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Civilian compares ill-managed Owners’ Incorporation to worsening public administration in Hong Kong since 1997

On March 31, 2020, riot police barged into Glorious Garden in Tuen Mun, intercepted and arrested at least 4 people. During the operation, police deployed pepper-spray and raised the blue warning flag, ordering onlooking residents to leave.

Distressed residents attempted to ask Owners’ Incorporation and Management office of the housing estate for an explanation, only to find a long list of “bad debts” on the financial records of the Incorporation.

Contesting candidate, Kwan Siu-kee confessed that he used to treat Glorious Garden as merely a premise for him to stay in before and after work, never paying real attention to affairs concerning building management of the housing estate. Kwan paused and remarked, “Just like a reflection of what’s been ongoing in Hong Kong, if my generation were doing more before the Handover, Hong Kong wouldn't be suffering like this.”

Source: InMedia #May14
#Education #CultureRevolution
Censorship?: Education Bureau Orders Exam Body to Remove History-related Question

After Beijing hurled criticism in a history-subject exam question, the Education Bureau (EDB) in Hong Kong demanded the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) to remove history-related questions.

According to Apple Daily, the EDB was involved in setting public exam questions, despite its denial. The current committee include school teachers, scholars and EDB Curriculum Development Officer.

HKEAA former head Choi Chee-cheong also warned of the consequences to pupils if the exams body follows an order by the Education Bureau and pulls a history exam question that the government considers bias.

Source: Apple Daily ;RTHK; RTHK #May15 #HKDSE #EDB #HKEAA

Cultural Revolution 2.0: From Hong Kong Limited Edition to World Edition


Education Bureau criticises HKDSE question on History paper
HK Government: Civil servants should be loyal to the Chief Executive

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#HKGovernment #StateTerrorism
HK Government: Civil servants should be loyal to the Chief Executive

A civil servant union questioned the Hong Kong SAR Government, as an employer, for not giving support to civil servants arrested in the pro-democracy movement.

In response, Secretary for the Civil Service Nip Tak-kuen issued a letter to all civil servants demanding their loyalty. Nip claimed that the basic responsibility of civil servants is to support the Basic Law and be loyal to the Hong Kong SAR and the Chief Executive, and they should not participate in any illegal activities.

The Federation of Civil Service Union chairman Leung Chau-ting said he was not surprised about the letter issued by the government. Leung stressed that civil servants had consensus that Nip was appointed to rectify the team, but the letter did not have a strong deterrent effect.

Concerning the government proposal of adding a vowing session before civil servants take office, the union chairman said that it is just a ceremony and would not change people’s thought.

The Hong Kong Senior Government Officers Association chairman Lee Fong-chung stated that the government and civil servants had the same understanding of remaining “politically neutral”, where civil servants should not talk about politics at work. Lee explained that the government merely wanted to remind its employees due to the recent increase of political conflicts.

Source: Ming Pao #May16 #CivilServants #CultureRevolution

Mainland Chinese scholar Zhang Xue-zhong, who had written an open letter calling for constitutional reform, was reportedly taken away by the Chinese authorities.

(11 May) The National People's Congress (NPC) will commence in Beijing, China on May 22, 2020. Zhang Xue-zhong, an associate professor of Political Science and Law at East China University, had written an open letter to all NPC deputies, criticizing the current mainland constitution as a pseudo-constitution. The letter refers all NPC deputies as representatives who were not freely elected by the people, and demands China to push for genuine constitutional reform.

Zhang’s letter has since been widely circulated online.

Within a day of the open letter being published, Wang Yu, a famous human rights lawyer in mainland China, posted a message on Twitter saying Zhang had been taken away from his home by the Shanghai Public Security in the early hours today for unknown reasons.

The open letter, over 20,000 words long, says the coronavirus outbreak in China’s Wuhan reveals the government's long-standing tight control over the community has almost completely destroyed the society’s organization and self-help capacity, leading to numerous humanitarian disasters in the epidemic area. The letter also puts forward a number of proposals to reform the current system, which includes allowing people to freely found, operate and associate with news media. Zhang’s letter also demands the NPC to immediately release all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience.

Source: RTHK News

Further reading:
Chinese executive who called Xi a 'clown' over coronavirus response 'is missing'

#FreedomOfSpeech #Censorship #CCP #ZhangXuezhong
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

To Rule the Earth

(5 May) All the so-called "contradictions between China and Hong Kong" can be boiled down to a single word, "rule".

