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Japan’s nine pillars of lights mistaken for an alien invasion

A strange phenomenon was noticed in Tottori Prefecture — When the temperature drops at night, crystals sometimes form in the air above illuminated fishing boats, from which the light is reflected in the form of pillars.

It does look like spaceships beaming down…
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Trump to sue ‘pure garbage’ film featuring Ivana rape scene

Donald Trump’s campaign claims “The Apprentice” movie about the former president “sensationalizes lies that have long been debunked,” and promised to sue the filmmakers.

At one point in the movie, Trump is depicted raping his first wife Ivana and asking if he “found her G spot” - citing Ivana’s 1989 allegations which she withdrew in 2015.

“This "film" is pure malicious defamation, should not see the light of day, and doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store,” said Trump’s campaign communications director. “It belongs in a dumpster fire.”
Media is too big

Dette er en smart form for propaganda! 🤨Latterliggjøre seg selv for samtidig å gjøre narr av de som mener homofile er overrepresentert på TV.

Men dette forsøket mislykkes, heldigvis.
De avslører sine egne holdninger og overvekten av homofile programledere er alt for tydelig. Mangfoldet de snakker om er helt fraværende, både i denne videoen og i virkeligheten.

At to homofile politikere er med på dette er ting som selv Goebbels, Mao og Stalin ville holdt seg for gode til.

Fanthomas var morsomt. Dette derimot, er som å bli tvangsfôret med «Kåss til kvelds» i Clockwork Orange-stil.

@frontenno #trettebergstuen #høie
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Norge stemte for at Palestina skal gis status som fullverdig medlem av FN

Resolusjonen fastslår at Palestina oppfyller alle krav for å tas opp som medlem av FN, og oppfordrer Sikkerhetsrådet til å godkjenne Palestinas medlemskap. I påvente av slikt medlemskap fastslår resolusjonen, som ble vedtatt med 143 stemmer for, 9 imot og 25 avstående, at Palestina skal få styrket sine rettigheter og status i FN. Norge var medforslagsstiller til resolusjonen.

May 10, 2024 at 05:35PM
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Elon Musk on the US role in Ukraine's ‘democracy’

"But I thought we were there to 'protect democracy'?" he wrote in response to a post on X about Zelensky's expiration of his term and his cancelling of elections in Ukraine.

He just wants to dodge the military draft…
Media is too big
1945 - The Savage Peace (2015)

A powerful documentary revealing the appalling violence meted out to the defeated in 1945. Using rare and unseen archive film, this program tells a harrowing story of vengeance against German civilians, which mirrored some of the worst cruelty of the Nazi occupiers during the years of war. It includes the unique testimony of eyewitnesses and victims, who recall the horrors with searing clarity— their memories undimmed 70 years after the events took place. This is a story that has, until now, not been told, amidst the justified celebration of an end to an unspeakable tyranny. It offers a moving and vivid picture of Europe in ruins.

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NATO needs up to two years to fully arm Ukraine — Bloomberg

Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson called on the Western allies to double the volume of purchases, because “Russia got back on its feet faster than the Euro-Atlantic community.”

“I expect we will catch up, but I think it will be a year or two before we see the full effect,” he said.

Jonson pointed out that Sweden had joined the German initiative to provide Kiev with additional Patriot air defense systems, but admitted transferring one of the four batteries to Ukraine would severely damage Sweden’s defense.
Media is too big
The Famine Scam / "Sultbløffen"

🇳🇴 Per Christian Magnus og Robert Reinlund er nominert til den prestisjetunge Golden Nymph-prisen for beste nyhets-dokumentar for filmen ”Sultbløffen”. De to dokumentaristene håper dette betyr at filmen får internasjonal distribusjon.

In 2005, the BBC alerted the world of a starvation disaster in Niger. Via compelling and emotive TV reports from the region, BBC claimed an estimated 3.6 million Nigerians were impacted.

🇬🇧 The Famine Scam documentary posed sharp questions in the way the Norwegian authorities and aid organizations described the situation in Niger. It was also very critical of the BBC coverage, which led to vehement reactions from the British. The BBC refused TV 2 further use of archive material from BBC’s Niger reports, which made it difficult for TV 2 to distribute the Sultbløffen documentary to other countries.
