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#US #China #SouthChinaSea #Unlawful

U.S. Denounces China’s Claims to South China Sea as Unlawful

Photo Source:
U.S. Pacific Fleet / 防衛省 海上自衛隊 / Austrailian Gov't Department of Defence

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U.S. Denounces China’s Claims to South China Sea as Unlawful

//The Trump administration rejected China’s expansive maritime claims in the South China Sea, reversing a previous policy of not taking sides in such disputes and escalating tensions with Beijing on yet another front.

//The move aligns the U.S. with a 2016 ruling by a United Nations tribunal that found China’s claims to waters also contested by the Philippines were unlawful.

//“We are making clear: Beijing’s claims to offshore resources across most of the South China Sea are completely unlawful, as is its campaign of bullying to control them,” Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said in a statement Monday.

//China on Tuesday said the U.S. statement “neglected the history and facts” around issues concerning the South China Sea.

//Regional countries weighed in, with the Philippines urging China to “heed the call of the community of nations to follow international law and honor existing international agreements.”

//Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters in Tokyo on Tuesday that his country was “very concerned” about China’s recent activities in the waters.

//The top State Department official for East Asia, Assistant Secretary David Stilwell, said in an interview the U.S. hoped its announcement Monday would give cover to other nations in the region to contest their own claims against China. 

//Stilwell said the U.S. wants to talk to China but said such discussions need to be productive.

Source: #Jul14

In Hong Kong, a Proxy Battle Over Internet Freedom Begins

//The technological Cold War between China and the United States is playing out on various fronts around the world. The trade war ensnared Chinese tech giants like #Huawei and ZTE while American companies complain of industrial policies that favor Chinese businesses. Digital controls in China have also kept companies like Google and Facebook from operating in mainland China.

//Hong Kong emerges as the front line in a global fight between the United States and China over censorship following the introduction of a draconian new security law that mandates police censorship, surveillance and can be applied to online speech across the world.

//Caught in the middle are the city’s seven million residents, online records of political debate which may now be illegal and the world’s largest internet companies which host and guard that data.

//Many big companies including #Facebook, #Google #Twitter, #Zoom, and #LinkedIn have already stated that they would temporarily stop complying with requests for user data from the Hong Kong authorities, which has amounted to over 7000 in the second half of 2019 because of protests. The police have also made numerous requests to have Google remove sensitive posts, to which Google said no.

//The Hong Kong government has responded by emphasizing the penalty for non-compliance. Based on the law, the Hong Kong authorities can dictate the way people around the world talk about the city’s politics, and employees of companies that failed to hand over user data could be arrested.

//Several local apps associated with the protest movement have already shut down. People have begun to delete their social media accounts, switched to using encrypted chat apps like Signal, and embraced coded online speech that flourishes on the heavily monitored internet of China.

//Companies, meanwhile, have the option of shifting data away from Hong Kong but it is by no means an easy task. Moving all employees out of the city would insulate firms from arrests, but it may not be feasible.

//The looming legal fights could determine whether the city falls behind China’s digital Iron Curtain or becomes a hybrid where online speech and communications are selectively policed.

The Cold War between the US and //China continues on the other hand as the US moves to ban Chinese apps that are seen as potential threats to national security.

Full Article: The New York Times

Further reading:
“Zero logs” VPN exposes millions of logs including user passwords, claims data is anonymous

#coldwar #internetsecurity #censorship
13 tonnes of human hair was found on a US-bound ship.

//It follows a huge US Customs seizure of human hair products believed to have been taken from Muslim Uyghurs, more than a million of whom have been detained in vast indoctrination camps in China’s western Xinjiang province

//US Customs and Border Protection assistant commissioner Brenda Smith said the production of the weaves and other hair products found onboard the ship “constitutes a very serious human rights violation”.

//Mia Hasenson-Gross, director of René Cassin, said: “A trade in forcibly removed human hair has chilling and obvious resonances.

//the Uyghurs’ suppression already includes mass internment, “re-education,” slave labour, forced sterilisation, organ-farming and other abuses. 

//“The Chinese Communist Party is engaged in genocide in Xinjiang, attempting to wipe out an entire culture, language and way of life,” she said. “It is time for the world to take a stand against such inhumanity. There can be no ‘business as usual’ with a government that abuses its own citizens on such a scale.”

//Dr Edie Friedman, director of the Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE), said the report “naturally rings alarm bells for those concerned with human rights and will arouse particular emotions for Jewish people given the Nazi resonances”.

Full article: (16-Jul)


#HumanRight #UyghurMuslims #CCP #NaziResonances #HumanHair

The Hong Kong Suicide Map

Mr Water has created a map - The Hong Kong Suicide Map. This map puts together the suicides that happened in Hong Kong in 2019 and 2020. Adding up to a total of 1024 attempted suicides and 722 deaths as of 21st July 2020. Using the data from Hong Kong Suicide News Database, the map listed out the date, suicide method, gender, age, last name, location, suicide notes and news reports of each suicide case. Most of the cases involved jumping off a building.

⬇️⬇️⬇️ The Map

Further reading:
Summon the dead to identify protester's mother
Statement of Condemnation

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Statement of Condemnation

At around 10pm on July 21, 2020, Hong Kong Police laid charges on numerous journalists and photographers for violating the "Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation" (a.k.a. Cap. 599G) in Yoho Mall, Yau San St, Fung Yau St North, and nearby areas, and handed out penalty tickets of $2000HKD. Guardians of Hong Kong and BeWater HK strongly condemn these acts of the police.

Cap. 599G was established and implemented on March 29 this year, originally intended to control and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Hong Kong by limiting the gathering of large crowds in public spaces. However, on numerous occasions, Hong Kong Police has re-interpreted the ordinance, laying charges on citizens who did not know each other and the number of people gathering were below the limit listed in the ordinance in the first place, councillors conducting official duties, and paramedics administering first aid. These acts are in clear violation of the original purpose of the ordinance, and also ignores the exemption groups listed in the ordinance.

The ordinance clearly lists "group gathering at a place of work for the purposes of work" under its exempted group gatherings. Journalists and photographers covering events are precisely people "at a place of work for the purposes of work". The police's own definition of who a journalist is has no legal basis. They have also not pointed out what laws the journalists had broken while they were conducting interviews and taking photographs. This gives little justification to the actions of the police in the eyes of the public; it only shows that they have once again abused the gathering ban to harass journalists and suppress the freedom of press.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association has pointed out on multiple occasions that the current laws of Hong Kong lists no prerequisites or conditions for one to be considered a journalist. The police cannot and must not invent its own criteria of what constitutes a journalist, such as whether they are paid for their work, whether they hold membership cards from the Journalist Association or Photographers Association, whether they are registered in a business or a society, or whether they are recognized by the government's Information Services Department. Not only is this an abuse of their public power, this also obstructs the work of journalists and the public's right to know.

Article 27 of the Basic Law states, "Hong Kong residents shall have freedom of speech, of the press and of publication; freedom of association, of assembly, of procession and of demonstration; and the right and freedom to form and join trade unions, and to strike." In a world of highly-developed communication technology, the freedom of press and publication no longer only includes traditional printed media, but has long since covered internet media. The freedom of press and the public's right to know are also part of the civil rights of the Hong Kong people. Reinterpreting Cap. 599G and making up journalistic standards, as the police has done, undoubtedly violates Article 27 and the defined exemption groups in Cap. 599G.

Guardians of Hong Kong and BeWater HK strongly urge the police to comply with Basic Law Article 27 and Cap. 599G, and to halt breaking the very laws they have sworn to uphold.

HK Medical Association: Super-spreader among visitors exempted from quarantine triggers latest wave of Coronavirus Outbreak

In a press conference today, Chairman of HK Medical Association, Choi Kin urged the SAR government to provide Health Care Vouchers for citizens to undergo coronavirus testing, while as an attempt to off-load burden on public hospitals, non-urgent cases should be referred to private doctors. Choi believed that the new wave of outbreak was most likely triggered by those among the 200 thousand visitors exempted from existing quarantine requirements. Choi recommended that all arrivals must undergo a quick test and crew members should be subject to restrictions in public places.

Regarding news reports of mainland medical practitioners coming to Hong Kong to assist fighting the outbreak, Choi pointed out that all trained doctors in Hong Kong had worked in the Hospital Authority, which regardless of medical records and drugs, use English to communicate with other doctors, while mainland doctors speak Putonghua and use simplified Chinese. Such practices could cause chaos in routine operation.

Source: Stand News
#Jul23 #Coronavirus #ThirdWave
Outbreak of coronavirus at the Police Services Quarters

”Apple daily” was informed that there was an epidemic outbreak at the Lai King Disciplined Services Quarters. Ten out of nineteen people have been infected after a family gathering at one of the middle-level units. Previous to the house party, five people from that unit had lunch with 12 - 15 relatives at the Chiuchow Garden, which belongs to the Maxim’s Caterers. Journalists of “Apple daily” went to the quarter and didn’t find anyone sterilising on the spot.

However, the security guard reinforced disinfection by wiping elevator buttons more frequently and prohibited non-resident to enter.

Couriers for some e-commerce platform shared that they saw an order of “testing kits” for a unit at a middle level of block 3. The order was placed at 12, but still no one dared to accept at 2 pm. Sender address was a testing laboratory in a commercial building at Langham Place in Mongkok. The parcel is expected to contain disease testing kits.

Source: Apple Daily
#Jul20 #Coronavirus #ThirdWave

HK government does not deny Carrie Lam asking for help from Chinese medical staff

Pro-CCP media Hong Kong Commercial Daily quoted from a source that Chief Executive Carrie Lam asked the central government for help. It was suggested that if the pandemic in Hong Kong continues to get worse, she hopes the Chinese government can deploy Chinese medical staff for emergency support. It was also pointed out that medical staffs in Shanghai and other cities were ready to help. ”Just one command! Experienced and well- equipped medical staff can set off to support Hong Kong.”

Apple Daily inquired of the Hong Kong government, the spokesman did not deny the accusation, but said ”we won't comment on any conjecture.”

Chan Siu-chee did not respond directly at the press conference. She merely pointed out that the Hong Kong government and the Guangdong health authorities will communicate closely on the pandemic, and the Chinese government was concerned with the situation in Hong Kong.

Source: Apple Daily
HAEA Urges HK Govt. to not Let Politics Take Precedence Above Everything

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HAEA Urges HK Govt. to not Let Politics Take Precedence Above Everything

The Hospital Authority Employees Alliance responded to rumours of plans for Chinese medical personnel coming to "aid" Hong Kong on 22 July, stating that the Hong Kong government shouldn't damage the morale of the medical staff during the severe Wuhan Pneumonia outbreak. Also, they recommended that the pro-Beijing Hong Kong government not divert attention to hide their mistakes made in anti-epidemic measurements, stating that if politics are to take precedence above everything, Hong Kong civilians will bear all consequences.

The alliance stated that to maintain high proficiency of Hong Kong medical system, non-locally trained medical practitioners, and nurses are required to pass the licensing examination before practising in Hong Kong. Being "experienced medical staffs in anti-epidemic" doesn't mean that they are capable of practising in Hong Kong in any forms. Besides that, different culture and languages are obstacles in communication. Not only does it wastes medical staff time to communicate with so-called experience teams, it also delays the time for therapy and may cause more mistake due to miscommunication.

#Jul22 #Coronavirus #ThirdWave

Source: HAEA Facebook
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#PressConference #TheHongKongMedicalAssociation [#HKMA]
Why is Hong Kong not capable of...?

A reporter asked, “why can Macau and Singapore preform 11000 and 20000 test respectively? Is the way of testing different? Is the nasopharyngeal [nucleic acid] test there different from the deep throat saliva test in Hong Kong?”

Choi Kin, chairman of HKMA, picked up the microphone immediately and answered, “The Chief Executives are different.”

Source: Telegram Channel
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#Coronavirus #VirusTest #Macau #Singapore
Pay freeze for medical staff despite their hard-work in the epidemic

With Wuhan pneumonia around for more than half a year, there is an outbreak in the community lately. During the fight against the epidemic, the Hospital Authority (HA) decided to follow civil servants' pay adjustment according to the practice. It means a pay freeze of all staff at different grades and areas, including doctors at the frontline, nurses, ward assistants, etc. The Fixed subsidy won't be adjusted as well.

Winne Yu, chairman of the HA Employees Alliance, said that she received much feedback from different staff felt unsatisfied about salary freeze. She stated medical staffs continue to work under enormous pressure in the fight against the epidemic, from the rejection of border closure by the government, insufficient protective equipment in public hospitals to the Wuhan pneumonia outbreak in the community recently. HA decision of salary freeze damages morale and possibly initiates a wave of resignation.

Source: Apple Daily

#Jul21 #Coronavirus #ThirdWave

3 Experts Leave as Wave of Resignation Sweeps HKU Microbiology Department

A wave of resignation is happening in the Microbiology department of the University of Hong Kong. According to a source, eight clinical professors and three senior experts for research, clinical study and teaching have already resigned, constituting to about 40% of the total clinical staff, including former and current department head Susanna Lau Kar-Pui and Patrick Woo Chin-yung, and Samson Wong Sai-yin, assistant professor.

The three experts resigned were students of Yuen Kwok-yung, with Susanna Lau Sai-yin and Patrick Woo Chin-yung had participated in research on new and emerging infectious and participated in the research study of SARS, etc.

At the early stage of an epidemic outbreak, 400 doctors from the Hong Kong West cluster held a petition to request the government to close the border. One of the cosigners was Susanna Wong.

Due to the shortage of manpower, Yuen Kowk-yung, chair professor of microbiology department, has requested to stop services in Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong and hospital in Shenzhen.

Source: Ming Pao
#Jul20 #Microbiology #HKU #Resignation
#LegCo #Election
Sources revealed government intention to postpone September LegCo election

The third wave of Wuhan pneumonia has recently hit Hong Kong. Tam Yiu-chung, a current member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, pointed out that the epidemic may inhibit Hongkongers living in mainland China from being able to vote. Therefore, he suggested postponing the Legislative Council elections in September. The Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau stated that they will continuously assess the impact of the outbreak on the election.

"Ming Pao" and "Sing Tao Daily" quoted sources saying that the government has considered postponing the election for several reasons, including: the concerns of campaigning for votes, and the risk of disease transmission when people gather on voting day. The final decision will be made in early August. The report mentioned that the election is expected to defer for one year if the final decision is postponement. They consider one year deferment as reasonable timing.

Source: Stand News

#Jul22 #Coronavirus #ThirdWave

7.21 Yuen Long Attacks Worsens Police Impression From All Sectors

// When it comes to the 7.21 incident, the numbers are way higher, proving that the majority of the society was enraged. In general, 82% of respondents had a worse impression of HKPF after the 7.21 incident, which is significantly more influential than the 8.31 incident. Looking into different groups, over 80% of pan-democratic and localist respondents agreed. Shockingly, more than 80% of pro-establishment respondents agreed to that too. Even those who disagreed with the movement agreed that the HKPF is problematic. Such a consensus cannot be seen in the history of public opinion surveys. //

Source: Kai Chi Leung Facebook https://bit.ly/39oJRNK
An off-duty police officer committed suicide, after being released on bail

A woman was taken upskirt photos at Kai Tin Shopping Center, Lam Tin at 9pm on 21 July. Police officers arrived at the scene and arrested a man involved, led him to the investigation. According to sources, the suspect was an off-duty police officer. He was arrested and later released on bail pending further investigation. However, he was found dead lying on the platform of Tak Shing House in Lam Tin in 22 July morning.

The 37-year-old off-duty police officer involved in the sneak shots had fallen off the building died. He suffered from muscle disease and early Parkinson’s disease. He took a two-month leave last year and was later stationed at the police headquarters, mainly responsible for internal work. According to sources, the concerning police officer was depressed recently due to his illnesses.

Source: Apple Daily

#Jul22 #FailedState

#FailedState #Favouritism
Carrie Lam appointed Lei Dingming, former dean of the Department of Economics of the University of Science and Technology, as a member of the Hong Kong Arts Centre Supervisory Group for a three-year term.

Professor Lei has always been quite the visionary, participating in both Our Hong Kong Foundation and the Hong Kong Coalition. He once said that Occupy Central would cost HK$350 billion. Recently, he said that the more people who immigrate out of Hong Kong the better, because it allows Hong Kong to "get away a whole bunch of useless people and absorb new talents." Well, as an economist, does Professor Lei know much about art?

Editor's note:
According to the Home Affairs Bureau, The Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Arts Centre is the "governing and executive body of the Hong Kong Arts Centre (Arts Centre) and may exercise all the powers conferred and perform all the duties imposed on the Arts Centre by the Hong Kong Arts Centre Ordinance, Chapter 304". It shall be noted that the chair and 3 members of the board are appointed by the Chief Executive.

Source: TVmost.com


Read more:
A foreign professor who lived in Hong Kong more than 20 years forced to leave,
"I will miss the people, the water and the islands here."

Anonym Jeff insisted on not showing his face and let us take a photo of his backside only. He came from the United States and arrived in Hong Kong early 90's to teach philosophy in university until now. In the meantime, he was active in social movements in Hong Kong. After he had an interview with media in one of the marches, his university canceled all his courses for "cost saving".

Jeff participated in the July 1st protests for many years. Walking to Victoria Park and finishing the whole journey every time. This year was the first time and probably the last that he decided to leave before finishing the entire route of the march. Regarding "National Security Law" (NSL), his fear is due to the unknown. "Government can do whatever they like. No checks or balances. You never know when you violate the law."

White terror permeates in the campus. Courses with "critical thinking" have been canceled.

After he finished the march on 1 July 2014, Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) and Scholarism rehearsed to "occupy Central" at Charter Road in Central. Many protestors stayed behind overnight for a sit-in protest. However, all of them were arrested next day early morning. Jeff hurried to the spot and looked for his students, but to no avail. Subsequently, the umbrella revolution unfolded. Many professors taught lessons at Tamar for the young protestors, and Jeff was one of them. "We did as professors do."

A new principal came to town shortly after, one that compromised with the Government all the time. Jeff felt the approach of mainland universities was forced onto his school. The University banned teachers from discussing topics related to universal values, civil rights and civil society, etc. in the classes. "My course is to help students developing their critical thinking and teaching them to be a fit citizen of the world, etc. But the university didn't want me to teach that." The campus gave more pressure to restrict staff from participating in social movements. "No one stopped me at that moment, but the university clearly stated that I wasn't allowed to join."

He saw a fear of "Do not discuss politics", and it slowly became more and more obvious in the university. These few years, professors just obeyed the university management. "We don't discuss politics, and we don't talk anymore. We were alienated no matter what stances we took." White terror, means by which governments get people to be afraid to speak out.

Jeff found that students from mainland China were like "spies" monitoring the behaviour of him and his students. He recalled his memory about Ministerium für Staatssicherheit in East Germany. "The country had a file for everyone and everyone monitors each other."

Jeff designed his course with a focus on "critical thinking" and "morality". Last year, his courses were canceled suddenly by the university and replaced with applied science. He felt that that was nonsense. He frowned and said, "The school no longer expect or want their students to learn any morality." He felt that a part of his life was deprived when the university canceled his 26 year-old course. He grasped both his hands and said, "They took away something of utmost value in my life. I really love teaching."

Source: Inmedia
#Education #OccupyCentral #Professor #University