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#FirstHand #23Dec
Over 45K Citizens Join Rally in Protest of Political Suppression

Art installations in the theme of Christmas are displayed at the site of the rally “Sparking the Free World Afire”.
Hong Kong Police Standing Guard Outside Chinese Troops' Headquarters in Hong Kong

The rally against political suppression at Edinburgh Place was attended by over 45k citizens. When the peaceful rally came to an end, a large number of riot police were seen guarding the People's Liberation Army Headquarters located between Admiralty and Central, the city's financial hub.

Source: Stand News #23Dec
#PLA #HongKongPolice
#Macau Cybersecurity Law Comes Into Effect; Mandatory Mobile Phones Registration Now Required

The Macau Cybersecurity Law came into effect on #22Dec, which requires all mobile phone users to register their real names with their mobile numbers to service operators in 120 days, or risk termination of phone services.

The Macau government described the purpose of the law as “to ensure that the network, system and data information used by critical infrastructure will be properly protected.” However, critics raised concerns that the law jeopardizes residents’ privacy without protecting cybersecurity, as most attacks are not launched from mobile users.

Source: Stand News
Enhanced MTR Service for Christmas and New Year Festive Season

MTR will provide over 700 additional train trips as well as overnight train services on Christmas and New Year’s Eve, in anticipation of higher demand for public transport during the festive season.

Overnight train services will be provided on all MTR lines (except the Airport Express, Disneyland Resort Line and journeys to or from Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau stations). The Corporation will continue to monitor the situation and carry out train service risk assessment with the relevant government departments. MTR may adjust its train trips and services based on actual circumstances (especially due to public events) for the safety of passengers, staff and railway operations.

Source: RTHK News #MTR
"Sit with you" in Government's Revenue Tower
On December 23, citizens held signs and chanted slogans at Revenue Tower in Wanchai.

The slogan "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times" sounded in the government building.

Source: HK01; Apple Daily #23Dec
New Cybersecurity Law in Macau; Citizens require to register personal identities on SIM card

The Macau Cybersecurity Law ("MCSL") is enacted shortly after its 20th Anniversary. On the same day (22-Dec), the government’s Cybersecurity Commission and Cybersecurity Incidents Alert and Response Centre, have started their operations to give 24/7 surveillance and protection to the critical infrastructures. The commission and response center is coordinated by the Judiciary Police.

Starting from 22nd Dec, public and private critical infrastructure operators of different industries will have to meet obligations that aim to protect the information network and computer systems of critical infrastructure.

According to the Cybersecurity Law, “critical infrastructures” refers to the assets, information networks and computer systems essential to the normal functioning of civil society and whose disruption, destruction, data leakage, suspension of operation or significant decrease in operational performance is likely to cause serious harm to public wellbeing, public safety, public order, or other important matter of public interest, such as different government departments, broadcasting and telecommunications.

The Law also requires citizens to register their personal details on the prepaid SIM card before 20th April 2020; otherwise, the service will be terminated. That means all mobile services must be registered with true personal identities.

#Cybersecurity #Surveillance #Macau

Source: Deloitte China, Stand News

Chinese New Cybersecurity Law was enacted in 1st Dec, Read:
Hong Kong Police: We are Capable of Judging Citizens Who Celebrate and Those Who "Cause Trouble" on Christmas' Eve

While Christmas' Eve is usually a festive occasion in Hong Kong where citizens fill the street, the police was asked whether they would charge citizens who go out with unlawful assembly. Police responded by claiming that they know how to
judge citizens who celebrate Christmas and those who "cause trouble".

Editor's note:
The Hong Kong police for many times evade giving concrete answers to questions by simply asking the public to believe in their 'judgement' without question. Here, one should not forget how the police explained their shooting of two unarmed students with live bullets and without prior warning in the morning of November 11, 2019 in Sai Wan Ho.

According to the police, the three gunshots "took place within split second" and that is why no warning was issued.

Read and Watch Videos: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/10457

Source: Now News #23Dec #HongKongPoliceForce #AsiasFinest
China counterpart censored video featuring Tsai Ing-wen; Taiwanese Youtuber refused to bow down

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen co-created a video with YouTuber Potter King. The video received 2.6 million views within two days. Today (15-Dec), Potter King revealed on facebook that his China counterpart requested him to remove the word ‘President’ in the video and his team refused. As a result, his partner in China changed his Weibo account password without his consent. Potter King told his China counterpart that he wished to terminate the contract. “If we cannot address our national leader as ‘President’, then we might as well not earn this money.”

