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Forwarded from RT News
Metaverse Allows Kids into Virtual Strip Clubs, "Do Unspeakable Things" (Report)

Some apps in the virtual-reality world are "dangerous by design", the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children has warned. (BBC investigation)

It's been reported that a person posing as a teenage girl witnessed "grooming, sexual material, racial insults" and was threatened with rape.

Meta's virtual world has been described as a "toxic combination of risks" - with avatars simulating sex using a headset called Meta Quest, which allegedly has no age verification checks. A BBC reporter was told kids mix with adults and can "do unspeakable things."

Has little been learned from real world mistakes, as tech giants move towards VR?

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Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)

Read the thread.
It looks like the US has several biolabs in Ukraine and Putin had been concerned with bioweapon attacks like C-19 so close to his border.

Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
Putin effectively claimed that the Deep State is running Ukraine.

To the military he said “you swore an Oath to your people, not the junta. Lay down your arms and go home”.

Junta: "a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force"

Don’t buy into the media’s BS, understand what’s really happening.
Forwarded from X22 Report Official
What happens if this was planned long ago?

What happens if Trump is working with other leaders?

What if you wanted to drain the swamp and destroy the [DS] system WW?

Why would Putin pick this moment?

Why did NATO decide not to respond?

Why is Biden not using Military forces ?

What if you wanted to bring down the [CB] system?

Who is really in control, think Devolution

Never interfere with an enemy while they are in the process of destroying themselves
Putin ain't playing///

When you suspend a countries MAJOR Export (sanction/ Gas. Oil, petroleum) that supplies the full economic system that brings in food and resources and keeps Hundreds of Millions of Military personal/ doctors, hospitals, /education system/, workers... ECT ECT ECT ECT/... Dependent on their economic structure to a threat and to a coming hault .... You can believe the country men and leaders of that country Will go to WAR against those who Sactioned their means of survival ...////
It's not in the msm News... But the world is currently in a NUCLEAR STANDOFF... You just haven't been told yet

So as you know it now the controlled Deep State FACEBOOK> used stickers on profiles photos to support lockdown ( stay home save lives stickers)> support vaccines ( I'm vaccinated) > and other stickers that support CABAL agenda....

Now watch [DS] Facebook create stickers only for UKRAINE/ support and push this everywhere......

This alone should tell you . This whole operation is DEEP STATE
and their agenda will be later will be to show Europe why the gas is so high . Why the stock is crashing.. Why supply chains are interrupted (shortages in EU will begin at drastic rate)... Why inflation in EU is happening...
The next stages of DAVOS GROUP, WEF, klause ass Schwab, GATES, Rockefellers UN <creation, and the whole DEEP STATE CABAL begins...

In this Stage they Create WAR with RUSSIA.... Use the CCP communist regimen ( help funded by Rothschild/ Rockefellers Banks in China who also fund Wuhan labs) and create Supply chain planned [ COLLAPSE ]....

In this Stage of the planned COLLAPSE . They will target the distribution of >>FERTILIZER AROUND THE WORLD<< Russia the second largest fertilizer producer in the world will be halted ( sanctioned), CCP will willing stop Export....>>> these DEEP STATE moves WILL effect U.S. and EU. South America. AFRICA .. And all Nations from growing food ( This what Bill Gates had wanted for years to do and also bought out land in the U.S to halt growing foods )//

This STAGE of the Deep State plan Will insure the blame to go to CLIMATE CHANGE<< ( engineered controlled destruction of food grown, engineered weather Warfare with patents that control weather ( Google} , .. melting of the ice caps and blaming frozen virus ( fake virus) being thawed under the ice in ANTARCTICA>>
THEIR ARE SEVERAL REASON TO USE CLIMATE CHANGE TO BRING IN THE NEW GREEN PASS .. THAT IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER [DS] passport that is connected to your bank account.. Your email.. Tracks everything you do and travel ( taxing you for every mile )...
This green pass will bring the sleeping sheep into full control

So Right now.. Your seeing the FULL disruption of the Top FERTILIZER producers in the world being halted!!!
This Near Death Civilization _EVENT >>>WILL go deep....
But there is LIGHT at the END....

Buckle up butter cups

6,000 year old CABAL deep state fighting to keep control of humanity....... Deep inside PAIN

MASSIVE deep state campaign begins to discredit >>>Tucker Carlson>> Joe Rogan>> Alex Jones>>>PUTIN//// & always against Q

YEARS AGO PUTIN [ INFILTRATED ] THE DAVOS GROUP and got all their information on who were agents in his country and which corporations took orders from the NWO ( UN DAVOS GROUP ROCKEFELLERS , KHAZARIAN MAFIA MOSSAD) ... PUTIN is a master at infiltration .. Who cleaned his country from the oligarchs who bankrupt his country and was persecuted by the MSM , the same that DONALD TRUMP WAS PERSECUTED BY THE DEEP STATE MSM.... They both knew MSM was controlled by Deep State )///

PUTIN was nearly killed in a young man by the DEEP STATE that was taking control of Germany after Russia Deep State Oligarchs destroyed their reins over Germany and their own country and handed Germany over to the NEW WORLD ORDER system banking......
PUTIN never forgot..... How the father's and grandfathers of the Klaus Schwab/ Nazis family that control UN almost KILLED HIM..

