Dr. Simon
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PhD in biotechnology. Sharing insights about health, nutrition, vitamin D, permaculture, and COVID madness.

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Media is too big
Nuremberg 2: "Everyone Involved in This Syndicate Should Be Called to Justice"

β€’ WEF
β€’ Gates Foundation
β€’ CEPI - founded by Gates
β€’ WHO
β€’ Wellcome Trust
β€’ Rockefeller Foundation
β€’ CCP
β€’ GAVI
β€’ Eco Health Alliance
β€’ CDC, NIH, FDA, regulatory agencies across the world
β€’ Vaccine manufacturers

Dr. Peter McCullough: "This is a crime on a worldwide global magnitude ... Everyone involved in this syndicate should be brought to justice."


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Let's not forget that Fauci recommended "double masking" a year ago, as two physical barriers were more efficient than just one. 🀑

In fact, masks harmed billions of users. Viruses (if they exist in a way we are told) are so tiny that they could easily pass every barrier. So Fauci either didn't pay attention during the physics class, or he's been gaslighting the general public. I believe both. :)

On March 8th, 2020, Fauci even claimed that cloth masks worked.

Let's go back in time a bit further. On February 5th, 2020, Fauci replied to an email from Sylvia Burwell, stating that "the typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you."

It is a failure of the American state that Fauci is still at large. It was a harmless extra compared to this corrupt science clown.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» @Goddek
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The WHO making claims with zero supporting evidence continues.

Where do you get your information?
Hello, my dears.

Today, Pfizer has partnered with Marvel to create a comic book to urge people to get their Covid booster vaccines and be an 'everyday hero'.

Fake news? Unfortunately not.

The comic can be found here on Marvel's website. Another company I'll add to my personal boycott list β€” well deserved!

Dr. Simon @Goddek
A group of Chinese scientists living and working in the US wrote a letter to the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine titled "Effects of Vaccination and Previous Infection on Omicron Infections in Children".

In this letter, the authors stated that "both the BNT162b2 vaccine and previous infection were found to confer considerable immunity against omicron infection and protection against hospitalization and death. The rapid decline in protection against omicron infection that was conferred by vaccination and previous infection provides support for booster vaccination."

However, the provided graphs don't support their recommendation. Also, the possibility of long-term adverse effects hasn't been taken into consideration by the authors.

Resist the CCP,

Channel: @Goddek
What a disgrace! #FCKTWTTR

Ladies and gentlemen,

This is Paul Allor (he/they), the person behind Marvel's "Pfizer-Man" comic (for more info see my previous post about this issue).

And Paul is right – phobias are indeed weird (link to tweet). He should urgently go and look for professional help.

After further scrolling through his timeline (big mistake!), I wish to recapitulate that this guy is totally out of touch with reality. Quote: "I... am... muting... a LOT of anti-vaxxers since this Pfizer comic dropped."

The criticism he receives is completely justified. Pfizer's propaganda is exclusively aimed at teenagers and children, for whom COVID symptoms pose no danger, but that gene therapy does. Shame!

Dr. Simon @Goddek
Media is too big
"The Guy is on Pfizer's Payroll" - Germany's Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, is a Pharma Shill

Dr. Paul Brandenburg: "We never had a thing [courier service for meds], but he introduced it only for Paxlovid."

"He is just a completely unscrupulous man advertising Pfizer Pharmaceuticals 24/7."

Full Interview: https://t.me/goddek/2123
Academia is dead and the peer-review process is a joke.

LET THIS SINK IN: a study published in the β€œrenowned” journal Nature Communications, declared vaccinated people unvaccinated and vice versa.

β–ΆοΈŽ Unvaccinated people with a previous infection counted as fully vaccinated! 🀑🀑🀑 ΒΏQUE?

That's how they manipulate data to justify injecting us with that gene therapy. The publication includes 20 authors and no objections were raised? Even the peer reviewers had nothing to claim about.

I feel ashamed of being a scientist. From now on, I define myself as an independent science journalist.

Link to publication: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-33328-3

LOL content: This is the main author bragging about his study. (click and laugh!)

Dr. Simon @Goddek
I won't tolerate threats of violence!

I tolerate different opinions and consider freedom of expression our greatest asset. But also I have tolerance limits...

To the person (i.e. Florian Hauschild) who threatened me with death in the comment section:

Just come to Brazil and try, and I'll crack you like an egg. My dogs love free food. 😏

Seriously, how low can one go? 😐
Forwarded from UngaTheGreat
INSIGHTFUL Substacks Worth Following To Fight Censorship

Investigative Journalism. Censored Topics. America First.

The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Tyranny is not possible without compliance

Dr. Simon
PhD in biotechnology. Sharing insights about health, nutrition, vitamin D, permaculture, and COVID madness.

Steve Kirsch
Executive Director, Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

Dr. Robert Malone
Scientist, physician, writer, podcaster, commentator and advocate.

Let's resist Big Tech together. We, the people, are more powerful than a handful of freedom-hating individuals.

I am happy to announce that Dr Mark Bailey will be on my podcast next week.

Dr Mark Bailey was a physician with post-graduate qualifications in musculoskeletal medicine, and a masters degree in health sciences. In 2016 he left clinical practice due to dissatisfaction with the allopathic medical system.

Mark is the husband of Dr Sam Bailey and since early 2020 he has been the duo’s chief researcher with a focus on microbiology, the existence of viruses, as well as historical and epistemological issues within medical science. He is the author of β€œA Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)” and co-author of β€œThe COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity”.

I am aware that this is a sensitive topic and some of you might be critical of his view of virology. But, as a scientist, I must look at all possibilities to bring us a step closer to the truth. Learning means listening intently!

I have already made a huuuuuge list of many questions I want to ask Mark. If there are topic-related questions that have been bothering you for a long time, please let me know, and I will consider bringing it up.

Simon :)
Amen! πŸ™πŸ»
Good night. πŸ™ƒ
A house divided.

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Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, Theresa Tam states that vaccine immunity is falling as Canadians aren't getting boosted, putting everybody at risk of hospitalization.

Call me xenophobic, but in my opinion, these authoritarian officials of Chinese origin and influencers should be sent back to China asap.

This doesn't only concern Theresa Tam but also the fearmongers Eric Feigl-Ding (click!) and Leana Wen (click!).

All three claim to be raised in Canada or the USA. However, one can tell by their accent that this is a blatant lie.

Dr. Simon @Goddek
Media is too big
Back to Common Sense: You Don't Give Medical Interventions That Increase the Risk of Dropping Dead

FL Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo: "It is not appropriate to be giving people a medication – a vaccine in this case – that increases their risk of dropping dead by over 80%. That's not appropriate!"

Full Video

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