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【明晚2月29日8點 毋忘831太子半週年 聽晚一定要見呀大家!!】

Never Forget, Never Forgive

即使互不相識,手足聲援之, 從未因為任何事情而冷卻。 無論喺街定戰場,大家嘅心都係熱切的、勇往的,亦會繼續喺抗疫期間鍛鍊好自己,為未來長遠嘅抗爭準備好。


— 「我不害怕暴政

煲底見 —

#香港人 #光復香港時代革命 #文宣馬拉松 #保持憤怒 #保持熱度 #抗爭到底 #感動 #兄弟爬山各自努力 #neverforgetneverforgive


A Promise: Never Forget, Never Forgive

[Tomorrow, Feb 29, marks the sixth month of the 8.31 Incident, when riot police stormed into Prince Edward Station and attacked citizens indiscriminately in the name of "handling conflicts inside the station." ]

We may not know each other, yet we had continuously supported each other during this hard time; we refused to submit ourselves to apathy. Be it on the streets or in the battlefield, our hearts burn with an imperishable flame, our hearts are of steel. We would train our bodies, even in this time of plague, for our future fight and for our descendants.

"Retain your righteous rage,
tend to your inner fire.
The battle is not yet won,
the war shall go on
unto world's end!"

"I fear not oppression
I fear only one's submission to oppression."

See you under "the pot".

#Feb28 #Protests #PoliceBrutality
Keep the Fire Burning🔥🔥🔥

Photo: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/18102

Despite ruthless police arrests, hundreds of protesters took to the streets in remembrance of the 6th month since the 831 incident when riot police stormed into Prince Edward Station and attacked citizens indiscriminately last year, showing that Hongkongers have not forgotten their pursuit of justice.

Our compatriots, we understand that Hong Kong people need the time right now to tackle this coronavirus epidemic. During this time, let us try a peaceful approach to continue our quest for democracy, to keep our memories of those dreadful happenings in past 8 months fresh in our minds. We should, nonetheless, make use of this time to train and fortify ourselves for future fights.

“Hold on to your rage,
tend to your inner fire.
The battle is not yet won,
this war shall go on
unto world's end!"

See you under "the pot" (LegCo Building).

#Mar3 #831Incident #PoliceBrutality #PoliceState #Neverforgetneverforgive


喺831半週年,Hong Kongers已經証明左,佢地冇忘記呢八個月香港發生過嘅事。手足明白香港人需要抗疫,喺呢段期間,儘量用一個和平嘅手法,令大家記住革命入面發生嘅每一件事,同好好利用呢段期間,level up自己,面對之後嘅抗爭。


煲底見 —

#香港人 #光復香港時代革命 #文宣馬拉松 #保持憤怒 #保持熱度 #抗爭到底 #感動 #兄弟爬山各自努力 #neverforgetneverforgive



#香港人 #光復香港時代革命 #文宣馬拉松 #保持憤怒 #保持熱度 #抗爭到底 #感動 #兄弟爬山各自努力 #neverforgetneverforgive #文宣抗爭
Protest On,
With HongKongers' Unbending Spirit

"Retain your righteous rage,
tend to your inner flame.
The battle is not over,
this war shall go on
until we liberate Hong Kong!"

We'll celebrate our triumph under “the pot”.

#FiveDemandsNotOneLess #HongKongersResist #HongKongersRevenge

Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times
【今個星期日 晚上7點半 將軍澳見 他只有22歲】

「他」— 是香港人。


煲底見 —

#香港人 #光復香港時代革命 #文宣馬拉松 #保持憤怒 #保持熱度 #抗爭到底 #感動 #兄弟爬山各自努力 #neverforgetneverforgive #文宣抗爭 #遍地開花 #是香港人 #遍地開花

See you in Tseung Kwan O this Sunday at 7pm

He was only 22 years old.

He will always be our kin/kith

He will always be our compatriot fighting shoulder to shoulder with us

He will always be a citizen of Hong Kong

He will always be a Hong Konger

Retain your righteous indignation.
Do not let the fire in our hearts be extinguished.
Until Hong Kong has been liberated.
This fight shall go on.
2020, let us fight till the end!

