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Geopolitics Unmasked: How COVID-19 became China’s Chernobyl

(30 Mar) Chinese diplomacy often uses giving plums in exchange for peaches. Today the CCP offers European countries plums in the form of masks, but at the same time, Xi Jinping has a well-prepared plan of how and when to ask for peaches for alleged help in the epidemic. Some may be told that since Beijing offered gifts, it is now time for Huawei to build a 5G network. The others may be asked to provide access to their wealth or to use the Chinese Yuan in the trade so that the currency will play a greater role in world transactions and replace the dollar. This alleged aid, without identifying China as responsible for the worldwide spread of the pandemic and agreeing to the CCP propaganda presenting China not as the source of the crisis, but as a solution to this crisis in other countries of the world, in the future, may translate into economic and political dependence of other countries and is simply a fraud.

Full Article: The Warsaw Institute Review

#ChinaInfluence #ChinaExpansionism #ChinaThreat #SharpPower #CCP #5G #Mask #Huawei #ChinesePropaganda #Pandemic
Gravitas: 2 Videos that expose Chinese propaganda

Every time PRC faces international demands for accountability of the pandemic, they use two notions to deny liabilities: first 'misinformation' and secondly 'racism'. These two videos expose CCP propaganda typology that their internet trolls spread to the world-the second pandemic on top of pandemic:internet littering-to achieve the political agenda of preaching jingoism.

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Watch

#ChinaInfluence #ChinesePropaganda #CCP #socialmediatrolls #jingoism #Coronavirus
#DailyUpdate #Apr24 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (24/4)

At the time of writing, 2,753,425 cases of coronavirus had been confirmed with 192,310 deaths. US, Spain, Italy, France, and Germany are the worst affected countries by the pandemic. 731,825 have recovered so far.

Singapore reports nearly 900 new cases today.

Japan adds 85 fatalities missed from death toll.

Ecuador's coronavirus cases nearly double due to backlog of tests.

Bavaria, Germany's largest federal state will allow some religious services next month.

European Union aims to raise $8 billion for coronavirus response.

France won't consider a reopen date for restaurants before end of May.

UN human rights chief alarmed by media clampdowns over Covid-19 reporting.

Several Sydney beaches shut again after beachgoers flout rules.

The UK won't ease restrictions unless it's safe to do so, health secretary says.

Malaysia extends lockdown ahead of Ramadan.

No decision yet on when Boris Johnson will return to work, says UK health secretary.

Indonesian President "welcomes the blessing of Ramadan to break the chain of transmission".

Indonesia travel ban goes into effect ahead of annual Ramadan mass migration.

The Czech Republic is relaxing some coronavirus restrictions.

Hawaii is now paying for visitors to leave.

Source: CNN, Worldometer
#OpinionArticle #BrianFong

It is all about the party committee system. The Liaison Office is NOT a government department. It is actually the “Hong Kong and Macau Work Committee of the Chinese Communist Party” (CCP). In other words, it is the CPP branch in Hong Kong. It has operated in Hong Kong since the 1920s, called “Xinhua Hong Kong” after 1949 and re-named as Liaison Office in 2000. The Liaison Office has intervened Hong Kong's autonomy as a “second government team” (a term coined by Cao Erbao); now it declares that it is standing above the Basic Law, trying to formally establish a “party-lead-all” committee system that the in Hong Kong.

When the US is about to release its certification report, China takes this move aiming to test the resolve of Washington. If the US fails to respond forcefully, the “Hong Kong Human Rights & Democracy Act” will become nothing more than just a piece of paper and Hong Kong will be transformed from “West Berlin” to “East Berlin”.




Further reading:
Hong Kong and the US-China New Cold War/Brian C. H. Fong

Source and translation:
Brain Fong Facebook, (20-Apr)

#HKAutonomy #HongKongAutonomy #USHK #NewColdWar #HongKongPolicyAct #HongKongHumanRightsandDemocracyAct #HKHRDA #LiaisonOffice
#DailyUpdate #Apr25 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (25/4)

At the time of writing, 2,896,946 cases of coronavirus had been confirmed with 201,737 deaths. US, Spain, Italy, France, and Germany are the worst affected countries by the pandemic. 825,376 have recovered so far.

