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#ProtestinChina #Wuhan
Wuhan Tenants Protest Against Property Owners' Refusal to Reduce Rent for the Lockdown Period

The video captures hundreds of Wuhan tenants protesting and displaying signs. It was said that property owners refused to reduce the rent for the lockdown period.

Watch the video here

Source: Radio Free Asia #Apr11
#CivilDisobedience #Rent

Civil Disobedience in China?:
Online Videos Show Citizens Setting Up Roadblocks in Guangzhou

Hong Kong’s Fujian gangs explained: from migrant fraternities to political henchmen

Demystifying the Fujianese Gangs who have been seen at various ‘dark red’ locales attacking, intimidating and tussling with protesters since the early days of the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (Anti-ELAB) movement.   

Read more: https://telegra.ph/Hong-Kongs-Fujian-gangs-explained-from-migrant-fraternities-to-political-henchmen-04-10

#Fujian #Triad

Police Ends Investigation on Fujian Triad Attack of RTHK Reporter and Arrests No One
#Court #PoliceState
Police Press Charge on Former Student Union President and 4 Other People for Illegal Assembly in a March Half a Year Ago

In the "Kowloon March" initiated by the Civil Human Rights Front on 20 October, 2019, protesters tried to march on despite the police's refusal to approve the protest.

Half a year later, 4 more civilians were charged and the case would be merged with another case involving a former Student Union president, 4th-year university student from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The 5 people are facing 8 charges including illegal assembly, police assault, obstruction of justice and thd possession of weapons.

Source: InMedia #Apr8 https://bit.ly/3bZDq40

#IllegalAssembly #Oct20 #AssembleRights #CivilDisobedience
#Court #PoliceState
Court Rules Man Guilty of Police Assault for Whistling to 3 Officers and Sentences Man to 6 Week Sentence

A 50-year-old construction worker, surnamed Kee, whistled to 3 police officers during the annual July 1 protest in 2019. In the Eastern Magistrates' Courts on 13 March 2020, he was sentenced to 6 weeks in prison after he was convicted of police assault.

The magistrate commented that no police was subject to permanent injury and the defendant only whistled with his fingers but not with tools and loudspeakers.

Source: Now News #Mar12

Former Pro-Democracy Lawmaker Convicted of Police Assault with a Loudspeaker

The Trilogy of CCP’s global domination: Big sprinkles of money, big trades and great manipulation

(4 Apr) Edward Yau (the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HK) criticised a RTHK journalist’s question to a senior executive leadership member of WHO (note 1) for the ‘sin’ of breaching One Country Two Systems (note 2) Yau’s action was clear- to show his absolute loyalty to CCP, which is out of the same motive of Lam-Cheng’ policy of no border closure to PRC. (note 3) The competition to show political correctness of ‘loyalty’ to the Central government came from the Cultural Revolution era all the way to erode One Country Two System (note 4). Indeed, HK is more and more Mainlandised.

The world is aware that WHO is favourably biased towards CCP. WHO has misled the world since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. WHO covered up the severity of the virus for a long period of time to oppose imposition of travel bans and border closures to people from China. The Director General of WHO Ghebreyesus did not go to China to understand the actual situation of the outbreaks there. He just went to flatter Xi Jinping in exchange for $20 million payment to remain silent.

//WHO has lost creditability.

//CCP spent a lot of money to woe African dictators who came and gone like meteors through economic inducements.

//CCP builds up its own circle of friends through the money bait policies in the third world over decades of time.

//They are not alert of CCP’s invasive influences to international organisations like WHO, WTO, Interpol and the World Bank. CCP works to displace the integrity of these organisations that are formed and operating on a rule-based governance world order with their ways.

Full translation:

Source: Stand News

Further reading:
Trump aides consider creating alternative to WHO

#CultureRevolution #WHO #Tedros #OneCountryTwoSystme #SharpPower #Mainlandised #PRCForeignPolicy #Taiwan #InternationalOrganisation #ChinesePropaganda

Swedish media used full-page "Xi Jinping virus" to diss China

(3 Apr) [International Center/Comprehensive Report] The pandemic of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China has swept the world. However, China, as the source of the pandemic, has controlled the spread of the virus. This allows China to start the propaganda agenda, provide various medical supplies, and even begin to smear other countries as being the cause of the virus. These moves angered many countries. The Swedish paper media displayed their anger toward China in the form of a full page coverage to blame China’s leader Xi Jinping, asking China to stop fake news.

COVID-19 has recently broken out in the world, and the number of confirmed cases has grown from 500,000 to 1 million in just 8 days. The severe pandemic has made many countries in need of medical supplies. China, as the origin country of the spread, starts to have some control over the situation. Seeing other countries are now suffering from the virus, she has begun to donate materials for global propaganda. However, it creates negative impacts as the quality of the materials provided to various countries has been quite poor.

In addition to this, China has also continued to make noises accusing that the virus was brought into China by the US military. It even insinuated that the Italian epidemic broke out earlier than China. It wanted to "destigmatize" itself, which upset many countries.

On Mar 30, The Swedish media "Dagens industri", using the headline "Kinas desinformation ett bevis pa angslighet" (Misinformation from China are causing anxiety), published a full-page report accusing China of citing the speeches of scholars and experts from other countries out of context to minimize responsibility. They are also angry at China's attempts to control public opinion. For this reason they even combining Xi Jinping's photos with the virus, spoofing the appearance of "Xi Jinping virus" and condemned the CCP.

