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Title: Koikatsu Party v06.10.2019.rar
Size: 7.09GB

Creating your own adorable anime character is a cinch!

Use a robust suite of intuitive tools to customize a character from the ground up, give her one of 30 different personality archetypes, and then get busy with a host of romantic options.

Bring your dream waifu to laifu!

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#GoogleDrive #游戏 #GRP_Other
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Title: Artificial Academy 2
Size: 10.47GB

Please read all instructions in the folder before installing.
This is a pack that includes the game along with several essential mods, including a translation and uncensor.

Academy 2 (ジンコウガクエン2, Jinkou Gakuen 2) is an eroge high school social simulation, sequel of Artificial Academy and released by Illusion on June 13, 2014.

Create and play any of up to 25 students of varying gender, orientation and other interaction abilities and personal inclinations. Make friends and lovers as the class competes for achievement in academics, athletics, popularity, and romance.

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#GoogleDrive #游戏 #GRP_Other
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Title: Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai v03.04.2019 (English).zip
Size: 6.44GB

Version: 03.04.2019
No special installation required.
Extract and play.
Double click Launcher.exe to launch.

Ryousuke moved back to his hometown of Shionagi, which he had been away from for seven years, and transferred into his new school in the middle of the summer. He reunited with his childhood friend Marika, met the sole astronomy club member Sora and made new friends among his classmates. He joined the event management committee to enjoy his school life even more. Along the way, he noticed the dreams of the girls around him, along with his own desires to be closer to them. On this particular summer day begins a love story that extends towards the future.

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#GoogleDrive #游戏 #GRP_Other
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Title: SukiSuki
Size: 5.77GB

About the game

"I love you."

Three simple words that are always hard to say. When do you confess? Where? How? Everyone faces this worry, trying to gauge the proper time, but once you're going steady, how do you keep it that way?

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#GoogleDrive #游戏 #GRP_Other
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#1 至尊%爺乄縱橫天下: 这个是啥?
#2 Connie: 写了是游戏
#3 至尊%爺乄縱橫天下: 想知道是什么类型的游戏。。
#4 Jerry: 是色情游戏
Title: Phantom of Inferno
Size: 4.95GB

Phantom of Inferno is a story detailing the life of a 15-year-old Japanese boy who is kidnapped after witnessing the killing of a reporter. After being kidnapped his memories of his past life are erased and is given the choice to join Inferno or die. He makes the only choice he can to join and is given the name Zwei and will study under Ein. She is also known as Phantom since this is the title given to the organization's top assassin.

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#GoogleDrive #游戏 #GRP_Other
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Title: Illusion Artificial Girl 3 Plus (ISO).rar
Size: 5.35GB

Artificial Girl 3 (人工少女3 in Japanese) is an eroge (hentai game) created by the Japanese H-game company Illusion. The game was released on November 30, 2007 and it is the sequel to Artificial Girl 2.
The gameplay involves being a guy and living a life with one or many girls (whose various characteristics are set by the player).
The game is considered by the playerbase to be one of Illusion's finest games.

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#GoogleDrive #游戏 #GRP_Other
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#1 zhaoyang: 链接呢?
Title: Amakano ~Second Season~+
Size: 7.79GB

This is the fandisc for Amakano ~Second Season~, with after stories for each of the four heroines, focusing on their marriage and newly-wed life

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Title: Amakano+
Size: 5.67GB

This is the fandisc for Amakano, with two episodes for each of the three heroines: a summer episode and a future episode

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#GoogleDrive #游戏 #GRP_Other
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Title: Ouchi ni Kaeru made ga Mashimaro Desu
Size: 6.10GB

“Hey, are you all right?”

Kanon held out her hand to Ryou, who had collapsed on the ground in the park. Left without a home after being kicked out, he was taken in by her and given a place to stay in exchange for working at her pâtisserie, “Marshmallow Tree”. The shop had been very popular before she had become the owner, but now it doesn’t get many customers due to a change in opening hours and the arrival of a famous competitor nearby.

