Фріланс It/Design/Marketing..
219 subscribers
10 photos
923 links
📌Зібрали вакансії для повністю віддаленої та частково віддаленої роботи для фахівців із різних сфер: IT, дизайн, освіта, маркетинг та ін.

На рахунок реклами пишіть на @jasmine_tyy
Download Telegram

📌Інтернет- маркетолог https://jooble.link/2796
ЗП - від 10 000 до 13 000 грн.
👤 Senior Full-Stack Developer
💸 up to 5000$
📍Location - Ukraine, Europe, remote
👋 Outsource company 8allocate is looking for a Full-Stack Developer.

Project: marketing platform for collecting and analyzing data collected with AI for advertising DJs.

— Commercial full-stack 4+ years experience with React.js, JavaScript Unit Testing frameworks (React Testing Library), and Java (Spring)
— Commercial experience applying engineering best practices (SOLID, TDD, Agile/Scrum)
— Good knowledge of SQL and related database technologies

— Develop the web application in Javascript (React - ES6 and above) and Java, using Adthena's Engineering Practices
— Support the Technical Architect to move forward our Technology and Teams by removing impediments and coaching junior team members
— Technical leadership within squad/team to help the team meet delivery milestones and deliver high-quality products etc

@o_saichuk (telegram)
👤 – Head of Engineering
💵 - $5800-$8300/month
📍 – Waterloo, Canada

Proto is the leader for inclusive chatbots and multilingual contact centre automation.

• BSc/MSc in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, related field
• 4+ years of experience in fullstack development for SaaS platforms
• 1+ years of development team experience with Scrum/Agile
• Experience in frontend development and familiarity Vue framework
• Experience in backend API development and familiarity with Python and one framework: Flask or FastAPI
• Experience in relational databases, especially PostgreSQL
• Fast-learner and team player

• Oversee software product development and sprint planning with CTO
• Lead execution of integration components in client implementations projects
• Manage infrastructure design and maintenance in collaboration with DevOps
• Perform frontend and backend code review with Fullstack Developers
• Conducting recruiting and team development for the Engineering department
• Ensure user-friendly internal and external technical product documentation

We offer:
• 20 vacation days. In addition to local holidays.
• Remote work with relocation to Canada. Start working anywhere in the world with the intention to relocate to Ontario, Canada.
• Proto gear & allowances. Proto outfits its team with quality swag and offers a WFH program for computer equipment purchases.
• High standards & autonomy. Work with a global team doing their best work and execute upon an ambitious expansion plan.


⭐️ Кореспондент стрічки новин до Tribuna.com (віддалено)

✏️ Що робити?
– Збір та написання новин про український та світовий спорт.

📌 Що потрібно?
– Знання спортивної специфіки та любов до спорту загалом. Вам потрібно добре розбиратися у футболі, боксі, тенісі, біатлоні, баскетболі та інших видах спорту.
– Грамотність, а також впевнена англійська для комфортної роботи з іноземними текстами (володіння іншими мовами також вітається).
– Вміння швидко думати, швидко робити та загальна стресостійкість.
– Самодисципліна для віддаленої роботи.
– Бажання розвиватися, вчитися новому та робити кар’єру у спортивних медіа.

🌿 Які умови?
– Дистанційна робота онлайн без прив’язки до офісу (5 змін по 8 годин на тиждень).
– Чітко окреслена зарплата.
– Окремі гонорари за додаткові види робіт.
– Гнучкий графік.
– Доброзичливий і в міру віддалений колектив.

📩 Куди писати?
– Резюме надсилайте на ua.jobs@tribuna.com із темою «Кореспондент стрічки новин».

Solidity Middle/Senior Engineer в STRIPS Finance
from 6.000-15.000$/month

Required work experience: 1-3 years:
— You will assist in the design and implementation of smart contracts;
— Conduct internal code reviews and testing;
— Ensuring a high level of code quality;
— Work closely with CTO and CEO to implement new ideas and features;
— Come up with innovative solutions to difficult problems;
— Troubleshoot and solve any smart contract security issues that may arise.

Education and Experience:
— Degree in any scientific discipline;
— Excellent knowledge in Javascript, Typescript and Solidity;
— Excellent knowledge in cryptography and Ethereum blockchain;
— Excellent knowledge and working experience with Git;
— Job Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
— Interest in cryptocurrencies/digital assets;
— Think differently;
— Strong analytical problem solving skill;
— Lateral and creative thinking;
— Ability to bootstrap and take ownership of projects;
— Desire to be part of fast-growing start-up and a highly collaborative team environment;
— Self-starter who is comfortable working in a fast-paced and dynamic conditions.

