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Motherhood, femininity and resisting the nwo
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Forwarded from Laura Towler
Diversity is such a strength that they have to put laws in place to stop people talking about how much they don’t like each other.
Forwarded from Fresh Femininity
Seeing so many people who don’t even buy into the covid hype and know the vaccine is under researched and potentially damaging relent and say “well I’ll just get it if things can go back to normal for me. It’s not that big of a deal.”
Do you realize that’s literally what they want? The pushy meddling global elites took your entire life and livelihood from you and destroyed our economy and way of life and are holding it hostage, dangling it over your head, until you roll on your back and do what they want you to do by injecting a DNA altering substance in your body because it’s “easier” and you genuinely think you’ll get your life back. The vaccine does not, apparently:
-prevent you from contracting the virus
-prevent you from spreading it
-warrant the end of masks
-warrant open travel
-warrant business reopen
-warrant the end of lockdowns
-provide lasting immunity

What it might do:
-kill you
-sterilize you
-give you blood clots
-cause you to miscarry if you’re pregnant
-give you seizures

All for a disease you have a 98% chance of surviving. You should be angry. There’s talk of social distancing and masking up every flu season from now on. Vaccine passports, which are unheard of and completely unprecedented and we don’t even have for much deadlier diseases. You’re assumed to have this disease until proven not too. Guilty until proven innocent. You should be really fucking mad. Not willing to do what they tell you to not even actually get your life back in the end.
If you’re a woman in America who loves Jesus you’re literally Hitler now.
Please follow this page. First hand accounts of strange symptoms from people all over.
Forwarded from Agents Of Truth
What can the little ones do when their own parents hand them over to the demonic haters of humanity? There are no words for the sorrow we feel for these poor innocents. If you’re a believer, whatever your religion, please say a prayer for them. They’re going to need it.
Forwarded from DRIIIVΞR
Not all of us have the ability to escape to the wilderness or buy land and set up a compound. Most of us are going to have to live within the system, becoming the “grey man”, living under the watchful eyes of the Beast, taking up our cross and allowing God to lead and to establish us and protect us no matter our situation.

Despairing about where you are at this moment in this system and envying those who got out early is an egregious lack of faith and a gross negligence of our Divine calling to do the will of the Father wherever He has placed you.

Remember that God does not give you more than you can handle. Be grateful everyday for the mission He has chosen you to accomplish. Ask Him to make it abundantly clear what you need to do. Be prepared to act upon the urging of the Holy Spirit within you, whenever it comes rushing over you.

With His strength and His might we can do all things. Worrying about your current situation and the endless “terrible outcomes” that yourself and others conjure up in your own minds is irrelevant to the plans ordained by God from the foundations of the Earth.

You are a WARRIOR for Christ.

BELIEVE it and ACT on it.
Wonder why Texas Republicans kept blocking the bills that would protect children from becoming science experiments?

The Chemical Castration Lobby paid them off.

We must return to idealism and romanticism. It has been taken away from us by the evil demons from hell.

Ignite the creative spark that lies dormant within, push ourselves to do better everyday, keep our forefathers legacy alive.

Create art, writing ✍️ short stories, poetry, learn an instrument, study history - help bring back beauty into our world.

Keep the majesty of high European culture alive, anyone can do this —

Romanticism and idealism should fit into the categories below ✍️

1. Glorification of Nature
2. Awareness and acceptance of emotion
3. Celebration of thought, originality and imagination
4. Emphasis on aesthetic beauty
5. Focus on History
6. Faith
8. Vivid sensory descriptions
9. Use of personification
10. Focus deeply on personal experiences

Reject modernity and embrace tradition. Bring back beauty and strength.
Forwarded from KimAlberts
Via Jason Christoff:

My Top 20 Survival Tips For 2021

1. Start an online business, even as a side hustle. Start pursuing something where you're not under the thumb of corrupt gov-lovers or corrupt corporations.

2. Start growing your own food.

3. Create redundancy with your fresh water supply. Potentially bottled water (glass bottled preferred) plus a reverse osmosis filter under the sink. A well is also a good option.

4. Create redundancy for your back up heating system. A natural gas powered fire place plus a wood fire place or wood stove. (on top of your gas/oiled powered furnace)

5. Create redundancy for your back up electricity supply. A natural gas fired generator plus solar panels. (on top of your regular on grid power supply). Generac makes both generators and solar panels believe.

6. Have a 4-6 month supply of absolutely everything you use on a regular basis. From spices to toothpaste and from mustard to toilet paper. Make a list. It's time. Get 6 months supply of propane for your barbecue.

7. Try to exit from large city centers if possible and find homes with more floor space, bigger lots or acreage.

8. Home defense for potential looters. What ever the law allows in your area, load up. Get something that when people see it, trouble makers back up and don't ever return.

9. Remove all crypto currencies from exchanges and download to personally controlled wallets. Hard wallets are preferable.

10. Remove cash if possible from bank accounts in early July. People with larger cash balances make sure to remove at least 6 months worth of cash, in regards to your living expenses. Remember Greece 5 years ago where you could only take out a very small amount of cash every week, even if you had millions in the bank. Also think "bail in". If you don't know what a "bail in" is, look it up.

11. Acquire 1-2 chest freezers and make sure you're stalked up on the frozen essentials like grass fed meats, frozen fruit etc. Don't ever load up on junk. Junk makes you sick, weak and compliant. Always build your strength with everything you do.

12. Sell what you don't need in the next 3 weeks if you can. When people have money and things are calm, it's the best time to unload items you no longer use and redirect that money into loading up in the areas that are going to count.

13. Contact local organic farmers in your area, who you already buy organic food from. Visit them in person. Tell them that if they experience any looting or bullying, regarding their food call you for support and defense of the only thing of value in a crisis, which is healthy organic food.

14. Best to get a 4x4 truck instead of a car if possible. Keep the gas tank near full at all times. Diesel is preferable.

15. Beyond stocking up on healthy food, make sure you have a wide array of healthy supplements. I believe Organifi makes some of the best nutrition green and red powders on the planet. Remember that in a crisis you need VITAMIN C to stay healthy. Those powders from organifi are a good source of vitamin C. Frozen fruit is good as well. Use the discount code CHEK20 at check out for Organifi, to get a 20 percent discount. Vitamin D (from Mega Food) fish oil (from Nordic Naturals), digestive enzymes from Renew Life (which may help dissolve spike proteins as well) zinc (from Mega Food), Thieves Oil (from Young Living), Fermented Garlic (from Mercola. com) and Echinacea (from Vogel).....all essential. These items can literally reverse almost any illness when combined with clean water, bed rest and love from your family.

16. Make sure you have a first aid kit, which may even include a stitching kit as well.

17. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, start buying your hunting or winter gear right now for best selection.

18. If you're in the Northern hemisphere right now, sunbath as much as possible, to build up a good concentration of vitamin D in your fat cells. No toxic sunblock of course. Just so your immune system is strong, regarding everything they're going to throw at you over the next calendar year.

Forwarded from Roosh Valizadeh
Unrelenting sodomy propaganda is having the strongest conversion effect on women, Hispanics, and Asians.
Forwarded from Bernadine Bluntly
The Bolshevik Communist Bots have been given their next script.
Forwarded from 🅵🆁🅴🅴 🆉🅾🅽🅴 (ғʀᴇᴇ ʜʏᴅᴇ 🎈)

Step one. From bondage to spiritual faith.

Step two. From spiritual faith to great courage.

Step three. From courage to liberty.

Step four. From liberty to abundance.

Step five. From abundance to complacency.

Step six. From complacency to apathy.

Step seven. From apathy to dependence.

Step eight. From dependency back to bondage.

Step nine. From bondage back to spiritual faith….

🔗 The stages of the rise and fall of civilizations
Forwarded from Shine with Chanda
Extremism is locking down healthy people for over a year.

Extremism is living in fear.

Extremism is teaching kids about anal sex in elementary school.

Extremism is looking at Dr. Rachel Levine and thinking, “I should totally take health advice from him/her”.

Extremism is being deathly afraid of oxygen.

Extremism is believing someone who is perfectly healthy can give you a disease they don’t have.

Extremism is believing that governments with a LONG, sordid history of nothing but corruption and murder, suddenly care about your health and safety..

Extremism is endless wars for profit.

Extremism is believing “health” comes from a needle.

Extremism is controlling the narrative and silencing anyone who goes against it.

Extremism is believing a neurotoxin that German chemists used to keep prisoners “dumb and docile”...was added to your water to protect your teeth.

Extremism is $28 trillion in debt (while CA pays $2,600 per tent, per month for homeless encampments in LA)

Extremism is trusting politicians more than you trust your fellow man.

Extremism is believing that we are going back to normal one day.

Extremism is seeing the truth, but continuing to believe the lies.

Extremism is believing that relinquishing your rights and freedom now somehow equals getting them back later.

Extremism is believing that “15 days to slow the spread” that turned into an endless loss of freedom and a total restructuring of your life... Was for your “safety”

Extremism is believing an industry that PROFITS off you being sick- actually cares about your health.

Extremism is paying people to inject themselves with your “cure”.

Extremism is believing that forcing, coercing, incentivizing, and shaming people into a medical procedure that carries an inherent risk is perfectly ok. (Where’s all the “my body my choice” peeps at now??)

Extremism IS the “new normal” and anyone who goes along with it.

When TRUE health, immune systems, freedom, courage, integrity, logic, bodily autonomy, and common sense are considered extreme... you know you’re living in 1984
- Chanda Morse
this number could reflect only 1-10% of cases since many professionals do not know about the reporting system, or are being actively discouraged from reporting cases. Common adverse effects include heart inflammation, heart attacks, blood clots, stroke, miscarriage, and more.