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Zhong Nanshan was Freudian slip to tell that there were a few SARS cases in past 17 years. According to the CDC in the US, there has been no more new case since 2004 — how many SARS cases did CCP conceal?

Image (CCTV interview):
CCTV Reporter: Will it be possible that the new coronavirus is like flu to exist in the long term?
Zhong Nanshan: In the past 17 years, some cases of SARS were found, but it didn’t widespread. Will COVID-19 exist in long term but just not break out? May be. The Control of outbreak is critical. I don’t think it will be like flu. Flu happens every year. This possibility is quite low.

Source: Facebook

#ZhongNanshan #SARS #CCP
#WhiteTerror #Censorship #FreeSpeech
Vice-principal suspended over a poem shared on social media

Although police officers hurl insults at civilians, calling them cockroaches, in daily life and on social media, so far no police officer has to face disciplinary inquiry or legal sanction, let alone suspension.

On the contrary, some civilians having taunted the police lost their jobs or reported by pro-China camp after their identities were exposed.

Recently, a police officer in a facebook post criticized the acting vice-principal, surnamed Ho, of Confucious Hall Secondary School for sharing a poem with a hidden message wishing the police dead.

Without further investigation, the school has suspended Ho.

The Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union quoted a source explaining that the poem was mistakenly shared by the vice-principle without realizing the acrostic element in it. The post has already been deleted to avoid further misunderstanding immediately.

Source: Apple Daily #Feb24 #StateTerrorism
#Article23 #StateTerrorism #OneCountryTwoSystems
Pro-Beijing Lawmaker Backs Anti-Subversion Law For Beijing to Tighten Control over Hong Kong

Pro-Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho Kwan-yiu recently made multiple open speeches and publications, and said that with a clear advantage created by the 43 votes held by the Pro-Beijing camp, the government should give the bill of the Basic Law Article 23 the Third Reading at the LEGCO by May. “If it’s not now, then when? Are we going to keep it a stalemate for 10000 years?”

Ho believed that the legislation of Article 23 could help Hong Kong “triumph over the Coronavirus epidemic, and resolve social crises”. After his repeated public appeals, a group has started up a “23 Alliance” page at Facebook, inviting citizens to support the legislation of the Article. A one- month petition targeting for 200 signatures was initiated on 22rd Feb, with the hope to “usher in the public”, including the Chinese residing in the mainland, Taiwan and overseas. Those who wish to sign only to provide their names, the first 3 letters/ digits of their ID, their residing area and preferences on the confidentiality of their phone numbers, but there was no information verifying mechanism of the signing system.

Ho Kwan-yiu said yesterday, that within 20 days the first signing server has reached its maximum of 100 thousands. Some users pointed out that the registration form could not be opened with a USA server, so the second petition form was set up with a local server. Until this morning more than 124 thousands signed the petition. Ho stressed that each person can only register once, “There must be self- discipline. Duplicate registration is inevitable...”

On the other hand, several Pro- Beijing figures who were active social networking site users, including Lau Cha- kei, the “Bold Sergeant”, and Yeung Kwun- wah, owner of Wa Kee Restaurant, called for a “Nation- wise Petition” on Weibo. Lau asked that “ everyone should sign in support of the legislation of the Article 23, and join our forces to maintain territorial integrity.” A mainland Chinede user “Mr.Leung” made a post:”My fellow countrymen, something big is going to happen in Hong Kong. The legislation of the Article 23 is on the way.”

The Article 23 of the Basic Law stayed that The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organisations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organisations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organisations or bodies.

Source: Stand News #Feb24

[State Censorship in Wuhan 1/2]
Fewer Confirmed People: Wuhan Pneumonia Epidemic Outbreaks
Wuhan doctors: draconian reporting criteria, they said we report too many cases

Editorial note: this is an excerpt of various PRC media sources showing how Wuhan Public Health Commission tightening up the criteria for upward escalation of Wuhan pneumonia and how the changed requirements affect the numbers of new confirmed cases. Authorities can continue to play around their own ‘clinical definitions’ to manipulate whether and how many new confirmed cases to fit political purpose.

Summary: In a news report titled as “Changes in Clinical Diagnosis Standards of the New Coronavirus: draconian initial diagnosis standards. Doctors are criticised by leadership of local hospitals for reporting too many cases.” published by PRC media Bin Dian Weekly, many doctors pointed out that patients need to fulfil 4 “clinical performances” simultaneously additional to at least one of the 4 epidemiological history requirements after many different tests before they can be included as cases. There are patients who can’t meet the criteria even their lungs are entirely whitened up by infiltrates.

The later hospitalised patients have been allowed for walking anywhere outside for more than a week. Those doctors who disregarded these draconian criteria by reporting the cases were harshly criticised by the local leadership teams of their own hospitals for ‘reporting too many cases’. Subsequent tests revealed that 60% of the (suspicious) cases being reported had been confirmed as coronavirus infections.

Continue reading:

Source: CNews (26-Feb)

#Coronavirus #StateCensorship #Wuhan

[State Censorship in Wuhan 2/2]
Wuhan doctor: patients are forced out from hospitals to speed up turnaround of beds: doctors who spread news have their posts being deleted by state censorship

Editorial note: HKCnews manages to capture the full content of the doctor’s post before it was deleted under state censorship of CCP. This is the translation of the full content of the censored article. The message is clear-CCP is on the dangerous path of the new Great Leap “Forward” road where party ideology and political correctness prevail integrity of medical diagnosis. In order to meet and self-fulfil CCP’s urge to show ‘significant’ achievement of combating the virus, hospitals and doctors are pressured to falsify patients’ pathological records.