— Combination of salary (competitive) + bonus.

— Remote work and flexible hours (our team is distributed around the world);
— Young creative team, vibrant atmosphere and adequate leadership;
— Freedom of action: suggest what to do and how to do it. And do it;
— Competitive salary based on interview results (depending on the candidate's experience);
— The best product in its niche.

Telegram @ovatkina
Вакансия менеджера по работе с блогерами ⚡️
#актуально 🔈

Invest PRO - IT, инвестирование в криптовалюту

Частичная, удаленно

Заработная плата
8 000 - 15 000 грн. Оклад + премии за каждого блогера, с которым заключили контракт на коллаборацию


Jooble це українська продуктова IT-компанія, сервісом якої користуються понад 90 мільйонів користувачів у 69-ти країнах світу.

Для вільної взаємодії з партнерами шляхом листування ми шукаємо Менеджер з комунікацій з партнерами зі знанням однієї з іноземних мов (німецька🇩🇪, французька🇫🇷, іспанська🇮🇹, італійська🇪🇸, румунська🇷🇴, угорська🇭🇺, словацька🇸🇰, чеська🇨🇿, польська🇵🇱, голландська🇳🇱).

Детальніше про вакансію: https://hiring.jooble.org/partnershipmanager

Що пропонуємо ми:

⌚️Графік роботи:
- віддалений формат роботи;
- гнучкий графік роботи, в діапазоні з 8:00 до 22:00 EET;
- повний робочий день (8 годин на день) або часткова зайнятість (від 5 годин на день);
- робота тільки в робочі дні з пн-пт, сб-нд та державні свята вихідні.

💶 Оплата:
- оплату здійснюємо стабільно 2 рази на місяць без затримок;
- оплата складається з бонусної частини, яка залежить від виконання KPI.

👩‍💻Наша вакансія зацікавить тих, хто:
- володіє однією з іноземних мов на рівні Intermediate;
- вміння працювати з Google документами та таблицями;
- на «ти» з комп'ютером та прагне розвиватися в ІT сфері;

Для відгуку на вакансію: https://forms.gle/eS9ohFhSMNjxjnJo6 (по часу займає приблизно 30 хвилин).

📲Контакти для зв'язку:
Telegram: @jooble_hiring або @jooble_remote
WhatsApp: +38 067 175-16-01 або +38 067 466-92-05
Viber: +38 067 175-16-01 або +38 067 466-92-05

Підбірочка актуальних вакансій від українських агентств🇺🇦:

📌Менеджер по роботі з клієнтами (французська мова)

📌Python developer https://jooble.link/28B6

📌SEO-Спеціаліст https://jooble.link/28B7

📌Копірайтер англійською https://jooble.link/28B8

📌Розробник ABAP https://jooble.link/28B9

📌Маркетолог https://jooble.link/28BA

📌Remote Senior Web Engineer https://jooble.link/28BB
👤 - Full-Stack developers (with NodeJS+React)
💵 - 3000-5000
📍 - Remote, Ukraine

🔸Honeycomb Software is an innovative fast growing software company that for more than 6 years develops digital products for startups and online businesses.

Our client is from Houston, USA. The cloud-based multi-tenant comprehensive data management solutions that allows the oil-gas industry to control and monitor oil gas digging machines as well as predict and forecast detailed daily economic analysis.

✔️Commercial experience in software development as a Full-stack developer
✔️Strong experience with React and Redux (3+ years)
✔️Strong experience with implementing server-side applications using Node.js (3+ years)
✔️Good experience with Restful API and TypeScript (1+ years)
✔️Experience with SQL Databases (PostgreSQL, MongoDB)
✔️Good English

✔️Developing, maintaining, and improving our current web application
✔️Developing web solutions with a focus on User Experience (UX)
✔️Working with NoSQL databases
✔️Optimize application for maximum speed and scalability
✔️Write robust, clean, and documented code and respect our coding standards
✔️Build reusable, testable, and efficient code

We offer:
✔️Friendly working atmosphere
✔️Interesting long-term projects and challenging tasks with a team of professionals
✔️Opportunities to study, develop and improve your skills
✔️Flexible work schedule
✔️Paid vacations, sick leaves and social benefits from the company
✔️Competitive salary and regular performance reviews

Contact: @aksenii_ya
Link: https://honeycombsoft.com/full-stack-developer-react-node-js-2/
👤 - Ruby on Rails developer
💵 - salary up 5000$/month
📍 - Full-time, remote

Fast-growing startup that is building the future of e-commerce. We build custom, white-labeled online stores for offices and building management companies, where employees and residents can order same day delivery of anything from fresh groceries & personal care items to electronics and more.


•3+ years experience in Ruby on Rails
•Vast experience building scalable API
•Experience working with Cloud environment
• 1+ Years experience working with React/Angular/Vue- an advantage
•Passion for continuous deployment and constant feedback loop
•Independent, self-learner with a can-do attitude
•English B1+ and higher


•We are looking for a passionate Ruby on Rails developer to join our success.
•You will be a significant part in building our unique, data-driven core complex supply chain and logistics back-office solution that powers the fulfillment of thousands of daily orders across the world.
•You will develop new and exciting features end-to-end and support tens of thousands of customers and be part of the strategic thinking process alongside multiple internal interfaces.

We offer:

- Full-time job with a flexible schedule (remote);
- At least 18 vacation days and 5 sick days
- The opportunity for career growth;
- Positive corporate environment based on principles of
respect, support and mentorship.

⭐️ Copywriter (German, English) at Gipanis GmbH (віддалено)

✏️ Що робити?
– Coordinate the product content creation for the Laublust shop and the marketplaces (Amazon, Etsy).
– Work with international marketing and creative teams to ensure consistency of content.
– Optimize content with regards to SEO requirements and customer needs.
– Independent research of product information from various internal and external sources to optimize content.
– Writing, transferring, correcting and further developing product descriptions (operational and strategic).
– Build and manage product content publishing and listings via CMS system.

📌 Що потрібно?
– 2 + years of experience in creative copywriting.
– Excellent reading and written language skills (German & English).
– Effective editorial and proof-reading skills.
– Ability to effectively foster cross-functional relationships across teams (e.g. Sales, Product, Project Management, and Tech Teams).
– Understands and proven execution of SEO best practices.
– Excellent organizational and time management skills.
– Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, Marketing, Communications or German philology preferred.
– Self-motivated with the ability to take ownership of deliverables and outcomes.
– Familiarity with CMS systems.

🌿 Які умови?
– Competitive salary rate in EUR.
– Paid vacation time (25 days per year) and paid sick leaves.
– Annual bonuses.
– Language classes (English, German).
– Sessions with psychologist.
– Accountant support for individual entrepreneurs.
– Flexible remote work in an experienced and authentic team.
– Company with international flair.
– Startup environment with flat hierarchies.

📩 Куди писати?
– Please contact via email: alina.bondarets@gipanis.de

👤 - Media buyer (Telegram), Traffic manager (Telegram)
💵 - 500 - 1200 USD
📍 - Remote

Netpeak Agency — одне з найбільших агентств performance-маркетингу в Європі, лідер у сфері просування сайтів та контекстної реклами за версією численних міжнародних рейтингів, преміум партнер Facebook, Google та Bing.

- Досвід закупівлі трафіку в Telegram.
- Успішний досвід створення та ведення рекламних кампаній в Telegram.
- Навички аналізу та оптимізації трафіку.
- Вміння створювати креативи для реклами.

- Закуповувати трафік на канали. Вміння робити це не лише з Telegram, а й з інших соц. мереж (Tik Tok), FB, Instagram буде перевагою.
- Знаходити релевантних донорів для купівлі реклами.
- Розробляти креативи для реклами.
- Контролювати дотримання домовленостей щодо розміщення реклами та вести звітність.

We offer:
- Зручний графік для жайворонків, сов та невизначених: з 8 (12) до 17 (21). Part time (від 4 годин на день), full time (8 годин).
- Оплачувана відпустка у розмірі 24 календарних днів.
- Стабільна оплата з можливістю впливати на рівень свого доходу (за рахунок бонусів за виконані KPI).
- Навчання та розвиток: досвід та допомога наших співробітників, допомога у професійній адаптації та навчання куратора протягом усього випробувального терміну.
- Закритий форум, свою Вікіпедію та власну бібліотеку.
- Можливість відвідування профільних та непрофільних освітніх івентів. Конференції, семінари, які ми організовуємо.
- Систему гейміфікації, мемогенератор, бейджі, власну валюту та Netpeak Store, де можна придбати товари від брендового набору до IPhone.
- Роботу у групі компаній із єдиною місією.

