Flat Earth Debunked
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Evidence that the horizon doesn't rise to eye level.
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Many different map projections are created to preserve different properties of the sphere-like body at the expense of other properties. Some of the resulting distortions are acceptable, and others are not. A projection type can be suitable for a purpose but not for others.

Flat-Earthers claim the so-called ‘flat-Earth map’ is distortion-free and use it as proof of its correctness. In reality, a map can only be distortion-free if the actual shape it represents is also flat. There are many ways we can use to show that the “flat Earth map” is, in fact, distorted.

Every map of the Earth has distortions due to the fact it is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional object. It does not mean a distortion-free representation of the real Earth does not exist: we call it a globe.
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Usually, the tourist trap operator will guide the unsuspecting tourists to a sink supposedly placed directly on the Equator. They will then release the plug and show that the water does not form a vortex. Afterward, they will show a sink north of the Equator and another south of the Equator and demonstrate that the water spirals in a different direction.

In reality, this is only a parlor trick. These people make the water spin in a different direction by how they pour the water. Pouring the water to the right of the drain will make the water spin counterclockwise and vice-versa. Furthermore, when the water drains without spinning, it is because the water is already in the sink. They let the water sit for some time before unplugging the sink.

Scientists have been debunking this myth for some time. For example, Alistair Fraser from PSU debunked this myth in 2003 or earlier, far before the birth of the modern flat Earth craze in the late 2010s.

The myth began from an experiment by Ascher Shapiro from MIT, where he demonstrated that the Coriolis effect can be observed in a bathtub-sized tank. This is, however, an experiment done in a very carefully controlled environment, very different from our everyday bathtub.
Greetings loyal subscribers, we're having a small quiz because Wild Beast is having trouble answering a simple question of mine, so let's help him out.

Assuming we have to measure the speed of a fly wheel on the engine of a car, what would you use?
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Apparent motion is the appearance that celestial objects move due to the motion of Earth. If all the objects that appear in the sky are moving similarly, then it is far more likely that the movement is only apparent and caused by the motion of the observer.

Flat-Earthers claim that the motion of celestial objects “proves” that Earth is stationary, and the celestial objects are moving. By the same “reasoning,” we can conclude that the train we are in is stationary, it is just all the objects outside, as luck would have it, are moving in a very similar fashion.

Flat-Earthers would say that we know the train is moving from different observations, like that we can feel the train is accelerating. However, the same thing can also be said for the motion of Earth. While the movement of celestial objects is only indirect evidence we can infer from, we can directly know the Earth is rotating from the Coriolis effect, the Eötvös effect, and gyroscopic precession. And we can directly know Earth is in motion around the Sun from observations like stellar parallax, stellar aberration, and the Doppler effect.
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Camera zoom works by enlarging the center portion of the image, or in other words, by making its field-of-view narrower. Zooming in on the setting sun will not reveal more of the sun and will only enlarge the size of the sun in the resulting image.

Flat-Earthers claim that zooming in on a setting sun will reveal the full sun and somehow lift it out of the water. In reality, they used incorrect exposure settings, making the sun still above the horizon appear already half-obscured by Earth’s curvature.

Zooming on the setting sun will never reveal the sun already obstructed by Earth’s curvature.

When fully zoomed in, the sun appears larger and fills more of the frame. As a result, the frame is dominated by a bright object (the sun). The auto-exposure system will thus compensate by lowering the exposure. The sun will appear in the correct exposure with a clearly defined edge. This is done by sacrificing the appearance of all the other objects, which now appear dark.

On the other hand, the sun appears very small when fully zoomed out and occupies far less of the frame. The picture is dominated by dark objects, like the evening sky and the ocean. The autoexposure system now thinks the photographer wants to take a picture of the entire landscape and compensate by raising the exposure. The sky and ocean appear correctly exposed at the expense of the sun, which now looks too bright. Not only that, the glare around the sun will appear too bright as well, and it can be impossible to distinguish the sun from its glare. Flat-Earthers think the glare is part of the sun and incorrectly assume the sun is larger than it is.