Hong Kong has reported 2 new cases, both of them are recent returned from the United Kingdom.

8 recovery cases in Hong Kong has still tested positive, experts believed it is the residue.

HKSAR government is looking into sending chartered planes to retrieve Hongkongers in India and Pakistan.

A 17 years old DSE student in Fanling, Hong Kong has a fever and cough, he was sent to hospital and are currently waiting for the virus test result.

Russia has reported 5966 new cases today, giving a total of 74,588.

The Chinese government has reported 12 new cases, with 11 of them being imported.

A plane returned to Shaanxi province from Russia has 30 passengers infected.

Yasutoshi Nishimura, member of the Japanese government cabinet, is required to home quarantine because one of his colleagues has contracted the virus.

Sources said the European Union deleted a part about Chinese agents running fake news programs in a coronavirus report due to pressure from the Chinese communist party.

An Italian cruise ship docked at Nagasaki, Japan has an additional 60 passengers contracting the virus.

Studies suggest there were coronavirus cases in Italy back in January.
Eredivisie, the top level football league in Netherlands announced an early end to this season, no champion and promotions would be conducted.

A US review of the repatriation of people from Wuhan says safety protocols were not followed.

President Donald Trump says the US will send ventilators to Ecuador, El Salvador and Indonesia.

Pakistan has extended its lockdown measures till May.

Source: CNN, Worldometer, Now News
Perfect illustration of a political doublethink by Carrie Lam

Of course her stance has always been clear - to follow the order of the Chinese Communist Party.


#CarrieLam #CCP #Article22 #OneCountryTwoSystems
#Court #Judiciary
District Judge Praises Defendent who Attacked Pro-Democracy Protesters for "'Displaying Noble Qualities”

On April 24, District Judge, Kwok Wai-kin read the verdict of a man who viciously stabbed 3 victims at a Lennon Wall in Tseung Kwan O in 2019.

Kwok was, according to many, sympathetic towards the defendant. Due to the fact that the defendant pleaded guilty, the District Judge slashed 1/3 of the original duration of the sentence.

In the verdict, Kwok read nothing that reprimanded the defendant. In fact, Kwok praised the defendant for “displaying noble qualities” by turning himself in. Kwok even excused the man’s brutal behavior claiming that it was “unlike his character”, describing him as "an involuntary sacrifice and a bloodstained victim hanging by his last breath".

Kwok, on the other hand, detested pro-democracy protesters, comparing their actions to “terrorist army”, reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution.

Pro-democratic legislator, Lam Cheuk-ting, was the first to comment on Kwok’s verdict among many lawyers and opinion leaders on social media. Lam said that he was stunned by Kwok’s remarks on pro-democracy movement, which he considered unnecessary. He further blasted the verdict as biased and absurd, “like a piece of fake news, confounding right and wrong.

Judge Kwok Wai-kin's bias comment has stirred up controversies. Many felt that the assault was premeditated, and the reduced sentencing is unfair and disproportionate to the injuries the victims had suffered from.

In particular, the facebook page "Finance Fellow" pointed out the following:

1) The court hearing lasted for 1.5 hours, during which Kwok did not reprimand the defendant a singke bit in his verdict, not even asingle sentence. (The 26-years-old journalist was severely injured with multiple wounds on her face, her arms and legs, including rib bone fracture and atrophy in her right lung)

2) Kwok spent 1/3 of the hearing weighed in on the protests, accepting the defendant's plea as reasonable justifications, saying "without the pro-democracy movement, the defendant would not have committed the crime."

3) Kwok praised the defendant for "showing noble qualities", acclaiming that, "Such qualities cannot be found that easily, even amongst well-educated intellectuals and professionals." (The defendant fled to China after the assault.)

4) Kwok pointed out that pro-democracy movement had ruthlessly trampled on the defendant's right to work, live and survive severely, describing him as "an involuntary sacrifice and a bloodstained victim hanging by his last breath". (So who is the real victim over here? The defendant, or those who were viciously stabbed and slashed?)

5) Kwok also accused the protesters of the pro-democracy movement, claiming that they hurt ordinary people while pursuing their cause, and that they are no different from terrorists. (Wouldn't someone associate a knife-wielding criminal with the intention to kill to terrorists instead?)

6) Kwok even blamed the victim, saying that, "the female victim's action, pushing the defendant away, was like adding fuel to the flame, forcing the defendant to react with such irrational behaviour". (Should we then expect the victim to stand still in an assault, being faced with someone armed with a knife?)

7) Kwok accepted the defendant's claim that carrying a knife was for self-defence, believing that the assault was not premeditated. The knife he collected from home was to remove the posters on Lennon Wall, while the other one was for self-defence. (However, the defendant had already issued threats to assault weeks before the incident occured.)

8) Kwok was empathetic to the defendant and slashed his sentencing by 1/3, from 72 months of imprisonment to 45 months.

Source: Apple Daily; Facebook; Inmedia
#LennonWall #RuleofLaw #HongKongProtests #Attack
#FailedState #Article22
Carrie Lam flip-flops her own verbatim transcription, calling it a misinterpretation

On April 21, 2020 before her routine meeting with the Executive Council, Carrie Lam spoke to the press, “At the constitutional, the governmental and the day-to-day operational levels, the [China's] Liaison Office has the right to comment. The Office can also advise the HKSAR government, because it belongs to the Central Government. This, I believe, is the right and responsibility of the Central Authorities in Hong Kong.”

Carrie Lam's statement was documented as a verbatim transcription; however, one day later on April 22, 2020 Carrie Lam denied what she had said.

“My statement has been misinterpreted. What I said about operation was misunderstood as day-to-day operation and as that the Liaison Office could comment and advise on matter like arrangements for contract."

Source: Apple Daily #Apr23 #OneCountryTwoSystems #CarrieLam #LiaisonOffice
No Connection Between Public Approval and Cabinet Change

The cabinet of the Carrie Lam Administration was rigorously reshuffled just as the ravages of coronavirus pandemic gradually curtailed in Hong Kong. Among 3 ministries and 13 policy bureaux, 4 Principal Officials were let go and 1 redeployed.

None of these changes were described to be linked with the anti-extraditionaw movement. Surprisingly, the public approval of the ousted ministers were much higher than those remain in the cabinet.

4 Chiefs being replaced:
1. Civil Service chief, Joshua Law
2. Home Affairs Secretary, Lau Kong-wah
3. Innovation and Technology Bureau head, Nicholas Yang
4. Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, James Lau 

Newly Appointed Chiefs:
1. Civil Service Bureau, Patrick Nip
2. Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Erick Tsang
3. Innovation and Technology bureau, Alfred Sit
4. Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Christopher Hui
5. Secretary for Home Affairs, Caspar Tsui

Source: Now News
#Apr22 #Cabinet #CarrieLam #HKSARGovernment #Officials
China State Media Confirms Hong Kong Cabinet Change Before Carrie Lam Announces, Pro-democracy legislator: Nothing but a power game at the highest level

On April 22, before Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced the reshuffling of her cabinet, China's state media Xinhua Agency first published details about the new appointments.

The change of 5 principal officials is the most prominent reshuffle since the Hong Kong's sovereignty handover in 1997.

Pro-democracy legislator and Civic Party chair Alvin Yeung pointed out that the reshuffle was nothing but a power game at the highest level, "[It] is designed to enhance the powers of the Chief Executive, and those behind her." Yeung called it a shameful exercise as the most unpopular ministers like John Lee and Teresa Cheng had not been removed.

In response to a reporter's question, the Chief Executive Carrie Lam denied that anyone was being sacked as a form of punishment, reinstating that the departing Officials had all "served with dedication". She also emphasized that the move has nothing to do with an embarrassing saga at the weekend involving confusion over whether Beijing's liaison office needs to abide by Article 22 of the Basic Law.

