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#CommunityOutbreak #WuhanPneumonia #HongKongPolice
Third Police Officer Infected with Coronavirus; Public Hospitals Under Pressure

A 31-year-old Police Tactical Unit (PTU) officer has been infected with the coronavirus. The male officer is stationed at the Kowloon West Regional Headquarters.

As confirmed cases are rising, the Hospital Authority has warned of the pressure on public hospitals especially on isolation beds in Hong Kong.

According to Ming Pao, there are only around 700 beds for adult patients in low pressure ward. As of March 28, over 70% of these beds have been consumed in Hong Kong's public hospital.

Source: RTHK #Mar29
#RuleofLaw #Court #Seditions #WhiteTerror #StateViolence
Charge of Seditious Intention Has political meaning;
Law Professor: Might trigger a time bomb for the government

Member of Democratic Party and Chairwoman of Central and Western District Council Cheng Lai-king was arrested on Mar 26 by the police under the charge of “Seditious Intention”.

In an interview with Hong Kong's Commercial Radio on March 27, Johannes Man-mun Chan, Chair Professor of Law at the University of Hong Kong, saix that the charge of "sedentious act" is a political persecution, as the interpretation of the ordinance is vague to such an extent that citizens are actually prone to offend the ordinance, whenever they criticize a social issue. If the ordinance is brought to court, it is likely to be adjudicated as a breach of human rights, and would stir up more unrest.

Source: Stand News #Mar27

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#Court #Seditions #WhiteTerror #StateViolence
Charging Civilians for 'Seditious Intention' Carries Political Meaning;
Law Professor: A violation against human right

Previous story: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/19053

Member of Democratic Party and Chairwoman of Central and Western District Council Cheng Lai-king was arrested on Mar 26 by the police under the charge of “Seditious Intention”.

Johannes Man-mun Chan Chair Professor of Law at the University of Hong Kong, pointed out that the "Seditious Intention” mentioned in the 9th and 10th Sections of the “Crimes Ordinance” is controversial, as it is deemed a political persecution.

Chan believes that many clauses in the ordinance such as “to raise discontent or disaffection amongst Her Majesty’s ["the PRC government’s” since the handover] subjects or inhabitants of Hong Kong” and “to promote feelings of ill-will and enmity between different classes of the population of Hong Kong” are open for interpretation. Literally, they do not point to violent behavior or inciting violence. “What does the word 'discontent' mean anyway? Are we offending the ordinance whenever we feel discontent in our everyday life?”

Chan also pointed out the difference between “Sedition Intention” offence and other crimes, as the former is based on "objective intent". While subjective intent refers to the actual state of a person's mind, objective intent argues for a person's intentions regardless of what the person thinks. Therefore, the charge of seditious intent carries a strong political meaning.

Chan further explained that even an emotive speech in a rally could be charged for "seditious intent" when the person has not taken any action. This is a violation of the freedoms granted in Hong Kong's Basic Law.

Normally, a government would avoid making charges based on such a controversial ordinance, but "our government often makes unexpected moves,” said Chan. In the past the legal sector had criticized the Sedition act heavily. Chan believed that the ordinance involved human rights issue and the government should not bring the ordinance into the court to trigger a time bomb.

“The court would probably rule that the charge is a violation of human right, and the prosecution would definitely reach the Court of Final Appeal. No matter how it was handled, it would stir up political disturbances.”

Source: Stand News #Mar27
#Interview #LiYi #LeeYee

83-year-old Li Yi: I don’t have long to live, but I believe Hong Kong young people have wisdom beyond imagination 3/6

▶️ Part Two

How can despair be sustained?

“With the epidemic in mind these days, I started reading The Plague by Albert Camus. The novel touches upon the feeling of despair, and how it is regrettable to feel despair; and ‘that the habit of despair is worse than despair itself’. This is not to say that resistance necessarily leads to the achievement of our goals or the attainment of freedom, but in the process of a struggle, we are free. You are free when you participate in the struggle. I believe that many young people enjoy the freedom and the self-realization in this struggle. This is why pessimism should not mean passivism, you should face your life with active participation. Be free in all kinds of imaginable struggles. For instance, the Anti-Extradition Law movement, it may seem like we have not achieved much, but I actually think that Hong Kong has benefited much from it."