Some good.. Some bad...


PUTIN, Like General Flynn>Alex Jones, those who hate fox news ( Tucker Carlson) .. or think Joe Rogan is a spy.....//// All this DEEP STATE MISINFORMATION
AGENDA will start to again to bring Patriots, ANONS , freedom fighters> truckers<into FIGHTING >>> ⚠️ Separation<<<
Many new freedom fighters, Patriots, Truckers are only learning the real history .....

For decades.. People only worked in a tyrannical system that taxed them to death, enslaved to work in DEEP STATE controlled calendar system and all that humans did was work.. Worry for their own family. Home and self entertainment and got all their information from CONTROLLED news that was designed for them<<<

Please be careful Patriots, ANONS, freedom fighters do not Attack each other....( Have compassion.. Not all have full knowledge of real history and they are still waking from the MOCKINGBIRD project that was instilled in them through tens of years inside [DS] controlled media
Most people.. Even Alex Jones who hates Q ... doesn't realize white HATS control mass organizations in media across the World that isn't labeled Q or even know they are part of Military INTEL organization....
Even the Truckers world wide were placed by white HATS. Ops

The largest ( white HATS ) Military intelligence Alliance is leaking info and creating groups through subsidiary Bi-standards
In creating a world wide movement.......

Military is the only way - Q
________you are inside Operations

The Storm of the CENTURY..

Forwarded from Free The Will Patriots [FTW] (MaQaveli)
Dasting Marker
WWI lasted 4yr 3mo 2wk & ended on 11.11.18 during the 11th hour
First Q Post = Oct 27, 2017
4yr 3mo 2wk from 1st Qp = Feb 10, 2022
Countdown? 4,3,2,_
Plus 1 Day from Feb 10, 2022 = Feb 11, 2022
4321 <mirror> 1234
Qp 1234
THANKQ - we are an existential threat to the establishment.


Search "Feb 11"
Qp 3604
[FEB 11 2019]
"Step Four: Open 'new' Fake & False investigations as CHAIRMAN of the House Intel Comm to retain disinformation campaign designed to keep liberal/D Americans onboard to regain POWER & PREVENT prosecution - Executive Time!" - Q
Enjoy the show!
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Uh guys.
Kash Patel is having a beer with @ q right now.
Wtf is habbening.
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Quick note on @Q's remarks about trolling.
This may or may not be totally true but what we do know is that Kash is literally provoking the media with the thought of Q being legitimate and that's epic.
Don't you think Q will post again? I do.
Don't you think it's notable that every dev on truth social seems to support anons and Q? I do.
I see wins and validation albeit in a sly way at the moment.
Kash knows Q is legitimate (we all know) and it's only a matter of time before the world does.
Oh and by the way:
Durham is coming. Joy is coming for anons. Bet on it.
Forwarded from 6029679/21 & 01/62447/24 CRIME CHANNEL
In 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that people can sue the police for failures in investigations, after two victims of black cab rapist John Worboys brought a case against the force.

Lord Kerr announced: ‘By a majority, we have held that failures in the investigation of the crimes, provided they are sufficiently serious, will give rise to liability on the part of the police.

‘There were such serious deficiencies in this case. There were, of course, both systemic and investigatory failures in the case.

‘But, the important point to make is that, if the investigation is seriously defective, even if no systemic failures are present, this will be enough to render the police liable.’

Now apply THIS situation to the 6029679/21 case. 🥳
Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (vDarkness Falls)
Media is too big
Backup DNC server was in Ukraine & THAT'S why the democrats panicked when Trump placed the call to President Zelenskiy of Ukraine on the EXACT same server? 🤔
That would explain why dems pushed for impeachment & demanded to have the server & Trump basically responded, F**k off - You can have the transcripts ONLY.
It's my understanding, that server ALSO had the location of CIA asset Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden.

Crazy how the soccer ball Putin handed off to Trump had the EXACT same pattern as General Flynn's Digital Soldiers meme.
Putin served it to Trump - The ball is in your court > Soccer Serve(r)
"We have it all." ~Q

I remember when articles at the time where ADIDAS THEMSELVES announced THAT ball had a Wi-Fi logo on it cuz it had a transmitter chip to transmit information to nearby cell phones to access videos & information on players, for fans that held their phone close to the ball.
WHAT ARE THE Odds > No Qoincidences!!!

Full video link -
Forwarded from 8CueBall 🎱 (Lisa B 4 Baadasssss)
🔥QP 97 What is 'Darnkess'? 👇

The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) is an international scientific radar network[1][2] consisting of 35[3] high frequency (HF) radars located in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres....

Kuroshio Extension System Study (KESS)
is to identify and quantify the dynamic and thermodynamic processes governing the variability of and the interaction between the Kuroshio Extension and the recirculation gyre.
KESS array of inverted echo sounders equipped with bottom pressure gauges and current meters (CPIES, diamonds), moored profilers (MPs, stars) equipped with upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) and deep current meters, and KEO surface buoy (triangle).

Forwarded from Mark Collett
I have had another bank account closed - but this time I am not alone. Laura Towler and Sam Melia have also had their Monzo accounts closed today too. That brings the number of accounts I have had closed to FIVE.
No British political activist has faced this kind of relentless attack on their basic freedoms before. In fact, I am treated worse than the likes of Jeffrey Epstein - who despite committing the most horrific crimes was never denied banking facilities.
The British globalist establishment has made it clear; to them, there is no greater crime than standing up for the rights of white people.
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Thoughts on Truth Social and Q

When Q first posted on 4chan in October of 2017, he did not sign his posts or use a tripcode. He was, for all anyone knew, just another anonymous person. He did not identify himself as Q until after 60 messages had been posted. After posting more than 100 messages, he added a tripcode to further identify himself and secure his messages. As fakers and phonies took to Twitter and Facebook claiming to be Q, it became necessary to let followers know that he was not posting on those platforms. (Thus, the often repeated phrase: "No outside comms".)

After 8chan was taken down, Q returned on 8kun, but his identity had to be reverified. He warned anons a tripcode verification was coming and then posted simultaneously with President Trump. It has always been Q's interactions with President Trump that provided proof that he was working closely with him.

It seems logical that the nature of Q's mission would change as we drew closer to the day of reckoning for the deep state. I assume the deep state will fight public disclosure of their crimes. And I assume Trump's people have a plan to make that disclosure more widespread. Since Q is the route they chose for the disclosure of corruption, it would logically follow that Q would have to switch to a more public stance when Durham's indictments are unsealed.

The timing of Durham's indictments, the launch of a censor-proof social media platform, and the public appearance of a Q-like account on it seems to have as its goal, a more robust intelligence operation that the public can't ignore.

If the @q account posting on Truth Social is a member of the original Q team, Trump and his people will confirm it, (and I would argue, they are already doing so.) I don't know if we will see confirmation from Q on the 8kun board, but I suspect we might, given Q's propensity for following protocol.
If we do not receive confirmation on the board, Trump, Scavino, Nunes, Patel and others in Trump's orbit may verify @q on Truth Social in their own way.
Forwarded from ZeroHedgeFAKE
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The Ukraine CRISES is much more than most people know...

Biden wants UKRAINE burned down ( inside the chaos they plan do and inside job CIA style ops and destroy servers and all data points that link Money money laundering, BILLIONS in illegal Oil/ gas deals distribution/ stolen oil, gas...) The Ukrainians were doing a large investigation into BIDEN,> OBAMA< and have alot of evidence in closed indictments against OBAMA/ BIDEN and their admin.... These indictments are connected to OBAMA administration which connect the >> FAKE<<< killing of Osama bin laden..
In which the IRANIAN gov. Protected Bin laden and gave OBAMA a fake decoy to apprehend and have the decoy KILLED by Seal team six..
The plot to trick OBAMA worked and moments ( minutes) after apprehending and killing of Osama bin laden Obama gave a live speech that bin laden was captured and killed//// Americans rejoiced and Obama sinking poles as President was instantly lifted and he was re-elected>>///

What Americans didn't know was moments after OBAMA gave his live speech of the capture and killing of bin laden.. seal team six identified the dead body as not being bin LADEN ( they figured out was a decoy)// but was too late OBAMA gave the speech only seconds earlier////

The body was thrown out over the mountains from the helicopter../// the IRANIANS PLAN HAD WORKED AND OBAMA CAME INTO CONTROL UNDER IRANIAN BLACKMAIL.. they had everything on OBAMA and the lies and the proof >> thats why OBAMA paid BILLIONS in cash in pallets to IRAN and Hillary Clinton set up the deaths of the Seal team six from that special operation/))) the BILLIONS that went to IRAN was traded ( money laundering) into UKRAINE markets, oil, gas.. Weapons, estate , into EUROPEs largest human trafficking network ///

Now BIDEN/ OBAMA deep state CABAL want UKRAINE destroyed ...

>>Biden will use Ukraine for a reason of inflation in America and falling markets <
>Deep State in EU will blame Ukraine CRISES for falling markets. Inflation, supply chain interruptions.
>>> The are several that wanted this WAR to create distractions away from PLANDEMIC narrative falling apart.. Distraction of
]] DURHAM [[ Indictments. Investigation heading to OBAMA> Biden and
The connection to the world [ EXPOSURE] of the CABAL


Forwarded from Ezra A. CohenFAKE
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