Genius Vision Inc.
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Channel created
READ THE RULES: This channel is set up to work in conjunction with the sponsorship program described at [] . For a more clear description of rules, please refer to this article:

Please add your comment only corresponding to posts. This post serves as the rule post, discussion of rules can be engaged in the comment section of this post. New posts will be added by the admin as things evolve.

For comments that do not fall into any defined posted topic please add them to "General discussion"[].
General discussion.

For comments that do not fall into any defined posted topic, you can add them here. When we feel it becomes necessary, we will create new posts to correspond to the topics that was brought up in the comment section to discuss in more detailed manner.
It seems our system integration with Patreon only support USD. If you choose other currency our system might not be able to recognize it.

This message was reposted from Patreon. Original post can be found at []
Clarification to the sponsorship program described at [].

1. It should be self-evident that contribution to the sponsorship program is non-refundable. From the official crowdfunding page, one can understand the contribution is not used to purchase any license or product, but merely to provide moral support to encourage Genius Vision to actively engage in the interaction with users.

2. On the other hand, by our initial measure of the total users who interacted with the sponsorship program and Telegram group since their creation in Feburary 2021, we estimate more than 50% of them are coming from the unknown group. This is the true reason that effective communication between Genius Vision and real users cannot be achieved. If most users who try to interact with Genius Vision are carrying malicious intentions, it would very hard for us to respond properly. In practice we would have to assume all interactions are coming from the unknown group, until proven otherwise. Thus, it would only be fair for users to pay for the cost needed for Genius Vision to participate in such interaction actively. Otherwise, merely responding to the "mostly malicious" interaction request will cause Genius Vision to lose money. No one wants to participate in a business only to lose money. The chance of profiting must be good enough for anyone to invest time or resources in it. Right now, under the influences of the unknown group, it simply isn't. That's why we need the sponsorship program.

3. If someone initiates a refund or chargeback of the sponsorship program we will deny it. If anyone somehow still managed to successfully achieve a refund or chargeback, we will have no choice but to shut down these channels (sponsorship program and Telegram group) once for all. We would hope this doesn't happen. Since the amazingly short time that these channels are established, someone has already attempted to initiate a refund of the sponsorship program. Clearly, the word "sponsorship" has an entirely different meaning in their world. We'll admit this is not a good prospect. Let's keep watching.

4. A major purpose of this group is to discuss a new business model that can deal with the attacks coming from the unknown group, including threatening to refund or chargeback. Thus, it would be a really bad idea to initiate such a discussion by "threatening to refund or chargeback." Imagine if you are a store owner facing customers threatening to do so unless you bend to their will with no justifiable reasons. It might be best to keep away from such customers. Not dealing with them at all seems to be more prudent.

Lastly, we will temporarily lift the restriction of previously banned users in this group. If you have been restricted before, it means Genius Vision deemed you are most likely under the influence of the unknown group. Please be extra careful of your conduct in this group in order not to violate our rules. The rules are not explicitly disclosed, because doing so will only invite attack against the rules. Just try to be constructive, and not give misleading information.
We have installed the state-of-the-art Telegram "bot" to assist to manage this group. Let's see how it will pan out. All rules will now be enforced. Thanks for your cooperation.
Hello, I hope you all have a happy new year 2022.

Let me reiterate the purpose of this Telegram group of Genius Vision if it has not been made official before. The purpose of this group is to discuss how to make Genius Vision's business prospect commercially viable. As clearly described by the sponsor program, Genius Vision has suffered from attacks from the unknown group from all aspects that make it very difficult for us to normally interact with our users. For us to interact with users normally, we need to be funded properly. There have been several attempts to solve this problem, including but not limited to this campaign: "Crowdfunding of NVR Software Bulk License." It did not end well, as well as a number of other attempts.

Thus, let us make it very clear that this Genius Vision group of Telegram will now serve for this single purpose only: "to discuss how to make Genius Vision's business prospect commercially viable." Discussion of topics that is completely unrelated to this purpose will receive a permaban. For example, any kind of technical support, IP camera support, or iOS related inquiries. This does not mean you can't ask a technical question, but you have to "propose" how it is related to making Genius Vision's business prospect commercially viable. Otherwise, the discussion would be made entirely pointless.

This would save everyone a lot of time, I hope you understand what I'm trying to do. I wish you all have a great year that is coming.
We might be planning for a new "special inventory program" for the Genius Vision NVR software commercial license. Using the form below, you can propose to us how many licenses you plan to purchase. This information will provide us with a clue about how to prepare such a program more adequately:

To allow more people to participate in the program, all restrictions are lifted for previously blocked users from this Telegram group.

I know some users will be tempted to ask technical questions or iOS related issues. However, I'd ask those to refrain from doing so at this moment because it would violate the rule( Also, the very reason we cannot accept technical questions right now is that we lack sufficient funding. So here we are, we need to deal with this issue first.
Genius Vision Hybrid NVR ( ) is a mature, powerful, versatile, and reliable product solution. Due to legacy reasons, it is only provided for special project use. To make it commercially available, an investment must be made. Genius Vision needs to be able to function as a normal technical software company. That implies normal incomes, normal R&D facilities, and operations without some malicious party or investors trying to take control of everything they see from the outside, or some "spies" infiltrating from the inside. I mean, that is how creativity is achieved, right? Unfortunately, these seemingly simple requirements appear to be very hard to achieve nowadays under the influences of the "unknown group".

Learn more about how to make Genius Vision business prospects commercially viable at
Commercial license resumes general availability. Stop supporting the iOS platform.

🔷Commercial license resumes general availability
Genius Vision has resumed the online license purchase system to a functional state. It has been deactivated for general availability since 2019/7/9 due to a series of "refund attacks" initiated by individuals including but not limited to Rick McLaughlin, Michael Dimas, and George Reuss.

As we have explained abundantly on our website, we believe the "unknown group" constituted by those individuals has planned those attacks in order to gain improper control of Genius Vision. Throughout the years we have developed new strategies to combat the unknown group and therefore we decided to reopen the online license purchase system.

It is, however, noteworthy to say that please refrain from any further "refund" requests. Genius Vision is a piece of professional software. Some users feel they are eligible for a refund simply because the software did not meet their expectations or does not work in their own scenario. We cannot stress enough that this idea is WRONG. Requesting any "refund" causes a profound burden and trouble to the seller's business, logistics, and mind. We strongly urge everyone not to engage in such wrongful practice.

🔷About Lite edition license
Lite Edition has not been generally available and thus will not be included in the change this time. The idea of Lite Edition is to reduce price in exchange for volume. Therefore, for inquiries of license purchase amount larger than US$10,000, please contact us for Lite Edition availability.

🔷Stop supporting the iOS platform
As a formal announcement, Genius Vision has officially stopped support for the iOS platform. The reason is mainly financial because supporting the iOS platform means continuously investing in new Apple hardware and software. New customers should not expect Genius Vision to work on the iOS platform. However, if you have already installed our APP on your iOS device, it should continue to work.

If you would like to sponsor Genius Vision to continue to support the iOS platform, the amount required is US$10,000. Contact us if you are interested in such a sponsorship.

🔷Links to original press release: