Dr. Simon
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PhD in biotechnology. Sharing insights about health, nutrition, vitamin D, permaculture, and COVID madness.

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Forwarded from Battleground (Jerm)
This is why the East will be the new global power in the future. The West is dead.

Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
They're the ones taking private jets and polluting our earth, and they're blaming you, to no surprise, as an excuse to control your behavior. 

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In a speech in the German Bundestag, the 23-year-old Member of Parliament Emilia Fester (she/her) from the party "Die Grünen" (The Greens), accuses the unvaccinated and the conservative party "AfD," which is critical of the measures, of still not having got back her fundamental rights.

"And all that I miss so much, that may seem ridiculous to you, but you know what is really ridiculous? If you and your 'friends of freedom' had simply had yourselves vaccinated when most of us had the good sense to take that simple step, THEN I WOULD BE FREE AGAIN NOW."

This perpetrator-victim reversal is the result of two years of PsyOp. This young lady will hopefully one day be ashamed of her statements. I will at least remind her regularly.

Link to her Twitter profile: https://bit.ly/3thi914 😏

Karl Lauterbach on January 14th: "I am someone who does not blame the unvaccinated."

Karl Lauterbach on March 17th: "The whole country will be hostage to the unvaccinated."

Dr. Simon on March 17th: "The German Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, is a mentally ill and authoritarian misanthrope who poses a danger to a free society."
Big Tech is blackmailing me!

Patreon just made me delete three factual posts about Christian Drosten and Vitamin D; otherwise, they'd freeze all donations that I got so far. I deleted them but saved them before and will eventually repost them. 😏

Blackmailing scientists for statements they make on other social media platforms is a colossal cheek. The way big tech cancels dissidents of any kind is a disgrace.

In addition to appealing the judgment of the Twitter case, I also reserve the right to take legal steps against Patreon.

Dr. Simon

This is exactly how propaganda works.

Governmental Health Advice:
1. Take a potentially harmful experimental drug against a virus that most likely won't pose any danger to you.
2. Wear harmful masks.
3. Isolate yourself from your family and friends.
4. Stop visiting the gym or your sports club.
5. Neither go too much outside nor go on holidays; i.e. avoid vitamin D synthesis.
6. Prescribe a handful of drugs that will never really make you healthy.

Dr. Simon's Health Advice:
1. Make sure you eat healthily and supplement smartly (magnesium, zinc, melatonin, etc.). Grow your own food if possible.
2. Expose yourself to the sun for at least 30 minutes a day, covering your body as little as possible.
3. Exercise every day. Get in shape with cardio and strength sports.
4. Give up on drugs (especially alcohol) and sleep at least 8 hours per night.
5. Have a rich social life. Enjoy the reality with friends and limit (social) media consumption to 1-2 hours per day.
6. Get off statin drugs.

I'm convinced that my method would have prevented millions of deaths. We shouldn't forget who's responsible for the waste of this vast number of healthy life years.

State of São Paulo lifts all mask mandates.

I've been disobedient and never wore a mask, but I'm happy for my fellow São Paulistas that they don't have to wear masks in enclosed spaces anymore.

The face diaper as a symbol of oppression and compliance has failed!

Last week, the authoritarian governor João Doria already lifted mask mandates for open spaces.

More and more politicians are aware that a large part of the population has seen through their lies of the last two years. Nevertheless, the methods used to scourge and blackmail people must not be forgotten.

These politicians will most likely evade responsibility by blaming the scientists presented by the media. We will not fall for that.

The reappraisal begins now!

Forwarded from Jerm Warfare Updates
My latest cartoon.

Putting as a premise that every war is horrific, and that wars should never be started, and that the violence and threats that lead to wars should also never be started, and that in the tragic event in which wars do start, the best option is always the one which ends them as soon as possible, and this option is always a peace treaty, and that this always requires all sides to sign it, it is also possible to accept that:

There may be a very direct link between the two wars we are experiencing:
1. The war waged on the human body by the two bioweapons called SARSCoV2 and the spike protein "vaccines".
2. The military conflict between Kiev and the Donetsk & Lugansk People's Republics and Russia's military intervention.

It is important to remember that:
A. The Russian and Ukrainian governments have both also waged war 1 against both their people, and are still doing so.
B. War 2 was started in 2014, not 2022, and was a direct continuation of the US backed coup, which led to Crimea's accession to Russia, and to the separatist movements in the predominantly Russian language speaking Donbass.

A new element has now emerged, which relates to US (and UK: Public Health England) support for the biolabs in Ukraine according to the documents that have been released by Russia, which seem genuine. We have also published the confirmation from the US contractor's website that they built the biolab in Odessa. Russia would have known about this for years, and this may have informed their drive to "vaccinate" their population, as well as the control by the QR code tagging that can attempt to control the current anti-war movement, which is being repressed.

Given the policy that the Russian state follows in order to try and increase the country's population, it is possible that the marketing for the Russian vaccines, now including Astrazeneca, are born of a marriage of fear of the population reduction agenda and science behind the mRNA vaccines, and the corruption of the Russian pharmaceutical industrial complex, which may include figures close to, or with the attention of, the Kremlin and the government.

It seems clear that the Western propaganda and sanctions machine was ready with a pivot from Covid/vaccines to the war, and that therefore this may always have been the exit strategy in case too many people woke up to the "pandemic" fraud and to the "vaccine" fraud and the intentionality of the depopulation agenda behind the "vaccination" drive, mainly through increasing infertility of the younger generations, for whom there was no other reason to insist on "vaccinating".

In this way, to disrupt the Western propaganda machine, we need to keep our eye on the new information regarding the biolabs, in Ukraine, in Georgia, and in Wuhan. Someone paid for them, someone gave authorization, someone received genetic material from them. Please keep on sharing information about the biolabs, as there may be a much more direct link between the two wars than the corporate media wants us to believe.
The Supreme Court of Brazil just blocked Telegram in the entire country.

They justify this decision with the the claim that it is misused for propaganda, was founded in Russia, and is used to distribute fake vaccination certificates.

I think, however, that the globalist Supreme Court is doing everything to get rid of Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonarobrasil). The latter got more than 1,000,000 subscribers on Telegram whereas woke “Lula”, who accused Bolsonaro of committing a Covid genocide against the Brazilian people, only has 50,000 people following his channel.

I will keep on posting here. Just like me, more and more Brazilians will use VPNs to bypass censorship.

Which country should I move to next?


Dr. Simon @Goddek

Get yourself a VPN before they censor the internet in your country. I am using #ExpressVPN for three years already and I am more than happy with their speed and customer service: https://bit.ly/3KUQFVc.
I'm now on Bastyon - the “Bitcoin of social media”

Bastyon is an anti-censorship decentralised publishing and social platform based on blockchain technology.

It even got a Covid/Lockdowns category that animates people to talk about this topic freely.

Given the fact that I am increasingly getting censored and also Telegram moved into the crosshair of the globalists, I decided to create myself an account there.

Telegram will remain my primary platform, but it is always good to be a first-mover regarding censorship and oppression.

Many other contributors to the Covid Truth Network also are planning to create accounts there, too as we believe that decentralised platforms are the best weapon against the freedom-depriving establishment.

https://bastyon.com/author?address=PF57cm7HGsc5djwK556uZ7AZbqk59wXxF2 (click, join, and follow!)

Enjoy this sunny weekend,
Dr. Simon @Goddek
[Gettr | gab | Bastyon | Twitter]
tl;dr Germany is going fully German.

This presstitute of the German state media says that we "can't reward ourselves with freedom" in this situation.

The authoritarian German government still lies about this plandemic while 90% of the world is slowly admitting that everything was less severe than claimed.

Germany is still the only country seriously considering a compulsory vaccination against this common cold virus. Its left-winged governing parties, who have been chanting "my body my choice" until 2019, are now pushing to abolish the individual right to bodily integrity.

Nothing less, but the democracy of that country is at stake.

Patreon wants me to delete all my Telegram posts.

Patreon recently told me to delete three of my posts on Telegram otherwise they'd not liberate the donations of approx. 3000$ that I received from you guys within the last year.

I did so after saving them first. I now received a reply from their support slave telling me to literally delete all of my posts here.

To make one thing clear: whatever I post here is factual. My Telegram channel is running independently from my banned Patreon account and I won't succumb to their pressure.

I consequently decided to sue Patreon for damages. I don't know what the chances are after I lost my lawsuit against Twitter for tweeting the truth about the fact that viruses usually get weaker over time. But I know one thing for sure: Big Tech is a danger to a free society.

So I'll keep on fighting against these cancel science protagonists.

Dr. Simon @Goddek
[Gettr | gab | Bastyon | Twitter]

The founder of Patreon, Jack Conte, is a WEF Young Global Leader. 🤡
It speaks volumes that the most neglected health factor during this "pandemic" is our immune system.

Instead politicians and the media propagate harmful lockdowns, harmful masks and most likely harmful vaccines.

It's all about our health, guys!

Most of those who stand with Ukraine these days couldn't even stand with their friends and family during the last two years.

Coming up: climate change and CO2 passports.

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Christian Drosten developed a questionable Covid PCR test that caused:

👉🏼 Millions of people to starve to death.
👉🏼 Hundreds of millions of livelihoods to be destroyed.
👉🏼 Hundreds of millions of children to be mentally impaired.
👉🏼 Millions of deaths due to adverse effects.
👉🏼 An economic damage that cannot be corrected.

Are you proud of your achievements, Mr. Drosten?

'll be watching you!
Dr. Simon @Goddek
[Gettr | gab | Bastyon | Twitter]
Another crisis actor. 😐
