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City Coins for Sustainable Growth 🪙

Featuring: Ortal Tevel, CEO of Colu and Founder of UrbanChange

Digital coins and cryptocurrencies have become popular assets in the last few years with the explosion of web3 products and ecosystems. While some coins are hype, others are there redefining the world of value, even if they may not turn people into overnight millionaires. Ortal envisions a world that does not have digital coins being used just as money but in a way to address the unique needs each community has. With Colu and the Urban Change Protocol, she has developed a localized city coin environment that local governments can use to incentivize communal engagement on multiple levels, thereby changing the very way in which people interact both physically and digitally.

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Green Architecture LEEDs the Way 🏗️

Just in time for lunch....😋

The focus on sustainable building design principles has gained traction in the last few decades as the climate crisis becomes more and more worrisome. LEED-Accredited Professional and Director of Sustainability at Livolt Energy Engineering, Ryan Clarke, sees "green architecture" as transforming the way both building industry professionals and everyday citizens relate to their spaces. Ryan is confident that countries will adopt more regulations that foster a sustainable environment, as engineers and architects get certified to handle these demands, and entrepreneurs develop new technologies to meet the environmental needs of the construction industry.

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Automate Your Marketing, Increase Your Revenue 💱

Featuring: Idan Carmeli, Managing Partner at Envy

Without the proper infrastructure to properly promote your business or solution, startups can fall flat on their faces. Idan believes in getting the operational foundations of marketing automation right since it is the key to a successful marketing funnel that will drive business and revenue. The only catch is deciding the proper moment to automate processes and focus on revenue operations so as not to get overwhelmed by poorly thought out processes and and improperly aligned goals.

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What's in a Deal? 🤝

Featuring: Adam Salman, Managing Partner at Cuckierman & Co. Investment House

Dealmaking in the world of tech can mean the difference between changing the world or not. While there are differences between startup funding and large-scale M&A deals, Adam believes entrepreneurs can navigate both to drive growth and achieve their goals. It is all about balancing the unique challenges and opportunities that arise in dealmaking as companies and startups pursue social impact while aiming for significant financial return.

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API: All-Powerful Innovation 👨‍💻

Featuring: Iddo Gino, Founder and CEO of Rapid

Iddo established his company with the goal of providing an API marketplace to support developers and entrepreneurs as they build. As Rapid expands into new frontiers with the introduction of technologies like AI, APIs are slated to be more topical than ever as new companies grow.

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AI Sales Is Definitely a Win

Featuring: Eldad Postan-Koren, CEO and co-founder of Winn.AI

Since startups have limited resources espeically in today's economic climate, they have to do more with less and find ways of leveraging new technology, namely AI, to achieve that. Eldad believes that as part of amplifying sales processes, sales teams need to have the tedious tasks removed and to have them focus directly on closing the deal. With his innovative solution that uses AI to help create customer profiles and guide salespeople through their sales calls, he hopes to have sales people bring more value to their organizations.

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Develop Your Skills, Thrive For Life 👩🏻‍💻

Featuring: On Freund, CEO and co-founder of Wilco

Software engineering is all the rage, with bootcamps popping up everywhere and Youtubers teaching the masses, jumping into code has never been easier. But, for all the experienced engineers out there, where can they go to work on their skills and level up in their craft? On saw a unique opportunity in creating a continuous learning platform that helps industry veterans, and novices alike, through hands-on challenges that simulate real world scenarios to create a way for engineers to continue growing throughout their careers.

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Secure Your Code The Right Way

Featuring: Nir Valtman, CEO and Co-Founder at Arnica

Developing a software product often requires inputs and collaboration from others on your team. As a team grows, so do the potential security risks. As developers are not necessarily cybersecurity experts, how can you manage safe inputs with security that doesn't disrupt development? With a focus on community to help solve recurrent issues and guide product development, Nir has unleashed a new method of securing software development into the industry.

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Can an MBA Help You With Your Startup? 🎓

Featuring: Dennie Kim, Associate Professor at Darden School of Business at the University if Virginia

One question that has begun to arise lately is whether academia and pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree can provide valuable insights and skills for running a startup or even when trying to get a job in a startup? Dennie sheds light on the impact of an MBA in shaping the trajectory of startups. Whether you're considering pursuing an MBA or simply curious about its relevance to startups, this podcast offers valuable insights to help you make informed decisions on your entrepreneurial journey.

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The World of Banking Will Never Be the Same🏦

Featuring: Oren Marmur, SVP & Israel General Manager of Finastra

Banking services and banking institutions are two different elements of our current financial infrastructure. Oren sees a change underway in how we relate to our banks with new opportunities arising for a democratized access to banking services via private companies and corporations. Moreover, as new developments in blockchain technology and artificial intelligence gain popularity, banking will need to innovate to stay up to date.

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American Solar Power from Israel ☀️

Featuring: Arik Becker, Co-Founder of Rhino Eco

The push for solar energy is growing as the world searches for renewable energy to power our society. Arik is pioneering a novel way to help bridge the last mile of the solar adoption process by providing a revolutionary financing engine to solar contractors, enabling them to offer customers more accessible and personalized pathways to go solar.

The crazy thing - Rhino is the first Israeli company to sell solar electricity directly to consumers in US market.

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The Final Frontier For Entrepreneurship🌠

Featuring: Moshe Noah, VP R&D at Ramon.Space

Space is not empty, as some would have you believe, but it is full of possibility. Startups like SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, and Ramon.Space are pioneering the next wave of privately funded space technologies that will catapult the human condition, both above and on Earth into new realms. Moshe sees many opportunities for entrepreneurs aiming to capitalize on this nascent space industry and push innovative solutions that use space's unique characteristics to optimize and improve current processes and industries.


New Take on Automated Hydroponics 🌱

Featuring: Sayon Chandrakanthan, CEO and Founder of Advanced Autoponics

Hydroponics is a well-known growing technique that uses a water-based nutrient solution instead of soil for growth and is usually found in urban building projects where soil can be inconvenient or scarce. Sayon has long toyed with hydroponics but wanted to make a system that did not require the maintenance often associated with hydroponics systems.

So now, he and his team have made a solution to manage hydroponic systems remotely and completely automated, just install and start growing.


3D Mapping...Simplified📍

Featuring: Avi Aflalo, CEO and co-Founder Simplex-Mapping

From engineers to city planners to even everyday citizens on their way to work, 3D technology provides a much more comprehensive, updated view of an area than ever before. Avi has seen his company’s solution deployed over multiple industries, in multiple countries, with great success in redefining how 3D technology can drive greater efficiency and accuracy in real estate and urban planning. Now, with AI and other developments, Avi is looking to see how to integrate them into his platform to drive the new generation of 3D planning tools.


Wine The Way You Want 🍷

Featuring: Katya Shokhina, CMO and Co-Founder at Winest

Katya Shokhina and Igor Podster began Winest so they could stop "whining" about bad and overly expensive wine choices, and, instead, bring the wine people actually want to their doorstep. With advanced algorithms to pair you with the wine you want and like, they are hoping to bring a new revolution with their digital sommelier.

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Surgery Needs a Better Standard 🏥

Featuring: Dotan Asselmann, CTO and Co-Founder at Theator

It may surprise you to hear but surgery results vary between patients, hospitals, departments in the same hospital, even for the same procedure. That is because there is no standard operating procedure, so to speak. Using a computer vision-based solution, Dotan hopes to create a new way for hospital admininstrations and surgeons to provide consistent, predictable surgical care.

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Water as a Service 💧

Featuring: Riggs Eckelberry, CEO and Co-Founder at OriginClear

What's the problem with the US water infrastructure? Beyond legacy systems and red tape, there's no universal fix. Riggs is trying to solve the tricky water landscape by combining tech and financial solutions, addressing a range of water challenges.

OriginClear's ingenious approach is paving the way for the private sector to lead the charge in dependable, eco-friendly water solutions that make a real difference.

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On the Record ⏺️

Featuring: Ohad Ronen, CEO and Co-Founder at Record

With the myriad of tech solutions in our world comes the always lurking bugs, connection issues, and other development problems. We've all experienced them, and, the often lackluster support that comes with them. Ohad pivoted his original company into a tool to help simplify and improve the tech support system by integrating thorough records of user sessions that reduce the burden on support teams and help them solve problems faster.

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Engineers Invest Too 👩‍🔬

Featuring: Lisya Bahar Manoah, General Partner at Catalyst Investments

Many would have you believe that only finance and economic professionals move into the venture capital space - think again! With the decrease in venture funding and overall economic outlook looking dreary, Lisya Bahar Manoah, General Partner at Catalyst Investments with $450 million in total assets, former mechanical engineer gone venture capitalist, believes that the time is now for those entrepreneurs with ideas that will truly move the needle forward.

With her and her partners' combined engineering background, Catalyst is on the look for the entrepreneurs who have their math down (because they'll check you!) and are building tech solutions for a problem that will make processes more efficient and noticeably impact society, and not just because they are nice to have.

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Entrepreneurship and Investments at Eye Level 👀

Featuring: Liron Rose; Entrepreneur, startup founder, investor

Successful entrepreneurs write books - from Bill Gates to Peter Thiehl - it's definitely 'a thing'. Liron has decided to impart his wisdom onto the masses and share in what has been his secrets to success.

During our conversation, we discuss how he built an ad network in the early days of the internet, why he went onto building an actual scalable company, and how it was starting an accelerator to help other founders after his own initial achievements.

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Tech 4 Teeth🦷

Featuring: Ian Miller, founder of Dental Mutuality and Dental Upscale

The dental industry has a history of looking outdated and scary a la Little Shop of Horrors. Now, dental offices resemble something more like high tech spaceships. Ian Miller, founder of Dental Mutuality and Dental Upscale, is supporting this changing paradigm helping dental innovations scale and grow in market share.

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