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#PressFreedom #BeijingLoyalist
The Stand News journalist denied entry to the Hong Kong Coalition launch ceremony run by Beijing Loyalists
Hong Kong Coalition, led by former Chief Executives and Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Tung Chee-hwa and Leung Chun-ying, held a press conference to announce its official establishment.

When a journalist from The Stand News arrived to cover the event, he was denied entry by the conference staff, citing that The Stand News is an “uninvited media”. According to other press on site, another journalist who did not receive any invitation was, however, let in.

The Stand News journalist questioned the double standard, and the staff said, "That reporter arrived early and waited for a while before we found a seat for him, but there are no seats now".

Source: Stand News
‘Can’t sell your soul’: Mick Malthouse calls for AFL to boycott China

Coaching great Mick Malthouse has called on the AFL to boycott China, pinning the blame for the coronavirus pandemic on the east Asian nation.

Malthouse says whatever the monetary value the AFL should not be played in China again, telling The Herald Sun he would “very, very reluctant” to play a game in a country that “has put us in this position”.

“ AFL players are only going to be going there for one reason (money) – you sell your soul.”

He said “I’m not anti-Chinese. Am I anti-Chinese government? Yes I am. Any regimen that suppresses free opinion, free voice, free religion automatically riles me.

“But I don’t think we should be seen to be selling our soul to a regime that clearly has different values than we do.”

Further reading:
Trump administration pushing to rip global supply chains from China: officials

#Australia #Footy #AFL #BoycottChina
World-wide pursuit of legal actions on China which should be held responsible for the #Coronavirus pandemic

Chinese dams along upper Mekong are behind serious droughts in Southeast Asian Countries, study says

While China claimed to be suffering from equally arid conditions in response to one of the worst droughts that was happening in Southeast Asian countries, new research from American climatologists show that Beijing’s engineers appear to have directly caused the record low levels of water in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam while securing their own supplies. The report has been creating a lot of noise as the hashtag #StopMekongDam trends on twitter.

Alan Basist, one of the co-writers of the report, remarked that while countries like Cambodia and Thailand were suffering from serious droughts, there was plenty of water near the Tibetan Plateau, suggesting that a huge volume of water was being held back in China. The report also suggested that China’s dams might have held back more than 410 feet of river height based on data collected over the course of 28 years.

While China, with growing geopolitical power, has always claimed that they value win-win relationships with other nations, a backlash is currently growing among Southeast Asian countries. In this particular case concerning water supply, while China did propose development plans that allegedly will benefit Southeast Asian countries, Beijing has control of the upstream Mekong, which provides as much as 70% of water to downstream nations in the dry season, leading to speculations that China is simply another “imperial power” that seeks to control natural resources regardless of needs of the local populace.

The Chinese section of the river is currently punctuated by 11 major dams, providing more power that is needed by the region as well as blocking a large proportion of sediment that should have flowed to the river’s mouth in Vietnam. Conservationists worry that such actions will “kill the river” while China’s participation in regional groups dedicated to the river’s health remain minimal.

Full Articles: The New York Times, Reuters, (Apr 2020)

#StopMekongDam #ChinaThreat #drought #Thailand #Laos #Cambodia #Vietnam

Cheap Heartburn remedy might provide a cheap alternative against the Wuhan Virus

Most news headlines on Wuhan Virus treatment have focused on remdesivir, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. However, such early coverage has drawn premature popularity for those drugs. For instance, Donald Trump has promoted the use of chloroquine before the completion of clinical trials, and some patients suffered from side effects after taking chloroquine without medical supervision (https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-touts-chloroquine-for-covid-19-but-dismisses-risks-2020-4). Moreover, drug candidates tend to have higher demand from the public and hospitals after gaining public popularity. As a result, there is insufficient stockpile left for clinical trials and treatments for other diseases.

In contrast to the aforementioned drug candidates, clinical trails are quietly conducted for a cheap heartburn remedy called famotidine. Researches on famotidine have been kept in low profile to avoid drawing premature attention and reserving sufficient stockpile for clinical trials.

Infectious disease doctor named Michael Callahan and doctors from Wuhan first noticed the potential clinical effect of famotidine. Callahan and colleagues noticed poor peasants seem to have a higher survival rate. After further investigation of patient's records, Callahan and colleagues realised the higher survival rate coincides with stomach illness treatment by famotidine, a cheap medicine taken by poorer people.

The initial observation of famotidine was reported to Robert Malone, a chief medical officer of Florida-based Alchem Laboratories. Malone and computational chemist Joshua Pottel later computationally predicted that famotidine can target a protein the Wuhan Virus, which is a sign that famotidine may prevent Wuhan Virus from replicating. Adding to that, later observations have seen infected hospital staffs showing improved recovery after taking famotidine.

