New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
How to add a "header" to this panel that says 'Friends' with a divider() underneath the text? (Using sliding_up_panel package btw, link in post)
my demo (I shake my cursor where the header should be): want the panel to look exactly like the Find My Friends app: list should scroll underneath the header.Tried making a column and having the first widget be Text('friends'), the next widget Divider(), and the third a ListView.builder(controller: scrollController); get overflow errors. I know the problem has to do with scrollable stuff and the sliding_up_panel.Thanks in advance!
April 09, 2020 at 09:51PM by PoopSlinger777
How to add a "header" to this panel that says 'Friends' with a divider() underneath the text? (Using sliding_up_panel package btw, link in post)
my demo (I shake my cursor where the header should be): want the panel to look exactly like the Find My Friends app: list should scroll underneath the header.Tried making a column and having the first widget be Text('friends'), the next widget Divider(), and the third a ListView.builder(controller: scrollController); get overflow errors. I know the problem has to do with scrollable stuff and the sliding_up_panel.Thanks in advance!
April 09, 2020 at 09:51PM by PoopSlinger777
Animated GIFs, GIFs, Giphy
New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
Flutter Wallpaper App (Pexels API) » CodeSearchOnline
April 09, 2020 at 11:13PM by abhay994
Flutter Wallpaper App (Pexels API) » CodeSearchOnline
April 09, 2020 at 11:13PM by abhay994
Flutter Wallpaper App (Pexels API)
Creating an app is kind of easy but managing it is harder than its this blog we will focus on the creation of a wallpaper app using pexels wallpaper API.for more information about pexels API visite (…
New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
Flutter State Management Tutorial – Provider + ChangeNotifier, Bloc, MobX & More
April 09, 2020 at 11:11PM by Elixane
Flutter State Management Tutorial – Provider + ChangeNotifier, Bloc, MobX & More
April 09, 2020 at 11:11PM by Elixane
Flutter State Management Tutorial – Provider + ChangeNotifier, Bloc, MobX & More
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State management is a…
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New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
Flutter Local Auth With FirebaseAuth
HiJust wanted to know if anyone out there has impletented local/biometric auth in their flutter app that also needs to authenticate with firebaseI know a couple ways on doing this but they are probably not the bestone way would be to save user and hashed password in secure_storage and pass these through to firebase auth then biometric auth is successfullanother check if currentUser is not null and set the firebase auth token to refresh and then just pass the user through after sucuessfull biometric auth is successfullHow do the banking/other apps acheive this, you basically enable the flag in the app and it next time it manages to log you into the app as the same as loggin in with credentialsI know banking apps will have alot more rescoures to create their own authentication system, that would validate public/private keys for a user/device,Can this be achived using firebase auth using a similar technique?
April 09, 2020 at 10:24PM by mrvtec69
Flutter Local Auth With FirebaseAuth
HiJust wanted to know if anyone out there has impletented local/biometric auth in their flutter app that also needs to authenticate with firebaseI know a couple ways on doing this but they are probably not the bestone way would be to save user and hashed password in secure_storage and pass these through to firebase auth then biometric auth is successfullanother check if currentUser is not null and set the firebase auth token to refresh and then just pass the user through after sucuessfull biometric auth is successfullHow do the banking/other apps acheive this, you basically enable the flag in the app and it next time it manages to log you into the app as the same as loggin in with credentialsI know banking apps will have alot more rescoures to create their own authentication system, that would validate public/private keys for a user/device,Can this be achived using firebase auth using a similar technique?
April 09, 2020 at 10:24PM by mrvtec69
Flutter Local Auth With FirebaseAuth
Hi Just wanted to know if anyone out there has impletented local/biometric auth in their flutter app that also needs to authenticate with...
New post on Flutter Dev Google group:
Generating signed APK option not available.
Hello guys, I have been trying to generate a signed APK. However, the option to generate a signed APK under build is not there and i saw some solutions through project structure from file, project structure option is not there as well. Please help me! Thank you so much guys.!!! PS: when i run
April 10, 2020 at 12:08AM by Mahmoud Alminawi
Generating signed APK option not available.
Hello guys, I have been trying to generate a signed APK. However, the option to generate a signed APK under build is not there and i saw some solutions through project structure from file, project structure option is not there as well. Please help me! Thank you so much guys.!!! PS: when i run
April 10, 2020 at 12:08AM by Mahmoud Alminawi
Google Groups
Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.
New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
What Type of Flutter Developer Are You?
April 10, 2020 at 01:50AM by thehappyharis
What Type of Flutter Developer Are You?
April 10, 2020 at 01:50AM by thehappyharis
What Type of Flutter Developer Are You?
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Sign up 25% OFF the Full Flutter Web with Firebase Udemy Course:
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New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
What would be the best way to apply turn by turn navigation like google maps?
It looks like a lot of people don't like the google maps plugin, so I've looked at mapbox and leaflet. Are there any other options I should consider? Which plugin would you recommend I use?
April 10, 2020 at 01:01AM by node_user910253
What would be the best way to apply turn by turn navigation like google maps?
It looks like a lot of people don't like the google maps plugin, so I've looked at mapbox and leaflet. Are there any other options I should consider? Which plugin would you recommend I use?
April 10, 2020 at 01:01AM by node_user910253
What would be the best way to apply turn by turn navigation like...
It looks like a lot of people don't like the google maps plugin, so I've looked at mapbox and leaflet. Are there any other options I should...
New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
Anyone use WidgetsApp instead of Material or Cupertino?
If I want to make a fully custom app with my own button styles and whatnot, how would I use WidgetsApp, does it provide zero styling for the widgets?Also, semantically, should I use a button component for example rather than a Container with an onTap function, even though I don't want the default styling that comes with a Material or Cupertino button?
April 10, 2020 at 03:11AM by satvikpendem
Anyone use WidgetsApp instead of Material or Cupertino?
If I want to make a fully custom app with my own button styles and whatnot, how would I use WidgetsApp, does it provide zero styling for the widgets?Also, semantically, should I use a button component for example rather than a Container with an onTap function, even though I don't want the default styling that comes with a Material or Cupertino button?
April 10, 2020 at 03:11AM by satvikpendem
Anyone use WidgetsApp instead of Material or Cupertino?
If I want to make a fully custom app with my own button styles and whatnot, how would I use WidgetsApp, does it provide zero styling for the...
New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
<b>State of integration tests automation in Flutter</b>
I'm currently struggling with integration tests automation. The flutter_driver (see <a href="">official doc</a>) is great as long as you work locally but things get more complex when running it on CI with real devices (provided by services like App Center, AWS Device Farm, etc.).
For my job, I've gathered all information I could find and wrote a doc, no conclusion, just a description of the state of the art. I thought it would be nice to share in this sub since there are a lot of unanswered posts about this topic (<a href="">here</a>, <a href="">here</a> or <a href="">here</a>). Feedback welcome!----------------------The tricky partThere are some well-established tools for integration test automation:Expresso (Android)XCUITest, Earl grey (iOS)Appium (cross-platform, it’s basically Selenium for mobile).Those tools are native and can access (and control) native components by their keys. Because Flutter has it own native view with everything drawn in it. Those tools are no use for a Flutter app.That’s why the Flutter team came up with a Flutter equivalent: flutter_driver. Problem is: most of the device testing services don’t support this specific tool.AWS Device Farm + SylphThe author of <a href="">Sylph</a> managed to use flutter_driver to run the integration tests on real devices on both iOS and Android.Sylph repo: <a href=""></a>Codemagic CI blog post about Sylph: <a href=""></a>However, when taking a closer look how it works, it appears that the lib relies on a hack, a comment in the code mentions this StackOverflow question: <a href=""></a>The app sent to AWS is actually a dummy Python application. This somehow allows to override the test command, that how we can run the “flutter driver” command.From the author on the library himself:I was able to get flutter driver working on AWS Device Farm by shoe-horning it into an Appium (python) test... kinda like a trojan horse.Source: <a href=""></a> (1 year ago)Firebase Test LabIt seems like there is the beginning of an official support from the Flutter team with the <a href="">e2e</a> package, even it is still suboptimal (Android only, no support for Robo scripts).Open issues:Official support <a href=""></a>Robo scripts support: <a href=""></a>I also found the discontinued <a href="">instrumentation_adapter</a> package but it’s the predecessor of the e2e package mentioned above (there is an obvious similarity when comparing the 2 readme files).SauceLabsThe only working example I found concerning SauceLabs is from the author of Sylph. It is built on TravisCI and use only an Android simulator. It’s more a PoC and it is not very useful since a simulator can be directly accessible from TravisCI where flutter driver can be used.TravisCI config: <a href="">https://travis…
<b>State of integration tests automation in Flutter</b>
I'm currently struggling with integration tests automation. The flutter_driver (see <a href="">official doc</a>) is great as long as you work locally but things get more complex when running it on CI with real devices (provided by services like App Center, AWS Device Farm, etc.).
For my job, I've gathered all information I could find and wrote a doc, no conclusion, just a description of the state of the art. I thought it would be nice to share in this sub since there are a lot of unanswered posts about this topic (<a href="">here</a>, <a href="">here</a> or <a href="">here</a>). Feedback welcome!----------------------The tricky partThere are some well-established tools for integration test automation:Expresso (Android)XCUITest, Earl grey (iOS)Appium (cross-platform, it’s basically Selenium for mobile).Those tools are native and can access (and control) native components by their keys. Because Flutter has it own native view with everything drawn in it. Those tools are no use for a Flutter app.That’s why the Flutter team came up with a Flutter equivalent: flutter_driver. Problem is: most of the device testing services don’t support this specific tool.AWS Device Farm + SylphThe author of <a href="">Sylph</a> managed to use flutter_driver to run the integration tests on real devices on both iOS and Android.Sylph repo: <a href=""></a>Codemagic CI blog post about Sylph: <a href=""></a>However, when taking a closer look how it works, it appears that the lib relies on a hack, a comment in the code mentions this StackOverflow question: <a href=""></a>The app sent to AWS is actually a dummy Python application. This somehow allows to override the test command, that how we can run the “flutter driver” command.From the author on the library himself:I was able to get flutter driver working on AWS Device Farm by shoe-horning it into an Appium (python) test... kinda like a trojan horse.Source: <a href=""></a> (1 year ago)Firebase Test LabIt seems like there is the beginning of an official support from the Flutter team with the <a href="">e2e</a> package, even it is still suboptimal (Android only, no support for Robo scripts).Open issues:Official support <a href=""></a>Robo scripts support: <a href=""></a>I also found the discontinued <a href="">instrumentation_adapter</a> package but it’s the predecessor of the e2e package mentioned above (there is an obvious similarity when comparing the 2 readme files).SauceLabsThe only working example I found concerning SauceLabs is from the author of Sylph. It is built on TravisCI and use only an Android simulator. It’s more a PoC and it is not very useful since a simulator can be directly accessible from TravisCI where flutter driver can be used.TravisCI config: <a href="">https://travis…
Integration testing concepts
Learn about integration testing in Flutter.
New post on Flutter Dev Google group:
Flutter ListBuilder from json data
Im trying to create a list from json api And i would like the user to be able to select multiple object from list. Can you hel??? I tried to user the state but every time i clicked the setState function its refrech all the screen so my selection is removed.
April 10, 2020 at 04:15AM by Thierno lamine Balde
Flutter ListBuilder from json data
Im trying to create a list from json api And i would like the user to be able to select multiple object from list. Can you hel??? I tried to user the state but every time i clicked the setState function its refrech all the screen so my selection is removed.
April 10, 2020 at 04:15AM by Thierno lamine Balde
Google Groups
Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.
New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
Dice Game Flutter(8th/90 Days Challenge)
Dice Game App is my 8th App in this 90 Days Challenge. In this app, basically there are 2 dices will be present on the screen and when the user will click them it will generate the random number from 1 to 6.I had learnt about Expanded, Flat Button and how to differentiate between the Stateful and Stateless widget properties with each other. I had also got to know about the Math properties related to dart. I had created a function named to automate the task of generating random numbers and changing the picture.Features need to be implemented further are as follows:Exception Handling.Thinking about changing the overall UI( of Material App) after every iteration.When both the numbers will be the same, there should be a pop message should be generated.Some kind of scoring should be present in this application.If anyone wants to take a look and give some feedback about the app/the code, it would be really nice :). Pls star and fork the main repo, if you will find it interesting, I will create more advanced apps in the future. Thanks, r/FlutterDev for motivating me this journey and helping me to become a better developer.Deployed Version of the Project: link
April 10, 2020 at 05:31AM by flutterboxinc
Dice Game Flutter(8th/90 Days Challenge)
Dice Game App is my 8th App in this 90 Days Challenge. In this app, basically there are 2 dices will be present on the screen and when the user will click them it will generate the random number from 1 to 6.I had learnt about Expanded, Flat Button and how to differentiate between the Stateful and Stateless widget properties with each other. I had also got to know about the Math properties related to dart. I had created a function named to automate the task of generating random numbers and changing the picture.Features need to be implemented further are as follows:Exception Handling.Thinking about changing the overall UI( of Material App) after every iteration.When both the numbers will be the same, there should be a pop message should be generated.Some kind of scoring should be present in this application.If anyone wants to take a look and give some feedback about the app/the code, it would be really nice :). Pls star and fork the main repo, if you will find it interesting, I will create more advanced apps in the future. Thanks, r/FlutterDev for motivating me this journey and helping me to become a better developer.Deployed Version of the Project: link
April 10, 2020 at 05:31AM by flutterboxinc
GitHub - irahulcse/A-Complete-Guide-To-Flutter: This repo contains all the small snippets related to Flutter Apps. Most of the…
This repo contains all the small snippets related to Flutter Apps. Most of the projects/apps are deployed on Flutter Web using GitHub Actions CI Pipeline. - irahulcse/A-Complete-Guide-To-Flutter
New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
Futter App Development for Beginners
April 10, 2020 at 07:08AM by millan123ta
Futter App Development for Beginners
April 10, 2020 at 07:08AM by millan123ta
According to Google's own statements, Flutter may be a mobile app SDK for creating high-quality native interfaces for Android and iOS in record time. Flutter applications are writt
New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
Adding DB to app
Hey guys I recently stated with flutter like a few months ago and I was trying to make a time table app I'm done with the front end of stuff but I have no idea how to store what the user would input, so basically it need to store some values offline and retrieve them, what would be the best way to do such a thing?thanks in advanced!
April 10, 2020 at 06:27AM by OddCapital0
Adding DB to app
Hey guys I recently stated with flutter like a few months ago and I was trying to make a time table app I'm done with the front end of stuff but I have no idea how to store what the user would input, so basically it need to store some values offline and retrieve them, what would be the best way to do such a thing?thanks in advanced!
April 10, 2020 at 06:27AM by OddCapital0
Adding DB to app
Hey guys I recently stated with flutter like a few months ago and I was trying to make a time table app I'm done with the front end of stuff but I...
New post on Flutter Dev Google group:
Google's free flutter and dart course with lifetime access if activated in the next three month's.
Hi there!! Hope your guys are doing well. Today I came up over a learning resource made for the beginner who are trying to learn developing in flutter. This is free and beginner friendly. See the link below for more information.
April 10, 2020 at 07:06AM by Souvik Dutta
Google's free flutter and dart course with lifetime access if activated in the next three month's.
Hi there!! Hope your guys are doing well. Today I came up over a learning resource made for the beginner who are trying to learn developing in flutter. This is free and beginner friendly. See the link below for more information.
April 10, 2020 at 07:06AM by Souvik Dutta
Announcing a free Flutter introductory course
Ten hours of video and hands-on tutorials to build beautiful apps
New post on Flutter Dev Google group:
Disable Camera move when click the marker google maps flutter
Hi, Kindly help how to disable Camera move when click the marker google maps flutter Thanks in Advance
April 10, 2020 at 08:29AM by Amicus India
Disable Camera move when click the marker google maps flutter
Hi, Kindly help how to disable Camera move when click the marker google maps flutter Thanks in Advance
April 10, 2020 at 08:29AM by Amicus India
Google Groups
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New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
Flutter Tutorial
Hello guys, don't know if this is the best place to post this but i would like to ask you something.I bought from Udemy a course for flutter by Maximilian Schwarzmuller and it really helped learn a lot of things about flutter and dart. I was wondering if anyone can point me to some other good course/tutorial on Udemy/Youtube with more advanced techniques for flutter so i can expand further my knowledge!Thank you very much in advance!
April 10, 2020 at 08:55AM by Lampat21
Flutter Tutorial
Hello guys, don't know if this is the best place to post this but i would like to ask you something.I bought from Udemy a course for flutter by Maximilian Schwarzmuller and it really helped learn a lot of things about flutter and dart. I was wondering if anyone can point me to some other good course/tutorial on Udemy/Youtube with more advanced techniques for flutter so i can expand further my knowledge!Thank you very much in advance!
April 10, 2020 at 08:55AM by Lampat21
Flutter Tutorial
A subreddit for Google's crossplatform UI toolkit.
New post on /r/flutterdev subreddit:
Replace native Apps in Google Play and Apple App Store with Flutter Apps over store update mechanisms. Additional keep applications' keys in the keystore/keychain.
Hello,we currently have an application developed native for Android (Kotlin/Java) and iOS (Swift/Objective C) which relies on the Android Keystore and Apple Keychain.This Application is distributed over the App-Stores (Goole Play/ Apple App Store).Now we want to develop our Application completely new with Flutter. We need to access the keystore and keychain also with this application (should be doable).Is it also possible, that we will publish our new application as an update to the App stores and access/use the previously, with the native apps generated keys? Do you have expirience with replacing native Apps with flutter apps in the App stores? What do we need to pay attention to?Thank you for your help :)
April 10, 2020 at 08:48AM by Langohr2394
Replace native Apps in Google Play and Apple App Store with Flutter Apps over store update mechanisms. Additional keep applications' keys in the keystore/keychain.
Hello,we currently have an application developed native for Android (Kotlin/Java) and iOS (Swift/Objective C) which relies on the Android Keystore and Apple Keychain.This Application is distributed over the App-Stores (Goole Play/ Apple App Store).Now we want to develop our Application completely new with Flutter. We need to access the keystore and keychain also with this application (should be doable).Is it also possible, that we will publish our new application as an update to the App stores and access/use the previously, with the native apps generated keys? Do you have expirience with replacing native Apps with flutter apps in the App stores? What do we need to pay attention to?Thank you for your help :)
April 10, 2020 at 08:48AM by Langohr2394
Replace native Apps in Google Play and Apple App Store with...
A subreddit for Google's portable UI framework.
New post on Flutter Dev Google group:
Flutter run "hangs" on iOS simulator
Hi guys, Flutter run is hanging only on iOS simulator saying "Waiting for observatory port to be available..." This is happening only for iOS simulator. On Android, it's working fine Please help me... Thank you so much, guys !!! [image: Mailtrack] <
April 10, 2020 at 09:32AM by Mohammed Umar ibn Shafee
Flutter run "hangs" on iOS simulator
Hi guys, Flutter run is hanging only on iOS simulator saying "Waiting for observatory port to be available..." This is happening only for iOS simulator. On Android, it's working fine Please help me... Thank you so much, guys !!! [image: Mailtrack] <
April 10, 2020 at 09:32AM by Mohammed Umar ibn Shafee
Email tracker for Gmail — Mailsuite
Enhance relationship growth with our email tracker for Gmail. Track emails, receive read receipts, and gain valuable insights for effective communication.
New post on Flutter Dev Google group:
Can I use SQL in flutter project?
Friends I have database on SQL. Can i use SQL instead of SQL lite and is it possible? Also is there any tutorial/ Article/ on how to use SQL ( not SQL Lite) for flutter. Many Thanks A
April 10, 2020 at 11:40AM by Atul d
Can I use SQL in flutter project?
Friends I have database on SQL. Can i use SQL instead of SQL lite and is it possible? Also is there any tutorial/ Article/ on how to use SQL ( not SQL Lite) for flutter. Many Thanks A
April 10, 2020 at 11:40AM by Atul d
Google Groups
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New post on Flutter Dev Google group:
Error while running the program
In my application, I try to interface update, create, delete record with firebase. while runing the program i founf this error Using hardware rendering with device AOSP on IA Emulator. If you get graphics artifacts, consider enabling software rendering with "--enable-software-rendering".
April 10, 2020 at 12:18PM by Abinavan Nagendran
Error while running the program
In my application, I try to interface update, create, delete record with firebase. while runing the program i founf this error Using hardware rendering with device AOSP on IA Emulator. If you get graphics artifacts, consider enabling software rendering with "--enable-software-rendering".
April 10, 2020 at 12:18PM by Abinavan Nagendran
Google Groups
Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.