To take a good picture of the sun during sunset, it is sometimes necessary to use manual exposure. The autoexposure system can only guess the intention of the photographer. Sometimes it guesses wrong, like when the intended object is far brighter than its surroundings or vice versa.
According to dictionary.com, these are the meanings of ‘theory’:

a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena: Einstein’s theory of relativity.
a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.
Mathematics. a body of principles, theorems, or the like, belonging to one subject: number theory.
the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory.
a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it; a system of rules or principles: conflicting theories of how children best learn to read.
contemplation or speculation: the theory that there is life on other planets.
In the scientific context, ‘theory’ means 1, 3, or 4. In other cases, ‘theory’ might mean 2.

Flat-Earthers assume that because something is called a ‘theory,’ then it is still unproven. For example, when they find the phrase “theory of relativity” and “theory of evolution” in scientific writings, they would incorrectly conclude that relativity and evolution are still unproven. In the scientific context, an unproven supposition is referred to as a ‘hypothesis” not a ‘theory.’
Greetings loyal subscribers, quick question for all of you as we've had an influx of new users join recently.

Please answer honestly. Which are you?
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Honestly I am not surprised.

A man who claims to be the founder of the “Biblical Flat Earth Society” has been charged with 56 counts of child sexual exploitation.

Phillip Stephen Stallings, 40, from Durham County, US, was arrested after a joint investigation by the Durham Country Sheriff’s Office and the US Department of Homeland Security.
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A zero-gravity aircraft flies in a parabolic motion following a free-fall motion to provide a brief weightless environment.

Flat-Earthers claim videos of astronauts in space were faked in zero-gravity aircraft. In reality, a zero-gravity plane can only provide ~25 seconds of continuous weightlessness and cannot be used to film long-take videos in a weightless condition.
The weight of an object is the force exerted on the object by gravity. The gravitational force exerted by the Earth on an object is what we feel as the ‘weight’ of the object.

Many flat-Earthers fail to understand that the gravitational force is just another name for ‘weight’. Much misinformation in flat Earth communities arises from this misunderstanding.

One of the most common misconceptions found in the flat Earth community is that if gravity is so strong that it can make ocean water stick on Earth, it should affect objects that weigh less, like feathers & dandelions, with a far stronger force.

What we experience as the weight of an object is, in reality, the force of gravity itself, which is exerted by Earth’s mass on the object. The more massive an object, then the greater is its weight, or in other words, the greater the gravitational force exerted by the Earth on the object. And as a result, it would require more force to lift the object.
Mofo skinny going vegan is too funny, next he'll move to Thailand and be riding Eric Dubay's cock.
These are some of the information we can gather about a photo to determine if it is real:

Image forensics: Change levels & curves to find hints of cloning. Use ELA to determine the difference of image degradation in different parts of the image.

Metadata analysis: Look for the image’s date from HTTP headers. Find out if the EXIF metadata exists, check for times, camera & lens, exposure settings, GPS information, etc. and see if everything checks out.

Reverse image search: Use Google Image Search, TinEye, or similar tools to search for similar images on the Internet.

Scene analysis: Find discrepancies between light sources and shadows. Use common sense to find things out of place.

Source of the photo: Find the source of the image. Is the source of the image identifiable? Check if they are trustworthy.

Scene plausibility: Is the event in the picture possible? Has it occurred before? Are there other sources that can corroborate the event’s occurrence?

Appeal to emotion: Do the image and the accompanying information make us emotional? If so, then it deserves more scrutiny before we can regard it as real.

Weather & astronomy: Verify the weather using sites like weather.com. Verify the positions of astronomical bodies like the Sun & the Moon using an app like Stellarium.

Fact-checkers: Check with sites like Snopes or other fact-checkers. Viral images are usually already addressed.

And last but not least, just because a photo is fake does not mean the things depicted in the photo are also fake.