He was able to liven up the shop a bit with the help of others, but his relationships with them also got more complicated at the same time. Every day is full of chaos, with unexpected events happening one after the other. What will happen to him and the shop? It is the beginning of sweet and fluffy marshmallow days.

Link: 👉 Click me then press START to get the link

#GoogleDrive #游戏 #GRP_Other
@gdurl 欢迎点赞点踩,欢迎回复
Title: Sisters ~Natsu no Saigo no Hi~
Size: 6.84GB

Far away from the hustle and bustle of the city lies a small rural town in a mountainous region. A young man meets a pair of beautiful sisters there along with their mother, and lives together with them. Their days together are full of happiness, but he didn’t know that there is a hidden secret.

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#GoogleDrive #游戏 #GRP_Other
@gdurl 欢迎对资源分流、补链
#1 胖: 我裂了,都是HGame
#2 Benjamin: 一言不合就開車


@gdurl 若显示内容为空请耐心等待转码完成
#1 Donald: 此链接分享内容可能因为涉及侵权、色情、反动、低俗等信息,无法访问!
#2 Richard👑: 链接:


Title: 黑客帝国三部曲原盘中字
Size: 105.08G

#大电影 #GoogleDrive #115网盘
@gdurl 若显示内容为空请耐心等待转码完成
#1 J叔: 求GD或BD转~
#2 Next: 求gd!!!!!!
#3 Paul: 求GD
#4 Y: 11111
#5 光: 求115大佬转存GD,Please!
#6 vc: 求转存啊
#7 A: 只能求转存了,没有115
#8 lin: 三上悠亚
#9 HumanMusic...: 求转GD
#10 Naroz: 文件失效了
Title: SSNI-497 橋本ありな & IPX-451 楓カレン
Size: 53.5GB
tag: #Yellow #ISO镜像 #桥本有菜 #枫可怜

自购 S1 & IDEA POCKET 蓝光原盘

SSNI-497 Link: GoogleDrive
IPX-451 Link: GoogleDrive



@gdurl 若发现链接损坏可点赞点踩或回复进行自动修复
#1 龙: 打不开 没权限啊
#2 Donald: 转存成功👍Zealer大佬发的怎么可能没权限
#3 Arnold: 噢力给
#4 龙: 看错了 多谢多谢
#5 mengx8: 枫哥我爱你
#6 我习包子宽衣皇帝萨格...: 怎样使用iso?
#7 Sh: 有大佬发一个可转存的链接吗,15G空间无法转存到团队盘
#8 PSE0xA: 这辈子没啥大的理想,就想多日几次桥本有菜
#9 asa: 最近没人分享图书合集了。
#10 Niko: SSNI-497应该是腿片的极致了,感谢。
#11 ㅤ哪里有抽奖哪里就有...: 原盘就是无码的吗?
#12 Donald: 原盘是正版光碟镜像,和无🐴流出是两个概念吧
#13 胖: 没有权限……
#14 Anony: 有傻逼举报了,哪位大佬发个转存,好人一生平安 :)
#15 APTX-4869: 怎麼知道被舉報了?
#16 Anony: 嗯。。抱歉我手机戳进去显示无法打开,原来是可以转存的
#17 Jam: 裂开
#18 Zealer👑: Iso原盘是没有预览的,现在链接还是有效的
#19 Mike: 我制作497副本但放出来是451的内容,大佬是不是搞错了?
#20 fan: ssni-497播放是ipx-451内容
#21 Donald: 非常抱歉各位,昨天从光碟💿拷贝上传时候失误,传错了SSNI497,稍后我会重新上传正确的
#22 Zealer👑: 川普大哥转发了我的话😂我一会传正确的,不好意思了各位
#23 Kevin: 哇最近原盘好多,感谢大佬,有没有樱由罗的原盘求分享呀
#24 aukoa: 有朋友存了桥本的那部ISO吗,我这里链接不存在
#25 Jonathan: 分享的链接文件不存在,哪位大佬重新分享下,感谢
#26 麋鹿: 桥本那部传错了,所以大佬取消了,等大佬重新上传
#Baidu #教学视频 #求转存