Summary: Dīngxiāng yuán (http://www.dxy.cn/bbs/index.html) is an online forum for medical and nursing staff in PRC. Some time ago, a front line doctor from Wuhan posted a message titled with “I am at the frontline of combating the virus”, and pointed out that hospitals there falsified patients’ actual conditions in order to improve the discharge rates. Even though in cases where the medical imaging results showed no improvement in the patients’ lungs, doctors were pressured to conclude having ‘explicit improvement’ in the discharge reports. The post also mentioned that some hospitalised patients were discharged even they were still relying on oxygen to breath and struggling to walk moments ago. Patients were forced out of the hospitals in order to meet certain documented criteria for discharge of patients. The doctor’s post has been deleted under state censorship of CCP.

Continue reading:

Source: HKCNews

Further reading:
Revised reporting criteria for COVID-19 cases leads to some questions from scientists
#Wuhan #Coronavirus #StateCensorship #DischargeRate
#FirstHand #Petition
Students and District Councilor Set Up Counter to Petition for Stronger Epidemic-fighting Measures

1430 | Mong Kok
The Student Front Union and Mong Kok District Councillor Ben Lam Siu-pan set up a street counter to campaign for the epidemic-fighting five demands. They explained the influence of the Coronavirus on students to surrounding crowds, and criticized Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor’s ineffective policies in fighting the epidemic, and the dangers she posed on the health of the Hong Kong public. They made a stern stand, stating that only with the complete closure of borders with China can the government stop the spread of the Coronavirus from China, its source, and reduce pressure on medical staff.

#Feb29 #ChinesePneumonia #HealthCrisis #FailedState

Communist Party of China published book on reflecting successful results of anti-epidemic stage

(27 Feb) The epidemic of the new coronavirus is still not under control, CCP departments including the Publicity Department have jointly published a book entitled “China Combating COVID-19 in 2020 - A Battle Against Epidemic”. The content is mainly about how President Xi Jinping, as the leader of China, fought against the epidemic with excellent leadership. It introduces under the leadership of President Xi, the core of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, the Chinese accomplished remarkable progress in this battle of epidemic prevention and control, and highlights the the remarkable advantages of Chinese systems as they have put huge effort to maintain global and regional public health and safety.

The book will be available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic.

Image: Internet
Source: I Cable (27-Feb)

#Xi #CCP #ChinesePropaganda



721 鄉黑未清算
831 CCTV消失,黑警OT錢照收,人照殺





香港人, 受夠啦!


大家唔想Game Over嘅,

我唔止要3萬thx! 我要血債血償!


Confession of 831 Survivior

Since being awakened by the 7.21 Incident, police brutality has always been vivid in our minds. And because of the narrow escape on Aug 31, my will to resist has become even stronger.

Everyone, it has been half a year. What have you been doing?

Crimes of Yuen Long 7.21 gangsters have never been free with apparent impunity.
CCTV footage of 8.31 Attack disappeared. Dirty cops’ overtime payments increases as their killing goes

Every time I walk pass Prince Edward station, what happened that night played back in my mind...
Unarmed innocent citizens got beaten up by dirty cops
Looking at those struggling on the ground? Those who had already passed out? [The police] just kept beating!
The floor was flooded with blood, and stairs were packed with arrested civilians...

HongKongers, have you awakened?

Whether it is the Human Rights and Democracy Act, or international sanctions, has the Hong Kong government taken anything of them serious?
The valiant frontier needs rest? They have been resting since last November! And they still haven't got enough rest?

Dirty cops could shirk responsibility for 721. How about 831? They can’t get away with their wrongdoings!

Tonight, other than the “never forget” you have been talking, I want you to prove with action that: We HongKongers have had enough!

I understand that disbanding the police can’t be achieved within a day. But the longer we hesitated, the more tactics they can prepare against us!

If you don’t want to come to a “Game Over”, I’ll see you all tonight at Prince Edward!

I want more than “30 thousands, thx!”. I want every blood debt to paid back in blood!

#831Incident #Protests #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #Feb29
#FirstHand #Feb29
Unions Established to Fight Against Pro-government Influences

1730 | Sha Tin

In the upcoming Legco elections, Hongkongers not only wished to win the geographical constituencies, but also the functional constituencies, in hopes of increasing their influence on the government. Thus dozens of unions from various industries had formed as an opposition to existing pro-Government unions, as well as providing legal basis for future strikes, while hoping to aid Hongkongers-in-need in their belonging industries.

The founding of the Hong Kong Hotel Employees Union (HKHEU) seeks to unite all workers of the hotel industry to defend their rights and benefits, voice out against injustice encountered in the workplace, while also acting as a companion in these times of strife and epidemic.
Sha Tin Residents Remain Vigilant and Valorous Despite Recent Epidemic

1800 | #Shatin
Since the day police brutality was witnessed in Shatin New Town Plaza, Sha Tin citizens have never backed down in their participations in the protests.

Lennon Walls can be found everywhere in Shatin, from information pertaining to the COVID-19 outbreak, to criticisms of the incapable government and the police. Sha Tin residents have stood in solidarity with the rest of the Hong Kongers, and their hearts still burn with a fiery passion.

Hong Kongers, hang on!

#Feb29 #Resilience #Vigilance #Valour