Forwarded from Maryann Gebauer Channel
🌺 What are you doing to make this world a better place?

Catherine Austin Fitts wrote a good ‘Take Action’ list. Here is my Canadian version with some additions.

☑️ Use cash.

☑️ Meet face-to-face with your MPs, MLAs, mayors, and city councillors and sprinkle them with truth, support and guidance. Emailing is easier but far less effective than meeting in person.

☑️ Attend or organise Town Hall Meetings in your area. These are becoming all the rage across Canada. They are perfect to get informed and decentralize political power.

☑️ Shift your bank deposits out of the big 5 large Canadian banks and into well-governed local community banks and credit unions.

☑️ Join a school board, parks board, library board, small business group….

☑️ Reduce your business at banks. Look to family for financing and term deposits. Use lawyers or notaries to draft up loans or deposits with family members rather than relying on banks.

☑️ Educate the people you know about the Central Bank of Canada’s irresponsible printing of money and their driving up inflation.

☑️ Eat fresh local food, get to know your local farmers and food producers, attend local farmers markets and network.

☑️ Avoid Amazon, Walmart, Superstore and other big box stores and chains. Support small local businesses.

☑️ Plant a garden, and raise chickens, sheep, goats or cows. Create a greenhouse. Get as food self-sufficient as possible.

☑️ Establish water and power and energy systems when possible.

☑️ Get informed on EMF and towers in your area and fight to get installations removed. Check your home for EMF and make changes to reduce exposure. Turn off your WIFI routers at night.

☑️ Pray for freedom and for all those fighting for freedom. Pray for the people who are destroying our sovereignty and profiting from it, that their hearts should be changed.

☑️. Pick an issue that you are passionate about and get involved in the fight.

☑️ Gather with those you love. Adventure. Get outdoors in nature. Travel. Enjoy good food, music, and cultural events. Remember- Life is not a dress rehearsal. Embrace life and enjoy it!

☑️ Minimize time on your computer or phone and get busy living your life.
Loved this podcast. You create your own life.

David Bayer explores emotional self-management in the face of global issues. He addresses the growing public awareness of significant global concerns such as environmental destruction, corporate influences in healthcare and governance, military actions, and media control, often highlighted by independent media figures. While acknowledging these challenges, the episode focuses on adopting a productive mindset rather than succumbing to fear and despair.

Bayer emphasizes the importance of viewing these challenges through a lens of personal and collective empowerment, advocating for the creation of new societal structures through enlightened perspectives. He advocates for using this awareness as a catalyst for personal growth and societal change, urging listeners to engage with these issues in a way that aligns with personal empowerment and constructive action. This approach is intended to transform fear into motivation, fostering a more conscious and proactive engagement with the world free of fear.
Forwarded from Reese Report
Media is too big
Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech
Forwarded from Vaccine Choice Canada
In a shocking turn of events, all 49 Republican senators, led by Senator Ron Johnson, have formally urged President Joe Biden to withdraw his support in expanding the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic authority. The letter, sent ahead of the 77th World Health Assembly scheduled from May 27 to June 1, 2024, in Geneva, Switzerland, argues that the WHO’s mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis underscores the need for major reforms rather than granting it more power. The senators warn that such an expansion could threaten U.S. sovereignty and constitutional rights, emphasizing that any international agreement enhancing WHO’s authority should be treated as a treaty, requiring a two-thirds supermajority vote in the Senate for approval.

Follow @VaccineChoiceCanada for more #WinsOfTheWeek
Forwarded from Vaccine Choice Canada
Bill Gates Predicts mRNA ‘Vaccine Factories’ Worldwide and $2 Vaccines for Every Disease

“He’s not a doctor. He’s not a nurse. He’s not a pharmacist. He’s not a biomedical scientist. He’s not a dentist. He’s not a physiotherapist. He’s none of these things … He has no qualifications in these matters. Let me know how comfortable you are with people self-appointing themselves to lead global research on these topics.” — John Campbell, Ph.D.
Forwarded from Geopolitics & Empire
Forwarded from Insider Amigo
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German MEP Christine Anderson: "Our governments that we had so much trust in can no longer be trusted because they are out to get us...Covid was just one small aspect of the entire theme of things we're seeing now. This transgenderism, which one again is robbing us of our sexual identity...You see the climate madness next thing which will, they will use to pretty much restrict individual mobility, your abilities to visit other countries, to fly and all of this. Then you add digital ID, that's the next thing, so the Covid pass was just kind of like the test balloon for the digital ID, digital currency off course which will be the ultimate control mechanism of every single human being on this planet. And then of course the fight against hate speech, disinformation, misinformation and malinformation, that's the new thing now. So these are all measures and pretty much agendas that are being pushed through which ultimately will abolish freedom, democracy and the rule of law. And it is really refreshing to see that a lot of people are waking up to those issues and that they are seeing through it and beginning to realize what they're up against."
☝️☝️☝️ Click to subscribe...
Forwarded from Dr. Tenpenny
Media is too big
Tucker Carlson asks, “in what world” are we not allowed to ask about vaccines and autism?
The doomsday book is "an internal document used to guide the Federal Reserve’s actions during emergencies."
The company's admission that its jab can cause blood clots, leading to its removal from the market, is a significant development. Beyond blood clots, what about the significant rise in turbo cancers happening all over the world?
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, the former Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs, has become the first major politician to apologize to the unvaccinated for the tsunami of deaths occuring among the vaccinated population.

Earlier this week, huge numbers of Japanese citizens took to the streets to protest against the crimes against humanity perpetrated by globalist organizations such by World Health Organization (WHO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) during the pandemic.
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Trust The "Science"...That Just Retracted 11,000 "Peer Reviewed" Papers

"It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry," she said. "Who knew, academic journals were a $30 billion dollar industry?"
Forwarded from The Canadian Independent (The Canadian Independent)
Media is too big
WATCH: A large memorial was captured today in the streets of Austria of those injured or killed by the COVID-19 vaccines.
Forwarded from Maryann Gebauer Channel

Back in 2021, governments actually published covid vaccine injuries.
No more.