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Jimmy Lai and His Son Ian Lai May Face Life Imprisonment for National Security Charges

The National Security Agency of the Hong Kong Police Force arrested the founder of Next Digital, Jimmy Lai, his son Ian Lai and some high ranking staff in Next Digital on charges of 'colluding with foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security' and other offences.

According to the "Hong Kong National Security Law", the maximum penalty for colluding with foreign forces is life imprisonment.

Source: 公視新聞網
#Aug10 #NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #WhiteTerror
Senior From Next Digital Unable to Access Situation as Police Rejects His Requests
Details Regarding Arrests Not Yet Disclosed

1112 | #AppleDailyHQ, #TseungKwunO

A senior from Next Digital (circled in the image) tried to approach and understand the situation, but he was rejected and kept outside the cordon line. A senior police officer warned to arrest him with 'deliberately obstruct the police' if he doesn't cooperate with their operation.

1117 |
At least 7 people were arrested, but the police has not yet disclose the list of arrestees. Details such as the concerning area of the search warrant, reasons for search has yet been released.

Source: Apple Daily
#Aug10 #NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #WhiteTerror
Police Searches Journalists' Documents; No Response From Police As of Yet

After the enactment of the National Security Law (NSL) for over a month, police arrested the founder of Next Digital Jimmy Lai and his son with the violation of NSL and alleged to have warrant issued from the court for searching the Next Digital Headquarters at Tseung Kwun O.

In the meantime, police not only searched Jimmy Lai’s office, but also the editorial department including documents on journalists’ desk. Staff has asked if they had right to do so. The police officer didn't respond to the staff's inquiries.

Source: Apple Daily
#AppleDailyHQ #FreedomOfPress #NationalSecurityLaw
HKJA: Terrified of HKPF’s raid on Apple Daily building

HKJA chairperson Yeung Kin-hing expressed his shock towards Hong Kong Police’s raid on Apple Daily building. He stated that this severely violated the freedom of press and created white terror. He accused the police for abusing their power under the national security law and that even the court cannot check and balance the Force.

Source: RTHK
#Aug10 #WhiteTerror #AppleDaily
Police Raid Apple Daily Building, Obstructing Web-media From Covering the News

See full article below.

Source: Stand News Facebook
#Aug10 #WhiteTerror #NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #PoliticalOppression
Police Raid Apple Daily Building, Obstructing Web-media From Covering the News

Hong Kong police arrested Jimmy Lai and several executives of Apple Daily this morning (Aug 10), quoting suspect of violating the national security law and they raided the Apple Daily building with a warrant. Senior Superintendent Li Kwai-wah of the National Security Department told reporters that the search went well, and he conducted preliminary inspection with another superintendent. They identified “appropriate areas to be further investigated”, yet editorial and reporting departments that might contain “news materials” would not be searched.

However, viewing live broadcast as above, plain-clothed officers were sighted going through Finance reporters’ documents on their desks. When meeting reporters, Li also checked reporters on the scene, allowing only those said they will not “obstruct police work” and “endanger police safety”. Several web-media channels, including reporters from Stand News were rejected and refrained from getting close to Apple Daily building.

Source: Stand News Facebook
#Aug10 #WhiteTerror #NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #PoliticalOppression
Police Search Cafe Owned by Son of Jimmy Lai For Reason Unknown

A large number of police searched Cafe Seasons at Central. Staffs in the restaurant said plainclothes police did not carry a search warrant, neither did they mention make any mention of going after any suspected criminal. The police ended up taking away a few units of computers from the restaurant.

The source mentioned that Jimmy Lai was suspected to have been involved in conspiracy of defraud and collusion of external elements under National Security Law.

The owner of Cafe Seasons at Central is Lai Yiu-yan, the younger son of Next Media founder Jimmy Lai.

Source: Stand News; Apple Daily #Aug10

#PressFreedom #PoliceState #FailedState #JimmyLai #IanLai #LaiYiuYan
Police searched Next Media office and refused journalists from pro-democracy web-based media to interview

Source: Stand News; Inmedia #Aug10

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#WhiteTerror #NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #PoliticalOppression
Police searched Next Media office and refused journalists from pro-democracy web-based media to interview

On August 10, 2020, the police arrested 7 executives including Next Media founder, Jimmy Lai, on the suspicion of "colluding with foreign forces" and "violating national security law". 200 police entered the building at a high profile and searched the media office in Tsueng Kwun O. Police presented warrant, claiming that their action was authorized.

Several journalists from online media were rejected from entering the building and could only cover their story at the front door of the building. Quoting their conversation with police officer, reporters said that police only let those journalists “who are from well-known local media and have no record in obstructing their work to cover the interview” and officers were told to “follow the commander orders as to who can enter.”

Although media like TVB, CRHK, Cable TV, Now TV, Oriental Daily and also a web-based media HK01 were allowed entry, other local and international media such as RTHK [1], Stand News, Associated Press, Reuters, Agence France-Presse, and InMedia were refused entry. The Police Public Relations Branch stated to a RTHK reporter that due to the lack of space on site, police had chosen media that "have no record in obstructing and threatening our work" for entry.

In the morning, Next Digital issued a notice and stated that “due to an emergency, staff including those on the way should not go to the office for the time being. The shuttle bus services between our office in Tsueng Kwun O and Tiu Keung Leng has been suspended. If you are already in office, please stay in your seat and wait for further instruction.”

The police arrested 7 people including Next Media founder Jimmy Lai, his two sons Lai Kin-Yan and Ian Lai Yiu-Yan, Next Media CEO Cheung Kim-Hung, Next Media CFO and COO Chow Tai-Kwun, Wong Wai-Keung and Ng Tat-Kwong.

[1] RTHK is a government-funded public broadcasting service. It was not clear why HK01, an online media, was allowed entry when a government agency was denied entry. RTHK was later allowed entry into the site.

Source: Inmedia; Stand News
#Aug10 #WhiteTerror #NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #PoliticalOppression
#AppleDaily #NextMedia #JimmyLai
#WhiteTerror #PoliticalOppression
Jimmy Lai: "I am prepared for this."

Next Digital's founder Jimmy Lai, along with his sons and several senior staff, were arrested today on National Security charges. Over 200 police officers searched their headquarter building.

After nearly 3 hours of investigations, Lai was taken away by police. Asked by an Apple Daily journalist if he was worried about the newspaper's future, he answered with a wry smile, "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I can't worry about so much." As for whether he thinks the search is politically motivated, he said, "I think you need to ask them."

Source: Stand News
#Aug10 #NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #NextMedia #AppleDaily #JimmyLai
#OpinionArticle #PoliticalOppression
"Putting Me on Trial is Putting Freedom of Press On Trial"

//On June 2, 1986, during Taiwan's "White Terror", Police arrested and jailed Cheng Nan-jung, who founded Freedom Era Weekly on the slogan "100 percent freedom of speech". He was jailed without trial for 8 months. At the time, he said, "Putting me on trial is putting freedom of press on trial."

Today, Jimmy Lai, the founder of Apple Daily and Next Digital, along with his sons and several senior staff, were accused for "colluding with a Foreign Country or with External Elements to Endanger National Security", and arrested under the National Security Law. 200 police officers searched the Apple Daily headquarters. Police denied journalists from multiple media outlets from providing coverage inside the building, insinuating that they would "affect or obstruct police work".//

Source: Tiffany Yuen's Facebook
#Aug10 #WhiteTerror #NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #NextMedia #TiffanyYuen
Good heavens. it's not even a linear growth anymore.

When news of the Next Digital raid broke out, Hongkongers' first reaction all across the city is to purchase today's issue of Apple Daily. And if that isn't enough, they said, "We'll buy tomorrow's too, even if it's just blank paper."

Next Digital's stock plummeted by 15% when the market opened, but the market soon brought them up, seemingly without hesitation. By now, its price has already surged past the opening level, and is still climbing like crazy.

1:28pm 44.44%
1:31pm 68.89%
1:35pm 87.78%
2:00pm 108.89%
2:08pm 156.67%
2:10pm 222.22%
2:12pm 338.22%

Source: Coco Shen's Facebook
#Aug10 #WhiteTerror #NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #PoliticalOppression
#StockMarket #NextMedia #AppleDaily
Vice president of Apple Daily: News will be reported as usual

The police arrested 7 people this morning, including Next Media founder Jimmy Lai and chief executive officer and president of Apple Daily Cheung Kim Hung. Vice president of Apple Daily Chan Pui-man said on social media that the company will continue to report news and newspaper will be published tomorrow as usual.

Source: Stand News #Aug10
#WhiteTerror #NationalSecurityLaw #PoliticalOppression #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #NextMedia
Legislative Yuan Speaker in Taiwan calls HKPD’s arrest of Lai "shameless" and prays for safety of those arrested

Freddy Lim, Speaker of the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan, commented on the police’s arrest of Apple Media’s founder Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, his son, and a number of senior staff of the company. He criticised China for using the National Security Law as an excuse to openly step over previous boundaries and shamelessly intervene in the freedom of press. Lim added, the arrest has shown that anyone who is against the dictator will be targeted and persecuted. A lot of Hongkongers are shocked that this is the government’s response to America’s sanctions to Hong Kong’s officials.

Lim has met Lai a few times before, and hoped Lai and everyone striving for democracy in Hong Kong will be safe. He also promised that Taiwan will stand with other nations to provide the best support to Hong Kong.

