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Pompeo meets Tiananmen Mothers via online conference

Office of Global Women’s Issues posted on Twitter that Pompeo had an online meeting with Tiananmen mothers. The tweet says, “When the crowds disappear, it is the families who keep the memories of their loved ones alive. The #Tiananmen Mothers have carried that torch for 31 years, ensuring the world has never forgotten the sacrifice of so many in the face of tyranny. We honor you. #TiananmenVigil #IWOC

Pompeo, who posted several tweets about the Tiananmen massacre, tweeted this Tuesday (Jun 2) to criticise China for stopping the June Forth Vigil in Hong Kong with the excuse of the pandemic. He commented, “Beijing clearly wants to stop Hong Kong people from voicing out, making them the same as mainlanders. Two systems is over.”

Source: Apple Daily
#Jun4 #JuneForth #JuneForthVigil #Pompeo

In the photo there's Peng Liyuan, wife of chairman Xi JinPing. After the Tienanmen Square Massacre, she went to the square and sang for the PLA soldiers who shot the civilians.

2 years ago she also became the Goodwill Ambassador of WHO.

Source: Facebook (4 Jun)

#TiananmenSquare #Massacre #China
Uighur exiles in Turkey persecuted by CCP's long arm

Istanbul has become the largest diaspora hub for Uighurs in exile. Uighurs and Turks share close linguistic, religious and cultural ties. For decades, Turkey has supported Uighur refugees fleeing from China.

Over the past few years, however, Turkish government's attitude towards #Uighur diaspora has changed due to China's growing diplomatic and economic influence over the country.

A dossier obtained by Axios dated from 2016 to 2017 provides rare proof that China is putting direct pressure on the Turkish government. According to these documents, the Chinese government accused Enver Turdi, a Uighur man fled to Turkey in 2014, of creating a pro-Islamic State website and participating in terrorism. China requested Turkey to arrest and extradite him. Turkey accepted the request and initiated criminal proceedings.

According to Turdi, what he did before escaping from China was just passing along information about China's abuses to the media and some overseas Uighur organisations. After his passport had expired, the #Turkey authorities placed him in a deportation facility and sent him to trial. A decision on his fate is still pending.

For the Chinese government, terrorism and extremism are just a convenient way to frame the religious and cultural activities of Uighurs. Signs of "religious extremism" include such behaviours as wearing long beards or refusing alcohol. This is why Hong Kong people are against the extradition bill and national security legislation.

Counter-terrorism and national security are often used as a pretext by #China to persecute dissidents, locally and abroad.

If the world does not stand up to China, the #CCP will extend its meddling hands beyond its boundaries and arrive on everyone's doorstep sooner or later.

#HongKong #HumanRight

Axios, 20 May

The Guardian, 24 May

NPR, 13 Mar
This is the voice from Hong Kong!

Through the eyes of average native HongKongers in Hong Kong, we will examine what's this new National Security Law all about and how has it put the city into a state of despair?

Please do share with your friends so more people can understand the why and how behind HongKongers' dire struggle for basic human rights.

Wish everyone a blessed and safe day, a luxury that most HongKongers lack nowadays.


Hair Product Industry Linked to Uyghur Forced Labor Booming in Xinjiang’s Lop County

//The U.S. recently sanctioned a hair products company based in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) for its links to forced labor, but a closer investigation by RFA’s Uyghur Service shows that several firms in the area operate similar business models and are likely linked to internment camps

//China is the largest exporter of hair in the world, supplying more than 80 percent of hair-based products, including human-hair wigs and false eyelashes made from human eyelash hair.

//China exports around U.S. $6 billion worth of hair products each year.

//Haolin had been registered in an industrial park... for companies manufacturing products made from human hair. The park was built close to the Beijing Industrial District in Lop in 2018 and now is home to 24 different companies that employ 4,000 local Uyghurs.

//RFA was able to determine that many Haolin products are partially processed in Lop factories, after which they are sent to factories in Shandong province’s Qingdao city for further processing before being sent to the U.S. and other countries.

//“We have our own manufacturer, we just go [to the XUAR] to source materials,” she said, when asked about the company’s product referred to as “dark brown virgin Xinjiang human hair.”

//The source of the hair used in products being manufactured in the XUAR remains unclear

//Uyghur cultural traditions dictate that women leave their hair long and there is no history of people selling their hair in the region, raising suspicions about whether in addition to using forced labor to manufacture hair products, the raw hair may be coming from detainees in the XUAR’s camp network.

//at least 10 female former camp detainees have described having their heads shaved immediately upon entering the detention facilities

//a Pakistani trader who gave his name as Amir and claimed to have visited a Haolin factory in Lop county four months ago... he stopped trading in hair products once he learned from a friend who works in the camps that the raw material was hair “taken from detainees.”

//Amir cited his friend as saying that the heads of all detainees are shaved when they are sent to the camps.

//“I have a friend who works in a camp. He told me that the companies take away all of the hair.”

//RFA was unable to independently verify the Pakistani trader’s account.

Source: Rfa, (28-May)

#HairProduct #Uyghur #Xinjiang #Haolin #XUAR #Lop

Facebook user data sold on a dark web marketplace

Last month a hacker was selling 267 million Facebook user data on a dark web marketplace.

Now, a hacker/threat actor is claiming to have access to a database with 500 million Facebook user data from 82 countries.

The entire database is being sold for $30,000 on an infamous hacking forum.

The database includes all basic information of the users like name, job, and marital status.

Data-scrapping can be used to extract the personal information of users from websites like Facebook and Twitter. Facebook allows users to access third-party websites with their Facebook login information too, leading to potential security risks.

Victims of the breach are unsuspecting Facebook users who are now open to phishing scams, identity theft, etc.

Full Article: Hackread, (23-May)

#Hack #Internetsecurity #Facebook #Scam

Taiwan government database leaked on dark web

//It was reported on Friday (May 29) that a government database of more than 20 million Taiwanese citizens was leaked on the dark web.

//It is unusual for an entire nation’s database to be leaked, Cyble reported.

//The data is from the Ministry of the Interior’s Department of Household Registration.

//According to its website, Cyble is a US-based cyber threat intelligence company that strives to provide organizations with real-time views of their supply chain cyber threats and risks.

Full Article: Taiwannews, (30-May)

#Taiwan #database #CyberThreat #Government
Taiwanese survey shows public in favor of better refugee laws

New Power Party, a political party in Taiwan, held a press conference today announcing results of the latest public survey. It was found that 60.3% of the surveyed supported the Taiwan government to enhance its laws regarding refugee laws and Hong Kong & Macao Affairs in order to assist those participated in the movement.

Source: Stand News

Further reading:
Pompeo says U.S. considers welcoming Hong Kong people, entrepreneurs

#June1 #RefugeeLaws #NewPowerParty #Taiwan

Hong Kong: Boris Johnson urged to form alliance over China security law

//Seven former UK foreign secretaries have urged Boris Johnson to form a global alliance to co-ordinate the response to the China-Hong Kong crisis.

//The former British colony enjoys some freedoms not seen in mainland China - and these are set out in a mini-constitution called the Basic Law.

//In their letter to the prime minister, the cross-party group of former cabinet ministers says the UK government must be seen to lead the international response, as many countries take their cue from Britain over its former colony.

//Jeremy Hunt, David Miliband, Jack Straw, William Hague, Malcolm Rifkind, David Owen and Margaret Beckett all expressed their concern at what they call China's "flagrant breach" of Sino-British agreements by imposing tough national security laws on Hong Kong.  

// They urged Mr Johnson to set up an "international contact group" of allies to coordinate any joint action.

//A Downing Street spokesman insisted the government was already playing a leading role with international partners in urging China to think again.

//Mr Raab said the new security legislation "very clearly violates" the autonomy that is guaranteed under Chinese law as well as that in the 1997 agreement. He confirmed the UK will allow those who hold British National (Overseas) (BNO) passports to come to the UK and apply to study and work for an extendable 12-month period.This will in turn "provide a path to citizenship

//Mr Raab said up to three million people registered as a British national (overseas) in Hong Kong could be eligible for UK citizenship if China presses ahead with the law.

//the chairman of Commons foreign affairs committee, Tom Tugendhat, said the government must realise that China has a "very, very authoritarian system of government" and should rethink the partnership between the two.

Full Article: BBC News, (01-Jun)

Further reading:
Seven former foreign secretaries urge UK to take lead on Hong Kong

#HongKong #NationalSecurityLaw #BNO #SinoBritishJointDeclaration #Britishcolony #China

Why is Germany silent on China's human rights abuses?

//Since Hong Kong's anti-government demonstrations began in June, the pro-democracy movement has been pleading for international support. And the recent confirmation of China's systematic internment of Muslim Uighurs in the country's western Xinjiang province has strengthened international calls for action against China's human rights abuses.

//Now, human rights advocates and some German politicians are calling for German Chancellor Angela Merkel to take a stronger stance on human rights issues in China.

//"It is time for Angela Merkel to put it [Xinjiang] on the agenda of the upcoming European Council to talk of a common European perspective on imposing sanctions," Gyde Jensen, head of the human rights committee in the German Parliament, the Bundestag, told DW News Asia.

//Katrin Kinzelbach, a professor of international human rights policy at Germany's University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, said that the German government should take a "clear position" on Hong Kong. 

