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Be a Role Model of Perseverance – the Tears and Rewards of Yuen Long Lennon Wall comrades (Part 1)

“Good Evening all Yuen Long Fellows! Here’s the latest update on the Yuen Long Lennon Wall……” At Yuen Long station Exit G of the MTR West Rail line, a tall and muscular youngster stands at a corner of the transit terminus making his speech to anyone who would listen.

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Source: InMedia HK

#LennonWall #YuenLong
#PoliceState #Triad
Police Ends Investigation on Fujian Triad Attack of RTHK Reporter and Arrests No One

On 11 Aug 2019, a RTHK English News reporter was assaulted by a man with baton, who allegedly belonged to the Fujian triad. The reporter was reporting on the attacks targeting pro-democracy protesters by the ‘Fujian triad’ in North Point, when he was beaten and left with bruises in his arm.

The reporter recently received a letter from the police, saying that the investigation was completed and no one was arrested.

When legislator Raymond Chan inquired the incident in the Legislative Council, Christopher Cheung from a pro-Beijing party called BPA, was displeased, criticizing Chan for being "racist" for saying “Fujian triad”.

In his reply, police chief Chris Tang only pointed out that each case is investigated based on evidence, and he would not comment on individual cases.

Source: Apple News; Stand News #Apr9
Police Video-Tape and Demand Female Passenger to Take Dress Off, Victim was Asked to Pay 50-100 thousands for “Pixelation Fee”

In recent years, the Police Force has purchased thousands of body-worn and hand-held cameras for frontline officers to record the law enforcement process. Last year during AntiELAB protests, they were also a “great tool” in collecting evidence.

On #Oct6 last year, the second day after the Anti-mask law was in effect, large scale protests took place in multiple districts. The police started searching bus passengers since the evening to arrest the fugitives. Ms. Chan, who was on her way home, was requested by the police to alight for a search. She stated that a female police officer conducted a full-body search on her without reasonable doubt and evidence. She was demanded to take off her white one-piece dress and be video-taped with only her black underwear on, in front of the public and a group of male officers. On the next day, she filed a complaint to the Complaint Against Police Office, but waited for 6 months for a reply.

According to the news report by RTHK, Ms. Chan applied to retrieve the video involving her personal data by citing the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, but the police rejected her application by saying that the video contained information of others. Chan told the Deputy Inspector that she could accept a “pixelated” version of the video, but was in return demanded to subsidise the Police Force to purchase needed computer softwares. “They said the whole Police Force had no software that could perform pixelating function, and I have to pay for all cost of software purchase.” She questioned why the Police could release pixelated videos on their Facebook page, and the Inspector explained those videos were handled by officers’ personal computers. Later, the police verbally notified Ms. Chan, that the installation of related softwares costed 20-30 thousand dollars, but she also needed to pay for wages of the officers who handled the pixelating procedures, so the total cost would be from 50-100 thousands.

Ms. Chan then demanded the police to list out the items of payment in black and white, and to provide a quotation of the software. However, there had been no response from the police who, a month later, denied Chan’s application claiming that the video involved inspection of criminal activities. “(The Police) rejected my request each time with different reasons, which obviously were not the true ones. They hold me responsible for purchasing software and officers’ working hours. It doesn’t make any sense. They have their salary.”

Source: Apple Daily #Apr10
#PoliceBrutality #SexualHarassment #SexualAssualt #HongKongPolice
#PoliceBrutality #PoliceState
Detainee assaulted at the police station now suffers from depression

At 9 pm, 31 March 2020, Hung encountered a squad of riot police near Prince Edward Station. While the police were dispersing dozens of onlookers towards Lai Chi Kok Road, Hung followed the direction of the crowd. Not long, more riot police all of a sudden showed up and closed in on the crowd Hung was in. “The police were insane. Out of the blue they jumped out of their vehicles, rushed towards us, pushed us around with force. It was chaotic.”


#ArrestedProtester #Depression
#PoliticalRetribution #Strike #CultturalRevolution
Pro-Bejing Lawmaker urges retribution for striking doctors and nurses, CE Carrie Lam Refuses to Say No

//...A reporter pointed out that medical workers are not asking for a waiver of registration fees. Rather, they are asking for a stable and viable medical system in Hong Kong; and also the assurance that they will not be reprimanded for participating in the strikes.

