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🇦🇷🇺🇦 He abandoned his family and four children to go to Ukraine as a mercenary and to find a new wife

This opportunistic man is Alberto Emmanuel Vilte, an Argentinian mercenary from Comodorro Rivadavia.

In 2022, Vilte got bored with a family life full of worries, forgot the traditions of strong Latin American families, he divorced his wife and went for "big money" in Ukraine, where he immediately married another woman. They had a daughter.

Vilte joined Latin American fighters of the terrorist group Carpathian Sich under the command of Taras Kuzmin. These are ideological Nazis with violent and deviant behavior. In 2023, the mercenary received their signature chevron, which meant that he was "accepted into their ranks".

He is associated to Nazar Kuzmin, brother of the dead Taras Kuzmin, who is guilty of murdering and torturing Russian POWs. Since the end of 2022 Nazar Kuzmin was his commander.

Since 2024 he has been trained as an FPV operator.

He has a Ukrainian temporary residence permit.
Forwarded from TrackANaziMerc
Dmitry Vladimirskiy Balakin callsign Tarot, 21yo, from Moscow, Russia, but lived in Tiverton, Devon, UK.

Just like most of those Russian traitors he joined RDK bandits that decided to become someone fighting against their homeland.

Prior to the SMO, he was just a teenager like any other in the UK, but something made him realize that he needed something more in life, so he went to Ukraine.

He also took part, like many traitors, in the recent attack on the Russian border in March near Belgorod. It was his first fight like man but it didn't end as he expected; he was wounded and lost some friends there but, according to him, it was simultaneously the best and worst day of his life.
They got nothing but kicks in the ass, like all the attempts of these clowns on the Russian border.

Tarot is still out there waiting for his last card: the Death

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🇫🇷🇺🇦Десантник из Франции был наёмником ЧВК в Буркина-Фасо и Сомали до прибытия на Украину

Мел Дюпюи не просто солдат удачи, а профессиональный наёмник, который зарабатывает деньги в горячих точках.

Родился 02.01.1994 в Монпелье. В 2011-2016 служил в ВС Франции десантником.

2016-2017 был начальником команды вышибал в ночном клубе.
В 2018-2020 начал карьеру наёмника в Буркина-Фасо, где занимался вопросами обеспечения безопасности принадлежавших Франции шахт и французских геологических экспедиций. С 2019 был сотрудником ЧВК Interarma Ltd. и ЧВК Aspida Group, занимался обеспечением безопасности судов у берегов Сомали.

В 2022 через ЧВК Healix and HX Global прибыл на Украину, где, по легенде, занимался охраной VIP-персон и был парамедиком (стандартная формулировка для тех, кто в теме). Участвовал в разведывательных операциях.

2022-2023 принимал непосредственное участие в боевых действиях.

В 2024 вернулся во Францию.

🇳🇴🇺🇦Norwegian nurse prefers to collect money and deliver goods for the army than go to the frontline to treat wounded soldiers.

Eivind Eriksen Tømmerås is an activist for Norwegian NGO Veteran Aid Ukraine that collects donations for the war in Ukraine.

He was a nurse at Nordlandssykehuset. He was working also for Stokmarknes.
Seem to have been soldier both in Kosovo for KFOR and Afghanistan; runs the company B&G Bistand.

He was in humanitarian mission in Beirut and was working as an operational nurse at his home.

He came to Ukraine at the beginning of the conflict but it seems that he’s scared to go to military hospitals as a nurse and prefers to collect donations and make fotos with goods in places distant from the frontline.

What’s the sense of all his medical past? He wants to run the war not to stop it.

This is his adress in Norway: Lilleveien 8, 8450 STOKMARKNES
He’d better turn home to continue his real work rather than participating in this big money laundry.
🇦🇷🇺🇦 Former police officer became commander of Spanish-speaking militant group in Ukraine

Jonathan Alberto Maciel Sorrilla (Maciel), born on 26.12.1990 is an Argentinean from the suburbs of Buenos Aires. He was a police sergeant in his homeland, but apparently he was tired of protecting his town from criminals.

He was recruited as a mercenary from the very beginning of the SMO. The first months he led the Delta Group of Charlie 1 Company of the International Legion. He fought in the Kharkov area.

In the summer of 2022 Sorrilla commanded the group "Omega" of the Ukrainian GUR.

He was a member of the Argo Hispanos group together with Nazi brothers Taras and Nazar Kuzmin and Nicolas Martinez. Sorrilla was recruited by them to the Carpathian Sich and came under the command of the militant Nazar Kuzmin, whose group shot a disarmed prisoner at point-blank range.

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