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Weathering the Storm. Podcasts and Commentary from a Heathen Perspective.
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Bethink the sacrifice.
Hail to all the fallen heathens of the past!

A poem gifted to a very dear friend to which he honoured me with a reading to accompany it.
Many thanks to @Suthseaxefire for this!
The British Isles are wet, but not this wet. We love to moan about the weather but we're justified after the last 8 months we've had. And this particularly wet period just so happens to be coinciding precisely with the Technocratic proposal to pay farmers to stop using their land for agriculture.

I'm all for rewilding this over-domesticated land, but only once food security is established. 'Months of extreme rainfall have created a "growing crisis" for British farmers' and the expectation of higher food prices has already been seeded in the public mind as a result.

So if the Global Technocratic agenda wants to kill independent farming, and; The architects of control want to make natural food vastly more expensive to put people on the Breadline (as I explained in a recent post), and; Both can be achieved with inordinate levels of rainfall (or drought), then; Is the suggestion that they may be using weather modification technology so absurd?

List of US geo-engineering patents filed since 1891.
I have at times struggled to understand why I love the Sci-Fi genre as much as I do (in my opinion, Blade Runner is probably the greatest film ever made). That is until I realised that I don't enjoy Sci-Fi because I'm excited by the technology and social progression it often depicts. Rather I am fascinated to see how humanity, divinity and natural values fare in such an environment. This was the core philosophical message of Philip K. Dick and Frank Herbert.

(In much the same way, zombie films are not great because of the zombies but because of the testing situation humanity has been placed in)
'The System can't stop us from walking away.'

Excellent video as usual from Woodlander.
If you're looking for a form of activism that actually works, look no further than what this movement are up to. Week in, week out, they're gathering fyrds to prevent bailiffs and police from stealing people's property at the behest of corrupt bankers. Don't let any accidental allusions to Marxism put you off. This lot are taking on the Financial Beast System and winning. And whilst at it they're educating the police. When this grows, we all win.
'What are you, some kind of tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy loon? Planes aren't spraying anything in the sk...'

'There are claims that cloud seeding may have played a role in the flash floods. The practice sees planes inject clouds with chemicals that can increase rainfall.'

It seems the MSM is now quite open about geo-engineering. Maybe I'm out of the loop but this level of transparency seems quite new to me.
Unlike the One Ring, which was created by Sauron (and to which I compare AI), the Palantíri were crafted by the Noldor (elves).

'And what are they?' asked Pippin.
'The name meant that which looks far away.' answered Gandalf. 'Perilous to us all are the devices of an art deeper than we possess ourselves.'
'What did the Men of old use them for?' asked Pippin.
'To see far off, and to converse in thought with one another,' said Gandalf. 'One at least Sauron must have obtained and mastered to his purposes. Even now my heart desires to test my will upon it, to see if I could not wrench it from him and turn it where I would...'
Further to my last post... arch-Transhumanist, Technocrat, PayPal-founder and Facebook board member Peter Thiel also founded a company called Palantir Technologies which specialises in big data analytics. Palantir Technologies is named after Tolkien's Palantíri. After 9/11 Thiel asked: 'will we have more security with less privacy or less security with more privacy?' His own stance is demonstrated clearly by his business activities.

Unlike Tolkien's Palantíri, Palantir Technologies was not made by elves for good intention, but by big business Technocrats seeking to harness the data of all living beings. Much of that data no doubt comes from the Palantir-like devices everyone holds in their hand.
One of the frustrating things about the Natural Law movement is the assumption that it is 'God's Law' and somehow based on the Bible. This is a misunderstanding that I intend to correct more in the future, just as I did in Fyrgen Podcast episode 15: Citizen or Pagan?

Advocates of Natural Law are now even realising that it is the Law of the Land because we are the land. We are literally made of the land - from what grows upon it. This goes further, with the Arthurian mantra of 'the land and king are one' really meaning that the people and the king are one. The king embodies the collective.

As I point out in the aforementioned podcast, both 'pagan' and 'heathen' essentially mean 'rural dweller' (of the land), whilst the Christian considers himself to be first and foremost of God's Kingdom which is beyond the material Earth. Early Christians were those who dwelt in cities; citizens. The city is the more artificial construct, just like Christianity is, and the laws of citizenry were (and still are) excess to the Law of the Land.

Common Law derives from pre-Christian Anglos, and as 'heathens' we have the most intimate bond with the Law of the Land; Natural Law.
I agree with Woodlander here. The thing is - I can't help but suspect that this collapse of western society is very much a controlled demolition. I made this post back in 2021 which was somewhat divisive at the time, but I stand by it.

If it's true that the current collapse is orchestrated, with a replacement (Noahidic) System waiting in the wings to replace it, then we would be wise to ensure that what replaces the current shitshow isn't worse. The best way of doing that is to be the ones building it.
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PAYE, NICs, VAT and Company Taxes make up the majority of HM Government's tax revenues. The UK has just allocated another £500M to Ukraine ensuring that more soldiers will die needlessly, while the US has handed over a further $26M+ to Israel to murder Gazans and free up more land for the colonial project. While the UK, US and Israeli governments choose to break with international law, the taxpayer need not be complicit in these crimes. The responsibility of ethical taxation lies solely at the door of UK, US & EU taxpayers - be they businesses or individuals. Withholding taxes for ethical reasons should never be a crime. Start today: