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#Economy #Boycott
Citizens Post "Boycott Notice" on Shops Run by Pro-China Corporations

"Boycott Notices" were posted at eateries under the Maxim's group, including Peking Garden Restaurant, Starbucks and Simplylife, which stipulated reasons for the boycott. Protesters checked corresponding reasons on the notice, indicating that these eateries were not unreasonably targeted.  This was also convenient for the public to understand reasons for the boycott.

Source: United Social Press #15Dec
#Economy #Boycott
To Support or to Boycott: Protesrers Show Clear Standard

In New Town Plaza in Shatin, protestors proclaim their support for business owned by loc tycoon Li Ka-Shing outside stores like Fortress and Watsons.

While Ann Wu of Maxim's group told China-owned Global Times on November 2, 2019 that she would "give up" two generations of young people in Hong Kong; Li Ka-Shing has efficiently set up a HKD$1 billion instant relief fund for local retail industry. His praise for its efficiency. Like Fortress and Watsons, businesses under Li's company CK Hutchison Holdings Limited remained unaffected throughout the movement.

Source: HKEJ #15Dec
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Hong Kong Police Attack on Press
Police aggressively hit a reporter from Mad Dog Daily with baton in Mongkok.

Source: Heng Sang University SU Editorial Board #16Dec #FreedomOfPress #PoliceBrutality

Report: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/13389
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Police Violently Assault Reporter in Mongkok on December 16: View from Above

Source: HKTGB Channel #16Dec #PoliceBrutality #Assault #FreedomOfPress https://t.me/hktgb/43256
Police Fire Tear Gas Canister to the Right Eye of a Baptist University Student Reporter

01:08 Mongkok
Police fired multiple rounds of teargas on Portland Street. One of the canisters hit the reporter straight in his right eye.

Photo: HKBU SU Editorial Board #16Dec #FreedomOfPress #PoliceBrutality #eye #SevereInjury
Reporter Shot In Face By Tear Gas Canister In Mongkok

During conflicts in Mongkok last night (15 Dec), a reporter from Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Editorial Board was suspected to be hit by a tear gas canister in his cheekbone, injuring the corner of his eye. He was sent to the hospital for treatment. In a public statement today, the Editorial Board condemned the police for deliberately aiming at reporters. The statement also quoted from a first-aid medic, who testified that the injured reporter was conducting his work with a group of first-aiders and reporters, and police deliberately aimed tear gas shots towards the group, so it was an attack with intent, instead of crowd-dispersing operation. The Board reaffirmed that police officers must respect the rights for journalists to conduct their work.

Democratic Party Legislator Lam Cheuk-Ting also condemned the use of violence towards journalists, stating that the injured reporter did not break any laws. He urged the police force to stop sheltering frontline officers from their fault and responsibility, and urged the government to establish an Independent Commission of Inquiry into police brutality immediately, before the issue further exacerbates.

Source: RTHK
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Police refuse to converse in English with foreign reporters

[Editor's note: English is one of the two official languages in Hong Kong]

A foreign female report did not understand the police's request since she doesn't understand Cantonese. The police officer yelled at her, "No English", then in Cantonese "We speak Cantonese here, if you don't understand it, ask your fellow reporters to translate it to you".

Source: APA SU Editorial Board #16Dec #AsianFinest #HongKongPoliceForce
Premier Li: Beijing Approves of HK Government, But Must Investigate Deeply-Rooted Conflicts In Society

Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam travelled to Beijing to report on her work to the Central Government. Premier Li Keqiang stated that Hong Kong's economy has suffered in recent months, and the challenges being faced currently are unprecedented; however, Lam had led the Hong Kong Government in an all-out effort to preserve stability in society, and she had received affirmation from Beijing's Central Government for her actions. He also stated that the Hong Kong Government would continue to curb violence using the law, but must also investigate the causes of the deeply-rooted conflicts in Hong Kong's society.

Source: Now News

#Dec16 #CarrieLam #Bejing #LiKeqiang
How IPCC Works in 2018: 3% Cases Substantiated; Police faced only a warning for fabricating evidence

According to the latest annual report released by the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC), until March 31, 1521 complaints were received, compared to only 1616 cases in Year 2017/18. And of the 630 cases being fully investigated, only 56 cases were substantiated, with 81 officers facing internal actions. None of them faced any criminal charges.

The annual report listed a few complaint cases. Here are some selected ones:

Officers accused of fabricating evidences face only a warning.

A complainant and his friend were intercepted for a search by the police and were charged with “Trafficking of Dangerous Drugs” after two packs 'cocaine' were found inside their car. However, the complainant pointed out that the officers deliberately gave him the car keys, and then returned to seize the car keys from the complainant, even putting him in custody. This prompted him to suspect that the police officers planted the car keys on him, constituting to the fabrication of evidence. However, despite the disputed versions from the complainant and the results of their investigations, the Complaints Against Police Reporting Center (CAPO) classified the case as “not pursuable” and the officers were only given warnings without any divisional record file entry.

Off-duty officer filed a case based on subjective impression.

The complainant was driving a high-performance car when an off-duty inspector (CIP) was walking past the location. Without conducting further investigations, the inspector completed a Defective Vehicle Report against the car and the car was examined, which was found neither to be defective nor illegally altered. The complainant believes that the CIP made the judgement based on his emotions, and there was no concrete evidence. When interviewed by the CAPO, the CIP pointed out that he is a veteran driver with 23 years of experience, and his instincts prompted him to be suspicious. Hence, the CAPO classified the case as “unsubstantiated”, of which the IPCC disagreed, pointing out the CIP’s actions as brash. They urged the CAPO to reclassify this case as “substantiated”.

