Flat Earth Debunked
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Sun glare is caused by the scattering of sunlight in the atmosphere. And internal reflections in the optical system can also cause it.

The intensity of sun glare is less than the strength of the light coming directly from the Sun, but it is still too bright for our eyes to distinguish it from the sun itself. It is the reason the Sun and its glare appear as a single bright object.

To observe the Sun without its glare, we have to reduce the exposure by using the in-camera exposure settings or using a solar filter. By eliminating the glare, we can observe that the sun’s size remains constant throughout the day.
All magnets have two poles. Breaking a bar magnet in the center will result in two bar magnets with two poles each. A compass needle also has two poles. Its north pole is attracted to the south pole of Earth’s magnetic field and vice versa.

Important: A magnet’s North pole is defined as the pole that is attracted by the Earth’s North Magnetic Pole when the magnet is suspended so it can turn freely. Since opposite poles attract, the North Magnetic Pole of the Earth is really the south pole of its magnetic field.

In addition to the force of attraction, there is also the force of repulsion. The north pole of a compass is repulsed by the north pole of Earth’s magnetic field and vice versa. Near the equator, all the forces have the same magnitude, and a compass will be level.

Flat-Earthers claim that only on a flat Earth, a compass needle will point to the North Pole. They ‘forgot’ to account for the fact that the south pole of the magnet is also affected by Earth’s magnetic field in the same way, making the compass level near the equator.

Additionally, at a location far enough from the equator, the phenomenon of magnetic dip will be more pronounced. A compass will need to be specifically designed to be used in such locations. Otherwise, the needle will bind and will not give us the correct results. This phenomenon is obviously not compatible with what is claimed by flat-Earthers: a balanced compass does not point to the north pole. The same excuse they are using to ‘disprove’ spherical Earth also applies to them.
I've asked this question before however I'll ask it again to separate the flerfs from the people grounded in reality.

Do you measure things that rotate/spin in mph or rpm?
Anonymous Quiz
The camera used to take the photo was a 35mm movie film camera. It has a crop factor of approximately 1.5x. As a result, the attached 50mm camera would have an effective field of view equivalent to a ~75mm lens attached to a 35mm still camera. We can use this figure and the rocket’s altitude to determine the expected curvature from a simulation. And the result perfectly matches the photo.
Pressure gradient is not a topic usually explained in a lecture about elementary thermodynamics. Students will learn it in fluid mechanics. Just because a lecturer describing the second law of thermodynamics did not mention pressure gradient, it does not mean the pressure gradient does not exist. And it does not mean the spherical Earth somehow “violates” the second law of thermodynamics.
Greetings loyal subscribers, flerfs and people of reality.

To the flerfs and people on the fence, do you know now after witnessing and examining the mountains of evidence we provided for you to start believing reality?
Anonymous Poll
YES (You've succcesfulling tackled your cult mindset and crippled your mind control)
NO (You didn't examine any evidence whatsoever and your argument was "nuh uh".)
Guys it's over, you're making yourselves look pathetic, just take the L and learn basic physics and stop resetting.

It's time to wake up.