Source: Setn

Further reading
Swedish Former Representative to European Parliament: China Should Apologize to the World for Coronavirus

#Sweden #Xi #XiJingpingVirus #CCP #ChinesePropaganda #MedicalSupplies #FakeNews

Iranian official backtracks after calling Chinese Covid-19 figures a 'joke'

//Iran’s health ministry spokesman has backtracked after he described China’s official figures on the coronavirus outbreak as a “joke”.

//China had given the impression that coronavirus was like influenza but with fewer deaths.

//Chinese-Iranian relations are normally warm, partly because China is a key market for Iranian oil, and criticism of China’s coronavirus figures had previously come exclusively from the west.

//Jahanpour said he had merely been commenting on how China’s epidemiological assessment of coronavirus was not shared by Iran.

//Meanwhile, Iran announced plans to ban printed newspapers in an effort to slow the spread of the disease.

Full Article: The Guardian, (06-Apr)

#Iran #China #Deaths #Coronavirus
Pro-democracy restaurant received numbers of complaints and threats. T Tea House owner: Why do I have to be scared when I have done nothing wrong?

T Tea House, a restaurant in Tai Po, has been famous because of its pro-democracy stance. Since the restaurant spoke out last year, it has been crowded with customers every day. As the revenue boosted up, however, as well as the number of complaints and threats the restaurant received. The restaurant was also accused of violating the Trade Descriptions Ordinance and was required to make a statement at the police station a couple of weeks ago. Netizens were concerned that T Tea House was targeted because of its standpoint.

Read more: ⬇️

Source: In Media HK #Apr9
#Threat #HongKongProtest
Pro-democracy restaurant received numbers of complaints and threats. T Tea House owner: Why do I have to be scared when I have done nothing wrong?

Read the first part: ⬆️

Ben, owner of T Tea House, said the government department in charge even jokingly said they were the "No.1 in Tai Po" because of the overwhelming number of complaints they received. The restaurant's service had to be suspended for some time because of that. T Tea House has also received threatened phone calls and was splashed with red paint before.

"There's no reason I have to be scared", said Ben, "I've done nothing wrong". When being asked if he was worried about getting revenge when the movement cools down, Ben said "That's out of my hands. The government is so dirty, they can arrest anyone they don't like in just one word".

Source: In Media HK #Apr9
#Threat #HongKongProtest
Employees worry wage subsidies will end up going to employers' pockets

The government has announced wage subsidies as one of the relief measures to help eligible employers throughout the pandemic. Subsidies will be granted as long as the employers do not lay off employees. The catering industry, which has been greatly affected by the pandemic, is also eligible for the subsidies.

Source: Ming Pao #Apr9

Continue Reading: ⬇️
Employees worry wage subsidies will end up going to employers' pockets

Read the First Part: ⬆️

Ming Pao reporter was at Tsim Sha Tsui last night and noticed that most of the restaurants were very quiet, with only a table or two being filled. According to Ms. Chow, an employee of Thai restaurant Tiew Ruea Tor Charm, a number of her colleagues were being forced to take non-paid leave at the moment. She suspected if the amount of subsidy paid will be based on the wage level in the normal state. She was also worried that, because the subsidy goes to her employer first, part of the fund might be taken by the employer for other purposes before going to her pocket. Ms. Chow also criticized the government's long processing time, when the restaurant is already going through a serious financial hardship. "We will all be dead by the time the funds are approved". She also pointed out that even with the subsidies, the restaurants may still be unable to survive, which eventually would lead to unemployment.

The biggest worry is still the rent, wage subsidy is of little help. per restaurant owner

Ms. Yeung, owner of Full Viet Thai Restaurant said, the wage subsidy is "better than nothing" since she never expected any help from the government. She planned to apply for the subsidy, and said she will not lay off any of the five employees at the restaurant. "We are all very close", and she was glad that the employees could still make a living thanks to the subsidy. She also added that, the subsidy would all be used for supporting the employees, "It's okay if I end up getting less money".

Spokesperson of Kabo Burger, Mabel, said the biggest part of the operating expense is the rent, and the wage subsidy only "brought little relief". She said, "The market now is so unstable, we don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. It's hard to tell if the amount of subsidy is sufficient".

Source: Ming Pao #Apr9
Stand News Wins Four Awards and “The Best Press Photo Of The Year” in Taiwan Press Photo Contest

Taiwan Press Photo Contest is organised by the Taiwan Press Photographer Association, with 12 competition categories including spot news, general news, sport news, features, people in the news, etc. Among the around 1,600 pictures in the competition, Stand News wins 4 awards. One of the pictures that captured riot police shining strong beams of light at reporters in Wong Tai Sin in Aug 2019 won “The Best Press Photo Of The Year”. The winning pictures are taken by Nasha Chan and Peter Wong. A reporter from Initium Media also won “The Best Series Of Press Photo Of The Year” with pictures taken during the anti-extradition law movement.

Sources: Stand News
Editor’s Note: As Hong Kongers, we wish these pictures can remind us of those walking ahead of us during the movement. May the flame in our hearts never be extinguished.