"Rule" is the first word of common knowledge in communist China. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has a tremendous ingrained "desire to rule the people". This fondness for ruling people stems from a strong desire for power. The pursuit of power is a desire of human nature, especially among remarkable people. Otherwise, there would not be any naturally talented leaders in this world.

//While the Communist Party enjoys ruling people, they also enjoy micro-managing*.

//In 1977, Deng Xiaoping's discovered that the Communist Party's pathological desire for power ruled the economy too strictly and the economy was not going to survive;

//Mao revealed that he "sought to rule the earth"

//constructing a "community with a shared future for mankind" requires the restructuring of the world's social order and international organisations, like WHO. The persistent desire that "sought to rule the earth" was there all along.

//The purpose of claiming back a territory is to rule its people.

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily

#CCP #RulePeople #WHO #Taiwan #MaoZedong #DengXiaoping #MircoManaging

Containing China Will Be Complicated
Expect Beijing to grow more assertive as the West rethinks its economic attachments after the coronavirus

//The Covid-19 pandemic has convinced many that the U.S. must fundamentally change its policy toward China ...the pandemic’s political and economic effects are bringing about a more assertive Chinese grand strategy...China has grown rich and strong with the West’s permission. China’s rise has been welcomed rather than balanced, let alone contained.

In the postpandemic world...
Beijing will now see a need for action to ensure continued economic growth, which underpins the Communist Party’s legitimacy and underwrites China’s bid for regional hegemony.

This is a consequential moment and China’s leaders have critical choices to make. History is replete with examples of rising powers that grew more aggressive after losing the ability to glide to dominance.

...The signs are ominous that China may choose a similar path (A newly unified.Germany in the early 20th century) today.

...The best way for an established power like the U.S. to meet a challenge from a rising, ambitious state like China is to demonstrate as quickly as possible the inadvisability of doing what Germany did.

...This means jettisoning the old policy of hoping growth and enmeshment will turn China into a country that plays by established rules. Rather, the U.S. should align with countries that share its interests in Asia, Europe and beyond.

...The U.S. must reduce its economic exposure to China by addressing the vulnerabilities that have accumulated in important U.S. industries, artificial intelligence and the defense supply chain. But America can’t go it alone.

...One is the development of a stronger force posture in the Western Pacific to dissuade Chinese aggression toward Taiwan or other U.S. allies. This requires a credible forward defense, as outlined in the National Defense Strategy, built on the ability of countries like Japan, Australia, Taiwan, India, and Vietnam to blunt any Chinese aggression.

...Ultimately, Europeans need to be able to handle more of their own defense—with abiding American support—while Washington turns its attention to the Pacific. An expanded commitment to free trade among free countries will make the turn away from China-heavy supply chains an easier adjustment and ensure the West remains competitive in emerging technologies like artificial intelligence.

...Prioritizing the central threat posed by China means America’s postpandemic grand strategy will need to be attuned to opportunities for downshift or détente elsewhere. In the Middle East, an economy-of-force strategy should be implemented featuring a lighter, smaller and cheaper U.S. military footprint.

...The U.S. and its allies can’t protect their interests without confronting China. But confrontation will change Beijing’s incentives, making it more likely to assert itself sooner rather than later. Great-power competition may have lain dormant during the era of unfettered globalization, but the pandemic has brought it roaring back.

...The West must recognize that it will either pay now or pay later to contain China. Paying now is likely to produce a more tolerable bill.//

Source: The Wall Street Jounal, (07-May)

#China #Coronavirus #US #ChinaThreat #Foreignpolicy #InternationRelations
Recent survey reveals that 65% of journalists had been subjected to police violence at work

#PressFreedom #PoliceViolence

A View from a journalist - Police Brutality on Press

(10 May) At the early stage of the anti extradition law amendment bill (anti-ELAB) movement in Hong Kong, journalists faced different degrees of abused by the HK police. It started with “f*ck the press mother” to “don’t shoot the press” and even the former Police Commissioner Stephen Lo said “we treated the press very politely”. I interviewed an experienced journalist regarding freedom of press in Hong Kong. He made quite an impressive comment that “actually we (journalists) should not become the focus of the news.”

