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#FaceMask #HongKongProtest
When will the day come, where we are finally able to take our masks off, Carrie Lam?

Part 1 - 2

A few months ago, two young protesters embraced each other and kissed in front of the camera at Prince Edward Station. They wore masks because they did not want to expose their identity.

Today, a young couple kissed each other on the street wearing surgical facemasks. They wore masks because they did not want to expose themselves to the virulent coronavirus which has been rampant around the world.

Continue with Part 2⬇️
#FaceMask #HongKongProtest
When will the day come, where we are finally able to take our masks off, Carrie Lam?

Part 2 - 2

Part 1:

From protestors to couples embracing in masks, this shows how incompetent the government is in Hong Kong.

If the government was willing to listen to our youths, none of them would not have had to come out of the comfort of their homes to fight and resist.

If the government was willing to close the border, if would have stopped a coronavirus outbreak in Hong Kong.

If not for the incompetence of the government, these youths, these citizens would not have had to wear masks, while sharing an intimate moment with each other.

When will the day come, where we are finally able to take out?

Photo credit: Lam Yik Fei
How the Hong Kong government purchase masks for its people: Comic by 怪叔叔の散步道

Source link: https://www.facebook.com/1598771346881547/posts/2734807433277927/

Conspiracy theory of morbid pro-government camp people - Zo Ding Shan

Wuhan pneumonia spreading oversea results to Sinophobia. Sing Tao Daily and South China Morning Post, which are pro-government camp newspapers, reported last week that a series of discrimination of Chinese happened in Canada and countries in Southeast Asia. Chinese is viewed as virus-carrier or sick people. Foreigners don’t know the difference between Chinese, Korean and Japanese of yellow people. It’s same as Hongkongers to meet white people. We are not sure they are American, Canadian or Australian. Thus, Canadian Asian grumbled, “ We are not Chinese!” In Southeast Asia, Asian can easily recognise who is Thai, Vietnamese and Indonesian. The phenomenon of Sinophobia is quite obvious. Recently, Singapore is the most popular place for Chinese immigrants. Singapore citizens started a petition to reject the Chinese immigrant. The minister urged their people that Singapore still insists on being open.

The image of China in Southeast Asia is a large wealth and vulgar spirit. People like the money of China, but not Chinese. When Wuhan pneumonia affects Southeast Asia, people there they would like to be safe. They don’t want money and welcome Chinese to visit. Who made the Chinese unwelcome? Beijing has to chew this issue over. Although without money you can’t do anything, money is still not everything. Spending money in the railway construction and pipelines for power station can’t fully ensure to win the popular support. Soft power (value of moral, freedom of the press, freedom of academic, etc.) is still the most powerful way to win the support form people. China spent a huge amount of money in Southeast Asia. Soft power is still way lagging behind Japan.

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Source: Apple Daily

#WuhanPneumonia #Sinophobia #BlueRibbons #ProGovernmentCamp #Discrimination #ZoDingshan

Impact of Cultural Revolution still continues

Many people have heard about the cultural revolution but no one can imagine the revolution still continuously affects us. It never stops.

When I was a postgraduate student a long time ago, I was a helper for the East Asia administrative law conference. During the event, my supervisor expressed his admiration for scholars from China. Most of them were 30- 40 years old and were already full Professors. He was impressed by the many young scholars with outstanding academic achievement in China.

At that moment, a Chinese scholar lowered his voice and said, “I only dare say this now since I am in Taiwan. It is not because our generation is smarter but the slightly more educated older people were all killed in the cultural revolution.

Then, he sighed “but this is not the worst. The worst is that those illiterate who survived the cultural revolution are the leaders of this country now.

Source: Facebook

#CulturalRevolution #killintellectuals
#Xi #illiterate
Carrie Lam Didn’t Wear Face Mask Visiting Checkpoint at Hong Kong-China Borders

Carrie Lam visited the Lo Wu Correctional Institution where the government-owned CSI-masks were made. During the visit, all visitors were asked to put on protective clothes, surgical masks and hats. Excerpt for Carrie Lam, her hair was not well covered, unable to meet the required standard.

In her other visits to the Shenzhen Bay customs border and Emergency Monitoring and Support Center, she didn’t take lead to wear a mask, putting her health and those around her in danger.

Source: Stand News http://bit.ly/2H6659Z

#Feb9 #ChinesePneumonia #globalOutbreak #Mask
Hong Kong Government Recruits Boy Scouts for Quarantine Tasks

In face of an epidemic, many hospitals and essential tasks were understaffed. According to RTHK, the Home Affairs Bureau pressed the boy scouts’ volunteers to quarantine tasks in Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre and Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre. The Home Affairs Bureau, upon request of the Stand News, confirmed that the action, saying the involvement is voluntary, “fighting against novel coronavirus under the same goal.”

A boy scouts leader told RTHK that although the involvement is voluntary, he questioned whether they would be assigned sufficient medical supplies, especially when even the Hospital Authority were left with one-month’s supply of surgical masks. He further raised concerns about the fact that although they have basic first aid experience, they were not trained for more difficult tasks.

Source: RTHK; Stand News
#Feb9 #ChinesePneumonia #BoysScott

The rich hiding in villas, the poor desperate for hospital beds
Confession of a Taiwanese businessman: Only the poor dies

(4 Feb) Mid of Dec last year, I went to China, and I got flu. I didn't usually see a doctor. I took vitamin C, drank water and slept. My friend in Beijing talked to me over the phone and told me, "Currently, many people were dead because of flu." I didn't understand, I thought it was a joke. When I looked back at that moment, they knew the spread of the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic for a long time. They had much more information than your average Joe.