链接: 提取码:fx2X
@gdurl 若发现链接损坏可点赞点踩或回复进行自动修复
#1 叫我大长腿👑: 谁能转存私聊下我,这个资源秒失效
#2 git: 刚才还有效
#3 叫我大长腿👑: 求大佬转存到GD
#4 叫我大长腿👑: 百度云搜索群号1185120600 进来拿
#5 Steve: 失效了
#6 Jax: 请问链接失效了,能补一下么?
#7 Joey: 失效了
东京喰种第三季 提取码:q17l #动漫 #Baidu#求转存
@gdurl 若发现链接损坏可点赞点踩或回复进行自动修复
#1 git: 再给个链接
#2 𝙁𝙐𝘾𝙆👑: 失效了?
#3 千子: 东京喰种
@gdurl 若需删除请联系发布者或admin
#1 pppop: 分享权限没设置好。
#2 Donald: 之前有人发过这个了
#3 Jason: 这是什么片子啊?怎么也不写介绍
#4 𝙁𝙐𝘾𝙆👑: 这个挂了,看下个资源,补了
𝙁𝙐𝘾𝙆: #受欢迎资源
三上悠亚 ssni-178 iso原盘~39G
@gdurl 若发现链接损坏可点赞点踩或回复进行自动修复
#1 MADAO: 一哭二闹三上悠亚
#2 pppop: 希望多发一些正能量的资源
#3 pppop: 天天搞黄色没啥意思。
#4 pppop: 不希望这个频道变为开车频道,毕竟车谁都会开,希望发一些稀有资源。
#5 呵呵: 我觉得挺好,资源类别挺广的,你喜欢一些其他的稀有的也可以发出来,他喜欢小黄也可以发出来没毛病
#6 pppop: 建议给小黄专门开个频道,分开比较好。
#7 Moonrivera...: 人家分享给你你还不开心了 = = 那你去别的频道吧 建议频道主永ban这个人
#8 Lawrence: 附议,建议ban掉这个人。
#9 𝕩𝕚𝕒𝕠𝕝𝕚 🍓小火...: 我真笑死 当了婊子还立牌坊 有意思
#10 none: 你不喜欢有人喜欢。发开车资源也不影响其他资源,正常的想法不是全都要吗?还需要选择?
#11 𝕩𝕚𝕒𝕠𝕝𝕚 🍓小火...: 希望给他安排学习强国 中华民族伟大复兴我看靠他了
#12 Huey: 上一个资源还说权限没设置好,到这到这又嫌弃了,宁这也太快了吧?真就撸前淫如魔撸后圣如佛?
#13 TOM: 原盘是不是无码?
#14 Ben: 白嫖了还bb?
#15 Shang: 一天到晚白嫖,还嫖出优越感了?免费给你东西,你自己不要,但也不需要去judge。你来这频道白嫖的时候,有什么资格管这个频道分享什么呢。
#16 APTX-4869: 開車也是要有能力的 ~ 不然你開給我看
#17 M1n0r1ty: 牛逼啊,拔屌无情啊。
#18 Steven: 点赞支持
#19 唤: 我手误点了一个差评,是我对那个人的差评,不是对资源的差评,追加说明。
#20 Saul: 事前骂一顿,然后美滋滋白嫖
#21 黄: 四书五经六小龄童
#22 Otis: 我身体好,多发点。
#23 M00N: 哈哈哈笑死我了
#24 jieekie: 真的变成开车群了么?
#25 Mai: 把👴整笑了,那你去p站开个大会员学习强国建设去吧
#26 𝕩𝕚𝕒𝕠𝕝𝕚 🍓小火...: 没人说是开车群 本来就是资源分享 你愿意保存保存 不愿意保存不保存 怎么整的跟大家火逼你保存逼你看了? 你是没看过?我要不要给你们几个不爱看的 上传一下学习强国啊 真有意思 男德班开课了?
#27 Scar: 建议开一个分支频道,没增加多少成本,也能照顾好不同需求的朋友
#28 yang: 没有权限?
#29 Fio: 上面建议开分支频道的,分享资源给你白嫖你还有要求了,章口就来,迟早这个频道给你们这些建议哥圣母党建议的关掉