The DAB brushed aside concerns that the appointment of two of its members as principal officials means the government is showing favouritism towards the pro-Beijing party. Chairwoman Starry Lee even reiterated it wouldn't be necessary for the two officials to quit the DAB to maintain their political neutrality.

Source: RTHK #Apr22
#OneCountryTwoSystems #Xinhua #Officials #HKSARGovernment
#Article22 #BarAssociation #Statement
Further Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association:

"Current uncertainty contributes to undermining confidence in both the CPG’s and the HKSAR Government’s commitment to the principle and practice of one-country, two-system"

On Article 22 of the Basic Law
Under the constitutional framework of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the Basic Law is a national law of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), having been enacted by the National People’s Congress pursuant to Article 31 of the Constitution of the PRC.

Article 11 of the Basic Law provides:
“In accordance with Article 31 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the systems and policies practised in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, including the social and economic systems, the system for safeguarding the fundamental rights and freedoms of its residents, the executive, legislative and judicial systems, and the relevant policies, shall be based on the provisions of this Law.”

The “relevant polices” as mentioned and enshrined in the Basic Law include that the HKSAR shall enjoy “a high degree of autonomy” (Article 12) and executive, legislative and judicial powers, including the power of final adjudication (Article 2), whilst the Central People's Government (CPG) shall be responsible for the foreign affairs and defence relating to the HKSAR (Articles 13 and 14).

As to HKSAR’s internal affairs, Article 22(1) provides:
“No department of the Central People's Government and no province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government may interfere in the affairs which the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region administers on its own in accordance with this Law.”

The effect of Article 22 is to prohibit interference in the internal affairs of the HKSAR by any part of the CPG, which is itself bound by the provisions of the Basic Law, being a national law of the PRC, including Article 22(1). After public comments made last week by the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office (HKMAO) and the Liaison Office of the CPG in the HKSAR (LOCPG) in respect of a recent Court of Appeal judgment on the Emergency Regulations Ordinance and affairs in Legislative Council and public reaction to them (including a statement issued by HKBA on 14 April 2020), the LOCPG on 17 April 2020 made further public statements on the meaning of Article 22(1) of the Basic Law.

The LOCPG said that it and the HKMAO are not “department[s] of the Central People's Government” within the meaning of Article 22(1). It went on to say that they were bodies authorised by the CPG to handle HKSAR’s affairs and had the right to exercise supervision and express serious views on affairs regarding HKSAR and the Mainland.

The implication the LOCPG seeks to convey is that the LOCPG and the HKMAO are somehow excluded from the non-interference principle guaranteed by Article 22(1).

Continue Reading Part 2

Source: HKCNews #Apr20
#BasicLaw #OneCountryTwoSystems
#Article22 #BarAssociation #Statement
Further Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association:

"Current uncertainty contributes to undermining confidence in both the CPG’s and the HKSAR Government’s commitment to the principle and practice of one-country, two-system"

Part 1:

Over the weekend of 18-19 April 2020, the HKSAR Government issued no fewer than 3 public
statements reflecting a degree of hesitation and confusion about the status of the LOCPG under Article 22. The HKBA notes that the HKSAR Government had previously presented a paper to the Legislative Council in 2007, unequivocally confirming that the LOCPG is an office of the CPG set up in Hong Kong with the consent of HKSARG Government under Art 22(3), and that the HKSAR Government had published the details of the LOCPG as one of 3 offices of the CPG set up in HKSAR in Gazette No. 3/2000 after its name change from “Xinhua News Agency”.

The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs had also in 2018 confirmed that personnel of the LOCPG must abide by the laws of Hong Kong in accordance with Article 22. Regrettably, the recent public statements made by the LOCPG and the HKSAR Government
on such a highly important legal issue have caused deep public unease. As mentioned, the CPG is itself bound by the Basic Law.

There would appear to be no question but that the HKMAO, being an administrative agency of the State Council of the PRC, and the LOCPG, being the Liaison Office of the CPG in HKSAR, are bound by the Basic Law, including the prohibition of interference in the internal affairs of the HKSAR under Article 22(1).

