Folk Wisdom & Ways
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A channel sharing wisdom, lore and more.🌲Focusing on Northern European animistic polytheism and folk ways.
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Lyrics to Gra'~Old Grey…
I recall the ring before it broke…

Your song stirs something deep within
Like chords pulling straight from memory
I can’t find the words, they still remain veiled
Yet I know it is old, I know that it’s forgotten

I remember when you roamed freely
I remember when we roamed together
I remember us before our paths got separated
I remember the ring before it broke

Always wary about you, and you about me
Always wary about me, and I about you

You may run to my forests
Roam freely in my mountains
Lead your pack to my valleys
Let us restore the ring
I shall sing you safe on your way
I shall sing you safely home Wardruna
Forwarded from White Alchemy
We need a return of "The THING"

This very much relates to the post about common law court.

A thing was a governing assembly in early Germanic society, made up of the free people of the community presided over by lawspeakers.

things were the public assemblies of the free people of a country, province, or a hundred. They functioned as both parliaments and courts at different levels of society—local, regional, and supra-regional. Their purpose was to solve disputes and make political decisions, and thing sites were also often the place for public religious rites.
Forwarded from THE OLD WAYS (Velesa37)
The enemy destroys the legacy & history of European race/people through covert methods. For instance, let’s say on your land grows a special sacred tree that represents all things sacred to you & your people, it represents your entire history, legacy, spirituality, ancestry, etc... If the enemy comes at this tree openly to trying to destroy overtly, you and your kin will pick up weapons and start defending the sacred tree, but if the enemy comes sneakily and quietly at night, and start gradually destroying the roots of this tree without anyone really noticing what is taking place, in time the sacred tree of your race/people will start withering away and dying. After it dies, the enemy will come quietly at night while everyone is asleep, and put new seeds there, and these seeds will take root and grow. Now you have something completely foreign growing on your land in the place where the sacred tree of your people once stood. As generations pass, no one will even know what happened. So through dark sorcery, and trickery, the enemy quietly planted a fabricated history and foreign spirituality on your land, and tricked your kind to accept it as their own. This process is still unfolding today
Forwarded from Hyperborean Reflections🍄
"The ways of men seemed to me better when they were called heathen. I want my food and no foolery."
- Grettir's Saga.

From a passage where Glam is sick of the pesky Christian rules and regulations and demands a proper Yule feast. Have to say, I fully agree with his sentiments.

Great post by Araynism! It's great to see so many of our folk call out Chrislam for what it is and return to our old ways.