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China's remote teaching platforms impose monitoring of students

The Wuhan pneumonia continues raging in China. Many schools in China have adopted "online classes" to allow students to continue attending classes on their computers despite the suspension period. However, one piece of software was found to force activation of the computer's microphone, camera and screen capture as a way to monitor students.

Presently, there are three remote teaching platforms commonly used in schools in China: DingTalk, Kehou and Infinite Treasure (of which the last two are developed by Zhejiang Wanpeng Education Technology).
Upon installation, Infinite Treasure gives teachers direct access to monitor students' screens, microphone, camera and even programs running in the background. Kehou has similar functions intended to ensure that students will not be distracted in class. Some students have found that these platforms continue their monitoring functions outside of class, however. Smartphone app versions of the platforms require location access and permission to edit images and other files on the device.

There was even a previous incident which involved a teacher exposing a student secretly watching adult films in class. In response to the privacy issues, Infinite Treasure indicated that it is improving the situation and will provide students with options in the future.

Source: Unwire HK

#Surveillance #BigBrotherChina

Huawei is a key player in Beijing’s anti-Muslim, Big Brother horrors

//China detains more than 1 million Muslims in sprawling concrete prisons in its Xinjiang region.

//“Fake news,” insists China. But when leaked documents quote President Xi Jinping calling for these minorities to be shown “absolutely no mercy,” and when survivors risk their own safety to show us torture scars and ripped fingernails, I know whom I believe.

//“Huawei works directly with the Chinese Government’s Public Security Bureau in Xinjiang on a range of projects.”

//“Together with the Public Security Bureau,” one 2018 release read, “Huawei will unlock a new era of smart policing and help build a safer, smarter society.”

//“Smarter security” is a euphemism for invasive data profiling...The regime tries to justify this blatant profiling as necessary to “re-educate” potential terrorists.

//Huawei is almost an ­extension of the Communist Party. The Communist regime, including its military and intelligence wings, subsidizes the firm to the tune of $75 billion.

//It is inconceivable that Huawei doesn’t know about the camps... Huawei is the technological “partner” to these crimes.

//Huawei’s UK board is riddled with former UK cabinet ministers and intelligence bosses, parliamentarians, retired ­establishment figures

//the argument against Huawei isn’t just about data security. It’s about human rights... It’s a grotesque betrayal of our closest ally — and of one of the world’s most vulnerable religious minorities.

Full Article: New York Post

#Xinjiang #5G #Huawei #Surveillance #NationalSecurity #HumanRights
#PoliticalRetribution #Strike
Hong Kong Authorities Allegedly Inflict Political Retaliation on Medical Staff Who Demand Complete Border Closure and Adequate Supply of Protective Equipment

This is a letter issued by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority to staff who were absent during the strike demanding complete border closure and the containment of the coronavirus during epidemic outbreak.

#HA #HAEA #Feb26
Pro-Beijing Councilor Got Paid to Sleep and Tried Hard "Not to Interfere the Meetings"

When the Financial Budget 2020/2021 was read in Hong Kong's Legislative Council on February 26, Pro-Beijing lawmaker Wong Ting-kwong kept his usual posture, which he once referred as "human nature", and "the meeting won't be interfered whether he sleeps or not."

Wong has a seat in the functional constituency that is not generated by direct election. He represents import and export industry and belongs to the pro-Beijing party, DAB. He has been elected uncontestedly since 2004.

The monthly pay for lawmakers in Hong Kong is around HKD100,000.

Source: Stand News #Feb26
#LegCo #Lawmaker
Hong Kong Police Force Expenditure Exceeds Over HKD23.5 Billion, Budget to Increase by 25%
Pro-Beijing Camp: Government Responds to its People

Disclosed in the financial budget released on Feb 26, the overtime salary of the Hong Kong Police Force in 2019/2020 has been HKD2.5 billion, which is 10 folds of the initial estimated amount of 0.26 billion. In other words, each officer was to receive HKD72,000 as an additional salary.

Compared to this, each Hong Kong permanent citizen will receive HKD10,000 as an aid for the corobavirus outbreak. The pro-Beijing camp claimed this as evidence of the government "responding to its people".

While the Hospital Authority will be given HKD600 miilion to hire new staff and implement new measures, the government funding allocated to the Police Force will increase by 25%, amounting to a sum of HKD25 billion. More that 2,500 posts will be created within the force to "strengthen operational capability".

Source: Stand News; RTHK
Carrie Lam: No need to provide civil servants with facemasks, just like "you wear your own clothes to work"

According to sources from Now News, Chief Executive Carrie Lam suggested in an internal meeting that civil servants will need to resume work despite the epidemic outbreak. When the Secretary for Civil Servants Affairs Joshua Law Chi-kong expressed concerns over the provision of facemask supply amidst shortage, Carrie Lam disagreed and said that civil servants should proscure their own facemasks- she referred the situation to that "you wear your own clothes to work", meaning that facemasks should not be provided by the government.

Source: Now News #Feb26

CE and Government's Worst Approval Rates Ever since 1992 and 1997
Learning to be a police from movies? Wait... but aren’t those movie stars famous for playing... triad heads?

China, Global Oil Markets and Coronavirus Outbreak

The coronavirus had a severe impact on the travel industry, air travel and the oil, gas and copper markets, as the outbreak continues spreading, its effect is bound to increase.

According to Reuters, a source from the oil industry revealed that the sales of jet fuel in China has dropped by a quarter in the last week of January.

Meanwhile, the slowdown in China’s industrial activity and the shutdown of factories is also causing the worst shock to oil demand since the financial crisis of 2008-2009, according to Goldman Sachs.

Chinese refiners—from Asia's biggest refiner, Sinopec, to the independent refiners in Shandong—are cutting refinery runs, while commodity trading houses and oil majors are scrambling to find spot buyers for crude oil outside China.

Natural Gas Intel reported thst U.S. LNG plants might be forced to shut down if the price trend continues as it would make their product harder to sell in its top markets: Europe and Asia, mainly China; however, China, for its part, is still enforcing 25-percent tariffs on U.S. LNG imports.

On Feb 6, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), the country’s largest importer of liquefied natural gas (LNG), has declared force majeure, meaning it won’t take delivery of some LNG cargoes.

According to Fortune, China is even attempting to sell millions of barrels of West African crude it had already purchased. By Monday, copper had seen a 12% drop in price.

Economists in Beijing think Q1 growth rates could drop a percentage point or more. International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Kristalina Georgieva said in a statement after the G20 meeting on Feb 24: "The COVID-19 virus -- a global health emergency -- has disrupted economic activity in China and could put the recovery at risk."

Source: Reuters; Bloomberg; AFP; Fortune; oilprice.com

#Economy #WuhanPneumonia
#PanicBuy #Shortage
Coronavirus Outbreak in China Triggers a Mad Rush for Face-masks Worldwide

As the coronavirus pandemic ensues in China, citizens, merchants and government officials alike are on a mad rush for face-masks. As of Feb 20, 2020, China has imported 50 million yuan worth of medical supplies, including 1.37 billion facemasks and more than 15 million protective suits.

The countrywide scramble for facemasks has caused a widespread shortage of facemasks not only in China, but also in many parts of the globe. In fact, the demand for these medical supplies has become so enormous that it has sucked up virtually every single facemask any country can offer.

According to Milano Today, the panic rush for surgical facemasks have spread to Italy. Locals have joined in the frenzy, and a rapid depletion of the local surgical facemask supply ensued in Italy. Citizens in Italy are vying for every mask that they could get their hands on.

A pharmacy depleted its stock of facemasks within a few hours. The owners claim that they have attempted to contact the facemask suppliers for more stock. Unfortunately, most suppliers have run out of stock and all they could do was to wait for a restock.

Some pharmacies do have boxes of 100 masks for sale. However, these are usually scalpers charging the poor locals $100Euros for 100 facemasks.

A supplier that specialises in surgical facemasks, Dpi di Roma, stated that they have sold 10 years worth of facemask stock in a matter of 10 days. Yet, they are still unable to meet the overwhelming demand for facemasks, with new orders for millions of facemasks being placed every single day.

Another Italian manufacturer for personal protective equipment, Cormano, stated that the total demand for facemasks in Italy in the past few years is only around 15-20 million per year. However, in the past few days, they have received orders for 10 million facemasks, equivalent to roughly 50% of the yearly Italian demand for facemasks in just days.

In order to cope with the inflated demand for facemasks, the company has sent its 40 workers in Italy and 20 workers in Spain to work in three shifts round the clock in order to boost the productivity of its factories.

Source: Apple Daily TW #Feb23

#Italy #MaskShortage
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals to Plunge 99% in February during Coronavirus Outbreak

Bloomberg, 14 February 2020

//Preliminary visitor arrivals data for February show average daily traffic to the city plummeted to fewer than 3,000 people, according to the Hong Kong Tourism Board. That’s an almost 99% decline from just shy of 200,000 a day during the same period last year.//

Editor's note: Contrary to the authorities' comdemnation of the pro-democracy movement for causing negative impacts to the city's economy, the impact caused by the coronavirus outbreak, which many believed to have been worsened by the authorities mishandling of the situation, seems to be much higher, considering visitor arrivals.

Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-14/hong-kong-arrivals-set-to-plunge-99-in-february-on-virus-chart

It was, unfortunately, to watch TVB for 5 minutes. The content was about the good deeds of Wuhan pneumonia. It was not surprising to tie in with the rhythm of CCP, but the melodrama part was difficult to understand. One part it mentioned a Hongkonger in Wuhan was infected Wuhan pneumonia, but there was no hospital bed. However, later some people concerned has involved in this matter and addressed that the patient was a Hongkonger and so a hospital bed must be allocated. This Hongkonger appreciated that. If it was real, given that he didn’t follow the procedure and received special treatment relying on guanxi or rank, was it really a touching good deed? Is that no one feels strange to propagandize this?

Image: Tao Comic
Source: Facebook

#BoycottTVB #ChinesePropaganda #CoronavirusOutbreak #TVB
#DailyUpdate #Feb26 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (26/2):

The total number of infected is now standing at 82179 where the number of deaths is now at 2770. 78073 confirmed cases and 2715 deaths are from mainland China.

1261 cases have been confirmed in South Korea. The country now has the second most confirmed cases outside China. An American soldier stationed in South Korea was confirmed infected.

Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe requested to cancel, postpone or reduce any nationwide sports and cultural events for the upcoming two weeks.

The United States expected the COVID-19 epidemic would cause community outbreak inside the country, American citizens were suggested to be prepared.

WHO praised the anti-epidemic work done by China; and saying it is too early to call COVID-19 a pandemic

In China, Weihai in Shandong Province and Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin announced quarantine arrangements for entrants from Japan and Korea.

Another death case was reported in France, which is the second in the country. A total of 4 cases were confirmed in France.

374 cases were confirmed in Italy, 51 new cases were confirmed today, being the most number of cases in Europe.

The epidemic is spreading towards Europe. Switzerland, Austria and Croatia have cases of novel coronavirus confirmed.

The United States begins clinical research on using remdesivir to treat COVID-19 patients.

According to dissection examination and pathology researches done by Chinese experts. The clinical treatment needs to focus on removing slime in patient's lungs.

Source: Now news, RTHK, Nikkei Asian Review, People’s Daily, The Beijing News, World Meter
#EditorialColumn #RedCapital #WHO
Who is Uninformed and Uneducated About China and its Virus?

Just as Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong tried to curb panic buying induced by what he claimed to be “rumours” through legislation, this could not help but remind the world of the PRC's recent expulsion of three Wall Street Journal reporters and the plummet of stock markets worldwide--the much dreaded consequences of the Wuhan pneumonia are proven real.

In this regard, the statement released by WHO that the coronavirus was not a “world health emergency” is refuted by not only the unprepared outbreak in South Korea, but also WHO's belated announcement of COVID-19 as a global epidemic.

Yet, WHO's praise of China’s response to the coronavirus remains a 'novel' perspective to the international community. After all, were the people in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and even Italy, whose behaviours have displayed distrust of the WHO and the Chinese authorities, the uninformed and uneducated ones? Or have Singapore's prime minister and the Wall Street prodigies missed out something important in the bigger picture? Or shall we turn around and ask: What role does China play in backing, sourcing and disseminating WHO-related information in the post-Margaret-Chan* era?

* Preceding Tedros Adhanom, Margaret Chan, a Hong Kong physician, was Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) delegating the People's Republic of China for 2006–2017.

Image: Washington Post
#Feb27 #ChinesePneumonia
#EditorialColumn #Feb27 #WHO
Who is Uninformed and Uneducated About China and its Virus?

...After all, were the people in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and even Italy, whose behaviours have displayed distrust of the WHO and the Chinese authorities, the uninformed and uneducated ones?

Or have Singapore's prime minister and the Wall Street prodigies missed out something important in the bigger picture?

Or shall we turn around and ask: What role does China play in backing, sourcing and disseminating WHO-related information in the post-Margaret-Chan* era?

Read full article:

Image: Washington Post
#ChinesePneumonia #RedCapital
HK Financial Secretary Paul Chan Contradicts His Previous Statement: Cash handouts would result in budget deficit

Financial Secretary Paul Chan stated on 8 January that distributing cash handouts would result in a several hundred billion budget deficit, and questioned whether citizens would agree with such an action. Today, however, Chan stated in his 2020 - 21 budget that all citizens over the age of eighteen would be applicable for a cash handout. When asked about his sudden change in stance, Chan responded that the circumstances faced by Hong Kong society had become exceptionally extraordinary. He stated that the policy was to revitalize Hong Kong's stagnating economy.

