The pytorch re-implement of the official efficientdet with SOTA performance in real time and pretrained weights.
Language: Python
#bifpn #detection #efficientdet #efficientnet #object_detection #pytorch
Stars: 473 Issues: 7 Forks: 77
The pytorch re-implement of the official efficientdet with SOTA performance in real time and pretrained weights.
Language: Python
#bifpn #detection #efficientdet #efficientnet #object_detection #pytorch
Stars: 473 Issues: 7 Forks: 77
GitHub - zylo117/Yet-Another-EfficientDet-Pytorch: The pytorch re-implement of the official efficientdet with SOTA performance…
The pytorch re-implement of the official efficientdet with SOTA performance in real time and pretrained weights. - zylo117/Yet-Another-EfficientDet-Pytorch