Contact: @Soya_Netpeak

Link: https://career.netpeak.group/vacancy/media-buyer-telegram-netpeak/
- Affiliate Specialist
💵 - 1000$ + bonus month
📍 - Full-time, office
Country - Poland, Warsaw

ClickDealer is searching for Junior Affiliate Specialist!

The company is ready to consider for this position specialists without relevant experience who are interested in affiliate marketing and know English at a level from Upper Intermediate.

ClickDealer is a global marketing company that provides performance marketing solutions for publishers, advertisers, and agencies worldwide. The company has been in the performance marketing business since 2012, partnering with over 2000 advertisers across 12 main verticals.

Required Skills:
🔹 Upper-intermediate+ English level;
🔹 High analytical skills and ability to work with the large amount of data;
🔹 High communication and presentation skills.

The company is ready to offer:
🔹 Compensation of 50% of the cost of foreign language courses and sports;
paid vacation and sick leave;
🔹 Opportunity to attend conferences and training at the expense of the company.

❗️An experienced team will be happy to train you and help you become a true affiliate marketing expert! For all questions, write to me in private messages @mxrct


Робота дистанційно 👩🏻‍💻👨🏻‍💻

📌Chat and Email Specialist with English, French or Turkish https://jooble.link/29FC

📌Bilingual Advisor with French/ German/ Spanish/ Italian https://jooble.link/29FD

📌Social Media Communications Specialist https://jooble.link/29FE

📌Customer Support with Dutch or Swedish https://jooble.link/29FF
👤 - QA Engineer
💵 - up to $2,5K
📍 - Ukraine, remote

We are looking for Middle/ Senior QA (full remote)
Atri is a European product company specializing in creating products in the crypto sector. We want to empower people across the globe by leveraging the possibilities cryptocurrency provides. Now we are looking for experienced crypto enthusiasts to join our friendly team! As QA senior you will have full-time remote work, 8×5 day working hours.

-Understanding of the development processes and software lifecycle
-At least 2 year of functional/GUI testing experience (web and mobile applications)
-Theoretical knowledge base in software testing
-Knowledge of Agile methodology, experience working in Scrum environment
-Understanding the client-server architecture
-Experience in managing tasks and defects using Jira
-Experience creating and supporting testing documentation (checklist, test case, bug report)
-Good written and verbal communication skills
-Enthusiasm for working in a collaborative, fast-paced environment
-Intermediate level of English
-Experience with debugging browser bugs
-Experience of trawling through server logs

-Design, develop and maintain test cases for mobile apps (iOS AND Android) and web applications
-Executing test cases across all functional and UI areas of our product
-Analyze requirements from QA perspective, identify gaps
-Bug reporting in Jira
-Collaborate closely with other teammates, become an integral team member and lead QA processes and Product Quality Improvements

-Experience of test management system tools like TestRail
-Understanding of payment systems and interest in crypto industry
-Knowledge of API testing & debugging tools
-Basic knowledge or experience working with SQL
-Experience with Automation Testing

-Decent salary (discussed during the interview)
-Loads of interesting projects and friendly team
-Usual 8×5 day working hours (no overtime)
-Annual paid vacations (20 working days per year) and state holidays celebration
-Paid sick-leaves
-Remote work
And much more!

To contact us - https://atri.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=25&source=aWQ9MTM%3D

Дистанційна робота:

📌Менеджер з маркетингу https://jooble.link/2B0F
ЗП - від 15 000 до 20 000 грн.

📌Front-end Developer (Angular, RegExp, TypeScript) https://jooble.link/2B10

📌Рекрутер-фрілансер https://jooble.link/2B11
ЗП - від 16 000 до 30 000 грн.

📌Автор курсових робіт https://jooble.link/2B12
ЗП - 8 000 - 40 000 грн.

До зустрічі!
Marketing Traffic Manager in fintech project Smartbrain

Job description and responsibilities:
— Research, communicate and establish cooperation with potential advertising partners for varied online campaigns, acquire traffic using different models (CPA, CPI, CPC, CPM, etc.);
— Establish and manage long-run relationships with advertising partners. Maintain a high level of communication with traffic sources;
— Plan, set up, and maintain mobile and web ad campaigns on different ad networks and other traffic sources;
— Track and monitor the performance of each network;
— Collaboration with the Front-end team for creating and updating creatives for ad networks;
— Collaboration with the Paid Acquisition team in order to scale successful campaigns to new markets;
— The main goal is to acquire as many new quality leads to the platform as possible, keeping the lead cost in the benchmark.