Carrie Lam responded saying that these are issues to be resolved by the Hospital Authority and medical staff, and that the government cannot get involved. Carrie Lam refuses to promise that retribution would not be sought.//

Source: InMedia #Apr8

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#PoliticalRetribution #Strike #CultturalRevolution
Pro-Bejing Lawmaker urges retribution for striking doctors and nurses, CE Carrie Lam Refuses to Say No

Shorter version:

The Finance Committee of the Legislative Council held special meetings for four consecutive days to discuss the "Budget" and the government's fiscal expenditure for the next year. At the meeting on 8 Mar 2020, Regina Ip, a former security chief who now heads the pro-Beijing New People's Party, proposed to settle accounts with the strikers: She advised the Hospital Authority (HA) not to issue specialist qualifications to doctors who had participated in the strike.

The remarks drew the ire of pro democracy legislators, who criticized Ip for using "Cultural Revolution-style denunciation" by advocating retribution and smearing of medical staff. They emphasized that the medical workers’ strike was called to request for a comprehensive border closure so as to avoid a collapse of the medical system.

On the same day, Carrie Lam announced relief measures including the waiver of licence and registration fees for medical workers for three years. A reporter pointed out that medical workers are not asking for a waiver of registration fees. Rather, they are asking for a stable and viable medical system in Hong Kong; and also the assurance that they will not be reprimanded for participating in the strikes. Lam responded saying that these are issues to be resolved by the Hospital Authority and medical staff, and that the government cannot get involved. Carrie Lam refuses to promise that retribution would not be sought.

Source: InMedia #Apr8


Read more about Cultural revolution-style Political Suppression in China:
Namewee, Malaysian singer tells us why the name "Wuhan virus" should be used

Namewee, a popular singer in South East Asia, said in a video that many diseases are named after the place where the outbreak occurred. For example, Ebola is the name of a river in Africa. Other famous examples are Hong Kong feet, German measles, and Japanese encephalitis. This way of naming has been a tradition in the medical world. The purpose is to allow us to commemorate the place where the plague broke out, to reflect, and to draw lessons from history. There is no discrimination at all.

Namewee also emphasized that he respects the Chinese government's calling Wuhan virus as Coronavirus, and people who go to China have to abide by Chinese regulations, the same as one must abide by any other countries' regulations when he is there.

Having said that, Namewee argued that given Malaysia is not ruled by the Beijing government, why should they do things according to what Chinese government stipulates?

#Wuhanvirus #Malaysia #NameOfVirus #Namewee #CoronaVirusOutbreak


Further reading:
Apologize for saying the term “Wuhan Pneumonia”
Renaming German cockroaches as it may be discrimination?

Did you know?

Germany has a agency specializing in handling verbal racism. Its mission is to look into wordings that might contain discrimination in terms of race or sex, and suggest amendments. According to the latest report from this agency, “German cockroaches” should be renamed as “South Pole cockroaches” in order not to offend any Germans, even though there are no cockroaches in South Pole.

Source: German Institute Taipei Facebook
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Darwinism in the Pandemic

//And Europe, including Switzerland, crammed full of elites, is a complete mess under this pandemic.
//Wuhan Pneumonia is a major reshuffle of global intelligence. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea are ranked the top four respectively in terms of community response. The people from those areas did not have any convoluted arguments. They just acted quickly to protect themselves once they encountered the virus.
//Taiwan is not part of the WHO, or in other words, the Triad [organised crime syndicate]. The Taiwanese people, including President Tsai Ing-wen, knew from the beginning that the African Director-General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was a liar.
//It became the world's most learned in the specialisation of tropical diseases. Hong Kong should have been the worst affected after the Handover. However, Hongkongers experienced over 20 years of political resistance. From the protests against Article 23 to the Umbrella Movement to the Anti-ELAB Movement, Hongkongers continually underwent rebirth in the wake of war and trauma, making them highly sensitive to distress.
//In terms of confronting the virus, the quality of awareness and response within the communities of Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan is better than any European country. This is a completely new phenomenon.