//China was dying and people had to save China. This changed from the original intent to learn about freedom and the rule of law from the West

//The pursuit of equality is natural. Socialism is indeed an ideal.

//the intentions may be good, but if the means to an end is evil, it is still evil.

//the British government did a fine job implementing the rule of law so everyone could do as they wished.

//The Hong Kong British Government did not think they would get the support of Hong Kong citizens. They saw that most Hong Kong people were Chinese...The letter from the Governor of Hong Kong, David Trench, to the United Kingdom said that he never thought they would have the support of the Hong Kong people

//Hong Kong was governed by the British since the 19th century, it accepted Western culture, and preserved a pre-modern environment of tolerance.

//Hong Kong was now in shock and without the protection of British rule; its illusions about China were shattered. It was then that indigenous awareness was once again aroused in people’s consciousness.

Continue reading:

To be continued

Source: Stand News, (25-Feb)

#OneCountryTwoSystems #Freedom #Hongkonger #RuleOfLaw #1967Riot #Socialism #Autocracy #Democracy #CCP
#PoliceState #StateTerrorism
Hong Kong Authorities’ Arrest of Pro-Democracy Politician for “seditious intent” Heightens Concerns of a Renewed Crackdown

Statement from Human Rights Watch (HRW):

//“Arresting a pro-democracy politician for seeking police accountability is political persecution, not legitimate policing,” said Sophie Richardson, HRW's China director. “Hong Kong authorities should immediately drop the case against councilor Cheng Lai-king.”

Following Cheng’s arrest, a Hong Kong police spokesperson said that Cheng had “illegally shared personal information”...The spokesperson said that she may also have violated an October court injunction banning “doxing” of police officers – the disclosure of personal data on the internet – and the Privacy Ordinance.

“Seditious intent” is a crime that has not been invoked since 1952, when the British colonial government used it against the pro-Beijing newspaper Ta Kung Pao.//

Source: Human Rights Watch #Mar27 #HRW #Statement
Interview with Professional Boxer Yuen Yuen - Retaliate if your Opponent Fouls

Day Yuen is a five-time local boxing champion in Hong Kong and has won many international competitions. His most recent win was last December at the Malaysian Penang Trade Fair International Tournament. During the medal ceremony, he proudly held up the hand gesture for "Five Demands, Not One Less", drawing the attention of non-sports journalists.


Error rate of Chinese Rapid test kits for COVID-19 is 80%, Chinese Foreign Ministry blames Czech for improper use

(28 Mar) Recently, the rapid screening of COVID-19 began to be used overseas and the error rate reached 80%.The Czech Republic, Spain and Turkey are all affected by this. The Czech government is currently negotiating cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. However, Geng Shuang, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, disagreed with such news. He claimed on Twitter that the 80% error rate was due to "improper use by Czech staff."

The Czech Republic spent 14 million koruna (approximately USD 570,000) on purchasing Chinese rapid coronavirus test kits this month. On the 18 March, it dispatched military aircrafts to bring back 150,000 rapid test kits from Shenzhen. But after five days of inspection, the health department found that the error rate was as high as 80%. All inspectors are now subject to in-depth investigation.

Source: Itn TW

#CzechRepublic #Spain #Turkey #ChineseTestKit #Coronavirus
Several Countries Report Incorrect Results From China's COVID-19 Test Kits; Beijing: Chinese Test Kits are of Good Quality

Source: Apple Daily; ABS-CBN #Mar28

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Several Countries Report Incorrect Results From China's COVID-19 Test Kits; Beijing: Chinese Test Kits are of Good Quality

The Philippines' health ministry announced on 28 March that the COVID-19 test kits sent by China were only "40 percent accurate" based on standards of the World Health Organization. China has sent 100,000 test kits to the Philippines, calling it an "anti-epidemic diplomacy". Department of Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire of the Philippines said in a press conference on March 28 that the test kits from China would not be used, due to their low accuracy. Other test kits sent by various countries and groups were deemed accurate.

The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines insisted that the test kits supplied by China were up to WHO's standards. The Embassy condemned "those who try to intervene the anti-epidemic measures upheld by China and the Philipines". They also criticized the reports about China's low-quality test kits as "unscientific", "irresponsible" and "untrue".

Spain encountered a similar problem, after buying COVID-19 test kits from a Chinese firm, Shenzhen Bioeasy. The kits are found to be 30% accurate, much lower than the 80% accuracy claimed by the company.

The health authorities in Spain said it would withdraw the kits and return 9,000 kits to the company in China.

Other countries like the Czech Republic and Malaysia have also reported that the test kits they purchased from China provided incorrect test results.

Source: Apple Daily; ABS-CBN #Mar28




Our determination cannot be blown away by wind;
Flame in our hearts will not be extinguished by wind either.
We will always remember those walking ahead of us during the movement,
We, too, are aware of our eroding freedom.

Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution
of Our Times.

We show each other what courage means,
We support each other from different directions.
That mountain where we still haven’t reached the top,
is still waiting for us to walk through it.

We Fight On, In Each of His Own Way.

The protest will not end until all the truths are revealed.
We can never forget,
We can never forgive.

See you in Prince Edward on March 31.

#PrinceEdward831 #HongKongProtests

Zhong Nanshan deduces that China does not have a large number of "asymptomatic carriers"

(29 Mar) Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the high-level expert group of the National Health and Medical Commission, deduces that China does not yet have a large number of "asymptomatic carriers" of the new coronavirus. Mainland media quoted Zhong Nanshan’s speech, saying that the understanding of the situation of "asymptomatic infected persons" in China is currently limited, with neither specific figures nor detailed research. But based on known facts, some deductions can be drawn. For example, in general, the infection rate of people with asymptomatic infection to those who are in close contact with them is high. However, the number of newly diagnosed cases in China has not increased recently, but has been declining. It shows that the number of asymptomatic infected persons" in China is limited.

Source: RTHK

#ZhongNanshan #Coronavirus #China #AsymptomaticCarrier

Announces Zero New Cases in Hubei but Bans Hubei People Going to Beijing
Chinese citizens: Only Idiots believe it

(23 Mar) China reported zero local coronavirus cases for several consecutive days. Not only has it became the subject of official propaganda, it has also been praised by Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of WHO, as “an amazing achievement”. The sudden drop to zero is very suspicious. Even Hu XIjin, editor-in-chief of China’s mouthpiece, Global Times, expressed concern. Hu worries that there are still possibilities for new local cases, and he calls for local governments to avoid concealing cases in order to blame-shift.
Shortly after, an article named “The most unforgettable day”, written by a Hubei reporter, went viral. The article revealed that although the official number of new coronavirus cases in Wuhan was zero, there were still diagnosed patients in many places. The author described his personal experience on the 19 March, where he witnessed a diagnosed patient and his family being passed around like a ball, from hospital to hospital. At the same time, there were rumours that Tongji Hospital in Wuhan had over 100 newly diagnosed cases on the same day, but the District Mayor refused to report the cases. On the 22 March, the Wuhan Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters quickly denied the existence of the newly confirmed cases, although doubts remained.
Continue reading:
Source: Rti.org

#ZeroCase #Hubei #Beijing #ResumeWork #ChinesePropaganda #Bureaucracy #Coronavirus

"Content farms" promoting China's victory over the epidemic "backfires", authorities "fight falsehoods" to prevent Little Pinks from "being misled" and returning to China

(19 Mar) Recently, a string of articles on the "World Pandemic" appeared on the internet. The text in each article was the same except for the country's name. These "content farms" produced reports like "every country is losing control of the epidemic except China. Chinese people overseas should quickly return home and await further information." Our reporter learned from multiple sources that the creators behind these articles were - like Guo Hong - independent news site proprietors from Fuqing, Fujian. On Thursday (Mar 19), a group of people were accused and under investigation for "fabricating information to mislead many Chinese people to return home, endangering epidemic control efforts". Some analysts speculated, to prevent a "backfire", authorities promptly warned that reports on China's victory over the virus were triggering a wave of Chinese expats to return home, leading to a second outbreak. The authorities were making an example of the accused group to "fight falsehoods". (Reported by Huang Shanshan & Wen Haixin)

Fuqing's independent media proprietor Guo Hong admitted that after fabricating the "World Pandemic" web articles, many Little Pinks* from overseas took it at face value and made plans to return to China.

//A sudden influx of Little Pinks would likely cause the situation to deteriorate again.

//many overseas Chinese were brainwashed by the CCP over many years. Even after emigrating, they continued to rely on official government information and independent media from China.

//these self-serving wumao+ foreign propaganda contractors were duly abandoned.

//The CCP's implementation of compulsory quarantine fees for arrivals broke the hearts of the previously patriotic Chinese from overseas.

Full translation

Source: RFA

Further reading:
CCP’s Propaganda Tactics

#GuoHong #ChinesePropaganda #OverseasChinese #LittlePinks
China sees a new wave of xenophobia: Beijing is stoking mistrust of foreigners as part of an attempt to rebuild a reputation tarnished by the coronavirus crisis

//As Chinese health officials reported new “imported” coronavirus cases almost every day, foreigners living in the country have noticed a change.

They have been turned away from restaurants, shops, gyms and hotels, subjected to further screening, yelled at by locals and avoided in public spaces.

Experiences range from socially awkward to xenophobic. An American walking with a group of foreigners in a park in Beijing saw a woman grab her child and run the other way. Others have described being called “foreign trash”. A recent online article, under an image of ship stacked with refuse being pushed away from China’s coast, was headlined: “Beware of a second outbreak started by foreign garbage.”

"There is an effect when state media are reporting this is a foreign virus,” said Jeremiah Jenne, an American historian.

Source: The Guardian #Mar29
#Racism #Xenophobia #China
Is China the most Racist country in the world?

Watch the 20-minute video:

A foreigner talks about his experience of both positive and negative discrimination in China.

- 99% mainland Chinese are racist towards African Black people, whereas White people usually receive positive discrimination.
⁃ 99% imported cases in China are overseas Chinese, but the CCP doesn’t mention this and foreigners living in China are now being seen as the root cause of imported cases, even they have the green QR code and have not left China ever since January.
⁃ Foreigners are now banned from entering bars, KTVs, restaurants, hair salons or even supermarkets etc. Discrimination is everywhere in daily life.
⁃ Although iscrimination does happens everywhere in the world, those are Individual cases and all are condemned by the society and media. Whereas in China, the government, CCP, actually allows, promotes and even give clear instructions to the people to be racist. Such action is praised by the CCP. This is unique in the world.

Further reading:
Mistreatment for Africans in China - The Standard Procedure of Human Rights Suppression
Coronavirus outbreak stokes Asian-phobic bigotry worldwide

#African #Black #White #CCP #Racist #ChinesePropaganda #Coronavirus
#DailyUpdate #Mar30 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (30/3)

At the time of writing, 738,536 cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed worldwide with 35,005 deaths. The US has confirmed more than 140,000 cases of the virus. Italy is now close to the 100,000 mark. Spain now has more cases then China with 85,000 cases.

Mainland China reports 31 new cases -- and almost all of them are imported

Hong Kong has confirmed 41 new cases of the virus putting the number of infected at 682. 34 of the new patients has travel history, 17 of them are students.

New York City is building a field hospital in Central Park.

Germany's Bavaria extends restrictions until the middle of April.

Israel's PM Netanyahu will self-isolate after aide tests positive for Covid-19.

Prince Charles out of isolation and in good health after coronavirus diagnosis.

Trump extends federal social distancing guidelines to April 30.

8,358 health workers in Italy have tested positive for coronavirus, according to the Italian National Institute of Health.

Zaandam and Rotterdam cruise ships cross Panama Canal.

Hungarian parliament to vote on whether Orban can rule by decree.

Boris Johnson's advisor self isolates after showing coronavirus symptoms.

A Spanish princess has become the first royal to die from coronavirus.

Zimbabwe started a three-week lockdown on Monday as part of the government’s efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19, but critics are calling for more action.

In Malaysia, shops selling daily necessities can now only operate for 12 hours a day.

3 men have been jailed for evading mandatory isolation in Hong Kong, with the longest one jailed for 3 months.

The northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh in India has handed out over $80 million to 2.75 million workers

An inmate at the Puente Alto prison in Santiago has become Chile's first prisoner to test positive for coronavirus.

An Indian migrant worker died as he tried to walk 179 miles home during virus lockdown.

EasyJet airline is grounding its entire fleet of planes.

Australia proposes $80 billion economic stimulus plan to safeguard jobs.

14 million South Korean households will receive cash under the government's disaster support fund.

US FDA issues limited emergency use authorization for two drugs usually used to treat malaria.

The Philippines recorded 343 new coronavirus infections on Sunday -- the largest single-day increase in cases since the outbreak began.

Source: CNN, Worldometer
Instagram Classified 831 Incident Video as "False Information" Identified by Independent Third Party Fact Checker (1)

Recently, a 3-minute long video footage was posted on Instagram showing the 831 incident when the STS and riot police stormed into Prince Edward Station, subduing and beating citizens indiscriminately which resulted in numbers of injured citizens. Shortly after, Instagram marked the post as "false information" verified a third-party fact checker. Viewers could not view the video unless they click "See post".

According to Instagram, it was the fact checking company they worked with, Boom Live, who identified the post as "false information". After clicking "See why", a message "FALSE: चीन में संदिग्ध कोविड -19 मरीज़ों पर पुलिस की कार्यवाही दिखाने वाला वीडियो फ़र्ज़ी है" popped up. After translating the message, it is believed that Boom Live thought the police were attacking alleged COVID-19 patients in the video.

Source: Stand News #Mar28 #831PrinceEdward #Censorship

Part 2 ⬇️
Instagram Classified 831 Incident Video as "False Information" Identified by Independent Third Party Fact Checker (2)

Part 1

Through further investigation, it was found that this video has been circulating in India and was said to be a video about Chinese government arresting citizens that might have COVID-19. Because it was thought to be related to COVID-19, the video was marked as false information when it was linked to protests in Hong Kong.

Nathan Law, member of the Demosistō committee, thought that the independent third-party fact checker marked the video as false information based on only a single article. He then quoted an article showing a post on Twitter relating the video to COVID-19, the company then rectified that it was about the protest in Hong Kong, and marked the post as "Fake News". Law also expressed his worry that the protests in Hong Kong might be affected negatively and the truth might be concealed if the CPR starts linking fake information to videos showing the police's false acts.

Source: Stand News #Mar28 #831PrinceEdward #Censorship
#HongKongProtests #CHRF
First Anniversary of Anti-Extradition Law Movement During Coronavirus Outbreak, Jimmy Sham: To play safe, everything is on hold

Last year on March 31, Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) held the first anti-extradition law march where over ten thousand citizens protested in the rain.

The march then sparked more and more protests against the government's plan to implement the existing law to allow extradition to China.

CHRF were originally planning an anniversary event on March 31, but then decided to put everything on pause, just to be on the safe side during the coronavirus outbreak.

According to convener Jimmy Tsz-kit Sham, CHRF members explored options available in the epidemic, but concluded that it is not the safest time to organize anything.

Source: Apple Daily