#30 郭师傅(Shijia...: 评论炸了,笑。
#31 2656: 白嫖还叽叽歪歪,真把自己当大爷了
#32 iamyourfat...: 已经拉黑那傻叉了. 前一秒还拉资源, 下一秒就伟光正, 神烦这种狗...
#33 不是所有的虫子都能变...: 上面那个冲完了进贤者时间了???
#34 Donald: 之前大佬发资源都404是不是和他有关
#35 Lamu: 笑死了,白嫖还那么多话
#36 Leonardo: 我去,白嫖还嫖出责任感了,精神分裂了吧。不愿意看滚蛋啊
#37 C: 这玩意儿咋玩?
#38 caihaili: @pppop,频道还要根据你喜好给你安排资源么?你给钱了么?
#39 Victor: 還正能量.... 回去打開新聞聯播看個夠撒
#40 caihaili: 别人还得费劲发布资源,你手指点一点就转存了,语气搞的像皇帝等着藩属进贡。
#41 2656: 上一条消息还说没开权限,下一条转存完了就说要正能量,之前的404就是这种人搞的
#42 我的内心只有工作|甘...: 我也是哈哈哈
#43 Scar: 事情是可以讨论的
#44 ㅤ ㅤ: 看到你被这么多人骂我就放心了。
#45 qiang: 弱弱的问一下,ISO文件有什么办法在线转换成MP4吗? Plex没法看
#46 ycxsw: ISO是镜像文件 具体怎么操作百度就行了
#47 SAMKING: 在线似乎不行,你有台VPS可以挂载然后FFMPEG转
#48 lo: 别人提个建议就开始喷,真的是政治正确
#49 Is Me: 好像说文件有问题了
#50 Captain_: 下载?
#51 Jonny: 跪求求把百度网盘的东西云端迁移到谷歌网盘的方法,先谢过了!!!
#52 DA: 连接失败不能用了
#53 喝茶: 回一下48L,不是不能提意见,评论区就是提意见用的。但是好好说话总是有必要的吧。本来就是免费的bot,提要求客气一点好吗,还说政治正确?我建议整一个付费栏目专门满足这种人的需求,一个需求100块钱
#54 Albie: 难道是故意这样说弄个专门的频道好让你收集?
#55 JACK: 看了LS有个傻逼在哪里BB就很不爽,很少回复,想看就看,不看滚蛋。举报的死全家!
Title: 无码动漫
Size: 81v 9.6g
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#1 li: 好的
#2 Duku: 文件不能加载
#3 JoinOrDIe: ?
#4 JoinOrDIe: 失效
Title: Double.Team.1997.Bluray.1080p.DTS.5.1.AVC.REMUX-FraMeSToR
Size: 18.11GB

双重火力:杰克(尚格·云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰)曾经是一名隶属于美国中央情报局的反恐情报人员,如今已经退休的他来到了法国,和妻子凯瑟琳(娜塔莎·兰丁格尔 Natacha Lindinger 饰)一同享受起了闲散而又平静的生活。一个名叫仕达罗(米基·洛克 Mickey Rourke 饰)的恐怖分子引起了情报局的恐慌,为了将他制服,情报局请求业务能力优秀的杰克重新出山,杰克欣然应允。

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#GoogleDrive #大电影 #动作 #Y_1997 #GRP_FraMeSToR
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