At that time, I couldn't contact another friend who was a son of a Chinese official. I thought he was out of the country. When he got back to me, he told me that he caught the novel coronavirus when he was visiting a friend in a hospital. At the time, the hospitals were overflowing with patients. So his family hired a team of medical professionals to treat him at home. After 14 days of treatment, he started to recover slowly. As the virus continues to spread, his whole family no longer leave their home. They stocked food and masks in their home, and preventing they are domestic helped from going back home.

If my understanding was correct, my friends said the medical team gave him something like a "cocktail therapy". His medical team tried different medications and doses to see how his body would react. Not many could afford this, I can’t imagine what would happen if ordinary people get sick.

The life of the rich is very different from your ordinary Chinese. The rich turned their "holiday villas" into a sort of a private haven. They don’t trust the food from outside. So, they grow their own food and livestock, all are for their own consumption. They also stocked up water and masks. In short, they have supplies for roughly three months.

Continue reading:

Source: Business Weekly TW

#Coronavirus #Economy
Taiwan Taitungers Stand with Hong Kong!

We have never forgotten you, you are not alone.
17 buses in Tingtung transport will display the slogan “Hong Kong Add Oil!”

Editor's note:
Add oil means cheer up, which is made popular during the 2014 Umbrella Movement.

Source: Twitter
Media is too big
#GlobalSupport #Korea
Support of Hongkongers' Pro-democracy Movement from Korea

Mr. Hwang from Gwangju, South Korea came to the assembly organized by the aviation industry to support the people of Hong Kong and their demands including closing the borders with China.
Family Members of Coronavirus Victim Asked to Self-Quarantine at Home, as Quarantine Camps Are Full

The Center for Health Protection (CHP) explained that family members of the confirmed patients of Coronavirus infection have not been sent to the quarantine camp, as quarantine camps are full. Instead, they were asked to self-quarantine themselves at home. After being questioned, the Home Affairs Department stated that there is no need to notify district councilors of CHP’s arrangement.

Cheung Man Lung, District Councilor of Cheung On, urged the CHP to immediately transfer the patient's family to quarantine camps.

Source: Cheung Man-lung's facebook https://www.facebook.com/manlungor/posts/1000273547014791

Photo: Stand News

#Feb9 #ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak #BorderLockDown
Canadian government gives Huawei millions in funding while debate rages over its 5G role.

Although Huawei Technologies has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Canada, the government statistics show the largesse flowed the other way. This has caused people to be suspicious about the close relationship the Chinese tech-giant has forged suspiciously with at least one province and Ottawa.

In fact, the Canadian government provided a $16-million handout to Huawei in 2016, and amount that the company said they would spend on enhancing 5G research in the province. Different bodies have received grants and funding from this project, which have helped create jobs and opened doors to more scientific knowledge, which benefited the Canadians.

however, some people were against the idea of Huawei taking part in Canada’s fifth-generation wireless networks due to their concern with national-security. The United States and Australia, on the other hand, have already banned it from their next-generation systems based on the exact same concern.

Apparently, 5G wireless networks will make possible dramatic new applications of mobile-communications technology for many Canadians, but it could be pose an even bigger security threat for the entire nation.


Full story:
Timeline and infected cases of Wuhan Pneumonia in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Is Showing Symptoms of a Failed State

(9 Feb) A fragile state is usually defined by its inability to protect citizens, to provide basic services and by questions over the legitimacy of its government. After an epidemic and months of poorly handled pro-democracy demonstrations, Hong Kong is ticking most of those boxes. Add in a strained judicial system, and the prognosis for its future as a financial hub looks poor.

The problem isn’t the epidemic, or indeed Hong Kong’s health system. Rather, it’s the mishandling of the situation by the administration of Chief Executive Carrie Lam, left with so little legitimacy and social capital that citizens simply no longer believe it will act in their interests. That’s particularly true when the crisis comes from the mainland.

It’s indefensible for a city that lived through severe acute respiratory syndrome to have failed to stock sufficient masks for its population and practiced quarantine measures. Lam’s fumbling over the question of masks is indicative of the government’s mismanagement.

That debacle was followed by the toilet-paper panic, unthinkable in any other international powerhouse. All of this should worry executives, bankers and traders almost more than street clashes: It suggests deterioration. The next shock will be worse.

Consider what centers of banking and trading need. They require money to move freely, a dependable legal system, and ultimately the ability for their staff, expatriate and otherwise, to travel and work safely. Hong Kong is becoming increasingly unable to provide those. A relative advantage remains, so long as China keeps constraints on financial and information flows, but it is shrinking.

Singapore looks far more competent and prepared. Hong Kong’s wealthy clients may now start to move money.

Full Article: https://bloom.bg/2Scr8Ov

Further reading:
Google and Facebook turn their backs on undersea cable to China and Hong Kong
Tech giants’ high-speed internet link to Hong Kong has become politically toxic

#FailedState #Economy
Dissecting the myth behind our main source of supplies: Are we finished without China?
Feb 9 Aviation Employees Strike: Flight Attendants Held Assembly to Demand Closure of Borders

Read further: