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Recently I've run across some ancient writings, available online, such as Nennius's History of the Britons, the Book of Enoch, and others.

They provide additional perspective on the history of civilization, especially ancient civ. For example Nennius calculates the age of the earth – which is neither millions/billions of years old, nor 6,000, like the 2 mainstream modern schools of thought believe.

Among the writings, I also found writings of early Christian church pastors, written in almost the same format as New Testament epistles. In fact, some of them have been considered by some to be part of the NT. The early church did settle on the basic format we know today as The Bible by around AD 200-300, after the final words of John the Apostle. Yet, what can be learned from these "extra" texts? I intend to find out.
Forwarded from Last Days Blog 🙊
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A study showed that 72% of children who had ADD were cured 3 months later just by eating healthy.

Follow @LastDaysBlog
Word has it the GA judge is putting terms on Trump's bond that would make it very easy to deny bond and keep him detained until trial. This would not end well for America, I do not think.
Forwarded from LAURA LOOMER
President Trump’s mug shot.

What a gangster. #MAGA
Lesson to learn: NO ONE is coming to save you, and orchestrate "the return of the anons" or whatever on Twitter. They don't have a list of naughty and nice patriots to release the kraken with when the time is right.

Many people act like there's a council of 12 sitting in a secret military board room, carefully controling everyting that happens, when in reality it's just the real world, and things happen for different reasons. Stop waiting for someone to give you the green light.
Been working on an article with my reflections on the state of election integrity, at this point in 2023. Please give it a read and consider the message.

While I have little doubt our elections are riddled with problems, which need to be addressed, all the major claims of 2020 election fraud have shown little to no fruit, leading me to write this.

And in order to truly restore the USA to a form of greatness, we need much more than to audit elections or replace machines with paper. Going forward, I'll be focused on the matter of "civic integrity" and plan to create new content to that end. Stay tuned as we move ahead!
I search for the truth on the matter of 9/11 as much as anyone. But I want to examine both sides (or however many sides there are) of any theory or data. It's entirely possible here, that in the heat of the moment, the NYCFD *thought* there was a bomb in the building. Doesn't mean this is a settled fact, so watch out for anyone claiming this is PROOF of anything. It's certainly a head scratcher, but the fireman could have been misinformed and acting on whatever he was told.
It's been almost a year since I went (back) in to the delivery business. I enjoy it – though the pay is not quite where I think it should be. Compared to the price of fuel it's not enough to sustain an average living. And for the risks involved in being on the roads, it ought to.

That's not to say it isn't worth doing, eithe on a part-time or full time basis! At different seasons in life, you needd one thing or another. Flexibility, for example. That's what I need to develop my own business(es) on the side. Slowly, the plan is to move more toward my own enterprises, and back off from gig work.
So true, LOL. I heavily resisted the push to take Adderal (aka legal meth) in grade school. Cousin was on it. Virtually everyone I know who's taken it has been messed up by it.

Prescribe sunshine, not pills!
Media is too big
Tip of the iceberg. This is part of how they hook you on processed food.

Hell, I don't even recognize that food's processed half the time when I see it, because my whole life I've had so little UNprocessed. Learning to cook as an adult has been a journey!
Clever meme, yet,

God did more than "make" he created.
Washington would be shun being put in the same classification as God.
Lincoln did not "make America great" (though this isn't a sleight against him).
And Trump is not really qualified to belong with the others, at least as yet.

Give him a 2nd term and we'll talk about it. But after his 1st term, sadly not enough lasting changes have taken hold.
ATTN all: although you probably don't follow me on Facebook, I'd like to make sure everyone knows my FB account was suspended a week or so ago. It was hacked (sort of), and a fraudulent Instagram acct was linked, which was probably a bot, and when that Insta was suspended they also took down my FB.

There doesn't appear to be any recourse, so unless FB decides to take 5 seconds to look at what happened (not likely), that's the end of my time on Facebook. I'm still on X,, and you can follow me there!
I have an exciting new project I'm working on that has nothing to do with politics, religion or sports teams!

Not saying a word about what it is until a few things are ready, but I can tell you this, it's going to be a lot of fun.
While I basically align with this belief about God's creation timeline, a few things are less certain to me: one, that we're in a 6,000-year-old creation, and two, that it's been apx. 2,000 years since the time of Christ.

The 6/7,000 year timeline does line up with God's 6/7 day creation paradigm pretty well, with the last 1k yrs being the Sabbath of rest. But who's to say it's really the year 2023? How do we know it's not 1523 or 1023? How do we know history before cameras or even printing presses is real? The concealment of knowledge was and is very real throughout mankind's history.
You have to understand how to understand Trump. This is really hilarious.

The judge issues a gag order that cancels free speech for the leading presidential candidate. What does the candidate do? IMMEDIATELY posts his complaint about the order, becomes a news story, and gets all the free presss over it. Just like he did in 2016. Trump has effectively nullified any attempt to silence him, lol.
Forwarded from Awakened_144