Source: Facebook@limfreddy

#Aug10 #NationalSecurityLaw #PoliticalOppression #PressFreedom
#Taiwan #China #Seeds
Unknown Origin! Mysterious Packages Transhipped Through Taiwan, Chunghwa Post Clarifies

Following recent reports of people in the US, the UK and Taiwan receiving mysterious packages of seeds and soil, news on similar incidents in Canada have also surfaced. The Canadian police tweeted, “If you receive an unsolicited shipment of foreign seeds in the mail from China or Taiwan DO NOT plant or dispose of them. Call the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) ... Unsolicited seeds could be invasive & threaten our environment.”

The photo showed a package of seeds of unknown origin labelled with the texts "Taiwan Free Zone”.

Chunghwa Post clarified that the packages were transhipments from outside of Taiwan, and subsequently shipped to its destination through the Taiwanese post. Chunghwa Post said that the logistics company would be fined NT$100,000 for violating mailing regulations. The company has stated that it would terminate its contract with their sending client, but refused to confirm whether the packages came from China as it involved trade secret.

Chunghwa Post emphasized that this violation was the first of its kind. It said that it would request the logistics company to make a genuine declaration for the transhipped packages and strengthen inspection efforts at customs.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/1246772398777670/posts/3111967562258135/ #Jul30
#Sanction #LuoHuiNing #US #CCP #Statement
CCP Official in Hong Kong Responds to U.S. Sanction: I don’t have any assets in the U.S.

Source: Stand News #Aug8

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#Sanction #LuoHuiNing #US #CCP #Statement
CCP Official in Hong Kong Responds to U.S. Sanction: I don’t have any assets in the U.S.

The Treasury of the United States announced the sanction of 7 Hong Kong and 4 Chinese officials, including PRC's Hong Kong Liaison Office Head Luo Huining, Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office Director Xiao Baolong, Vice Director Zhang Xiaoming, and Office for Safeguarding National Security Director Zheng Yanxiong.

Chinese official Luo stated that the fact that he was sanctioned “proves he did the right thing for the country and Hong Kong.” He also pointed out that he did not own any assets in the US, so the sanction was “a waste of effort”. He added, “Of course, I can send $100 to Mr. Trump so that he can freeze it.”

The Liaison Office issued a statement to "strongly oppose and condemn" the sanction. The spokesperson stated that they were "not scared of any barbaric behaviour" and if the US thought the so-called sanction can make China compromise, they have “forgotten the times, made wrong plans, and wasted their efforts.”

It was also reiterated that the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong aimed to fill the loopholes in the existing laws, however, foreign politicians have been anxious since the implementation. The Office for Safeguarding National Security criticised the US for violating the basic principles of international laws and for sanctioning officers on the ridiculous bases of “limiting the political freedom in Hong Kong”. It was suggested that these US politicians showed their intention of supporting rioters, and they were just like “clowns”.

Source: Stand News #Aug8
Next Digital Labor Union: Warrant does not include searching news materials, strongly condemns police's raid

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Next Digital Labor Union: Warrant does not include searching news materials, strongly condemns police's raid

The Next Digital Union issued a statement, accusing the police of intimidating the media and severely infringing on the freedom of press, and condemned it most strongly.

The Union stated that some police officers had searched documents and news materials without showing the search warrant to the Apple Daily editor-in-chief Ryan Law Wai-kwong and his lawyer beforehand. Even when the reporters asked them to stop, they refused respond to the reporters' requests.

The Union quoted from Law that the police search warrant stated the search did not include any news materials, and strongly condemned the police for touching and looking news materials up without authorization, undermining the media's principle of confidentiality of data sources, and seriously infringing the freedom of the press.

Regarding what the police referred to as a "preliminary review," the Union considered it extremely unreasonable as each department has been sufficiently labeled, and thus the police would know the searching area was confined to the editorial department. Hence the browsing of the documents was considered to be an abuse of power.

The Union also stated that the police had once ordered all reporters in the building to stop filming while constantly expanding their cordon, preventing reporters from doing their work. They criticised the police for their action, emphasising that a raid on newspaper office involves public interests, and that interfering with press work is considered a serious encroachment on press freedom.

The Union stated that raid on news agencies is rare and serious incidents in Hong Kong's history, and believes that this act would bring catastrophic results. They questioned the true motive for raiding the headquarters en mass, suggesting that its true purpose was to harass and threaten the press. They emphasised that journalists in Next Digital would remain at their post until the last moment.

Source: RTHK #Aug10
#WhiteTerror #NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #NextMedia #AppleDaily
#FailedState #1C1S #CCP
Carrie Lam Insists On Using CCP Terminology

Source: Apple Daily #Aug8
#CarrieLam #Huoshenshan

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