In any event, there is no provision in the Basic Law which confers on the HKMAO and LOCPG the power of “supervision” over affairs which the HKSAR administers on its own. If "supervision" by the HKMAO and LOCPG is intended to connote their intervention in matters falling within the remit of the HKSAR's autonomy under the Basic Law, as opposed to observing and reporting back to the CPG, such a role would be inconsistent with Articles 11, 12 and 22 of the Basic Law.

The recent statements of the LOCPG and the HKSAR Government are plainly inconsistent with what was said by the HKSAR Government in 2007 and 2018. On such an important issue, and given the plain and obvious meaning of Article 22 of the Basic Law, the people of Hong Kong are entitled to a clear, reasoned and properly supported exposition of the legal position. The current uncertainty contributes to undermining confidence in both the CPG’s and the HKSAR Government’s commitment to the principle and practice of one-country, two-system enshrined in the Basic Law.

Source: HKCNews #Apr20
#BasicLaw #OneCountryTwoSystems
#GlobalSupport #Korea
52 Korean Civil Society Organizations Denounce the Arrest of Pro-Democracy Figures by Hong Kong Police: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"

//...freedom of assembly and association and freedom of expression are basic human rights that must be guaranteed.

We also express our deep concern that the arrest of pro-democracy activists by Hong Kong police could aggravate the social division and confusion at a time when governments and citizens must cooperate to fight the global disaster situation of COVID-19.

...“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” the injustice occurring in Hong Kong is, after all, a threat to justice that should be guarded by democratic societies around the world.

Therefore, we will continue to stand in solidarity with the Hong Kong citizens’ peaceful resistance toward democracy till the end. We strongly urge the Hong Kong government to immediately cease its unjust and arbitrary arrests of pro-democracy activists.//


Are our networks secure if the Hong Kong Government could freely enter data centres?
Background: The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) does not accept conditions where the tenant has the right to refuse entry by the landlord. According to the lease, the landlord has the right to review, record and even remove a tenant's facilities for security reasons. To draw a comparison, this is like hotel staff being able to enter your rented hotel room anytime with no regard for the guest's privacy. According to the verdict, some landlords entered a tenant's space nearly 200 times in the span of a few months.
This system of allowing landlords to freely enter is ridiculous and puts tenants' digital security and commercial privacy at risk. In Singapore, the government and other agencies could only enter data centres if they apply for a search warrant under suspicion of illegal activity.

Source: The Stand News, (09-Apr)

Further reading:
U.S. Allows Google Internet Project to Advance Only if Hong Kong Is Cut Out

#HKSTP #DigitalSecurity #Privacy #DataCentre
#FirstHand #Apr26
Hongkongers Have Not Forgotten: Crowds Gather at Cityplaza for Singing Solidarity Event

Over a hundred of citizens sang the protest anthem "May Glory Be To Hong Kong" and waved flags reading "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times" in the shopping mall.

#Taikoo #SingwithYou
#FirstHand #Apr26
Riot Police Enters Shopping Mall; Civilians Ready Themselves for Solidarity Event

18:40 | Cityplaza
Riot police entered the shopping mall.

More and more citizens appeared, getting ready to sing together for a solidarity event.

#Taikoo #SingwithYou #PoliceState
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#FirstHand #Apr26
Police Turning Peaceful Event Into Chaos

18:44 | Cityplaza, Tai Koo Shing
When a large number of police swarmed in the shopping mall, an officer from the Police Public Relations Branch told the crowd to maintain social distancing; another officer could be seen carrying a bag full of Police Warning Flags.

#Taikoo #SingwithYou #PoliceState
Media is too big
#FirstHand #Apr26
Eastern District Council Chairman Demands to Talk to the Police Commander

18:42 | Cityplaza, Tai Koo Shing
According to civilians present, Rupert Dover could be seen taking his platoon down towards the atrium of the mall.

#Taikoo #SingwithYou #PoliceState #RupertDover #DistrictCouncil