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Dear Dr Tony Ko and Mr FAN Hung-ling, SBS, JP

An open appeal to the government to stop all visitors from mainland through all border control points

Modern medicine hinges on scientific evidence. When respectable leaders of various fields repeatedly stressed the importance of complete border closure in arresting the spread of the current epidemic, we find it disheartening that sound advice has fallen on deaf ears of the relevant government officials. The public is already panicking because there are not enough surgical masks and alcohol hand rub in the market.

As professionals, we try our best to care for our patients. However, we are concerned that the following will jeopardise quality of care and staff and patient safety.

1. Precarious supply of recommended personal protective equipment in high-risk areas for staff. For example: Level 3 surgical masks
2. Not enough isolation facilities in hospitals, leading to easy cross-infection of patients
3. Stretching an already overloaded health-care system, leading to suboptimal care of patients.
4. TOCC from patients can be unreliable.

We are desperately worried that the public health system will crumble in the face of the current situation, should more drastic measures not be taken soon enough. We therefore hereby make an appeal to the management of Hospital Authority, to reflect to the government our demands, including
1. Banning all visitors from mainland through all border control points. We believe that a precautionary approach is most beneficial to Hong Kong.
2. Ensure adequate supply of personal protective equipment to all frontline healthcare workers.

We sincerely wish that the government will stand with us this time and take our suggestions on board as soon as possible, so that all of us in Hong Kong can truly fight the disease together. With the best interest of Hong Kong at heart, we will not hesitate to do what’s best for everyone in the city we call home.

From a group of doctors and nurses, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive care, Prince of Wales Hospital
Represented by Dr. Yap, Hiu Yi Florence, Consultant ICU


致香港政府的公開信 要求禁止所有內地旅客通過所有邊境管制站入境



1. 員工缺乏合乎世衛組織建議標準及穩定供應的防護裝。例如:第三級別外科口罩;
2. 醫院隔離設施不足,增加病人間交叉感染的風險;
3. 原本已超出負荷的醫療系統再度受壓,危害病人及公眾衛生。
4 病人的旅遊及接觸史(TOCC)可能不可靠。





Source: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=191447468918998&id=109139323816480
The (in)effectiveness of partial border closure
At Least 4 Youngsters Assaulted by Thugs in Yuen Long

At around midnight on January 30, four youngsters, while posting materials on Lennon Wall in Yuen Long was assaulted by thugs in local area. Tommy Cheung Shau-yin, and a few District Councillors in Yuen Long were following up on the incident.

Source:Stand News

#Jan31 #HKProtest0
8 Netizens Accused for Rumour Mongering Unpunished by the Ministry of Public Security

Eight netizens from mainland China were being accused for rumour mongering after spreading false news on Wuhan coronavirus. The response of the Wuhan police was that these people were educated and criticised by the law afterwards, but no further punishment was imposed. After the National Health Department notified the public about the pneumonia on 31 Dec 2019, somebody reported that there were people spreading false information on the internet. The Ministry of Public Security investigated and verified the eight suspects in succession. After investigation, these people were revealed to have shared and forwarded unverified messages, which contained rumours of the hospital having multiple confirmed cases of SARS.

However, due of the mild severity of this crime, the accused were not given warnings, neither were they detained or slapped with a fine.

Wuhan police said that the eight of them were arrested on the 1st January 2020.

2020-01-29 19:07:38

Source: RTHK

Further reading:
Ban on Weibo accounts from overseas IP
Tencent: Suspension or permanent bans on WeChat accounts that spread rumours about the coronavirus outbreak

#MaintainStability #FreeSpeech
Chen Shiming
@csm8964 |

I just left the police station after having my statement taken.

In the statement, I first had to confirm the tweet I made about WARS was mine. And then they told me to delete the tweet, which I refused. Then they told me not to tweet about WARS anymore, and I refused again. Finally, the warned me that I needed to bear legal responsibility, which I said I would be willing to. Every time they took my statement, the questions were the same, and the format was the same. They just changed the wordings for anti-ELAB movement last year into the ones for WARS this year.

Source: Twitter
#MaintainStability #antiELAB #FreeSpeech #Surveillance
Foreign reporters witness police and medics in protective suits dealing with a corpse on streets of Wuhan

An AFP Reporter saw a dead man on the street on Thursday (January 30), a block from the Wuhan Number Six Hospital, one of the main medical centres for treating those with virus symptoms.

Although he could not get details from police and health officials regarding how the man had died, the reaction of the police and medical staff in hazmat suits, as well as some of the bystanders, highlighted the fear pervading the city.

It was also mentioned in the article that in the two hours that AFP was at the scene observing, at least 15 ambulances passed by, attending to other calls.

Source: AFP

#Jan31 #GlobalOutbreak
UK Unable to Evacuate Its Citizens From Coronavirus-hit Wuhan

While officials in Japan and the US have already brought home its citizens stuck at the epicentre of the Coronavirus, a planned flight to bring British nationals in coronavirus-hit Wuhan back to the UK will not leave on Thursday as China has not yet granted Whitehall permission to evacuate its citizens.

Source: The Independent

#Jan31 #GlobalOutbreak #ChinesePneumonia

Hankou Funeral House in Wuhan

Tweet content:
Just now I have checked the data of Wuhan Hankou Funeral House, and compared it with the operation efficiency information I got from my previous site visit. Hankou Funeral House is the only funeral house that accepts suspected patients and infected dead patients in Wuhan. There are 30 high quality incinerators. On average, it takes 45 minutes to cremate a body. Normally the incinerators operate for 8 hours, from 6am to 2pm. The peak season is between July to Sept. On average, everyday it burns 30 bodies. Under normal circumstance, the funeral house only needs to use 5-6 incinerators to serve the need.

Comments (Tweet continues)
So, if Hankou funeral house is the only one that accepts bodies of the epidemic, and all the memorial services and meetings are canceled, people of normal death, ie not relating to the coronavirus, probably will not be sent there since the rest of the family will be frightened. Anyway, I will estimate based on the minimal values, assuming even those with normal death are also cremated in Hankou. So with daily cremation rate at 30 people per day, if 5 incinerators are in service,120 bodies can be cremated in 24 hours, and among them 90 should be coronavirus-related death, either suspected or confirmed cases.

Now 30 incinerators are all in service with full capacity, in a day, Hankou can burn 720 bodies. Given the special situation, the bodies must be cremated almost immediately. The body transfer fleet has to be on duty all day, so the infected bodies can be handled and therefore cremated in no time. May be the funeral house is only standing by, it is difficult to estimate with limited information. If I know whether the chimney emits smoke all day, or if the fleet is really on duty 24 hours, I can calculate accurately.

Pic 1 summary
The Hankou Funeral house cremates more than 30 bodies everyday, and 10,000 bodies in a year. And each July, August, Sept are the busiest months. During the peak season, the funeral house is filled and soaked with sweat. Body transfer team is 24/7 on call.
On a normal day in peak season, Hankou Funeral House transfers 34 bodies. The funeral house fleet has a total of 12 body transfer vehicles. Annually, a fleet driver normally carries around 800 corpses.

Pic 2 summary
Cremation workers work 8 hours a day. The incinerators works from 6am to 2pm. The core temperature in the incinerators is 1400 degree. Cremating a body takes 45 minutes and staff must monitor the process and the body inside.

Source: Twitter

#Wuhan #HankouFuneralHouse #Estimation #Coronavirus #Corpse
As the Head of Food and Health Bureau, Sophia Chan can not come up with a better solution than to purely rely on travellers’ honesty. Let this ordinary tourist from Guangzhou enlighten her

Open letter to all mainland students: You should defend freedom

EDITOR's NOTE: Xiaotangshan is the site of a hospital built in 7 days in 2003 to divert some of the SARS patients from Beijing. Xi Jinping wants to break that record and build a new one in 6 days.

(30 Jan) According to the lunar calendar, today is the fourth day of the New Year. First of all, we wish everyone a Happy Lunar New Year in (mainland) China. Of course, some friends, especially those from Hubei, may not be so cheerful. “Plague in Wuhan,” “Lock down Hubei” have become the hottest keywords for friends from Hubei or even across the country. In recent days, I have noticed that everyone is collecting signatures. Let me chime in a couple words. I am not any noteworthy person. Like everyone else, I'm just a very ordinary mainland student. It all started when a classmate from Tsinghua University and a double major student from Normal University argued that soft quarantine is a form of discrimination. But is this really discrimination?

The leaked Hubei video series “Step on someone even if I die” has flashed in my mind countless times. Just because someone was infected, he spat in public places, coughed hard, and plied open protective clothing of doctors in the high-risk zones in a hospital, just to get the doctor infected, too. The plague has taken off the last disguise of a twisted society that has long been restrained. People begin to tear down the mask given by the system and culture. (Hark! Politics has nothing to do with me. You see the shootings in the U.S. all day long? Taiwan is even more rotten than China.)

Continue Reading:

Source: Facebook Diary of Jiabao (家賓日記)

#WuhanPneumonia #Freedom #Discrimination #Quarantined #Xiaotangshan
Scholar Denies Commenting on Passenger Traffic Release First Day After Border With China Partially Shut

A columnist and scholar, Leung Kai-chi was asked to comment on the passenger figures released by the Immigration Department on the first day after the “selective border shutdown” was implemented. He declined to comment on whether “a sharp cut of 80%” is a double-talk of the government.

Leung shared on his Facebook page that he would rather ask the government to spend time to procure masks for locals.

However, Leung did urge the government to continue publishing detailed daily passenger figures, including the place of origin of tourists and their Visa types, for public monitoring purpose.

Source: Facebook; Immigration Department
#Jan31 #GlobalOutbreak #ChinesePneumonia
Media is too big
Fight the virus: A parody of Simon & Garfunkel’s “Sound of Silence” by youtuber Alvin Oon
Words from an employee at the Hong Kong Immigration Department

[Editor's note: HA Secrets is a facebook page that posts messages from staff of Hospital Authority in Hong Kong]

"My father works for the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department...That friend has heard that the Hong Kong government has a deal with the mainland Chinese government to accept some patients from China on the ground that Hong Kong has a better healthcare system which can help China in its epidemic control…"

Read full story: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/16380
Words from an employee at the Hong Kong Immigration Department

Screenshot from "HA Secrets" Facebook page: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/16379

My father works for the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department. A friend of his whom he has known for decades is a middle-ranking officer at the Immigration Department. That friend has heard that the Hong Kong government has a deal with the mainland Chinese government to accept some patients from China on the ground that Hong Kong has a better healthcare system which can help China in its epidemic control.

As such, the HK government will not introduce any new immigration control measures and will let patients flock to Hong Kong’s public hospitals for treatment. Why should Hong Kong's healthcare workers pay the price for mainland China's mistakes? The Hong Kong government simply does not value the lives of our healthcare workers.

There is nothing I can do apart from sharing this information here (the HA Secrets Facebook page). Do not count on our government. Instead, all we can rely on is ourselves. If you are a healthcare worker, before partaking in this battle I hope you would re-evaluate whether it is worthwhile to sacrifice your life for such a government. Ordinary citizens like myself will fully support your decision even if you refuse to work in the isolation wards. From a selfish point of view, I will be more relieved if you go on strike, as I do not want any of you to sacrifice your lives for this government.

Last but not least, I support any strike actions you will take!

From an ordinary citizen

Source: https://lih.kg/1843532
Media is too big
Dr. Wong Yam Hong reveals the challenges faced by Hong Kong medical workers against Wuhan pneumonia and how the government has made the situation worse

Ho Pak Leung: send police to locate Hubei tourists
Lam Chi Wai: no objection if accompanied by medical staff

(30 Jan) Ho Pak Leung, Director of Carol Yu Centre for Infection at the University of Hong Kong, suggested that police could be dispatched to patrol the hotels. Lam Chi Wai, Chairman of the Junior Police Officers’ Association, said he didn’t object the suggestion, but medical staff should go along with the operation.

Lam Chi Wai replied the inquiry from South China Morning Post that he didn’t object this suggestion. However, these operations involve certain professional medical knowledge. The purpose is to convince the identified targets to cooperate. A medical expert can explain to those who may need quarantine and make immediate inspection.

He also mentioned, if police have the authority conferred by law to quarantine identified targets compulsorily, they would cooperate with the government to enforce the law. As team members of professional disciplined services, they will not resist.

Ho Pak Leung mentioned in the radio programme that he was worried that some Wuhan visitors to Hong Kong would be hiding in the hotels. They may become invisible cases and act just like “time bombs.” That’s why the HK government should learn from Macau to dispatch police to search for visitors who have been to Wuhan or the residents from Hubei in the hotels, and assist them to return to mainland China for quarantine and receive treatment.

Source: The Stand News

#MedicalStaff #InvisibleCases #Quarantined
75-year-old Coronavirus Patient in Kwai Ching Could be a Locally Acquired Case; Citizens Urge Government to Close the HK-China Border

Mei Foo residents oppose the Hong Kong SAR Government's unconsulted plan to set up isolation camp in the densely populated residential area in the district. Four district councillors from Shum Shui Po and Kwai Ching met with residents to hear the opinions of the public. Pro-democracy District Councilor Joshua Li said the government did not consult the residents before deciding to install an isolation camp. He expressed that the most efficient way to fight against the spread of the new coronavirus is to shut down Hong Kong-China border and stop mainland Chinese from coming to Hong Kong.

Over 200 Mei Foo residents gathered and demanded the government deploy the unused Hong Kong Central Hospital and the People's Liberation Army Base instead. They chanted slogans, "Save Hong Kong, Close the Border".

On the same day, the Health Preventive Centre announced that out of the 13 coronavirus patients in Hong Kong, the 75-year-old man who lived in Cheung Hong Estate, Kwai Ching could be a locally acquired case. The centre is conducting investigation on the source of infection.

Source: CRHK; Now News
Photo from: Inmedia
#Feb1 #ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak
Frontline Medical Staff of Prince of Wales Hospital Urge Government to Ban Entry of All Chinese Mainlanders and Provide Sufficient Protective Gear

Medical staff at the Prince of Wales Hospital issued an open letter to the senior management of Hospital Authority today (January 31), asking the management to escalate their request to the government to ban entry of all mainland visitors and to provide sufficient protective equipment to frontline medical staff.

Frontline staff of the anaesthesia and intensive treatment ward as well as those in operation ward stated in the letter that they have vigilant in discharging their duty to take care patients.

However, in view of the lack of appropriate protective equipment meeting WHO standards, inadequate isolation facilities in hospital, and potentially unreliable travel and contact history self-declared by patients, frontline staff urged the government to take on stringent measures before Hong Kong's public health system crumbles.

Source: RTHK
#Jan31 #GlobalOutbreak #ChinesePneumonia #BorderShutdown
Medical Staff Pledged to Go on a Strike, Urging Government to Shut down Hong Kong-China Borders

Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HAEA) held a press conference today (January 31) responding to the preventive measures against Wuhan Pneumonia announced by the Government. HAEA stated that around 6,500 medical staff have pledged to go on a strike next week. Chairman Yu Wai-ming reiterated that "border shutdown" is the most suitable way to curb the epidemic.

Source: Stand News #Jan31
#GlobalOutbreak #WuhanPneumonia #BorderShutdown
Over 500 People Lined Up in Tai Wai for Masks, Even From Far Away Or Under Cold And Hunger

A pharmacy in Tai Wai announced on social media yesterday that there would be 300 boxes of masks available. Around 8 a.m., over 500 citizens could be seen queuing up for purchase. The line lengthened out up to three streets.

The pharmacy gave quota tags to the lined-up at 9 a.m.. Those who had the tags could buy only 1 box of masks (50 masks) starting from 10 a.m..

Citizens who made successful purchase were happy. Some families successfully bought few boxes. An old lady queued up at around 4 a.m., saying that she was hungry under the cold weather, and described the condition as “freeze to death”. A citizen from Tuen Mun arrived by taxi, saying that it was “very hard and going round in circles” just to buy masks.

Source: RTHK
#Jan31 #ChinesePnuemonia #Masks
Medical Staff Suspected of Stealing Masks and Gloves

Police received a report from staff members of Princess Margaret Hospital at about 6:23 this evening (January 31) that 14 surgical masks, 22 N95 masks and some surgical gloves went missing in a ward. It was suspected of being stolen by a 56-year-old female staff member surnamed Wong.

Source: Stand News
#Jan31 #GlobalOutbreak #ChinesePneumonia