Flights & Callsigns
KBAR08 - Reg: 168208 - Now took off from Savannah International/ Air National Guard Base heading north/NE
KBAR08 - Reg: 168208 - US Marines on the move again this morning
Flights & Callsigns
GLARE12 - Reg: 08-0336 - Took off to CO today!
GLARE12 - Reg: 08-0336 - Now moving further east
Flights & Callsigns
64352 - Reg: RA-85019 - Russia on the move
64352 - Reg: RA-85019 - Russia now out of Russia
Flights & Callsigns
SAM459 - Reg: 20-1941 - Went to Guam!
SAM459 - Reg: 20-1941 - From Guam, landed and went to Hickman