the Yomiuri Shimbun. Recently, she openly shared the petition against the establishment of National Security Law in Hong Kong on Twitter, causing people's discussion. Among the comments, one questioned Koizumi why interfering China’s internal affairs when she is Japanese. This is how she replied: "In this world now, any countries' political issues could affect our own. Everyone should think about this as this is vital. This is why I signed the petition."

As an idol, Kyoko Koizumi, she might lose the market in China and receive trolling from the patriotic “Nmslese”. However, just like how she says, every public issue is related to politics. You should think and make a decision, but not indifferently turning your back to it. This applies to the issues of Hong Kong and also issues of Japan boycotting Korea.

Let's put our heads up and look at this world. All you happen to own now are not gifts fallen from the sky. It is not a natural thing to have the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of not getting sick, freedom of not being robbed by riots, freedom of not being sexually abused or murdered by the "black cops", freedom of returning home safely and hugging the people you love. All of the these are here now because someone have fought for them. If you can still vote now, could you be a little more serious? Every choice you made is closely related to me. Public issues are not only your affair but also mine.

Thank you, Kyoko Koizumi, for your courage.

Source: Stand News
Translation by: Hong Kong Echo

#KyokoKoizumi #GlobalSupport #Japan #NationalSecurityLaw #Petition
The Ultraman Taro actor Saburo Shinoda wrote in his blog, “In Hong Kong, those symbolic people in democracy movement like Angnes Chow Ting, founder of Next Media, Jimmy Lai Chee-ying have been arrested for the violation of the National Security Law. Even they have been released on bail quickly, there is still a long way to go. It’s pretty scary! The World should pay attention to that and protect them.”

Source: Facebook
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

Further reading:
A note of thanks to Kyoko Koizumi for sharing the petition agianst the Hong Kong National Security Law

#SaburoShinoda #UltramanTaro #Japan #FreeAngnes #JimmyLai #nationalsecuritylaw

(14 Aug) A street light outside Causeway Bay SOGO in Hong Kong is being repaired. It seems like they are adding some kind of devices on it.

Source: Facebook
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#FacialRecognition #Privacy #Surveillance
Joshua Wong: HongKongers are now under tremendous threats

Sky News illustrated the current situation in Hong Kong. Activists such as Joshua Wong are stalked by pro-Beijing agents.

Hong Kong's national security law targets pro-democracy advocates, it serves to create a chilling effect and silence all those who speak against the Chinese government. Offenders face up to a lifetime in prison.

Members of the international community should reconsider their relations with and foreign policies towards China.


#FreeAgnes #AgnesChow #Japan #NationalSecurityLaw
The Agnes Chow Phenomenon in Japan — Twitter Protests Break Through Comfort Zones

Source: Stand News #Aug12
#ComfortZone #GlobalSupport
#TavitoNanao #OriiAyumi

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#FreeAgnes #AgnesChow #Japan #NationalSecurityLaw
The Agnes Chow Phenomenon in Japan — Twitter Protests Break Through Comfort Zones

When Japanese netizens protested against the arrest of Agnes Chow on Twitter, many analyzed that Chow was popular because the image of a young foreign girl who speaks Japanese was favourable, but that was not the only reason. Not only did the Japanese people spoke out to #FreeAgnes to express support for Chow and Hong Kong, but some who do not speak English even made a rare attempt to speak out in English, and many showed their courage in stepping out of their comfort zones.

Japanese singer song-writer Tavito Nanao tweeted his thoughts on the protest song he wrote for Agnes Chow’s arrest, “I may not be able to go on a China tour again or meet my Chinese friends in China again. It's heart-breaking.”

Japanese actress Orii Ayumi tweeted, “I refrained from expressing my personal opinions in public because I didn’t want to cause inconvenience to others. But now, I cannot stand it any longer. If I don’t voice my opinions, I won’t forgive myself. Hong Kong is where I grew up in from age 6 to 12. Go find out what’s happening in Hong Kong.”

Before June 2019, most Hong Kongers only concerned themselves with entertainments, and were ignorant of social issues and tolerating towards the pressure from China out of consideration of their livelihoods and careers. Are not the Japanese people now what Hong Kongers were before?

The Japanese saw possibilities in Hong Kongers’ assiduous fight against the CCP. In the repressed Japanese society, a political tweet may lead to a social disaster and celebrity had to “kowtow to China” for “gaffes”. Even so, many Japanese still mustered the courage to take their first step in support of Chow and Hong Kongers and empowered themselves to break through their comfort zones.

Source: Stand News #Aug12
#ComfortZone #GlobalSupport #Twitter #TavitoNanao #OriiAyumi
#ConfuciusInstitutes #CCPControl #ChinaInfiltration #BrainWash #ShapePower
Bloomberg: Confucius Institutes to be designated as Foreign Mission of the PRC

Source: Stand News #August13
#ForeignMission #ForeignInterference #Spy

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#ConfuciusInstitutes #CCPControl #ChinaInfiltration #BrainWash #ShapePower
Bloomberg: Confucius Institutes to be designated as Foreign Mission of the PRC

Sources close to the U.S. Department of State told Bloomberg that the Confucius Institute U.S. Centre was to be designed as a foreign mission of the PRC. Shortly after the news was published, the State Department made the official announcement on Thursday, August 13. Such action further escalates the tension between China and the U.S.

Confucius Institutes with heavy presence in universities and colleges around the world, have been established for more than ten years, dedicated to promoting Chinese culture. However, many Western countries recently question the ulterior motive of the institutes using their teaching as a tool to expand political influence. The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) of the U.S. released a report last year that the institutes are used as a propaganda tool controlled by China and have too much control over the institutes in America. Universities and colleges are called on to close their Confucius Institutes.

If the State Department of U.S. requires Confucius Institutes to register as “foreign missions”, it means that the institutes are “substantially owned or effectively controlled” by the Chinese government. According to the Foreign Missions Act, these organisations need to register all personnel roster and their property holdings in the U.S. with the U.S. State Department. They have to follow administrative requirements and to be ruled that similar to embassies and consulates.

Source: Stand News #August13

#ForeignMission #ForeignInterference #Spy
Belarusian Police Tortured and Threatened Protesters with Rape,
Officials Apologize for police Violence and Release All Protesters

Source: Stand News #Aug14
#Belarus #BelarusProtest #PoliceBrutality #PoliceViolence

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Belarusian Police Tortured and Threatened Protesters with Rape,
Officials Apologize for police Violence and Release All Protesters

More than 6,700 protesters were arrested in the anti-government demonstrations triggered by the Belarusian presidential election on August 9. The detention centers were overcrowded as a result. Many media sources showed that the detained protesters were physically abused by the police. Amnesty International pointed out that the protesters were tortured extensively. Deputy Interior Minister Alexander Barsukov said that all protesters would be released by 6 a.m. Friday morning (Aug 14). So far more than 2,000 protesters have been released.

Inhumane custodial conditions
Protesters beaten without getting treatments

Some released protesters posted photos on Nexta, which showed that they have suffered a lot of injuries, including large purple bruises and swelling on their backs or buttocks. They said the injuries were caused by the police. Amnesty International stated that some arrestees were stripped naked, beaten and threatened with rape.

Many journalists and pedestrians were arrested as well. One of the released Russian journalists, Nikita Telizhenko, disclosed her three-day detention life. She mentioned that many detainees were forced to sleep on the ground which had blood and faeces. They were not allowed to use the toilet or even change their lying positions for many hours. Ms. Telizhenko has already returned to Russia.

Source: Stand News #Aug14
#Belarus #BelarusProtest #PoliceBrutality #PoliceViolence
#ForeignMinister #LeYuCheng
#China #US #Sanction

Beijing Diplomat: China Wishes to Talk

Le Yucheng, China’s foreign vice-minister said in an interview with Chinese news site Guancha, “dialogues should not be put on hold, in particular, there should be no ‘radio silence’ between the two foreign ministries.” Le called for cooperation and for dialogue to resume between the two governments, saying, “no matter how difficult and complex the issues may be, they should be put on the table for discussion.” Le said he is standing ready for talks with his U.S. counterpart at any time.

Le said, it is normal for two countries to disagree. However, differences should be handled in a rational and pragmatic manner, avoid widening conflicts, let alone creating new ones. There are enough problems on both sides, so we can't do addition, but instead must find a way to do subtraction [meaning to remove, rather than adding new problems to widen the conflict].

Source: Union News #Aug12
#HongKongChronicles #11Aug2019
What Happened in Hong Kong on 11 August 2019

Watch video:

Hong Kongers would never forget the day of 11 August in 2019, when police ignore civilians' lives and public safety to frighten citizens.

The free-to-air Television Boadcast Channel (TVB) even tried to conceal police brutality by editing video before broadcasting.

"Bullets can punch through helmets, but they cannot destroy justice and ethics."

Video source: Citizens Press Con
#TVB #CCTVB #PoliceBrutality #NeverForget #NeverForgive
#FailedState #CoronavirusPandemic
Dismissing Privacy Concern, HK Gov't Insists in Carrying Out Universal Test and Health Code

The Chief Executive Carrie Lam on August 21 urged Hongkongers to take part in the COVID19 test run by the Chinese companies appointed by the HK government from September 1 onwards. Secretary for the Civil Service Patrick Nip reassured that information will "not be sent outside of Hong Kong".

Despite public concern over data collection and privacy, Lam said that the government will implement a health code plan to exempt qualified Hong Kong-China travellers from quarantine restrictions, similar to what China had already installed in Macau and Guangdong.

Secretary for Innovation and Technology Alfred Sit dismissed privacy concern. He stated that the health code users will have to acknowledge that they 'agree' to have their data sent to their destination, i.e. the Chinese authorities, if travelling to China.

Meanwhile, microbiologist Ho Pak-leung, head of the University of Hong Kong's Centre for Infection, has doubt in universal COVID-19 testing. He called it "a waste of bullets" if people with higher risk of infection are not tested.

Ho suggested to test all patients in public hospitals, and carry out repeated tests for elderly home workers and frontline medical staff, instead.

Source: RTHK #Aug21
#BigData #HealthCode #CarrieLam #AlfredSit #HoPakLeung #PersonalPrivacy #DNA
#PublicOpinionPoll #Anaylsis
Should Incumbent Lawmakers Serve in Extended Term Under Beijing's LegCo Arrangement?

HK Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) released two sets of survey results from online discussion groups and phone interviews, randomly sampled.

Q: The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has extended the current LegCo term for no less than 1 year. Do you agree or disagree for incumbent lawmakers to serve in the extended term?

Survey results:
• Online opinion groups: Agree 35%;Disagree 47% Sampling threshold +/- 1%
• Random phone interview: Agree 37%;Disagree 41% Sampling threshold +/- 3%

A few reflections are offered by CUHK lecturer and research Dr. Leung Kai-chi:

1. Methodology

Two sets of survey results were devised from different methodologies,
Since netizens and political figures were involved in mobilizing citizens to register and take part in this survey, this set of survey result can be used as a reference to those being politically influenced.

Interviews via phone calls (including landline and mobile) were randomly sampled, not being directly influenced by political opinion leaders. These set of survey result can be regarded as an overall reflection of the mass population in Hong Kong.

2. Beyond Methodology

Leading researcher of the survey, Dr Leung Kai-chi explained, “methodology cannot be a solution to all the problems as some are matters of value judgement.” For instance, should a lawmaker make a deciaion in accordance to HK people’s opinion or his potential supporters? In the same light, should legislators of Functional Constituencies only look into opinions of his/her constituency, disregarding the rest? Should there also be a middle-ground / alternative solution, or should lawmakers only follow a dominant opinion with an absolute majority support?

Dr Leung admitted that many disagreements may arise. He said “I do not have an answer to them. Hopefully, we can face these questions unruffled and in unity.”

Source: Dr Leung Kai-chi’s Facebook #Aug21

#ProvisionalLegCo #Methodology #LeungKaiChi

Further Reading:

#HKPORI Public opinion poll: a large majority of 76% Hong Kong citizens reject “Health Code” https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24410
"#FakeNews": Pro-Beijing TV Channel Broadcast Misleading Report of Postponed Elections Overseas

Sources: Patrick Yeh's Facebook; Joshua Wong's Facebook; Kau Yim Media #Aug18

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#TVB #CCTVB #WhiteWash #Election
"#FakeNews": Pro-Beijing TV Channel Broadcast Misleading Report of Postponed Elections Overseas

Beijing-friendly TVB reported on 17 August 2020 on several postponed elections in other countries. However, its graphic titled "Five Eyes Alliance Postpones Elections" quickly angered netizens, who accused the TV station for whitewashing Beijing's forceful postponement of Hong Kong's legislative elections.

The report was seen as portraying other nations' election delay to legitimize what happened in Hong Kong. Some netizens outright called it "fake news".

In fact, out of the five countries listed, New Zealand is the only one postponing a federal-level election, and that only by one month. Britain's parliamentary elections was last held in 2019, and the next one will not be held until 2024. The elections cited by TVB were for a number local councils and mayors. Australia's is for the provincial government of New South Wales, and it is only delayed by four weeks. In Canada's case, the dates were for municipal elections in the single province of New Brunswick.

Joshua Wong noted that, most significantly, the decision to delay these elections were made by democratically-elected governments, who are voted in and can be voted out by their citizens. In contrast, Hong Kong's postponement was singlehandedly decided by China's National Congress, precluding and overruling any decision the Hong Kong Legislature might make, thus giving Hongkongers no say in the matter.

The screenshot of the TVB graphic was widely circulated in a Facebook post since yesterday. As citizens from the countries concerned confirmed that no federal elections were scheduled, netizens accused TVB for using the information to mislead and justify China postponing Hong Kong's legislative election, which is indeed a top-level election. Some are calling for the TV station to immediately issue a correction and clarification.

Sources: Patrick Yeh's Facebook; Joshua Wong's Facebook; Kau Yim Media #Aug18

Actual News on Election Postponements:





#iCable #LayOff #Petition
200+ employees petition for i-Cable management to reveal reasons behind dismissal of engineering team heads

Source: Stand News #Aug22

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