Job qualifications and requirements:
— 2+ years of experience as affiliate marketing manager, traffic manager, etc. in the affiliate network, traffic network, direct advertiser;
— Understanding of the core principles of the performance-based marketing;
— The ability to optimize advertising campaigns and find the most effective combinations of targeting - creatives - costs;
— Experience in gaming, gambling or financial, crypto markets is desirable;
— Understanding what crypto and blockchain technology are and how it works is highly appreciated;
— Strong analytical skills;
— Understanding how to work with trackers and MMPs (Google Analytics, AppsFlyer, Adjust, Voluum, etc.);
— High purposefulness and efficiency;
— Upper-intermediate English level or higher.

Working conditions:
— Remote;
— Full time;
— Salary will be discussed at the end of the interview.

Contact Dmitry @Dmitry_Ustimchuk
👤 - Junior Affiliate Specialis
💵 - 900-1200$
📍 - Warsaw

ClickDealer is a global marketing company that provides performance marketing solutions for publishers, advertisers, and agencies worldwide.

- Upper-intermediate+ English level;
- High analytical skills and ability to work with the large amount of data;
- Readiness for prompt actions and responsibility for their implementation;
- High communication and presentation skills;
- Ability of constant self-educations.

- Search and onboarding of new partners;
- Maintenance of efficient written and verbal communication with partners;
- Manage business negotiations with partners;
- Analysis of sales/profit amount’s fluctuation as well as competitors’ activity and reaching target KPIs;
- Monitoring of trends and tendencies of online marketing.

The company is ready to offer:
- Compensation of 50% of the cost of foreign language courses and sports;
paid vacation and sick leave;
- Opportunity to attend conferences and training at the expense of the company.

Telegram @innarecruiter
#job #вакансия #frontend #js #vue.js #react #remote #удаленка #fulltime #вилка

Position: Senior Frontend Developer
Salary: 7000-8000 $ per month net
Employment: full-time, remote
Сompany: RA Clever Recruiting

We are looking for a Senior Frontend Developer for an international US-based product company.
Product: time tracking software is used by over 10,000 teams across the world that want to achieve more. Track work hours, pay team members, invoice clients, see in-depth reporting, and more through our web dashboard, desktop, and mobile apps.

Stack: Vue.js, React

Required skillset:
- Vue.js, React & JavaScript - 4 years at least.
- Experience with design systems
- Expert knowledge & experience using HTML and CSS.
- Experience working with WordPress and headless CMS systems is highly valued. Bonus points for experience with Git-based CMS.
- Understanding of SEO and accessibility best practices.
- Experience building high-quality, responsive layouts.
- Great communication skills, focused on solutions, thinking independently
- FLUENT English

What we Offer:
- 100% Remote work.
- 25 days of Annual Paid Time Off.
- Annual Equipment/ Technology Stipend.
- Maternity / Paternity Bonus.
- Annual Training Allowance.
- Company Retreats.

👤 - Middle Python Developer
💵 - 2500-3500$
📍 - Kyiv/remotely

LITSLINK is a top software development company from the US established by motivated doers and tech entrepreneurs with a great mission in mind — help up-and-coming companies and SME businesses turn their dreams into profitable ventures.

Our website: https://litslink.com

- 3+ years of experience – don’t neglect this requirement, please;
- Strong knowledge of software design principles;
- Experience writing production-ready solutions using Python and the core NumPy and Pandas libraries;
- Ability to identify blockers to project success and unblock them;
- Desire to learn new technologies and push your skills forward;
- Focus on creating the cleanest, most efficient and maintainable code possible;
- Great communication skills;
- Upper-Intermediate level of English.

👌Nice to have:
- Degree in computer science;
- Experience with Django, Celery and CVXPY;
- Knowledge of how financial markets work;
- Experience with MongoDB or Docker;
- Understanding of the AWS ecosystem.

💥What you'll get:
- Strong tech support from the company's architecture board and implementation team (UX /UI designers/developers/ BA /QA) – during your probation period you will mentored by our best architercors. We do care about your adaptation and want our newbies to feel as comfortable as possible;
- Paid vacation and sick leaves, starting from your probation period;
- You can work remotely or in our comfortable offices in Kyiv and Kharkiv. During the war you can work wherever you want from. Your safety is the most important thing now;
- A friendly, international working atmosphere with clients from the EU/USA/Canada/Hong Kong/etc.
- Flexible office working hours. You can start anytime till 11 am and finish accordingly until 8 pm.

Sounds interesting to you? Don't overthink. Apply now🚀
We are looking forward to find a perfect match! Looks like it’s you🤩

Telegram @TMaievska