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HK government announces more anti-epidemic measures targeting citizens and visitors from abroad, but exempting the epicenter China

According to Hong Kong's Secretary for Food and Health Sophia Chan, the Department of Health is further expanding the testing of Wuhan Pneumonia. High-risk persons returning from overseas are the next targets. However, she stressed that relevant arrangement at the airport is challenging, as the ability to handle additional test procedures in addition to daily routine has to taken into account.

With regards to the mandatory home quarantine arrangements, Chan said that patients in isolation should ensure good ventilation. They should keep no less than 1-meter distance with others and should not share food and drinks with other members of the family. At the same time, they should also maintain good personal hygiene.

Other anti-epidemic measures announced by the Hong Kong government include

• Issuance of red travel alert for various regions around the globe, except China, Macao and Taiwan

• All arrivals from overseas countries after midnight on 19 March, except those from China, Macao and Taiwan, will undergo a mandatory quarantine period of 14 days

• It is unlikely to fully resume school on 20 April, but partial resumption might be possible

• Various bureau of the government have purchased around 2.6 million filter masks

• The disadvantaged and the elderly are prioritized groups for mask distribution

• Considering that Hong Kong citizens returning from abroad may not possess filter masks, masks will be provided to Cathay Pacific for distribution

• Knowing a shortage of children's masks, the correctional services department will dedicate one production line for childern’s masks while all government-funded production is required to produce children's masks.

• Wuhan pneumonia is a prolonged battle, citizens should be prepared psychologically

• The government will dedicate its best effort to protect the Medical System of Hong Kong

Source: RTHK


#Mar17 #ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak
#EditorialColumn #CoronavirusPandemic #SocialDistancing #China
Keep Your Distance, Especially From China

"This catastrophe is indeed an example of the survival of the fittest, but it is not limited to a war between humans’ immune system and the virus, it is also a war between ideologies and information.

Basically, the severely affected areas of the Coronavirus, such as Italy and Spain in Europe, and Japan and South Korea in Asia, are the countries who “believed in” China and the World Health Organisation, and did not make their own judgement regarding the validity of the data provided by China, not to mention their awareness of the benefits of border closure and the potential dangers of the influx of Chinese tourists."

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#EditorialColumn #CoronavirusPandemic #SocialDistancing #China
Keep your distance, especially from China

This catastrophe is indeed an example of the survival of the fittest, but it is not limited to a war between humans’ immune system and the virus, it is also a war between ideologies and information.

Basically, the severely affected areas of the Coronavirus, such as Italy and Spain in Europe, and Japan and South Korea in Asia, are the countries who “believed in” China and the World Health Organisation, and did not make their own judgement regarding the validity of the data provided by China, not to mention their awareness of the benefits of border closure and the potential dangers of the influx of Chinese tourists.

Then it comes to the nominees for the “Darwin Awards” - those who took the “Coronavirus Challenge” upon themselves on TikTok. As a brand, TikTok has its own values and culture. It is apparent that TikTok has a unique enchantment that draws the addicted ones to death like sirens.

Ironically, in the era of China’s rising as a Sharp Power, complete distrust in the Communist Party of China and its news has become a essential tactic for survival, of which was adopted by the government and people of ROC (Taiwan) and citizens of Hong Kong, who earned a moment of peace between the waves of Coronavirus outbreaks despite their geographic closeness to China and a social network closely tied with the country, even closer than those owned by Japan and South Korea.

They adopted universal mask wearing, a tactic mocked and frowned upon by people around the world, and social distancing, a tactic many authorities doubted due to the people's willingness to comply. Unsurprisingly, foreign governments' delayed responses resulted in their untrustworthiness among their people.

Still, some religious groups solemnly believe that their rituals remain unaffected by the Coronavirus pandemic, and thus reject any interference to their practices by the government’s quarantine inspections as they insist on enacting their freedom of religion. One of the super-spreaders in South Korea ignited an irremediable outbreak of the virus within her cult.

Even now, a notorious terrorist organisation halted their penetration and attacks on Europe to avoid infection. It seems that everyone is equal before the virus, regardless of differences in religion and race.

We hope our readers can “suspend” their social and religious routines. You need your life to celebrate what you love and believe. Corpses cannot contribute to your communities.
Why Telling People They Don’t Need Masks Backfired

Zeynep Tufekci,
March 17, 2020

//To help manage the shortage, the authorities sent a message that made them untrustworthy.

...places like Hong Kong and Taiwan that jumped to action early with social distancing and universal mask wearing have the pandemic under much greater control, despite having significant travel from mainland China. Hong Kong health officials credit universal mask wearing as part of the solution and recommend universal mask wearing. In fact, Taiwan responded to the coronavirus by immediately ramping up mask production.

...Research shows that during disasters, people can show strikingly altruistic behavior, but interventions by authorities can backfire if they fuel mistrust or treat the public as an adversary rather than people who will step up if treated with respect. Given that even homemade masks may work better than no masks, wearing them might be something to direct people to do while they stay at home more, as we all should.
We will no doubt face many challenges as the pandemic moves through our societies, and people will need to cooperate. The sooner we create the conditions under which such cooperation can bloom, the better off we all will be.//

Source: New York Times #Mar17
#WuhanPneumonia #Church
Russia's Orthodox Church tells staff to disinfect icons amid virus fears

//Russia's Orthodox Church urged worshippers on Tuesday to refrain from the practice of kissing the cross at the end of services and told staff to regularly disinfect religious icons sometimes kissed by churchgoers, as precautions against coronavirus.

...the Novaya Gazeta newspaper last week reported hundreds of worshippers in St Petersburg were kissing a relic being wiped down with a cloth despite fears over the new virus.//

Source: Reuters #Mar17
#Russia #Holy

Donations or purchases? Two loads arrive from China: an agreed order for purchase of medical material, and an aid agreed by Red Cross

Editorial note: the summary translation is facilitated by Google translate from the original Italian article " Ecco il mistero dei doni cinesi all’Italia" published by Formiche.net

CCP is taking virus as another global propaganda road of One Road One Belt. For countries like Italy that is heavily depending on PRC while blind to CCP's agenda, what they open up is exactly like the medieval era-the Road to deadly plague and disasters.

Summary: The journalist of the specialized leaflet on Asian affairs, Giulia Pompili , describes on Twitter some background of an article of hers that has fueled various controversies on Italian connections with China. In particular, on a political exposition that Rome seems to have granted to Beijing, allowing the use of the coronavirus affair in the Peninsula as a space of soft power, bordering on propaganda in favor of the Chinese Communist Party.

It is agreement between the Italian Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio , and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi . An agreement of a commercial nature, which - according to Pompili explains - concerned "only" products to be purchased, plus the support of Chinese medical personnel who would arrive in Italy. The items donated to the Italian Red Cross are owned by the Red Cross, explains Pompili.

Source: Formiche.net, (13-Mar)

#Propaganda #Coronavirus #Italy #ChinaInfluence
#CensorshipKills #GlobalOutbreak
Hong Kong Experts: Wuhan Coronavirus originated from China is an "outcome of Chinese bad habits"

- Using "Wuhan coronavirus" or "Wuhan pneumonia" in daily communication and media coverage is for the sake of easy understanding

- China has forgotten the hard lesson of SARS epidemic by allowing fresh game meat to become food delicacy in modern cities

- Wuhan's South China seafood wholesale market was the origin of the coronavirus.

- Wuhan pneumonia is an "outcome of Chinese bad habits" which include the "indiscriminate hunt of wild animals, inhuman treatment of animals, and lack of respect for life".

- Should such culture remain, SARS 3.0 would certainly break out.

- World Health Organization was too slow in its decision to declare a pandemic of COVID-19", making many countries unprepared for the outbreak.

- Claims of the origin of the coronavirus in the United States are "unsubstantiated" and "self deceiving".

Source: Stand News #Mar18

Continue reading
#CensorshipKills #GlobalOutbreak
Hong Kong Experts: Wuhan Coronavirus originated from China is an "outcome of Chinese bad habits";
Many Countries Unprepared Due to WHO's Slow Response

The naming of the novel coronavirus has stirred up disputes, as China opposed the insertion of "Wuhan" despite that it is the origin of the virus.

Professor Yuen Kwok-yung, a SARS expert and microbiologist at the University of Hong Kong, and honorary assistant professor, Lung chun-bong contributed an article to Ming Pao on March 18. They wrote that using Wuhan coronavirus or Wuhan pneumonia in daily communication and media coverage is for the sake of mass communication. The name is easier for the public to understand, compared to the formal term adopted in scientific debates or academic discussions.

Yuen and Lung expressed that during the 2013 SARS outbreak, coronavirus was found in civet cat, leading to an outright ban of game meat trading in China; however, 17 years later, the game meat market is flourishing in China. In other words, China seemed to have forgotten the hard lesson of SARS epidemic. Yuen and Lung criticized the behavior allowing fresh game meat to become food delicacy in modern cities as eye-popping.

