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Hong Kong's High Court Allows Appeal by the Government: Citizens will remain restricted from Civic Square

The High Court’s Appeals Division issued a written judgement on Feb 14, allowing the government’s appeal for their restrictions for the east wing of the government quarters commonly known as the “Civic Square”, or literally a square for all civilians.

On the eve of Umbrella Movement in July of 2014, dozens of civilians attempted to enter the Square in a rally in protest of the government's issurance of funding to develop the northeastern New Territories of Hong Kong.

The authorities have since closed off the Square and had fences installed. Citizens are banned from entering from Monday to Saturday, whereas on Sundays and public holidays, citizens will have to apply and get an approval to use the space for any rally or activities.

Cheung Tak-wing, a retired photographer believes that these measures have restricted the freedom of speech and assembly of Hong Kong citizens. He submitted a judicial review in 2014, and judge Thomas Au Hing-Cheung of the High Court ruled against the government-imposed restrictions on the area in 2018.

However, the Department of Justice later appealed.

The High Court’s Appeals Division issued a ruling on 14 Feb allowing the government’s appeal and Cheung will be required to pay the cost.

The Chief Judge of the High Court Jeremy Poon Shiu-chor, Vice-President of the Court of Appeal of the High Court, Johnson Lam and Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court Justice Aarif Tyebjee Barma unanimously ruled that the Administration Department's appeal was allowed, referring to the constitutional measures of the Administration Wing are helpful in order to maintain the "orderly operation of the legislative building".

Source: Stand News #Feb14
#CivicSquare #JudicialReview
#GlobalSupport #japan
[Adventure in SKY: Children of the Light] Gamer: What I got from a Japanese player after saying I’m from Hong Kong… ⬇️

#GlobalSupport #japan
[Adventure in SKY: Children of the Light] Gamer: What I got from a Japanese player after saying I’m from Hong Kong…


Gaming is not always about winning; sometimes cooperation will come into play, even the promotion of love and peace. A mobile game called “SKY: children of the Light” is such an example.

SKY: Children of the Light is an adventure game where players have to work together to acquire designated tools during the journey to explore and solve mysteries in the sky from one realm to another.

Graphic designer, Jonathan Mak, logged into the game as usual last night and set a campfire (which is a tool used to set up a chatroom) on site. In this set-up, other players are welcome to join in, sit together and start a conversation. Jonathan’s campfire attracted players from other countries including Korean, Japanese, Indonesian. The conversation eventually centred around the topic of nationality.

“I’m from Hong Kong!” said Jonathan. “I have a song for you!” a Japanese player immediately responded.

The Japanese player took out a piano tool and a tune was played. Although the beats were a bit out, the melody of "Glory To Hong Kong" was still clearly heard.

The Japanese player said that he had already played the song many times, and the Korean player also said he had listened to the Korean lyric version of “Glory to Hong Kong”. Jonathan told Stand News reporter he has played the song himself before – alone in the game – but this is the first time someone else played it for him. Jonathan expressed being touched. Moreover, Jonathan recalled that he had discussed about the Hong Kong situation with other players in the same game. Some, after realising he is from Hong Kong, would ask more questions showing concerns. “We played John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ together to show support and solidarity. This is quite sweet!”

“Chatrooms in other games may predominantly discuss game tactics, but this particular platform allows for more casual, friendly exchanges promoting peace, mutual help and love ¬– very peaceful, rational and non-violent,” said Jonathan.

Source: The Stand News, 14 January 2020, 19:17

#Borders #FailedState
Growth in Passenger Traffic From China to Hong Kong Despite Coronavirus Outbreak: 65% Increase in the In-flow of Non-Hong Kong Residents

While Hong Kong-China borders remain open, passenger traffic has increased despite that compulsory quarantine measures were imposed on February 8. This disproves Carrie Lam's claim made on Feb 14 that about the decrease in the cross-border inflow of people into Hong Kong.

In fact, apart from the first two days after the quarantine measure was in effect, passenger traffic at the Shenzhen Bay port has continued to increase.

As of Feb 14, the quarantine centers have been occupied by 67%.

Source: Stand News #Feb15

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #ChinesePneumonia
Summary of Department of Health Press conference dated 13 Feb.

Original image: StandNews

Woman in 70s lined up 2 hours for 5 masks; Deleted photo with Carrie Lam on the spot: Very disappointed

(10 Feb) As the novel coronaviruses epidemic continues, it becomes hard to buy masks in Hong Kong. Galaxy Engineering Group today distributed 10,000 masks for free in Tai Kok Tsui. Each person was allowed to get 5 pieces, totalling to 2,000 persons.

Ms. Chan, a 70-year-old suffering from chronic illnesses, was wearing a raincoat, sunglasses, and a mask in line. After queuing for 2 hours, she finally got 5 masks. “It's exciting! The first time!” She said, about 2 weeks ago, she went to Watson’s to wait in line to buy masks. However, even though she arrived at 7 am, there were more than 50 people waiting at the scene, and she couldn't get any after three hours.

Ms. Chan said that she was very disappointed with Chief Executive Carrie Lam, and she showed reporter a photo she took with Carrie Lam in 2017. She confessed that, when Carrie Lam was planning to run for the Chief Executive, she had high hopes for her. But now citizens have to wait in long lines and even pay high prices for masks. “Never thought that she is the worst among all the chief executives we have had!” After saying that, she deleted the photo on the spot. “People threw away Alan Tam’s CDs, and I deleted her photo... setting aside politics, she is even unable to provide basic needs for people.

She said that, even during the SARS epidemic in 2003, she was still able to go out to dine, and never needed to queue up for masks. Even after SARS, she still had two boxes remaining, and eventually she was able to donate them to others. But now she has to reuse her mask for 2 days, “Very disappointed!”

One of the citizens who got the masks said not many masks were left at home. Since his wife had to go to work, he could only reuse the masks and put paper towels on them. “Once at home, use a hairdryer to dry them.” He said that he has also lined up for masks many times before, and sometimes even needed to queue for 4 hours. “It’s better than getting money! I can’t buy masks even I want to buy them!”

Source: HK01

#FailedState #MaskShortage CarrieLam
Why the new coronavirus will hit the world economy harder than SARS

- Qualcomm’s exposure in 2003 was limited to $310 million in sales of chips and telecom products to China. That’s 48% of the San Diego firm’s total revenue, reflecting China’s spectacular rise as a global manufacturing power.

- China’s economy today is 8½ times larger than it was in 2003. Trade with the U.S. is nearly four times bigger.

- China’s large and growing middle class has made the country the biggest source of travelers and a voracious buyer of luxury brands.

- China today is the largest market for cars, cellphones, computers and many other goods. As Chinese consumers cut back, U.S. corporate profits could take a dive, which could hammer stocks and in turn weaken consumer spending.

- But global crude prices have sunk in recent days amid China’s expected pullback in oil demand, prompting Saudi Arabia to push for production cuts. Lower oil prices could weaken drilling activity and investments in the United States.

Full Article: LA Times (04-Feb)

Further reading:
Coronavirus/China stocks: supply chain reaction

#Economy #WuhanPneumonia
SARS Stung the Global Economy. The Coronavirus Is a Greater Menace.
In the nearly 20 years since SARS, China’s importance in the global economy has grown exponentially.

(3 Feb) In 2002, when SARS emerged China’s factories were mostly churning out low-cost goods like T-shirts and sneakers for customers around the world. Seventeen years later, WARS is spreading rapidly through China, but China has evolved into a principal element of the global economy, making the epidemic a substantially more potent threat to fortunes.

//International companies that rely on Chinese factories to make their products and depend on Chinese consumers for sales are already warning of costly problems.

Full Article: New York Times

#Economy #WuhanPneumonia

Jerry-built construction: Video shows interior of new Wuhan hospital badly leaking water

(Editor's Note: If the leakage is real, it would be devastating for those staying inside as #Wuhan will be snowing tomorrow. It will lead to more leakage and a drastic drop of temperature inside. The delivery of resources will become more difficult.)

Communist China claimed to have completed the city's Huoshenshan Hospital, built to care for 1,000 of the city's residents infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The rapid construction of the hospital was widely trumpeted by Chinese state-run mouthpieces.

However, on Saturday (Feb. 15), the dissident group Inty-media uploaded a video on Telegram and Twitter submitted by a Chinese user, allegedly taken from inside the vaunted #Huoshenshan Hospital. In the video, a large puddle of water can be seen in the hallway, with water dripping from the ceiling. Almost comically, just one yellow bucket can be seen capturing the steady indoor downpour, while little thought seems to be given to live electrical wires.

Source: Taiwan News, IntyMedia (15-Feb)

#WuhanPneumonia #ChinaCrisis
Transcript: NPR's Interview With Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai About The Coronavirus

//we always have as one of our basic principles, openness and transparency

//we are providing, you see all the figures, the numbers on daily basis just to make people reassured that we are doing our most to confront it. And this will certainly help us to dispel any fake news, rumors or what people call pseudoscience.

//He was not detained. I think somebody talked to him, but he wasn't, he was not detained. Otherwise, he could not be working in the hospital.

//Actually, I think Dr. Li is also part of the Chinese system... Maybe people are not aware, he was a member of the Communist Party.

//We believe in openness, but openness does not mean that you could say anything under any circumstances. The government has to respond in a responsible way. Whatever action the government is taking, whatever announcement it is making, alert it is issuing, you have to base yourself on sufficient evidence and science.

//Sometimes government at a particular level makes some mistakes. This is possible. This is, I think it is all natural all over the world. But you cannot say the whole government in China is making a mistake. This is not true.

Full Article: NPR Org (14-Feb)

#LiWenliang #FreeSpeech
#FaceMask #Shortage #Feb17
Pro-democracy Group Demosisto Announces the Procurement of another 1.2 million Face Masks for Hongkongers

From Joshua Wong's Twitter:

#JoshuaWong #Demosisto

Hong Kong social worker got immediate termination by a China University, following by her criticism against China’s system in Wechat

(9 Feb)According to China Digital Times, an overseas Chinese online media, CHOW Pui-Yee was a Hong Kong registered social worker and a lecturer of a senior social worker practical program in the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (UCASS). From an announcement by the UCASS on 7 Feb, CHOW gave some inappropriate speech in Wechat on 6 Feb and it was reported by a student. The university’s investigation concluded that CHOW’s expression had contravened the first standard of the 10 Code of Conducts for Modern Tertiary Education Teachers, and influenced students badly. As a result, CHOW’s contract was terminated immediately.

Screenshots seems to be CHOW’s words criticizing China’s system and shared in Wechat were spreaded by netizens - “attending psychological courses is useless to resolve the social problems created from the totalitarian system; the deaths from injustice would be memorized by everyone developing detestation in their mind; positive energy is extinct from my head; please disconnect with me, all the pro-Communist Party youths”.

Some comments spreading “patriotic thoughts” were found responding to CHOW’s words, by whom believed to be CHOW’s students. “Get away!” – that was the only comment by CHOW after. Other words exposed including “Carrie LAM is in mentally illness” and “totally unexpecting the United Nations would today become part of the Communist Party”. Having said that, no evidence confirmed the above was indeed that CHOW’s speech.

CHOW had served the handicapped underprivileged group for 10 years in Hong Kong after her graduation from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In 2002 she knew her boyfriend in Beijing and they got married in 2005. She then resides in Beijing with 2 children.

Comments by China Netizens:
- Cultural Revolution returns
- Criminalizing speech! She said the correct words!
- Zero-tolerance to criticism?
- Terrible, criminalizing speech, next to encourage students to denounce teachers?
- A teacher with justice

Source: Apple Daily

#FreeSpeech #WhiteTerror #Totalitarian
The vast disparity in resources is completely senseless.

Distribution quotas exposed - Police given 640 thousand masks, and taking 40 times more N95 masks than Department of Health

(15 Feb) While there is only one-month’s stock of equipment for frontline medical staff, the HK government is still refusing to disclose how the supplies are being used. The Apple Daily received documents showing that the police ranks second in number of surgical masks distributed, coming after the Department of Health. In the first round, they were provided with over 640 thousand surgical masks, and they were given the most N95 masks among all departments. Legislator and former doctor Kwok Ka-ki criticises the government for distributing the disease control supplies unfairly, with medical staff who actually contact patients lacking medical N95 masks and protective clothing, while the police is given large amounts of high standard supplies. “It is a complete waste of resources and public funds, and it’s exhausting the already scarce supply of protective clothing,” he says.

Continue reading:

#Selfishness #PrivilegedClass #PoliceState #MaskShortage #UnfairSuppliesDistribution
Kwai Tsing Residents Suggest Alternative Location for Quarantine Facility

On Sunday, February 16, over 400 Kwai Tsing residents joined the march initiated by the pro-democracy district councilors.

They proposed alternative locations that are further away from residential area such as Kwai Chung Park, vacant government dormintory and Disneyland, for the government to set up quarantine facilities.

The residents opposed the government's current plan to set up designated clinic for the highly contagious Wuhan pneumomia within the 100,000-populated district and near other health facilities for infants, mothers and thr elderly.

Since the authorities had been ignoring citizens' demands, the residents, old and young, had no other way but to take it to the street. They still hoped the government would listen, as alternatives were available.

Source: Stand News #Feb16
#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
Police Arrest At Least 33 Civilians During Saturday's Rally Against Designated Clinic For Wuhan Pneumonia in Tin Shui Wan

The Hospital Authority of Hong Kong decided to turn 18 general out-patient clinics in various districts to "designated clinics" for Wuhan Pneumonia, without any consultation from respective district councils in advance.