China counterpart pressed to remove ‘President’
Potter King had uploaded screenshots of his Weibo messages with China New Media and said they have been interfering with the creative direction of his content. For this incident, China New Media used a condemning tone to ask Potter King to delete the video immediately because of the word ‘President’ in the video. “Today not only did they overly interfere but they also censored the word ‘President’. I discussed with Mars and the rest of the crew; we found it utterly unacceptable. It’s ridiculous.”

Weibo account of over 1 million followers hacked by China counterpart
After Potter King’s refusal to change, his Weibo password was changed without his permission and he could no longer log in. Then his China counterpart requested to terminate the contract. Potter King replied, “Go ahead.” He stated: “If we cannot address our national leader as ‘President’, then this money is not worth it. Even though that means a considerable loss in our monthly income, but we really don’t want to bow down.”

Yesterday (14-Dec) Potter King released a video showing Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen visiting his studio. He kept his usual cheeky style and teased Tsai Ing-wen several times in the video. The video had already received 2.6million views on facebook.

#BoycottChina #Censorship #Taiwan

Source: Stand News
Yifang Fruit Tea’s support of one country, two systems has become the nail in the coffin. Taiwan Yifang closes down nearly 30 branches

Taiwan franchised tea shop, Yifang Fruit Tea was affected by the Hong Kong anti-extradition law demonstration in August this year. At that time, the Yifang Hong Kong Central store posted a notice outside the door saying “to walk alongside Hong Kongers, no service for one day”. This action upset Chinese internet users who posted angry messages to attack Yifang’s Chinese branches. Taiwan’s Yifang then stated its official Weibo: “Resolutely uphold one country, two systems, and resolutely oppose violent strikes!” However, the statement triggered Taiwanese consumers to boycott the brand. Since the incident, nearly 30 branches have closed in Taiwan, accounting for about a sixth of the total number of branches there. Many franchisees went bankrupt as a result. On December 2, the Yifang Fruit Tea Yunlin Huwei Zhongzheng store closed down. A heated discussion was caused when the owner bowed 90 degrees to thank customers for their support.

Ko Tzu-kai, founder of Yifang, was recently interviewed and bluntly said that he could not think of a better solution for this incident: “No owner can bear the risk of losing 40 to 60% of his revenue, but he will not give up the Taiwan market.” He discreetly established a new brand “Shuangjiang Tea”. Ko said that the regional general manager in China, who oversaw more than 1,000 stores at the time, was very anxious. In desperation, Ko allowed the regional manager to issue two statements to control the damage: “Resolutely uphold one country, two systems, and resolutely oppose violent strikes” and “Never tolerate any acts intended to split the country”.

After the Yifang incident, twelve other Taiwanese bubble tea brands including 50 Lan, Jenjudan, Meet Fresh, Tiger Sugar, The Alley, 85 Degree, Chatime, Milkshop, CoCo, Gong Cha, DaYungs and OneZo Tapioca have issued statements on Weibo of support: “One Country, Two Systems”, “1992 Consensus”, “People on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are all of one family.”, “Chinese pride”. Taiwanese people regarded these and other statements as “kneeling to the Chinese market” and called the incident “the chaos of bubble tea shops”. In response to this phenomenon, blogger Jinmurmur pointed out on Facebook that the tea shop opinion war is all about Taiwanese businesses wanting to please both sides simultaneously. She bluntly stated that the reason Yifang was desperate to make that statement is not for consumers, but for the Communist Party, “They are afraid of being resisted by more than one billion people in mainland China.”

Jinmurmur, who was born in mainland China, said, “If your heart is not with the Communist Party, your business in China will be hindered; if your heart is with the Party, then prepare to be hated by others; if a business sits on the fence, it will suffer the most.” She said that she would not sympathize with Taiwanese businesses who try to please the Chinese government. “You are the ones making all the money. Why would you want my sympathy? . . . Was the party forcing them? It’s the Taiwanese businesses that got themselves in this mess! If they want to step into the market despite differing viewpoints from China, these brands should assess the risk before making a decision. “

#BoycottChina #Taiwan #YellowEconomyCircle
Source: Business Focus (05-Dec)
Off-duty police officers brought their baton across the border: 2006 vs 2019. #HongKongPoliceForce #AsiasFinest
"Lunch with You" in Lai Chi Kok on Christmas' Eve: Riot Police Announce Unlawful Assembly

Nearly 50 citizens gathered in Lai Chi Kok during lunchtime to march and chant protest slogans such as "Five Demands Not One Less" and "Disband the Police". Citizens held signs and one read "After Half a Year, the Movement Will Go On."

Riot police stood by and called it an "unlawful assembly".

Source: Stand News #24Dec
Perhaps this is an indication that the police has been making arbitrary arrests. #ExcessiveArrests
Police Heavily Deployed Across the City on Christmas' Eve


Source: Stand News #24Dec #ChristmasEve