Source: Stand News
#12Dec #HongKongPoliceForce #IPCC #PoliceLies
“Coffee Prince of Japan” Brings Smiles to Hong Kongers

1350 | Wanchai

Masanori Nishikawa, a famous Japanese who also named “Coffee Prince of Japan” provided free coffee for citizens. He stationed himself outside Wanchai MTR station exit B every day, aiming to bring smiles and give warmth to Hong Kongers with hand-made distilled coffee with the movement happening in Hong Kong. He also drew little cards and pictures of himself to show his sincerity to Hong Kongers.

Today would be his last day in Hong Kong and he would return to Japan soon. Crowds surrounded Masanori and requested to take photos with him.

#firsthand #16Dec #Japan #GlobalSupport
Government officials keep making empty claims on how harmless tear gas is, but missing solid evidence or scientific proof. At least they should take up Dr. K Kwong’s challenge to substantiate their position.

#TearGas #ChemicalWeapons
Hong Kongers Poisoned by Cyanide - findings from a concerned group

Many of us know cyanide as a deadly chemical. Many sources claim that the tear gas that has been expended during the protests contain cyanide. Exposure to chemicals containing cyanide may result in symptoms such as headache, dizziness, fast heart rate, shortness of breath, and vomiting. This may then eventually lead to more sever symptoms such as seizures, slow heart rate, low blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and cardiac arrest, and eventually, death. If the person survives, he/she runs the risk of having long-term neurological problems.

Read the full article here

#TearGas #ChemicalWeapons
Social Welfare Sector to Go On Strike, Urging the Government to Respond to the Five Demands

The Social Welfare sector organised a rally at 3pm in Central Edinburgh Place on 15 December 2019. The aim
is to convene a 3-day strike from the coming Tuesday to Thursday, as a strike committee has been set up earlier.

Through this strike, they hope to raise the attention of other sectors and industries and expect a response from the government regarding the Five Demands.

With the Letter of No Objection from the Police, the Sunday rally was attended by social workers, representatives from grass-roots groups, parents and children. Participants also wrote Christmas cards for people who were arrested in the pro-democracy movement.

Source: i-Cable #15Dec #Strike #PeacefulProtest
Dec 11 - Trampling & Stacking On People Incident Interview by USP

At around 11:30 pm of Nov 18, some protestors fell down when police were chasing another group of protestors to the Yau Ma Tei MTR station. It led to the incident of trampling and stacking on people. In the scene, some people were found to be pushed down and pressed at the bottom of the crowd. Firemen and first aiders were helping the rescue immediately on the spot. Firefighters tried to pull out people. However, all rescue actions were stopped when police arrived. Police separated the firemen, first aiders and protestors, besides, they obstructed journalist to move forward in reporting and filming.

In the daily police press conference on the next day after the incident, police said they hadn’t received any report about “Trampling & Stacking on people” during their disperse action in Yau Ma Tei. Even more news and evidence came to light; police still denied that there was an incident of trampling and stacking on people due to vans driven by police at high speed on that day.
(Video Here )

The media contacted several people who witnessed and experienced the incident at that night, including arrested protestors, eyewitnesses and first aiders. The process of the event and the details were re-organized.

Some interviewees witnessed the trampling incident in two different locations in Yau Ma Tei besides the Pitt Street, which incident was in a large scale. Another interviewee was on another site with a smaller scale of trampling. This interviewee suspected that police turned off the streetlight in the assault area before the police started to assault and arrest. It made the vision of scenes unclear. In addition, the use of flashlight caused the people there panicked and evaded, resulting in the trample.
(Video 1 ; Video 2)

The first-aider interviewee said that people were stacked the most near the metro station at the Pitt Street. Some protestors climbed up the wall to the top of the metro station to escape the scene. This interviewee mentioned that police also attacked the injured people just being treated and first aiders by pepper spray and batons, besides obstructing journalists. Although ambulances could finally reach and handle the wounded, interviewees stated that there was a large number of vacant stretcher beds, waiting for the wounded until 2 am. It was finally confirmed all wounded were taken away after 4 am, when another first aider came to the scene to check. One of the injured was covered in first aid blanket.

From 11:30 pm to 2 am, a large number of stretcher beds were still waiting for the wounded. And it was mentioned that the injured were delayed by at least 2.5hours before being sent to the hospital for treatment.

#HumanitarianCrisis #PoliceLies #PoliceBrutality

Source: USP Social Media (11-Dec)
Social Welfare Workers Set To Go On 3-Day Strike, Refusing To Become "Machines for Stability"

The Social Welfare sector officially set up the Social Welfare On Strike Committee last month, and announced a three-day strike from this week from Tuesday to Thursday. A rally for the strike was held in Edinburgh Square yesterday with 400 attending. The Chairperson of the Committee, Ms. Chan Hon Sau, hoped that the strike will act as a morale boost for other industries to do the same, serving as a "rehearsal" for larger strikes in the future. Social workers that have been arrested in recent months shared their experience on stage, expressing their unwillingness to be part of the machine that values stability above all else, and stated that social workers will always walk together with youngsters in these dark times.

Source: In-media HK #Strike #PeacefulProtest
Doesn't it make them look more guilty than innocent when they try to hide their own identity? #HongKongPoliceForce #AsianFinest