Full Translation:

Source: Apple Daily

#Taiwan #Korea #Japan #Epidemic #Italy #WHO #Tedros #SelfHelp #Darwin
Work from home during the Pandemic in South Korea

Robert Kelly is an American political science professor at Pusan National University. His most interesting achievement is not an impressive professor but his interview that went viral which was interrupted by his adorable family on BBC World News in 2017. This video captured hearts all over the world and make many netizens to understand how difficult it is to work from home, especially with young kids. Espacilly now, most employees are working from home due to the COVID-19 outbreak in the community.

Robert Kelly and his family have been interviewed by BBC World News online recently to discuss the daily lives in Busan with kids and the situation of working from home at the moment. Also, Robert pointed out the importance of understanding pandemic could lead to better anti-epidemic measurements.

As they are staying in Busan, South Korea, where the Government has been taken prevention action for the coronavirus outbreak since Janurary. Jung-a Kim, wife of Robert, mentioned that it was hard to stay home with kids for such a long period of time. Luckily, they could bring kids to countryside which is away from crowded and enjoy the natural environment.

As an employee, Robert agreed that working from home is a transformation of way to work and it is a tough time for employees with kids. He works about two hours a day because kids are always grabbing attention from their parents, which make parents cannot focus on their own work. It is getting better that they can bring kids out to use up some of their energy recently, but not at the three weeks time when the Government lockdown some of the cities. It is definitely a challenge for parents who have to work from home.

Besides, the South Korea Government adopts measures to prevent community outbreak which a lot of westerners would see as extreme, such as the Government can track everyone’s movement. Yet, Robert claimed that is a successful policy to control the number of risky carrier of virus, Moreover, South Korean are self-disciplined to keep distance in public rather than get involved in crowded places like American. Therefore, the cases have dropped sharply in South Korea like only hundreds of that recently.

Moreover, Robert agrees with the understanding of pandemic could affect how countries treat coronavirus. He thinks South Korea could respond to COVID-19 shortly because they have experienced MERS and SARS before. Many scenarios that the Government and citizens are expected to be happened again and they are alert with personal hygiene once COVID-19 occurred there. On the other hand, there are some infrastructures and anti-pandemic equipment left over from previous epidemic outbreak which could help in testing or control the infection of COVID-19. As a result, South Korea is able to slow down the rate of infection though there are still rising number of cases.

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Watch

#Korea #WorkFromHome #Coronavirus
#WuhanPneumonia #CoronavirusPandemic
Swedish Former Representative to European Parliament: China Should Apologize to the World for Coronavirus

In an opinion article published by a Swedish newspaper on 19
March, 2020, Gunnar Hökmark, Chairman of Stockholm Free World Forum and Former member of the European parliament, asks the Chinese Communist Party government and its leader to apologize to the world for withholding information of the coronavirus and "using its economic power, systematically threatens democratic countries in order to destabilize and silence criticism".

From China's imprisonment of Swedish citizen Gui Minhai (bookseller in Hong Kong) to Chinese tourists' behaviour, Hökmark wrote that:

"The aggressive Chinese attacks on Sweden for our handling of the Coronavirus should be seen against the fact that the Chinese Communist Party wants to escape all kind of responsibility for the spread of the epidemic. 

Lousy animal husbandry and poor food standards, along with fear of the dictatorship and its culture of silence, are the main reasons why the world is presently wrestling with a terrible global pandemic. Its background lies in the inability of a totalitarian system to take people's perceptions, security and life into account. It is not Sweden or Europe that is the problem in all this. It's China.

And it is China that, using its economic power, systematically threatens democratic countries in order to destabilize and silence criticism.

On Radio Sweden, the Chinese propaganda attack was incomprehensibly described as something very sharp and because of that worth listening to. They neglected that this is how the Communist regime for a long time has acted against Sweden, among other democracies.

We saw the same pattern of denials and false accusations when Iran shot down the Ukrainian passenger plane and when Russian air defense units in Ukraine shot down the airplane MH17."

Source: Expressen, (19-Mar)


Independent Journalist Condemns China’s misinformation and manipulation of data, calling the pandemic a “Jin-ping Coronavirus”

#Sweden #ChinesePropaganda #CCP #SharpPower #Censorship
The Himalayas are visible in India for the first time in 30 years as pollution levels drop during lockdown

As lockdown has seen the return of cleaner waters and air in many countries, the impacts of human activity on the planet are truly grave.

