Flat Earth Debunked
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If the target is 100m away, the Coriolis effect at 60° latitude is less than one millimeter. Therefore, it will not be necessary to account for the tiny deflection.

However, if the target’s distance is one kilometer, it becomes significant. At 60° latitude, the Coriolis effect will deflect more than 8 cm, and the shooter will have to consider it.

Many soldiers do not shoot long-range; therefore, they are not trained to account for the Coriolis effect. It does not mean the effect does not exist, only that it is too small to affect the results of the kind of shootings that they do.

The longest recorded sniper kills occurred at a distance of more than 3500 m using a .50 BMG round. The Coriolis deflection at such a distance will be about a meter horizontally.
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Can we see a curved horizon from an airplane at 46,000 ft altitude? Does the horizon raise to eye level? What does the globe model predict and what can we see in reality?

The following image is a screenshot from a video filmed from the cockpit of a Bombardier Global Express 600 flying at an altitude of 46,000 ft. The camera used was an iPhone 7 with a 35 mm equivalent focal length of 29 mm (field of view about 73°).

Note: the curvature of the horizon is not due to lens distortion. You can check this by following the link to the raw uncut video, where the camera was paning up and down to show that the curvature does not change in different parts of the frame.

The green symbols and numbers are data from the Head-up display. It shows essential informations to the pilot when he looks through the front window. The horizontal bar with the 2 circles is part of the Attitude indicator and shows an artificial horizon at eye level. You can move the head around, this line will remain at the same position with respect to the real horizon. The real horizon of the earth appears way below eye level at this altitude and is clearly curved.

The overlayed yellow grid, the long horizontal green line and the information at the right is created with the Curvature App. I entered an observer altitude of 14,020 m = 46,000 ft, and a focal length of 29 mm (iPhone 7) and selected the aspect ratio of 16:9.

The calculated graphics of the Curvature App matches the iPhone image perfectly, both the horizon drop of 3.8° as well as the curvature of the horizon.
Many natural phenomena cannot be explained if Earth were flat, including the observation that the bottom part of a distant object appears clipped. To “explain” it as if it can occur on a flat Earth, flat-Earthers invented the “explanation” that it is due to what they call “perspective.”

This supposed “perspective” that flat Earthers invented is different from the actual law of perspective. To distinguish it from the actual, real-world law of perspective, many people call it “flerspective,” a combination of the words flerf and perspective.

Under the “law” of flerspective, the bottom part of a distant object can appear clipped on its own, despite there is a line-of-sight between the observer and the hidden portion. This assertion contradicts what we observe in the real world.

In the real world, perspective cannot cause an object to be half-visible and half-hidden. If there is a clear line of sight, the bottom part of the object will be visible. If not, then it is due to other reasons, like an obstruction by another object.

The “law” of flerspective does not have predictive power. It cannot be used to predict the visibility of a distant object qualitatively. We can try asking any flat-Earthers, and nobody will be able to calculate how far a distant object to start appearing hidden.
For the flerfs.
A surprising fun science fact is that the curve of the earth is detectable simply by standing up. This works best with the surface of the ocean or a large lake, and it's something you can easily do at the beach. I recently gave it a go in a visit to Venice Beach near Los Angeles. With my Nikon P900 I held it close to the water level (about two feet up) and took a photo of a boat off in the distance. I then stood up and took another photo:

Source: https://www.metabunk.org/threads/stand-up-to-detect-the-curve-of-the-earth.8364/
Okay mofoskinny you actual spastic. 😂😂😂
"the horizon rises up to eye level".

The horizon abosolutely does not "rise up" to "eye-level" or any other level. It is trivial to demonstrate that it does exactly the opposite, it drops DOWN as you rise in altitude
Mofo hasn't taken his meds today, in fact I don't think he ever takes his meds.
Just realised something hilarious, with all the flat earth chats I'm in, my evidence for the earth being a globe that I forward results in me getting banned or kicked most of the time.

Not one flat earther has been banned in this chat and they've all left on their own. Interesting right? It's like they're deliberately trying to block out the truth, the cold hard evidence...
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The Lake Pontchartrain causeway and transmission lines demonstrate Earth’s curvature. Flat-Earthers attempt to dismiss it using aerial photos where it is more difficult to see the curved landmarks over water.

On the other hand, from these alternative vantage points, it becomes easier to reveal the horizontal curvature by magnifying vertically. Because of the possibility of lens distortions, some of the images are inadequate evidence of the curve. However, all of them are insufficient evidence of a flat Earth.
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Evidence that the horizon doesn't rise to eye level.
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Many different map projections are created to preserve different properties of the sphere-like body at the expense of other properties. Some of the resulting distortions are acceptable, and others are not. A projection type can be suitable for a purpose but not for others.

Flat-Earthers claim the so-called ‘flat-Earth map’ is distortion-free and use it as proof of its correctness. In reality, a map can only be distortion-free if the actual shape it represents is also flat. There are many ways we can use to show that the “flat Earth map” is, in fact, distorted.

Every map of the Earth has distortions due to the fact it is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional object. It does not mean a distortion-free representation of the real Earth does not exist: we call it a globe.
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