random thoughts 如果能把 memlab 去 detect Cloudflare worker 的 memory leak,应该会更有用 #sideprojectidea #cloudflare #worker SPA 的 memory leak 最多 page crash 了,Edge worker 的 memory leak 真是实打实跑在机器里的,而且很难 debug
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/52555/whats-wrong-with-my-joke-%e8%bf%99%e4%bd%8d%e5%a4%96%e7%a7%91%e5%8c%bb%e7%94%9f%e4%b8%8d%e7%a4%bc%e8%b2%8c-%e4%bb%96%e6%80%bb%e6%98%af%e8%af%b4%e8%84%8f%e8%af%9d-and-how-can-i-salvage-it 哈哈哈,看到 Chinese Lang 的 stackoverflow,有种莫名喜感
Chinese Language Stack Exchange
What's wrong with my joke 这位外科医生不礼貌,他总是说脏话, and how can I salvage it?
Today I attempted to make the above joke on my WeChat 朋友圈. It's meant to be a play on words, with 脏话 meaning "profanity", but also 脏 (zàng) referring to bodily organs...
Today I attempted to make the above joke on my WeChat 朋友圈. It's meant to be a play on words, with 脏话 meaning "profanity", but also 脏 (zàng) referring to bodily organs...
https://blog.cloudflare.com/workerd-open-source-workers-runtime/ Cloudflare Worker JS runtime is open sourced!! #cloudflare #Javascript #runtime
The Cloudflare Blog
Introducing workerd: the Open Source Workers runtime
workerd is the JavaScript/Wasm runtime code that powers Cloudflare Workers, now open source under the Apache 2.0 license.
“when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.” https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/201306-when-you-don-t-create-things-you-become-defined-by-your #quote
A quote by Why The Lucky Stiff
when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.
https://open.spotify.com/show/62dyKz8nKOOCjoU3E5ECdn?si=xFgOo3p_RKqxorfEBTrjnw&nd=1 极好,晚饭一下听了3集,停不下来 #podcast #CCP
The Prince
Listen to The Prince on Spotify. Xi Jinping is the most powerful person in the world. But the real story of China's leader remains a mystery. In this eight-part series Sue-Lin Wong finds out how he rose to the top, and what it means for China—and the rest…
Forwarded from 卖桃者说 (Chi Jianqiang)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xfxpAazEoQ&ab_channel=VivekHaldar Software Engineering 的起源,1968年 NATO 把程序员确定成工程师,ACM 的成立 #SoftwareEngineer #ACM
The founding document of software engineering: NATO 1968 Conference
Link to conference proceedings: http://homepages.cs.ncl.ac.uk/brian.randell/NATO/nato1968.PDF
automatic memory leak detection & diagnosis tool for CloudFlare Worker, Deno, NodeJS and more... JS runtime #Javascript #runtimehttps://medium.com/@paul_irish/debugging-node-js-nightlies-with-chrome-devtools-7c4a1b95ae27 Paul Irish on chrome & nodejs debugging #article #chrome #Javascript
Debugging Node.js with Chrome DevTools
Support for Node.js debuggability landed in Node.js in 2016. Here’s how to get up and running. (Post updated Jan 2018)
Forwarded from 那由多的🐶
在硅谷和 C 录了期播客,讲硅谷和新加坡的码农生活。C 是我见过最文艺的码农了,大家可以看看 shownotes 里 C 剪的 vlog 感受下
01 - 美国码农与新加坡码农的对谈
听《塔奇克马》上小宇宙。 泛用人型话痨 人造人 Tachikoma,专注吃喝玩乐。
https://podba.se/validate/?url=https://bukelilun.com/feed/audio.xml Podcast RSS validator #rss #podcast #validator
Podbase Podcast Feed Validator
Is your podcast feed the best it can be?
Your podcast IS your feed—test it today! Feed problems can keep your podcast from being featured by Apple, hurt discovery, and cause problems with podcast directories.
Forwarded from Parallel Experiments (Linghao)
Synthesist in the Shell — A blog by Linghao Zhang
Learnings as a Tech Lead
What makes a great TL? Sharing what I've learned in the past 1.5 years as a TL at Google. Topics include: engaging in design discussions, leading by example, creating space for others, become better at context switching but limiting work in progress, writing…
https://www.bumingbai.net/2022/10/ep-019-jiang-xue-zhang-jieping-text/ 洁平,江雪,袁莉的对谈。有太多令人感动的点了,节选放置于评论 #podcast #journalism