The article pointed out directly that the South China seafood wholesale market in Wuhan was the origin of the coronavirus. The virus was spread through cross-infection and mutated from its natural host to an intermediate host and to human being, eventually causing human-to-human infection.

The Wuhan Coronavirus was described in the article as an "outcome of Chinese bad habits" which include the "indiscriminate hunt of wild animals, inhuman treatment of animals, and lack of respect for life". The article concluded that should such culture remain, SARS 3.0 would certainly breakout in some ten years later.

In response to China's statement that the virus was originated in the United States, the article criticized such statement as "unsubstantiated", "self-deceiving" and should be stopped to avoid making fool of themselves.

The article also criticized "the World Health Organization for being slow in its decision to declare a pandemic of COVID-19". As a result, many countries are left insufficiently prepared in anti-epidemic measures vulnerable for the disease. For the time being only Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are better guarded for virus attack.

[Editor's note: In the evening of March 18, Mingpao said Yuen and Lung withdrew their article from the newspaper and that Yuen said that scientists should not get involved with politics. See Stand News Report.]

Sources: Ming Pao; Stand News
#Mar18 #WuhanPneumonia #WHO #China #CoronavirusPandemic #GameMeatDelicacy
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Taiwan’s three keys to success
Taiwan’s epidemic and hygiene prevention awareness today comes from:
1. The original intention of the colony
2. During a hundred years time dealing with the political party from “the opposite bank”, they have multiple experiences of being fooled
3. Not being involved in WHO the priate ship, and hence no need to take WHO’s lies
As a result, Taiwan’s prevention measures against Wuhan Pneumonia are unique. Of course, a part of it was luck: If the Chinese Nationalist Party was previously elected, the number of Wuhan Pneumonia confirmed cases would be 10 times the number today. Actually, it couldn’t really be considered as luck, it’s the vision and common sense of Taiwanese voters: They treasure lives more than money.

Excerpt: Apple Daily, (14-Mar)

#Taiwanese #Coronavirus #WHO
China Accuses US of the Source of Wuhan Pneumonia

//China's Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian, in tweets last week in both Mandarin and English, suggested that "patient zero" in the global pandemic may have come from the United States – not the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan.

"It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation," tweeted Zhao, who is known for his provocative statements on social media.

Scientists suspect that the virus first came to humans at a meat market in Wuhan that butchered exotic animals.

Top Chinese official Yang Jiechi issued a "stern warning to the United States that any scheme to smear China will be doomed to fail", the official Xinhua news agency said in its summary of the call with Pompeo.//

Source: RTHK; Stand News #Mar17
Confrontations between China and US undercuts HK’s press freedom

On Tuesday (March 17), Chinese government announced it would expel foreign correspondents of 5 US-based news outlets, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Time magazine and VOICE of America, from covering news in China, including Hong Kong and Macau. Members of the Legislative Council of the information technology sector, Mr Mok Ngai-kwong, said he would raise an urgent inquiry in Legislative Council Meeting today.

Mok pointed out that US media played a key role in reporting events related to anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong last year, exposing police brutalities to the world. He believed that the political confrontation between the Chinese and US Governments has spilt adversely on Hong Kong, severely undermining its freedom of speech and the freedom of press.

Source : Inmedia HK #Mar18 #PressFreedom
#RTHK #PoliceState #FreedomofSpeech
Another Discriminative Treatment by Hong Kong Government: Over 34,200 Compliments for RTHK Cannot 'offset' 6,500 Complaints Backed by the Police

//The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Edward Yau on Tuesday waded into the controversy over a satirical programme aired by RTHK, saying appreciation for a particular programme cannot "offset" the complaints made against it.

The Headliner programme had been targeted by the police department and Commissioner Chris Tang had openly criticised it, saying it is smearing the force and misleading the public.

In a letter released last week, broadcasting director Leung Ka-wing defended the show, pointing out it is not a news programme and is satire.

Leung also said in a letter to staff that the programme had received some 6,500 complaints between February 1 and March 8, while more than 34,200 people complimented it.

But Yau said the complaints will be investigated by the Communications Authority despite the appreciation the show is also getting.

He said while RTHK enjoys editorial independence, its work is bound by its charter. He said the station's Board of Advisers can give views relating to editorial principles, standards and quality of programmes.//

Source: RTHK #Mar17