Source: Daily Mail

#GlobalWarming #India #Himalayas #HumanActivities #Pollution

Chinese markets are still selling bats and slaughtering rabbits on blood-soaked floors as Beijing celebrates 'victory' over the coronavirus 

Hong Kong Microbiologist and SARS Expert Yuen Kwok-yung: "Chinese should Learn to be a Global Citizen"
#DailyUpdate #Apr11 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (11/4)

At the time of writing, 1,727,038 cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed in 210 countries and territories. The US, Spain, Italy, Germany, and France continue to be the worst affected countries by this pandemic.

The worldwide death toll of this pandemic has now reached 104,923.

The US now has 506,008 confirmed cases of the virus with most cases in the state of New York.

The United Kingdom's coronavirus death toll rises by 917. It has confirmed 78,991 cases of the virus so far.

India reported its biggest single-day jump in cases, with 1,035 new cases.

Japan also had its biggest single-day leap in cases, with 658 new cases and six more deaths.

The number of coronavirus deaths in Brazil has almost tripled in a week. The country now has 19,789 cases.

Ecuador reported a significant jump of 2,196 new coronavirus cases over the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases to 7,161, residents said health services are mishandling victims' bodies.

German President Steinmeier to give a rare address as death toll jumps by 171.

The Spanish government will distribute roughly 10 million masks to workers returning to their jobs beginning this week when restrictions will be relaxed.

Austria gradually lifts lockdown after Easter, but quarantine in prominent ski resorts has been extended.

South Korea will use electronic bracelets to monitor people who violated quarantine orders.

The Philippines bans medical staff from working abroad.

Harvard president Lawrence Bacow participating in antibody study after recovering from coronavirus.

New York City public schools will remain closed for the rest of the academic year.

Japan prime minister calls on citizens to avoid nightlife entertainment spots.

Uruguay evacuates Australian and New Zealand passengers aboard Greg Mortimer ship.

The US Consulate in Guangzhou is warning African Americans of discrimination.

Africans in China say they have been evicted from their homes as virus fears spark xenophobia.

Two more crew members on US Navy hospital ship test positive.

Burning Man, a famous annual event held in Nevada's Black Rock Desert, has been canceled.

Source: CNN, Worldometer, John Hopkins University

News on April 11 at a Glance
#Apr11 At A Glance

In Taipo, Man Falls From Building at Midnight, Police: No Suspicion

Police Stop Investigating the Fujian Triad and Arrest No One After RTHK Reporter Was Attacked

Police Video-Tape and Demand Female Passenger to Take Dress Off, Victim was Asked to Pay 50-100 thousands for “Pixelation Fee”

Detainee Suffers From Depression and Police Verbal and Physical Abuse

Swedish Former Representative to European Parliament: China Should Apologize to the World for Coronavirus

Pro-Beijing lawmaker Regina Ip Demands Political Retribution to Medical Staff Who Went on Strike to Urge the Authorities to Implement Better Anti-epidemic Measures

Yuen Long Lennon Wall

Work from home during the Pandemic in South Korea

Malaysian singer Namewee tells us why the name "Wuhan virus" should be used

Renaming German cockroaches as it may be discrimination?

Chip Tsao: Darwinism in the Pandemic

The Himalayas are visible in India for the first time in 30 years as pollution levels drop during lockdown

COVID-19 Updates
Civil Disobedience in China?: Guangzhou Citizens Worry About Health and Livelihood In the Shadow of Wuhan Pneumonia

According to Free Radio Asia, online sources claim that Guangzhou citizens living in Haizhu district were discontent after a shopping mall removed a glass wall separating the shopping area and the residences.

In other videos, citizens unfurled banner, allegedly expressing their worries about their health and livelihood during China's currently unclear situation with Wuhan pneumonia.

Source: Internet; Radio Free Asia #Apr12
#CivilDisobedience #Guangzhou

More video
Civil Disobedience in China?:
Online Videos Show Citizens Setting Up Roadblocks in Guangzhou

The video show several lanes of cars being stopped by a roadblock of bicycles in Haizhu district of Guangzhou, China.

These videos capturing different angles of the incident have been circulating on the Internet since the early morning of April 12.

Source: Internet #Apr12
#CivilDisobedience #Guangzhou #Roadblock #Bicycles

Guangzhou Citizens Worry About Health and Livelihood In the Shadow of Wuhan Pneumonia

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