Android apps
46 subscribers
6 photos
1 video
2 files
126 links
Mostly Foss android apps I daily use and love but also many that are usefull but not necessary currently use.
Suggest apps at @favandroidappschat
Download Telegram



- Enable mirror ,it can be a webdav Mount from davx5 or a nextcloud Mount. Both mounts support mtls.

- Backup updata before export data.

- Default to markdown view instead of edit on not new notes :
Enable "show hidden" and add com.appmindlab.nano.pref_preview_mode|true to ~neutrinote_settings_data

- Change the number of backups to keep (default is 10) : com.appmindlab.nano.pref_max_backup_count|2

Available flags :
Microg location provider

Came across some interesting password managers that are great but lack some features.



Has a great ui but lacks the ability to directly import from bitwarden and more importantly died not act as an auto fill service.

Both are planned


Also looks amazing but lacks the ability for periodic backups atm but it is planned.

Keeping an eye on them.
Export the blacklisted apps list from Aurora store


just copy



Unmaintained for years but it has a unique feature that only allows calls from contacts . Useful for minors devices that needs some parental control.

It prints a list of installed apps by ap name.and package name categorized by install source.

Save scipt and bash > list.txt if you want the list saved to a file



# Define a temporary file to hold the raw data

# Extract APK file paths, package names, and installation methods
pm list packages -3 -f -i | sed -n 's|package:\(/data/app/[^/]\+/[^/]\+/base.apk\)=\([^ ]\+\) installer=\([^ ]\+\)|\1 \2 \3|p' | while read apk package installer; do
# Extract application name using aapt
app_name=$(aapt dump badging "$apk" 2>/dev/null | grep 'application: label=' | awk -F"'" '{print $2}')

# Format application name based on word count
if [ $(echo "$app_name" | awk '{print NF}') -le 1 ]; then
short_name=$(echo "$app_name" | awk '{print $1 "_" $2}')

# Print application name, package name, and installer to the temporary file
echo "$short_name $package $installer" >> "$temp_file"

# Define function to print section with separator
print_section() {
local section_title="$1"
local installer_filter="$2"

echo "===================================="
echo "$section_title:"
echo "------------------------------------"
grep "$installer_filter" "$temp_file" | awk '{print $1, $2}'

# Print sections with visual separators
print_section "Aurora/Play Store Apps (" ''
print_section "Aurora Droid Apps (com.aurora.adroid)" 'com.aurora.adroid'
print_section "Obtainium Apps (dev.imranr.obtainium)" 'dev.imranr.obtainium'
print_section "APK Installs (" ''

# Print unknown category with proper handling
echo "===================================="
echo "Unknown (null):"
echo "------------------------------------"
grep -v '\|com.aurora.adroid\|dev.imranr.obtainium\|' "$temp_file" | awk '{print $1, $2}'

# Clean up temporary file
rm "$temp_file"
Revised script that also prints the fdroid link of the apps and fallback to a playstore link if there is no valid fdroid one.



# Create a temporary file to hold the raw data

# Extract APK file paths, package names, and installation methods
pm list packages -3 -f -i | sed -n 's|package:\(/data/app/[^/]\+/[^/]\+/base.apk\)=\([^ ]\+\) installer=\([^ ]\+\)|\1 \2 \3|p' | while read apk package installer; do
# Extract application name using aapt
app_name=$(aapt dump badging "$apk" 2>/dev/null | grep 'application: label=' | awk -F"'" '{print $2}')

# Only proceed if both app_name and package are available
if [ -n "$app_name" ] && [ -n "$package" ]; then
# Format the application name based on word count
if [ $(echo "$app_name" | awk '{print NF}') -le 1 ]; then
short_name=$(echo "$app_name" | awk '{print $1 "_" $2}')

# Generate F-Droid and Play Store links

# Validate the F-Droid link with wget --spider
if wget --spider "$fdroid_link" 2>/dev/null; then

# Write application name, package name, and valid link to the temporary file
echo "$short_name $package $link $installer" >> "$temp_file"

# Define function to print section with separator
print_section() {
local section_title="$1"
local installer_filter="$2"

echo "===================================="
echo "$section_title:"
echo "------------------------------------"

# Filter based on installer and print app details
awk -v installer_filter="$installer_filter" '{
if ($4 == installer_filter) {
print "App Name: " $1;
print "Package: " $2;
print "Link: " $3;
print "---";
}' "$temp_file"

# Print sections with visual separators and line breaks for each element
print_section "Aurora/Play Store Apps (" ''
print_section "Aurora Droid Apps (com.aurora.adroid)" 'com.aurora.adroid'
print_section "Obtainium Apps (dev.imranr.obtainium)" 'dev.imranr.obtainium'
print_section "APK Installs (" ''

# Print unknown category with proper handling
echo "===================================="
echo "Unknown (null):"
echo "------------------------------------"
awk '{
if ($4 != "" && $4 != "com.aurora.adroid" && $4 != "dev.imranr.obtainium" && $4 != "") {
print "App Name: " $1;
print "Package: " $2;
print "Link: " $3;
print "---";
}' "$temp_file"

# Clean up temporary file
rm "$temp_file"
Github search for repos that match a search query and contain apk releases.

- Parse search query as argument.
- Look for matches in repo names, descriptions, and files.
- Perform search in repos started from the more recent ones.
- Return repos that contain apk releases.
- Github api limits query matches to 1000 so a max of 1000 matched repos will be checked for apk files.
- Checks for requirements and imstalls them if mossing.
- Show progress bar.
- Replace you github token under # Hardcoded GitHub personal access token
GITHUB_TOKEN = "your_github_access_token"
- Rate limit is 1000 repos per hour.

- Usage: save the script to file and run python "search_query"

List connected devices on local network with IP MAC and hostnames


pkg install root-repo

pkg install arp-scan

su -c ../usr/bin/arp-scan --localnet
Mulch system webview


Compatible with recovery , magisk and KSU

Installs in system/product/overlay as required in a13+ and prioritizes overlay.

Flash module then install mulch webview apk

Enable mulch webview

su -c cmd webviewupdate set-webview-implementation us.spotco.mulch_wv

Verify with
su -c dumpsys webviewupdate

Modified fork of A4Alpha webview module already shared here.
Search recursively and case insensitive through a specified dir for matches to given multiple search terms in multiple file formats .doc, .docx, and .pdf.


It summarizes the findings by displaying the file paths, match numbers, and page numbers in a color-coded format for easier readability.

antiword: A tool to read .doc files.

pkg install antiword

pandoc: A universal document converter, used to read .docx files.

pkg install pandoc

pdfgrep: A tool for searching text in PDF files.

pkg install pdfgrep


bash "search_term1" "search_term2" /path/to/directory/


You need to run termux-setup-storage to grant shared storage access permission to read from /storage/emulated/0/ (or /sdcard/).


# Color codes
RED='\033[0;31m' # Red for errors
GREEN='\033[0;32m' # Green for success messages
YELLOW='\033[0;33m' # Yellow for match numbers
CYAN='\033[0;36m' # Cyan for file names
NC='\033[0m' # No Color

# Check for the correct number of arguments
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
echo -e "${RED}Usage: $0 <search_term1> <search_term2> ... <search_termN> <directory>${NC}"
exit 1

# Assign the last argument as the directory and the rest as search terms
directory="${@: -1}"

# Check if the directory exists
if [ ! -d "$directory" ]; then
echo -e "${RED}Directory not found: $directory${NC}"
exit 1

# Loop through each search term
for search_term in "${search_terms[@]}"; do
echo -e "${GREEN}Searching for: $search_term${NC}"
match_count=0 # Initialize match count for each search term

# Search in .doc files
find "$directory" -type f -name "*.doc" | while read -r doc; do
matches=$(antiword "$doc" 2>/dev/null | grep -ni "$search_term")
if [ ! -z "$matches" ]; then
echo -e "${CYAN}Found in: $doc${NC}"
while read -r line; do
match_count=$((match_count + 1))
page_num=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f1) # Extract page number from match output
match_text=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f2-)
echo -e " ${YELLOW}Match #$match_count (Page $page_num): ${NC}$match_text"
done <<< "$matches"

# Search in .docx files
find "$directory" -type f -name "*.docx" | while read -r docx; do
matches=$(pandoc -t plain "$docx" 2>/dev/null | grep -ni "$search_term")
if [ ! -z "$matches" ]; then
echo -e "${CYAN}Found in: $docx${NC}"
while read -r line; do
match_count=$((match_count + 1))
page_num=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f1) # Extract page number from match output
match_text=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f2-)
echo -e " ${YELLOW}Match #$match_count (Page $page_num): ${NC}$match_text"
done <<< "$matches"

# Search in PDF files
find "$directory" -type f -name "*.pdf" | while read -r pdf; do
matches=$(pdfgrep -ni "$search_term" "$pdf" 2>/dev/null)
if [ ! -z "$matches" ]; then
echo -e "${CYAN}Found in: $pdf${NC}"
while read -r line; do
match_count=$((match_count + 1))
page_num=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f1) # Extract page number from match output
match_text=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f2-)
echo -e " ${YELLOW}Match #$match_count (Page $page_num): ${NC}$match_text"
done <<< "$matches"
App list expended


- Retrieves a list of installed APKs and their details (name, package, links) using pm and aapt.
- Checks F-Droid and Play Store links for each app.
- Categorizes apps based on their installer into sections dynamically.
- Lists Magisk modules along with their update URLs from /data/adb/modules.
- Requires tput, aapt, wget, awk, and pkg. Checks if installed and installs if missing.


Encrypted backups
Pin lock
Photo attachments
File attachments
Thumbnail view with previews

Under heavy development

Forked and extended from notally since it was stalled