I rarely said anything about the journalists in the past because we could not compare to what the protesters had personally sacrificed and the high price they paid. Therefore, I do not need to specifically put a crown on my head by attracting praises. It is better to lay low and it is sufficient enough for me to take more photographs.

Despite the police frequently yell “get back to the pedestrians pavement”, prohibit journalists to film beyond the seal off lines, push the journalists with their shields and batons in hostile manners and threaten us with pepper spray, I just treat these as part of the chaos. Even though I am discontented about their poor attitudes, I always think that we are just doing our jobs. However, I felt that media was the target of police operations at Mongkok last night.

Even in yesterday afternoon, I already learnt from my peers that media could become the major police operation targets. I personally heard police talked among themselves that ‘we filmed and photographed the journalists today.” At the end, there were quite a bit of news relating to the journalists came out yesterday:

Full translation

Source: Iyho819 Instagram

#PoliceState #MongkokNight #PolyUSiege #FreedomofPress #PoliceBrutality
Media is too big
Watch our English-subtitled "Shock Report" from RTHK’s populat news commentary Headliner:

This episode is about Leader's Election Debate. Enjoy the show!

#ShockReport #Headliner #RTHK
#PoliceState #ChowTszLok
District Councilor criticizes police for hindering investigation not admitting mistakes

Police revealed that the Coroner's Court has made a preliminary decision to inquest into Chow Tzs-lok’s death, who fell from height in a carpark in Tseung Kwan O last November.

The police showed on its social media platform a letter addressed to Tsuen Wan District Councilor Lester Sham, which condemned Sham’s column article published on Inmediahongkong.com on May 9 for making groundless and slanderous accusation about the police force for murdering Chow Tzs-lok. The force expressed outrage and disappointment, pointing out that the article was inducing revenge and inciting violence. It warned Sham of legal actions possible.

Sham defied the accusation on his Facebook, stating that he genuinely believed that the Hong Kong Police Force had murdered Chow. He further criticized police for hindering investigation and refused to admit to an apparent blunder. Sham opinioned that the police was too desperate to cover up the truth that they went all the way to wage war with those who detested their behavior.

Source: Commercial Radio

#May16 #Death #PoliceBritality #LesterSham #DistrictCouncillor
Government Reprsentative Refuses to Provide Secretary Support in District Council, Due to Difference of Terms

The Kowloon City District Council had a meeting on May 7. Pro-democracy councillors were dissatisfied with the Home Affairs Department's refusal to support the election of the chairman of the "Police Monitor Committee" with secretary service.

The government representative to the Kowloon City District Franco Wai-fan Kwok insisted that the district-based police monitoring council is not within the scope of the District Council's functions. He said that District Office could not include the discussion in the meeting records, even with objection.

When the pro-democracy and the pro-establishment factions debated, some government officials including Lam Ming-wai, the director of environment and hygiene in the Kowloon City District, snickered.

Source: In Media #May7
Hearing-impaired Man Charged for Assaulting the Police

On Sept 15, 2019, a 20-year-old man with hearing impairment was accused of attempting to "rob" a riot police officer of his pepper spray, and they both fell to the ground. The man was charged for assaulting a police officer.

It was revealed in Eastern Magistrates' Court on 13 May that from the CCTV footage, the man was surrounded by a large amount of police officers and some police officers wielded their batons at him.

The defendant asked the police to disclose the relevant police officers' information and records, but the police claimed that they could not confirm the officers' identity.

"I don't have a way to guarantee that I can get it," said the prosecutor. He even asked the defendant to explain his request for the police logbook. The magistrate ordered the prosecutor to provide the defendant with relevant information within 4 weeks.

Source: Apple Daily #May13
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#FirstHand #May18 #SingWithU
Citizens Participate in “Sing With You” in IFC Mall

1833 | IFC, #Central
Today there is a “Sing With You” event at IFC mall. About 30 citizens joined the event after work, with more and more expected to come. So far riot police have yet to enter the mall, remaining stationed outside the building. The participating citizens were chanting slogans such as “5 Demands, Not 1 Less” as well as “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time”. Some participants were suggesting a new slogan “March on 5.24, Oppose the evil bill on 5.27”.
#FirstHand #May18 #SingWithU

1833 | IFC, #Central
People start to stream in to join tonight's "Sing with You" activity. Many of them are standing at the balconies of the atrium, while some of them are at the atrium itself. Protest slogans can be heard reverberating through the mall as more and more people start to join in.