Green Charter RCM
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Green Charter Revolutionary Committees Movement

🟢Committees everywhere
🟢No revolutionary outside a revolutionary committee
🟢No revolution without revolutionary ideology

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Green Charter and Green Book for #printing on two A4 pages
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Green Charter and Green Book for #printing on one A4 page double sided for easy folding as #brochure for easy distribution
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#Freedom is indivisible. For #people to be #happy, they must be #free, and to be free, they must possess the possibility of satisfying their own #needs.” — The Green Book #gb #need
Green Charter RCM pinned Deleted message
The #laws of the #dictatorial instruments of #government have replaced the #natural laws, i.e., positive #law has replaced natural law. Consequently, ethical standards have become confused. The #human being is essentially, physically and emotionally, the same everywhere. Because of this fact, natural laws are applicable to all. However, constitutions as conventional laws do not perceive human beings equally. This view has no justification, except for the fact that it reflects the will of the instrument of government, be it an individual, an assembly, a class or a party. That is why constitutions change when an alteration in the instruments of government takes place, indicating that a #constitution is not natural law but reflects the drive of the instrument of government to serve its own purpose. 
The abrogation of natural laws from human societies and their replacement by conventional laws is the fundamental danger that threatens freedom. Any ruling system must be made subservient to natural laws, not the reverse.
The law of #society is an eternal human #heritage that does not belong only to the living. Therefore, drafting a constitution or conducting a #plebiscite on it is a mockery.
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We call upon our brothers and sisters in the armed forces the police forces the medical corps and the educational sectors to arm ourselves with knowledge and prepare to assist and serve the higher good and those resisting the new world order dictatorship and serving humanity, truth, right and freedom.
Your Rights and Freedoms:

The Freepublic is a society of splendour and fulfilment. It guarantees each person the right of thought, creation and innovation. The Freepublic works for the development of the sciences, the arts and literature. It guarantees they will be disseminated among the popular masses so as to prohibit any monopoly on them.
“Therefore, the only #solution to the persistent #problem of #democracy is through The Third Universal Theory. 
According to this theory, the democratic system is a cohesive structure whose foundations are firmly laid on Basic Popular #Conferences and People's #Committees which convene in a General People's #Congress. This is absolutely the only form of genuine democratic society.” — The Green Book
#gb #3ut
Green Charter RCM pinned «Only after reading the Green Charter of Rights and Freedoms above in full, please vote in this poll — multiple options allowed:»
Convinced that the rights of Man, vicegerent of God on earth, cannot be the gift of a person nor exist in societies where exploitation and tyranny are practised, and can only be achieved by the victory of the popular masses over their oppressors and the disappearance of regimes which annihilate freedom;

that the establishment of the power of the popular masses will consolidate their existence on earth, when the sovereignty of the people will be exercised directly through legislative popular congresses and executive people's committees; 

that human rights cannot be guaranteed in a world where there exist governors and governed, masters and slaves, rich and poor;

Aware that human misery cannot disappear, nor human rights be affirmed, except by building a world where the people hold the power, the wealth and the arms; a world where governments and armies will disappear, and where communities, peoples and nations will be rid of all danger of war, a world of peace, respect, agreement and co-operation;

On the basis of the above, 
the Green Charter International was formed to link men and women around the world who wish to achieve, promote and defend the true Human Rights and freedoms of this new age, the era of the masses, which were proclaimed by the free people, gathered in popular congresses in the Great Green Charter of Human Rights as the following:
Do you finally believe us that Q like #Anonymous before it was a #psyop? #Trump the actor to let you focus yet more on putting faith and trust into others to do what you should do? To keep surrendering your power. Keep hoping for a saviour. Instead of spending time to learn how to take #power: a slow but steady process of #study and hard #work. Astute readers will see we’ve been suggesting starting here: instead of placing faith in #political #leaders of any form. Now that the Trumpet has told you to go home may be a good time to start reading to understand the way to People’s power for “representation is fraud”
Until people stop asking others to lead them, until people stop asking others to give them freedom, until people have understood the need to make decisions for themselves and by themselves in the People’s Congresses and to supervise themselves by themselves in executing their decisions in People’s Committees, until such time the people will not attain freedom, sovereignty and power.
For those who want to print out the Green Charter on A4 paper 2 sides that can be folded into a nice pamphlet, please click on the top of this channel "Green Charter Movement" and then on the Files tab for downloads.
#Freedom can only be defended if you have the #power. #Study how to do so in The Green Book, #Solution to the #Problem of Power (ThiRd Universal THeory - TRUTH). Those who understand the solutions set forth in The Green Book organize themselves with others into Revolutionary Committees with the task to invite others to embrace the #Rights and Freedoms of the Green Charter and to organize open consensus decision-making (legislative) People's #Conferences which are the #legislature based upon #Natural #Law and into specialised (executive) executive People's #Committees under the supervision of the people's conferences, activated by the revolutionary green charter committees, to replace the defunct anti-people govern-mental structures. Our role as #revolutionary (green charter) committees is not to rule over others nor to allow others to rule over us but to set the #example, to #educate, to #motivate, and to #warn the popular masses and #guide to the path toward #emancipation, bringing about the Dawn of a new era, the Era of the self-governing Freepublics (Jamahiriyas). Share AND JOIN this Channel:
#gc #rc #gb
Green Charter RCM
Your Rights and Freedoms: 19 The Freepublic is a society of splendour and fulfilment. It guarantees each person the right of thought, creation and innovation. The Freepublic works for the development of the sciences, the arts and literature. It guarantees…
This absence from #power has vacated the sciences to be manipulated by the organised #minority. Thus a “World Health Organisation” and minority governments worldwide have forced you to accept their masked #religion of fake #science for their massive profits at the expense of your #health and sanity. A few hundred people controlling the millions. If you organised People’s #Conferences to pass resolutions against masks and injections and lockdowns and people’s #committees for health to execute those policies how could the world health organisation falsehood stand against the truth of the millions in the Universal People’s Committee for Health executing the policy of the millions around the world making up the Universal People’s Congress comprising the National People’s Congresses which themselves are the collection of thousands of People’s Conferences from the local communities? It would be game over as when Truth appears falsehood disappears as the daylight dispels the night. What are you waiting for? Form Revolutionary Committees to study and put forward the solutions offered in The Green Book. Join: and share. #gb #who #rcm