//Although Germany has joined 22 countries at the United Nations in signing an official statement condemning the Xinjiang Uighur internment camps, Berlin, and the EU, have yet to come up with a common framework for action, and Merkel has been criticized for being too soft in condemning the camps.

//“The extent of human rights violations has greatly increased under President Xi Jinping. It is inappropriate to court the Chinese party-state in this situation — as Germany is doing with a special EU-China summit scheduled to take place in Leipzig in 2020," said Kinzelbach.

//Berlin treads more carefully with Beijing and has tried to maintain a less volatile relationship as China is one of Germany's most important trade partners

//"Given the escalation in Hong Kong, it would be correct — and comparatively easy — to review existing export regulations," said Kinzelbach, adding that sanctions available to address human rights violations could include arms embargoes, restrictions on entry for individuals and the freezing of accounts.

//However, any sanctions regime targeting China-related human rights abuses would also have to be made within the framework of the European Union, and this is complicated by the disparity of positions in the EU on China policy.

//"In the long term, democracy and human rights should be put higher than economic profit, because we see that China is a dictatorship and you never know how economic growth can develop in a dictatorship," said Jensen. 

Full article: Deutsche Welle, (12 May)

Further reading:
Death penalty riles European allies

#Germany #Dictatorship #CCP #HongKongProtest #Xinjiang #Uighur #HumanRights
#DailyUpdate #Jun5 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (June 5)

At the time of writing, 6,675,011 cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed with 391,848 deaths.

Latin America countries continue to see new infection cases growing faster then other continents.

Brazil - Sao Paulo's coronavirus death toll is likely higher than reported, state health official says as Brazil passes Italy's coronavirus death toll with another daily record.

Mexico announces a record increase in new coronavirus cases for the third straight day.

US - COVID-19 hospitalizations nearly double across New York City.

Indonesia - Jakarta's mosques reopen at reduced capacity after three months due to COVID-19.

Coronavirus fight is not over "until there is no virus anywhere in the world," WHO says.

UK - Britains are leaving their homes but most aren't wearing face coverings.

Australian Black Lives Matter activists plan to march despite court ruling over virus safety fears.

European airports and airlines to begin trial of coronavirus safety measures.

China - Beijing downgrades public health emergency level, relaxes entry restrictions for Hubei residents.

France outbreak "under control" in part due to public wearing masks, government adviser says.

UK - London Mayor urges protesters to follow social distancing measures to keep safe.

US officials fear BLM protests will bring new coronavirus outbreaks.

United Nations experts fear Yemen could suffer one of the world's worst coronavirus outbreaks as the country has been in a civil war for the past 5 years.

US biotech firm contracted to deliver 10 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine candidate.

Saudi Arabia reimposes curfew in Jeddah for 15 days, state media says.

Source: CNN, John Hopkins University
Media is too big
In this video, Gwyneth Ho gives an in depth analysis on the effectiveness of resistance in the Legislative Council, and an overall analysis of how and what all of us can do in order to raise the chances of it being more effective.


#GwynethHo #LegCo
Petition for National Security Law in HK raises suspicions

Sign for HK 2020 put up booths in different areas to collect signatures of citizens who supported the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong. They held a press conference on Jun 1, confirming that over 2.92 million people joined the petition. Convener and NPC standing committee Tam Yiu-chung stated that the petition proved that all Hong Kong citizens supported the decision of the central government.

Yet, a pro-China organisation, the New Home Association was found handing out freebies near the booths, making the credibility of the survey rather questionable.

Further Reading:
Two Pro-China Groups Suspected of Colluding and Forging Public Support for National Security Law

Source: Stand News; Twitter
#Jun1 #NationalSecurityLaw
Middle-aged sergeant accused of fraud

A middle aged sergeant, Au Chi-wai, who was previously the vice-class head in Hong Kong Police College, was found to have committed fraud in office.

He obtained over $240,000 from trainees by threatening them. He was charged with 4 crimes including obtaining property by deception and accepting advantages. His case was heard on 1 Jun and he pled not guilty.

Source: Stand News
#Jun1 #HKPolice #Fraud #PoliceCollege
【Length, Width and Height】

At this moment, there are still countless people around the world who are struggling against oppression, paying for their political beliefs with their lives. I think this is why such days must be remembered.

Source: 電子妹疙瘩海參抓
#Jun4 #June4Vigil #6431Truth
You can ban gatherings, but you can't resist people's hearts:
Mourning June 4th on Animal Crossing

The Hong Kong government has banned the Tiananmen massacre commemoration in Victoria Park for the first time in 30 years, on the pretext of epidemic prevention.

However, the public's heart for mourning did not give up. In addition to the mourning activities in various districts, players of the popular game "Animal Crossing" also took advantage of its high degree of freedom to arrange their own islands and organize alternative mourning activities to express their feelings for the massacre.

"Animal Crossing" was previously taken off shelves in China due to its high degree of freedom.

Source: PSHK
#Jun4 #AnimalCrossing #6431Truth
How China's youths today are learning about June 4, as observed by a Japanese netizen

"Young people in China don’t know why they couldn’t leave a message on any streaming website on June 4th.

In the course of investigating this strange phenomenon, they learned about June 4, and I just want to say that the CCP’s behavior had quite the opposite effect."

Source: Twitter
#Jun4 #ReverseEffect #6431Truth
Differences in Remdesivir trial results between China and USA

This video shows the results of randomised placebo control trial results of the administration of Remdesivir to critical COVID-19 patients in the USA and China. In the USA, 1,063 patients participated in the trial whereas in China only 236 people were involved. The trial results in China suggested that the recovery time improved for 2 days while in the USA the recovery time was 4 days faster, i.e. more than 30% improvement. The mortality rate was reduced from 11.8% to 8% in the USA but the mortality rate in China was just 1% lower. However, the small sample size in China reduced the statistical significance of the results. Initially, China planned to recruit 325 people to perform the trial, but only 236 people participated in the tests. As a result, the statistical power of the research dropped from 80% to just 58%. The research team in China mentioned in Lancet that their study lacked sufficient power to meaningfully conclude if there was any real difference in the clinical outcomes. Ongoing studies with larger sample sizes are needed.

So why did China lack sufficient patients for the research? Was it really as the narrator in the video suggests that because the epidemic has already passed its peak in China, leaving insufficient critical patients for the trial? Would there be other possible reasons for such a low sample size, such as the exclusion of patients from the public health system for formal virus tests and confirmations, hospitalisation and treatment? Were there other non-medical related reasons that prevented patients from participating in the trial, such as political interference? Covid-19 has become a politicised taboo topic in China since the epidemic outbreak. Now it has led to a diplomatic war topic between China and the international community, especially with the USA.

Source: Dr. Rex (a family physician in Hong Kong)
Proceedings of Court for Teen Arrested for Putting up Promotional Material

On Jun 1, a 16-year-old student was arrested and detained for a day, accused of putting up promotional material.

2:45pm | start of hearing

Prosecutor: Bail conditions
> Curfew 10pm-6am
> Cannot leave Hong Kong
> Cannot return to the scene

Judge: At 16 years of age, the defendant was charged of property damage. However he had only glue, scissors and an eye mask with him at the time. Based on the background and evidence, if he was just putting posters on a wall, why was he detained?

The court adjourned for 10 minutes, and the prosecutor consulted with the police before his address to the court.

Prosecutor: He was detained because this case was related to the recent protest and it is a severe crime. The defendant was detained to prevent him from committing crime again until he is under stricter bail conditions.

Judge: This is against our principles. How can you punish him first, then take him to court for stricter bail conditions? Bail conditions are used to prevent crimes from happening again, rather than used to punish the defendant. The bail conditions should be decided by the court.

Court adjourned to review bail conditions.

Judge: In the worst case scenario, you are charging him of criminal damage. I’d like to know how glue and poster sticking can cause real damage to wall or bricks.

Prosecutor: The wall was stained with glue and it costs $2000 to clean it.

Judge: The hearing is adjourned to July 27, 2:30pm. Bailing conditions are as follows:
> $2000
> Cannot leave Hong Kong
> Report to local Tin Sum police station every Saturday

3:25pm | court dismissed.

Source: 陳運通 Mozam
#Jun1 #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #Bail
Student shot in Sai Wan Ho charged with three crimes

On 11 Nov 2019, 21-year-old student Chow was shot by a traffic police officer in Sai Wan Ho. Chow was subsequently charged with three crimes and the case was heard 2 Jun 2020.

Principal Magistrate Law Tak-chuen approved the request of anonymity of the prosecutor considering the harassment the officer and his family received. The media was barred from reporting any personal information about the said police officer.

Many citizens showed up at the court to support Chow. The two defendants, Chow and another 20-year-old male were released on bail. When they stepped out of the court, people chanted slogans to show their support. Joseph Zen Ze-kiun was present and hugged the two boys.

Source: Stand News
#Jun2 #PoliceBrutality #RuleOfLaw #PoliceState
First riot trial ends in acquittal

For an event on 1 Oct 2019, 20-year-old student Lam Tsz-ho was charged with riot.

Judge Sham Siu-man suggested that he could not accept the testimonies of the two police officers because they lack credibility. The two officers did not mention a fire truck in the middle of the road, yet they remembered the defendant for not wearing a helmet. Judge Sham suggested that this was unreasonable.

Lam was found not guilty and he was acquitted with his riot charges.

Source: Stand News
#Jun2 #Riot #PoliceState