Rallies have been initiated by residents from several districts over the weekend against the government’s decision. During the rally held in Tin Shui Wai on Saturday February 15, police have arrested at least 23 males and 10 females, with the ages range from 14 to 52, for "illegal assembly, Illegal radio broadcasting, possession of offensive weapon and misbehaviour in the public".

Source: Stand News
#Feb15 #ChinesePneumonia #FailedState #DesignatedClinic #TinShuiWai

#FirstHand #HongKongProtests #FailedState
Government Insists Setting Up Designated Clinic for Contagious Wuhan Pneumonia in Densely Populated Area, Despite Public Discontent

Residents in Cheung Sha Wan organised a rally on Sunday, February 16 against the government’s decision to turn Cheung Sha Wan Jockey Club General Out-patient Clinic to a designated clinic for Wuhan Pneumonia. Despite outcry from all walks of life, the government refused to seal off Hong Kong borders with China.

The rally started in Lei Cheng Uk Estate. On a a banner prepared by the owner’s corporation of Lei Cheng Uk Estate, it ststed that the residents have voted to object the government’s decision in a gener meeting held on Feb 23.

#Feb16 #ChinesePneumonia #DesignatedClinic
Police Obstruct Lawful Protest from Taking Place On Time, Police Ask Reporter: "Do you guys get paid?”

In Fo Tan, residents protested against the government's use of Chun Yeung Estate as Isolation Centre on Sunday, February 16.

Having obained the letter of no objection from the police, the rally originally scheduled at 3pm was, however, delayed till 5pm due to police opposition.

Special Crowd Management vehicles and Unimog Vehicles were on site standing by, while the police set up road blocks at Fo Tan to search passing vehicles. Starting from 3pm, there had been stop- and- search operations in multiple areas in Fo Tan, during which two reporters were searched and were asked by policemen, “Does the Stand News sell newspaper?”, “Do you guys get paid?”, “Do you guys need to standby at all

Source: Stand News #Feb16

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
#DailyUpdate #Feb17 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (17/2):

- The total number of infected is now standing at 71441 where the numbers of deaths are now at 1775, of which 70553 confirmed cases and 1770 deaths are from mainland China.

- Wuhan authorities strengthened public space management using QR code, including identification upon arrival and leave, registrations for medicine purchases in pharmacies and closure of non-compulsory places.

- Xiaogan, located in Hubei province issued injunction onto its residents. Vehicles were also banned from driving.

- The new General Secretary of Hubei province Ying Yong suggested Hubei society to implement “the strictest 24 hours closed measures” to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak.

- Reports speculated an annual conference in December with 5000 attendants, held in Wuhan, may be the cause of viruses spreading to 3 provinces, namely Hunan, Guizhou and Guangdong.

- Macau has no new case confirmed in 13 consecutive days, entertainments would be partially reopened with conditions starting on 20th Feb

- Additional 99 confirmed cases are found on cruise ship Diamond Princess, giving the total of 454.

- HKSAR government is sending 30 representatives to Japan, evacuating the 350 Hong Kong residents onboard Diamond Princess on Thursday. Passengers are going to be quarantined for 14 days upon return.

- The USA sent charter flights to retrieve more than 300 US nationals onboard Diamond Princess, 44 individuals who are confirmed with COVID-19 or showed symptoms would be staying in Japan for treatment.

- 2020’s Lianghui of PRC (annual plenary sessions of People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) is delayed due to the epidemic outbreak.

- 30 cases have been confirmed in South Korea, the authorities are going to perform COVID-19 virus tests on ordinary pneumonia patients.

- American scientists pointed out the outlook of COVID-19 virus does not differ much from SARS and MERS viruses.

Source: Now News, Commercial Radio Hong Kong, RTHK, Xiaogan Gov Official Website
#OpenBorders #ChinesePneumonia
Patient Hides Travel History To China, Increasing the Risk of Paramedics And Firefighters

A 70-year-old man, as the 55th confirmed case of Wuhan Pneumonia in Hong Kong, claimed that he did not visit China when seeking emergency services. According to the "Verbal Declaration Mechanism" used by the Hong Kong Government, a person is required to verbally answee "yes" or "no" only. In this case, the hospital later found out the man's immigration record at Lok Ma Chau Port, proving that he entered Hong Kong from China on 22 Jan.

As the man hid his travel history to China, 3 paramedics and 2 firefighters from Lei Muk Shue Fire Station offered him assistance without protective equipment.

The five having “close contact” with the men were later sent to quarantine.

Source: Apple Daily

#Feb15 #TheGovernmentRisksOurLives #FailedGovernment #FireDepartment