While famotidine may provide a low-cost and safe alternative against the Wuhan Virus, it is still too early to assign famotidine as a routine treatment against the Wuhan Virus. The potential of famotidine requires further examinations with an ongoing clinical trial involving 1174 participants.

Source: ScienceMag

#Coronavirus #WuhanVirus #Trump #Treatment #famotidine
19 Voting Unions Share Same Registration Address; Pro- Establishment Camp Takes Advantage of the Voting System

Blue Ribbons Mobilize

Calls were made to establish unions a few months ago, with many successfully registering before May 2, becoming voters for 2022.

Apple Daily analyzed the data of newly registered trade unions before the deadline, and found that there were more trade unions with ties to the pro-establishment than "yellow" unions. Some scholars pointed out that the number of "blue" citizens mobilized are more than that of the "yellow" camp and they need to double their efforts to resist.

Apple Daily has also found that the process involved in joining the unions were extremely vague, and the registered address of a few Unions were tagged to the address of a dormitory of the disciplinary forces, a place which is well-known to be extremely tough for ordinary citizens to visit.

It is understood that a new trade union called the "Celebrity Workers' Association" was founded by Jacky Ko Chung Kit, who was famously featured in a few pro-establishment music videos. Ko also rewrote lyrics of songs and uploaded videos of himself singing them on YouTube


The deadline on May 2 has expired. Apple Daily inquired about the number of registrations of new trade unions from the Trade Union Registration Bureau and found that a total of 193 new trade unions were successfully registered from June last year to the 26th of last month.

The number of unions successfully registered in March and April this year was 49 and 87, accounting for about 70% of the period above. It is understood that all unions that have successfully registered before May 2nd submitted their applications in mid-January. The Trade Union Registration Bureau processed 2,669 new union applications in that time period. The newspaper asked the Registration Bureau for information on newly registered trade unions, including trade union names and addresses to understand the background. Among them, 54 had obvious "yellow" backgrounds; 60 had obvious pro-establishment backgrounds, and the remaining 79 were undetermined due to lack of information.

Apple Daily: https://bit.ly/3djGqJ0

#WorkerPower #unions
#Masks #CoronavirusPandemic
Hong Kong government prepares to distribute masks

The government plans to distribute reuseable "CuMasks" developed locally in Hong Kong, but no prior bidding took place and manufacturers and sources of materials were not disclosed.

The Secretary for Innovation and Technology explained that the coronavirus pandemic will still be very serious in the coming days, and the population should still be vigilant and masks are the key materials for the global pandemic and manufacturers, raw materials, and logistics are sensitive information and may cause issues if leaked, such as the masks being confiscated, the materials running out, suppliers jacking up prices and other issues affecting production could arise.

Source: Stand News
#Youth #PoliceState
13-Year-Old Reporter Released: Shows Respect for Journalists and Hopes to Report the Truth

Netizens initiated the “Shopping on Mother’s Day” and “Sing With You” campaigns on Sunday (#May10), during which in Tsim Sha Tsui Harbour City 13-year-old reporter Luk was arrested for participating in an illegal assembly. The police accused him of holding a press pass not issued by the Hong Kong Journalists Association, and that he would be an illegal child labourer if he was indeed a reporter. The police also scolded him: “It’s your future, and it’s out of my reach.” Soon after he was released, Luk was searched again, and ended up being brought into a police vehicle with an accompanying female reporter.

That night, he was released in the company of his mother and Yu Tak-po, vice chairman of the Yau Tsim Mong District Council. Luk’s mother said that the police threatened to charge her if “the son was seen at this kind of event again”. She said that the police told her that her son was now under discretion, and she received an explanation on Protection of Children and Juveniles Ordinance, which she believes was to clarify and inform her of her legal responsibility, and to encourage her to deny her son’s request to report again.

She believed that while the situation was quite unusual, it allowed her son to grow, so that he could learn how to deal with “a big scene”. But she stressed that she would estimate the risk before he goes out to report, and would stop him if it is too dangerous. She continued by stating she kept up with her son’s live broadcast, and would know immediately if he were in danger. “I told him that you would be a target of the police because of your build and appearance. He promised me that he knew how to handle that. He would cooperate in a search and would tell me afterwards. I think he sounds okay, so I let him go out there.”

Luk further explained that he wanted to help report the truth and due to his deep respect for journalists, he wants to become one in the future. “I quite respect journalists. They have such a hard time on scene, and are treated so badly by the police. I really respect all of you, and I want to be in this profession.” When asked about what he will say to his mother, Luk could not hold back his tears. Soon after he told her,

“Happy Mother’s Day, and I’m sorry.”

Source: Stand News

Read More:
13-year-old Student Reporter Faces Police Intimidation Without Fear
(Part 1, Part 2)
Student-Journalist Released - Was Constantly Asked if He Was a Child Labourer (Link)

#May10 #PoliceBrutality #PressFreedom #MothersDay #SingWithYou
Press Freedom in HK at Record Low

Footage of last night's protest in #MongKok shows the police ordering journalists to kneel down as they were detained, forcing reporters to stop filming and hurling intimidating remarks, asking reporters who were crying out of fear to “cry louder”, sarcastically.

The police also ordered reporters to read out their ID numbers, full names and company in front of cameras. Some reporters and cameramen were pepper sprayed, they were then forced to not clean the stinging chemicals off by the very police officers who deployed it on them.

It has been a common occurrence for reporters to be arrested and taken away to police stations.

Other than getting arrested, reporters run an extremely high risk of getting intentionally hurt by police officers too. Veby, an Indonesia reporter, lost her right eye after being hit by a rubber bullet by the police.

Hong Kong Journalists Association expressed their displeasure at polices' insults yesterday (10 May). The Association also conducted a survey, showing that both the public and journalists think that the city’s press freedom has deteriorated to a record low, mainly due to “threatened personal safety of reporters when covering news” and “difficulties encountered when gathering information”. In fact, two-thirds of the interviewed journalists said that they had been treated violently by police or groups of people with “obvious political stands”.

Source: Ming Pao; Now News; RTHK News; Cable News
#May11 #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #HKPress #Veby
#DailyUpdate #May11 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (May 11th)

At the time of writing, 4,218,049 cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed with 284,748 deaths. 1,506,743 have recovered.

Hong Kong has no new cases today. It has been 22 days since the last local case.

2.83 million Hong Kong residents have registered for the “Cumask”, the mask would start be distributed from today onwards.

Alfred Sit, Hong Kong Secretary for Innovation and Technology, refuses to disclose the vendor of raw materials due to worry about supplies.

Doctors found out that COVID-19 symptoms can present from head to toes.

Singapore labs have mistakenly treated 33 negative tests as positive.

In Taiwan, President Tsai Ing-wen’s inauguration on 20 May would center on “anti-epidemic”. There would be no celebration ceremony or banquets.

China has reported 10 local cases, with 5 of them located in Wuhan, the origin of the virus. It has been a month since last coronavirus case was reported in Wuhan. A local official in Wuhan was immediately fired due to mismanagement.

The Shanghai Disneyland Park has reopened.

35 new cases reported in South Korea, mostly from a nightclub infection group. 3 soldiers also contracted the virus.

With bounce back in Wuhan and South Korea, experts worry whether anti-epidemic measures should be loosen.

A press secretary of American Vice President Mike Pence has contracted the virus. However Pence would not self-isolate.

Staff members in elderly homes in state of New York are required to undergo virus inspection once in 2 weeks.

WHO director Tedros denied the say that he delayed the announcement of the virus’ ability to transmit among human and pandemic due to pressure from Chinese chairman Xi Jinping.

Entrants to the United Kingdom, except those from France, are required to self-quarantine.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced reopening the society conditionally and in stages. However regions outside England declared they may not follow the instructions.

With multiple countries in Europe have decreasing new death numbers per day, control measures are lightened.

Source: Now News, Worldometer, Apple Daily
#PoliceState #MassArrest
Hong Kong Police Randomly Arrest Over 200 Young People on Mother's Day, Families Wait Outside Police Station Overnight

Among the 230 people arrested by the Hong Kong police on May 10, most of them are in their teens; however, police had never disclosed the cause of the arrest.

Between 10 and 11 May, over 50 people waited overnight outside the Hung Hom Police Station, hoping to get news of their family members. A mother of a 14-year-old said her son was still getting his fingerprints recorded and the police said he would not be released shortly.

At 10:30 on May 11, some arrestees walked out of the station and said they were charged with "illegal assembly".

In the morning of May 11, a middle-aged woman prayed outside the station for the sake of the arrestees. According to sources, she had also prayed for 22-year-old Chow Tsz-lok outside the ICU of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in November 2019.

Source: Apple Daily #May11
#Mothersday #Pray #Family

Read: Arrestees' Families Wait On
Arrestees' Families Wait On

2020 perhaps marks the darkest Mother's Day in Hong Kong, as the police arrested at least 230 people, tackled civilians on the streets and in malls and detained reporters while pepper-spraying them. Police even took away teenagers from their parents for no reasons.

At 3am on May 12, families and friends of the arrestees had been waiting outside the Hung Hom police station for hours. Some said they received a call at 7pm that they could bail their family members out.

At the scene, people brought food, masks and other supply for the arrestees; however, according to those who had entered the station for paperwork, police left the food brought by the arrestees' families unattended on the floor.

Those who left the station hugged their closed ones emotionally. At 3:30am, a voluntary first aider walked out but the police kept his first aider's document and vest for reason unknown.

At 5am, several more arrestees left and said that the station was very chaotic.

Source: PPPN #May12