Editor Note: The Hong Kong government has distributed cash handouts to citizens before. The first time was in 2011, when the government distributed $6000 to all citizens aged above 18. Last year, the government distributed $4000 to citizens via the Caring and Sharing Scheme. However, the second cash handout did not include all citizens. Furthermore, the arrangements for application were chaotic and required applicants to get through layers of red tape before they were deemed eligible for receiving the $4000. This not only added unnecessary financial burden for administration, but it also lengthened the application process to more than a year. This miscalculation and mismanagement angered many citizens.

Source: RTHK (Source 1; Source 2); The 2020-21 Budget #Feb26

Hong Kong Police Force Expenditure Exceeds Over HKD23.5 Billion, Funding to Increase by 25%


Hong Kong government schemes to create "favourable atmosphere" for the Pro-establishment camp amidst anti-epidemic work

(22 Feb) While the city continues its hard work against the Wuhan pneumonia, a report surfaced showing Chief Executive Carrie Lam's persistent use of the epidemic for political advantage. Apple Daily claims to have obtained a copy. Intended for the Central Government, Lam's report described her lack of institutional support and being "attacked on all fronts". However, she also acknowledged that it was "a rare opportunity to reverse the situation". She expressed hopes for "effectively handling the epidemic" to create a "favourable atmosphere" for the pro-establishment camp leading up to the Legislative Council election in Sept.

The report mentioned that if the government could “effectively handle the epidemic”, it could gain public approval and support. Two recommendations were made to that end with the expectation of assistance from the Central Government. The latter was to permit the supply of masks as well as machinery and raw materials to local mask manufacturers. The second recommendation was to allow Hong Kong negotiations with Hubei and Wuhan to send stranded Hongkongers home.

The report argued that if the above problems could be solved, Hongkongers would feel "the kindness of the Central Government towards" them and that it was an "opportunity to reverse the situation with the Legislative Council election."

Additionally, Luo Huining - Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong - met with representatives of local pro-establishment organizations, including the CPPCC for the first time since taking office in early January. Allegedly, Luo called for the pro-establishment camp to support Lam and the government in fighting the epidemic. He evaluated the rigour necessary for the Legislative Council election, calling for unity within the pro-establishment camp. He said that it was impossible for the "opposition" to obtain more than half of the seats in the Legislative Council and seize the right to govern.

Source: Stand News # Feb22
#Newspaper [Recap 1/2]

Carrie Lam apologizes for pro-establishment camp’s crushing defeat; no denial of appointments for ousted pro-establishment councilors

(10 Dec) The pro-establishment camp suffered a disastrous defeat in the District Council elections. According to Sing Tao Daily News today, Chief Executive Carrie Lam met defeated councilors from the [pro-establishment] Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (HKFTU). She apologized and promised to appoint them in government organizations like the Commission on Poverty and the Fight Crime Committee. This morning before attending a meeting with the Executive Council, Lam did not deny these rumors upon media inquiry. She stated that the pro-establishment camp’s defeat was directly attributed to the government, thus her apology, which she considered necessary. She also said that the government would continue to cooperate with these political parties.

Continue reading:

Source: HKCNews

#DistrictCouncilElections #CarrieLam
#Newspaper [Recap 2/2]

Carrie Lam to offer jobs to District Councilors who lost: Top three job with the best pay highlighted

Editor’s note: Carrie Lam said she would not treat people as strangers just because they have lost their status locally.

(11 Dec) The Pro-Beijing camp was hit hard in the District Council Elections, and a large number of district councilors failed to be re-elected. Chief Executive Carrie Lam met with losers from Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (HKFTU) on Dec 9. Besides an apology in person, she said she had the intention to offer official positions to the losers in order to extend their influences in the districts.

HK01 has checked such public data and information and it is found that the losers have been appointed in 112 committees for official positions, and many of these positions have good remuneration. Some of them request members to attend meetings once to twice a month only, and the average monthly income reaches around HKD 20,000. The yearly package of another official position offers around HKD 600,000. The average monthly salary reaches HKD 5,000. If a person can be appointed for both positions at the same time, the combined monthly income is almost equal to a full-time paid job with a median monthly income in Hong Kong.

Continue reading:

Source: HK01

#DistrictCouncilElection #CarrieLam #Losers