We will remove our masks under “the pot”.

#FiveDemandsNotOneLess #HongKongersResist #HongKongersRevenge

Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times
【今個星期日 晚上7點半 將軍澳見 他只有22歲】


香港人保護手足之心,從抗爭中顯得鉅細無遺 — 真香港人, 真有情。



#香港人 #光復香港時代革命 #文宣馬拉松 #保持憤怒 #保持熱度 #抗爭到底 #感動 #兄弟爬山各自努力 #neverforgetneverforgive #文宣抗爭 #遍地開花 #是香港人 #遍地開花

See you in Tseung Kwan O this Sunday.
Remember he was only 22 years old.

From two to three; from three to four,

We light up each other with our burning flames,

We train up our mind and our physic for an uphill battle ahead,

Looking out for fellow protesters, the loving heart of Hongkongers can never die.

We will celebrate our triumph under “the pot”.

See you in Tseung Kwan O this Sunday at 7pm.

#FiveDemandsNotOneLess #HongKongersResist #HongKongersRevenge

Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times
#FirstHand #Mar11
Stepping Into The Ninth Month Of The Movement

Photo: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/18437

This teenager is holding the “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” flag himself. Yet, HongKongers - you are the one who can walk along with him in the fight for freedom and justice!

Retain your righteous indignation.
Keep your hearts warm.
Until Hong Kong has been liberated.
This fight shall go on.
2020, let us fight till the end!

We will remove our masks under “the pot”.

#HongKong #FiveDemandsNotOneLess #HongKongersResist #HongKongersRevenge
#FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times!


【九個月了 我們得到了什麼?】

「他」帶著抗爭之心,獨自拿著抗爭標語,聽著旁邊busking的音樂 — 那人正在燈火闌珊處。香港人,你們看到嗎?


煲底見 —

#香港人 #光復香港時代革命 #文宣馬拉松 #保持憤怒 #保持熱度 #抗爭到底 #感動 #兄弟爬山各自努力 #neverforgetneverforgive #文宣抗爭 #遍地開花 #是香港人 #遍地開花
Media is too big
#FirstHand #Mar21 #HongKongProtest
Protest Anthem Resonates in Yuen Long and Causeway Bay

2017 | Yuen Long
A large amount of civilians gathered along Castle Peak Road in Yuen Long, while playing the protest anthem, as they waved flags and chanted slogans.

#neverforgetneverforgive #YuenLong721

"Police disappear on July 21,
Police kill on August 31,
Police fire on October 1"

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#FirstHand #Mar22
Police Charge in Peaceful Memorials Held for Deceased Protesters

In remembrance of 15-year-old Chan Yin-lam who was found dead in the waters 6 months ago, citizens held memorials at Tsuen Kwan O and Kwun Tong.

In #KwunTong, the memorial was held at Kwun Tong Promenade. The video shows that police are conducting stop and search on many civilains gathered at the scene.

Citizens presented white flowers and showcased light boxes, that read "injustice undone".

At the intersection of Sheung Tak, police force has been significantly increased and riot police was sighted at Sheung Tak car park, where another young protester Alex Chow had fallen from height last November.

Sources: Apple Daily; Students Media
Video: First Hand #neverforgetneverforgive #HKProtest
#FirstHand #Mar22
Civilians flock to mourn victims of police brutality

20:12 | Tseung Kwan O
Memorial services were held on March 22 in remembrance of deceased protester Chan Yin-lam. The venue was decorated with posters and light boxes and some civilians helped passing out white candles to participants.

Citizens also brought flowers to mourn the deceased.

#neverforgetneverforgive #HKProtest #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #Death
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#FirstHand #Mar22
Police Temporarily Step Back After Tension Built Up in Promenade Park

After arresting a press photographer, the police in high spirit retreated from the park, and returned to their cars. However, many police cars were still sighted driving nearby.

#neverforgetneverforgive #HKProtest #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality