Senator Gerard Rennick
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Queensland LNP Senator who sees Australia as 1 country 🇦🇺.
Authorised G.Rennick, Tenancy C4, Level 1, 90 Kittyhawk Drive Chermside QLD 4032
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Media is too big
Doctor! Doctor!

Some get precious about their titles don’t they.

“It’s not clear to me how your questions are related to the expenditure and operations of the government.”

What a pathetic response from the chair of the Community Affairs Committee in estimates.

$15 billion and counting just on Covid drugs alone and she doesn’t understand how it’s relates to the expenditure and operations of the government!

This was late on the last night of estimates and it was a deliberate attempt by the chair and bureaucrats to run down the clock as they know they can’t talk about “transfection” which is gene therapy and gain of function.

When people wake up and realise just how dangerous these lipids that can slice through any membrane are, there will be rioting on the streets.

It’s important people do wake up as big pharma intend to continue to use this dangerous gene therapy into the future.

Yes just like the vaccines were safe and effective, renewables are cheap and reliable and high immigration is good for the economy.

Media is too big
This round of questions to Treasury about immigration really shows how clueless Labor is about immigration.

The Finance Minister (you know the one that handed over millions of taxpayer dollars to Brittany Higgins despite a court finding the government did nothing wrong) couldn’t even say what the projected rate of immigration will be into the future.

This was the Economics committee mind you. Gallagher telling me to see Home Affairs is just a cop out. Immigration levels are controlled by Treasury not Home Affairs.

As for saying other countries have high immigration rates well so what. That makes it okay then does it?

I don’t think so. Australians living in tents and cars is never okay.

And so much for tracking down. The immigration rate is still tracking up with no end in sight.

Labor are deliberately destroying Australia with their reckless immigration policy.

Shout out to charity PTSD Resurrected inc who are a community of people with diverse lived experience, veterans, first responders, DV survivors and their families. They deal with the challenges faced by individuals and families that have suffered trauma.

They are having a ball on the 18th May on the Gold Coast at HOTA central and running a raffle for a supercar to help raise funds to help people recover from trauma.

If you would like to help out in anyway please follow the link below.

Shout out to Andy Cullen for his great work.

“TNI’s broad principles of working in lockstep towards a single narrative, has meant that legacy media operate largely as a mouthpiece for government propaganda, offering little critique of public health policies…and ABC has been no exception.

During the pandemic, the broadcaster repeatedly came under fire after its medical commentator Dr Norman Swan made countless calls for harsher lockdowns, mask mandates and covid boosters - policies that strongly aligned with the government but had little scientific backing.

Swan’s commentary rarely provided an impartial perspective and he was eventually called out for failing to publicly disclose his financial interest in seeking government contracts related to covid-19.

In addition, Ita Buttrose, who was ABC Chair until last month, was seen fronting Pfizer’s advertising campaigns for covid products. ABC defended Buttrose saying, “Given she was not involved in editorial decisions, there was no conflict of interest.”

Good article on the double standards applied by factcheckers as well as conflicts of interest.

It beggars belief the ABC thinks it was okay that Ita Buttrose was allowed to be paid by Pfizer to sponsor their anti-viral medications when she was chair of the ABC.

Big Pharma have their tentacles everywhere. It disgraceful they reach so far into government.

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“COVID-19 vaccines saved at least 17,760 lives over two years in NSW as waves of Delta and Omicron radiated across the state, a squad of number-crunching boffins from RMIT and Monash University have estimated in new research.

Researchers relied on data from people aged over 50 in NSW, but say the figures are nationally representative because that state has the largest population. Mostly older people died from COVID-19.

Modelling was used to compare the number of people who died with or from COVID-19 between August 2021 and July 2022 (which captures the Delta wave and the onset of Omicron) with a hypothetical scenario in which vaccines never made it to Australian shores.

They calculated about 21,250 people over 50 would have died in NSW – six times the actual total. Put another way, the vaccination campaign probably prevented about 17,760 deaths in NSW. And that’s a conservative estimate.

The PLOS One study also found that unvaccinated people had 7.7 times the death rate of those who were double vaccinated and 11.2 times the death rate of people who got a booster shot.”

More contrived modelling to push the lie that the mRNA vaccine is safe.

The study is flawed for a number of reasons. These are:

1. The study assumed that the vaccine took two weeks to provide immunity so they shifted vaccination coverage. As can be seen below, half the reported and suspected deaths from the vaccine came in the first two weeks. To code any injuries or deaths in the first two weeks after vaccination as unvaccinated is just straight out fraud.

2. 80% of people who had Covid when they died had other serious comorbidities. To argue these people would not have died because they were vaccinated is absurd. The study is assuming the mRNA vaccines prevents other comorbidities. Why not claim the jabs make you better looking!

3. The NSW Health Department engaged in back capturing. This meant that anyone who had Covid in the 28 days prior to entering hospital even if the had recovered were counted as having Covid. Yet again this is just straight out fraud. (See my post 15/02/22 - link in comments.)

4. The study focused on people over 50. Younger people should have been included. The average age for serious reported adverse events from the jab is 49 years. Given younger people had less risk from Covid and a higher risk from the Jab it is highly unlikely there is a favourable risk reward ratio from taking the jab for people under 50.

5. It’s not clear how people with unknown vaccination status were counted.

6. Monash University has received funding from Bill Gates and Big Pharma. The media did not report their conflicts of interest.

Lies, lies and more lies. Everyone knows NSW Health lied about their COVID reports.

Why do these rent seeking grifters think we are stupid!

Quote from:

“It is incorrect to state that the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) overrides the opinions of specialists. This misconception has previously been addressed in SQ22-000569 (published 16 December 2022).

The TGA currently employs 91 staff as Medical Officers. This includes staff with a range of specialist qualifications, including General Practice and non-General Practice specialists. Information has previously been provided regarding Medical Officer qualifications in SQ23-000098 (published 30 March 2023).”

This is the answer I got back from the question as to how many doctors and what are their qualification who work for the TGA.

The answer of course is deliberately vague as Medical Officer could include a Health Bureaucrat who has never worked as a doctor. They may have spent their career working as an academic or bureaucrat with no real world clinical experience.

I speak with an ex-TGA employee regularly who says their doctors aren’t qualified to override specialists.

The TGA are now claiming as well they don’t override specialist reports.

That is news to me and I’m sure many of you. My office hears from people almost everyday who have had their vaccine injury claim knocked back despite getting specialist reports.

The gaslighting never ends does it.

“Visitors could soon be banned from one of Australia’s most popular outback tourist destinations under a plan to protect the “sacred place” for its traditional owners.

Lake Eyre in South Australia, now known as Lake Eyre/Kati Thanda, is a 9500 square kilometre dry lake bed famous for infrequent and spectacular flooding.

Sitting within the 1.3 million hectare Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre National Park in the state’s far north, the lake is a registered site under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 and is co-managed by the state government and the Arabana Aboriginal Corporation.

A draft management plan, released for public consultation by the state government on Friday, would prevent any recreational access to the lake bed and would ban visitors from entering the lake bed on foot without permission.”

It won’t be long before we won’t be allowed out of our houses “without permission.”

Yet again, Lake Eyre was built by Mother Nature, not the aboriginals.

Claiming credit for something that was never your work is fraudulent.

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Media is too big
“The increase in demand from immigration is broadly offset by the increase in Labor supply, but in the short term there can be some adjustment costs, and we’re seeing that in the housing and rental market."


Demand isn’t going to be offset by increased supply if half of the immigration intake is going to university.

Like school leavers we need to get more people into the workforce and out of the classroom.

“Adjustment costs” is a very mild way of describing a very serious issue. I.e. Homelessness.

Treasury are so far removed from the real world it’s not funny.

“The federal government has been slammed over a decision to use the Pinkenba quarantine facility for police training rather than crisis accommodation.

The Pinkenba Covid quarantine facility will be handed over to the Australian Federal Police instead of repurposed as temporary accommodation for Queensland's homeless, it can be revealed.

The federal government will also provide additional funding to the AFP to help modify the site for police training.”

Why wouldn’t Albanese try and house some homeless Australians. With 500 available beds how is this site useful to the AFP.

Can’t they find some other site.

This is just more evidence that Albanese wants to control us, not serve us.

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Any Royal Commission into Covid must look at its origins and purpose.

COVID was man made and funded by the U.S. government. This was then covered up by the media.

The bigger question is, was the release intentional? Was it released with the intention of locking people down to justify a higher proportion of postal voting in the 2020 U.S. election which jumped from 10% to 50% of total votes cast.

As this clip shows, there is a staggering amount of incriminating evidence out there that the media and governments refuse to discuss.

“By the end of January 2020, just a month after the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, key figures in the scientific community were already exchanging covert communications. Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIH’s NIAID, received emails detailing the NIAID’s financial backing of some of the world's foremost coronavirus experts, including Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance and Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina.”

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“A new study out of UCLA says same-sex couples are at greater “risk of exposure to the adverse effects of climate change” than straight couples.

Same-sex couples disproportionately live in coastal regions and cities, which are more vulnerable to such disasters. They’re also more likely “to live in areas with poor infrastructure, worse-built environments.”

Washington DC, which rates high for “climate risks” such as heat waves, floods, and “dangerously strong winds,” has the greatest proportion of gay couples in the U.S.”

The weather is now homophobic! What will they come up with next?

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“The Wall Street Journal reports Trump’s campaign is planning to weaken or end the Federal Reserve’s autonomy. The plans range from ousting Fed chairman Jerome Powell to giving the president a direct hand in setting interest rates and other Fed policy.”

Trump better have good security protection or he will end up getting a nasty surprise.

History has not been kind to US Presidents who take on their central bank.

Good luck to him. Monetary policy has been too independent for far too long.

Quote from:

“Liberal Senator Alex Antic says he is “very uncomfortable” with bureaucrats having “draconian” powers.

“It’s baked into the constitution; it’s baked into the We Believe statement, so, of course, it [the Liberal Party] does [believe in freedom of speech],” Mr Antic told Sky News Australia.

“I think what this has shown is how difficult this topic is.

“None of us want to see violent images or distressing images online, but by the same token, it's my personal view that we have to be very careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

“If we … had this power given in the last few decades, we never would have seen the murder of John F. Kennedy.

“I’m very uncomfortable with bureaucrats having the power to censor.””

Well said Alex. Agree 100%

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I went to the Anzac Day services at Gallipoli in 1998.

This inscription to fallen soldiers and their loved ones, which is a quote by Ataturk, was one of the most moving tributes I saw on any battlefield I visited.

Ataturk was one of one the great world leaders of the 20th Century. Like other great leaders, he typifies the phrase:

“Strong men encourage peace. Weak men encourage war.”

The world needs strong men more than ever to fight for peace, least the weak ones start a war.

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It was all too easy.

“15 US Agencies Knew Wuhan Lab Was "Trying To Create A Coronavirus Like COVID-19": Rand Paul

Government officials from 15 federal agencies "knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus like COVID-19.

These officials knew that the Chinese lab was proposing to create a COVID 19-like virus and not one of these officials revealed this scheme to the public. In fact, 15 agencies with knowledge of this project have continuously refused to release any information concerning this alarming and dangerous research.

Government officials representing at least 15 federal agencies were briefed on a project proposed by Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Paul is talking about the DEFUSE project, which was revealed after DRASTIC Research uncovered documents showing that DARPA had been presented with a proposal for EcoHealth to perform gain-of-function research on bat coronavirus."

I arrived up in North Queensland yesterday and met locals in Port Douglas and Yungaburra.

The last time I was in Yungaburra, I was visited the proposed site of the Chalumbin Wind Farm. I’m pleased to say thanks to the fantastic efforts of the local community they have managed to stop the proposed development which is fantastic news.

“Renewable energy company Ark Energy – a subsidiary of north Asia industrial giant Korea Zinc – says it has withdrawn its proposed but heavily contested Wooroora Station wind farm after repeated delays in the federal government planning process, and after indications that it was unlikely to get approval.

The 294 MW project, formerly known as the Chalumbin wind project, had been downsized and redesigned at least twice in a bid to reduce environmental impacts and respond to local concerns, which were mostly focused on its adjacency to a World-Heritage-listed rainforest west of Cairns."
