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Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News
Media is too big
You're reading about "grooming gangs" and seeing reports drop confirming what we've been saying all along, cover ups and corruption leaving English children to be gang raped, tortured even killed at the hands of Muslim rape gangs.

We will be in Telford on August 13th to air episode 4 of our investigation documentary #TheRapeOfBritain titled- Ahmed Nawas, to the world.

Put it in your diaries now and join us, support for the survivors and a show of force against child abusers!

If you value our work, you can support us here:
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
OK I've changed my mind. AOC is definitely a Judas Goat.

Nobody is this dumb.
Forwarded from The Post Millennial
VIVA FREI: How can Steve Bannon get a fair trial in the DC swamp? - DAY 1 REPORT

Forwarded from Lori's Place
🧵 COURTESY Joe Nierman aka Good Lawgic
We expected that today would start with peremptory challenges designed to trim pool from 22 to 12 + 2 Alt. That is not what happened.

Instead we are treated to motions in limine.

In light of last week's rulings regarding limitations on permitted defenses, specifically as his belief in executive privilege is an invalid defense. The government had an issue with the language incorporated in a letter that is expected to be admitted into evidence.

Court clarified it's position to state that Executive privilege could be referenced as it relates to Bannon mistake of fact that he thought the subpoena dates were not fixed.

Schoen inflamed that this contradicts his ruling from last week. Judge claims this was the ruling.

Court stresses that if there is a proffer by Bannon that his reason for believing that the date was not fixed was because of discussions that accommodations on appearing would be made for him because of executive privilege, that would be acceptable.

Side note:

A defendant CANNOT rely of mistake of LAW, but he CAN defend based upon mistake of FACT.

Both the government and defense seem confounded about what is admissible when a mistake of fact arises from a mistake of law.

The Court is attempting to walk that line.

Vaughn said that the Government would be fine with testimony that Bannon's attorney told him not to appear because of EP. "It shows his willfullness".

Nichols started yelling at her that the Government brought a motion ages ago to exclude all testimony about that.

Vaughn: Our motion was to exclude that as a viable defense because it would be mistake of law.

Court: No. You specifically wanted ALL testimony excluded.

Discussions held about what this case is about.

Court breaks down 4 questions to be established by government for conviction.

1. Was Bannon legally excused?
2. Estoppel by entrapment?
3. Was there a default?
4. Was default willful?

Government must prove beyond reasonable doubt "no" on 1 and 2 and "yes" on 3 and 4.
. https://twitter.com/NiermanJoe/status/1549401401922670595?s=20&t=06W-Ttk76j5uKdp-FZGwkw
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Two observations after reading that:

1) Total confusion if if the judge and both sides are still arguing today what this trial is 'really' about


2) Judge pointing out the prosecutors wanted all testimony excluded was a sick burn, And very telling.
Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
BREAKING: Bannon's lawyer points out that only a slim majority of mainly Democrats voted to hold Bannon in contempt, that hundreds of Congressmen voted against it
Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
Toxic masculinity is what makes men take out an active shooter at a mall and run into a burning building to save children
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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What Could It Be? "Unknown" Reasons Have All of a Sudden Become the Leading Cause of Death

The number of people who died in Alberta from unknown causes in 2019 was around 500.

In 2020, that number rose to about 1500.

But in 2021, nearly 3500 people died from "unknown" causes!

Del Bigtree: "The leading cause of death in Alberta, Canada, is 'We don't freakin' know!'"

Full Episode: tinyurl.com/standupandsayno

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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Forwarded from Liz Crokin Channel (Liz Crokin)
I’m just seeing this New York Post cover now: “Huma’s New Hot Dog”! Interesting choice of words there. Will Huma be playing dominos on her new hot dog?
Forwarded from Liz Crokin Channel (Liz Crokin)
NEW COLUMN: Biden’s White House of Horrors! In this article I detail Biden and family’s dark history of predatory behavior, and how his administration’s policy enables child predators and trafficking.
Forwarded from Liz Crokin Channel (Liz Crokin)
It’s interesting news is breaking now about Ricky Martin’s potential incest crime as more continues to come out about Hunter Biden’s alleged inappropriate relationship with an underage family member. We already know that Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley, had an entry in her diary claiming he took inappropriate showers with her. These people are all sick!
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
Media is too big
Bannon 🔥 Trump won Biden is Illegitimate 💥💥💥
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
Media is too big
Matt Gaetz - AOC‘s Tiananmen Square moment 😂
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
It is imperative that the WarRoom audience become the absolute best ‘force multiplier’ in getting this information pushed out everywhere—Hispanic , Black, Asian voters will be disgusted by this deranged thinking and what the Democrat Party of Groomers intend to do with and to their children…

The Army of The Awakened

Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
‘What-Me-Worry’ Buttigieg thinks it’s cute for a Commander-in-Chief to ride a bicycle like a 9 year old girl with his little helmet strapped on tight by mommy Dr Jill ..

Well the Mullahs in Tehran , Xi in Beijing, Putin/KGB thugs in Russia , Mexican Cartels , Erdogan in Turkey etc etc etc all look at soyboys like Pete and decrepit old men like Biden and they laugh at America

Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
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Biden‘s climate emergency -do you know there’s no solar panels on Biden’s houses and no wind turbines in Delaware! #Jessie‘sOilGuy