Generation Identitær Danmark
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Media is too big
L'horloge tourne - Agis pour l'Europe!

Maintenant sous-titrée en français.
Media is too big
Es ist Zeit, werde aktiv für Europa. Die Uhr tickt.

Jetzt mit deutschen Untertiteln erhältlich.

Vi sidder ikke på hænderne, når der er krig i Europa. I denne uge tager en gruppe af vores aktivister til den ukrainske grænse for at yde hjælp til dem, der lige nu flygter fra krigen i Ukraine. Vi vil medbringe madvarer og andre fornødenheder, som der kan være brug for. Du kan støtte denne aktion på MobilePay 39601 - skriv “ukraine” i feltet, og pengene vil gå direkte til denne aktion. Hvis du vil støtte aktionen, så skal du betale senest torsdag morgen, da vi foretager de sidste indkøb torsdag om dagen.

Som europæere er det vigtigt, at vi støtter hinanden, når det bliver svært. Vi er mange forskellige folk i Europa, men selv om vi har hver vores historie og kultur, så er vi også forbundet med hinanden. Vi deler fortid, og også fremtid. Når begivenhederne sker lige udenfor vores egen dør, så er det tid til at vise solidaritet.

Støt på MobilePay: 39601, skriv “ukraine” i feltet.

+ Europeans helping Europeans +

We are not passive in this time of war. This week identitarian activists from Denmark, Hungary and France will go to the Ukrainian border with supplies for the refugees there. You can support us by donating by thursday (3rd of march) morning at the latest, as we will do the last shopping early on thursday. All donations received in this period will go directly to this mission.

As Europeans, it is important that we support each other when times are. We are many different peoples in Europe. Even though we each have our own history and culture, we are also connected to each other. We share the past, and also the future. When the events take place right outside our own doorstep, then it's time to show solidarity.

Bank details:
IBAN :DK1830000012892322
Around 30 activists from Hungary, France, Germany and Denmark was at work in Budapest, where most of the tens of thousands of refugees that have crossed the border to Hungary from Ukraine come in. Thanks to the many donations we were able to bring them babyfood, hygiene products and many other necessities. Thank you so much for your help!

In these times it is more necessary than ever that Europeans stand together and help each other. We share so much as Europeans. Now is the time to show that the identitarian idea of European unity and solidarity is more than just talk.
Media is too big
Watch the video from our European solidarity action in Hungary. French, German, Hungarian, and Danish activists working together, to help Ukranian and Hungarian refugees .