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گروه انگلیسی انلاین _کانادا 🇨🇦

OLL stands for Online Language Learning
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Sushi art

Sushi art Words⁉️

⚠️ turns into:
to (cause to) become, change into, or come to be sth

⚠️ versions:
a particular form of sth which varies slightly from other forms of the same thing

⚠️ sharing:
to divide food, money, goods, etc. and give part of it to smo else

⚠️ crafted:
to make objects, especially in a skilled way

⚠️ on display:
(idiom) put in a place where people can look at it

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Each cell was identical: four feet wide, about eight feet deep, concrete and steel toilet, sink, steel-slatted bunk beds.

In this sentence, identical means:
Anonymous Quiz
Forwarded from Vocabulary 🇨🇦
 How to say Funny in English

1️⃣ Amusing

Meaning: not the best joke you’ve ever heard, but something entertaining and funny

For example, if you're reading a funny book and you have a sort of a little smile on your face.  


Overall, I found the book amusing and fun; definitely worthwhile picking up.

He found the story amusing and would occasionally break into laughter.

2️⃣ Hilarious

Meaning: really really funny,  a little bit higher level than amusing; so funny that you want to share it with everybody 


The story Adam told us was hilarious. 

The first movie was hilarious, and I couldn't wait to see the second one.

3️⃣ Witty

Meaning: funny and amusing but in a clever and smart way

Be careful here because what might be witty may not necessarily be funny.


His plays were witty entertaining comedies but filled with serious ideas. 

The show was witty. The characters clicked perfectly, but it was an intelligent show.

4️⃣ Droll

Meaning: witty, unusual, mildly funny, but a little bit strange


Adam has a dry sense of humour and often makes droll remarks with a quiet smile.

The running commentary was informative and amusingly droll. 
All I Want
Sarah Blasko
All I Want
Song by Sarah Blasko

I don't want another lover
So don't keep holding out your hands
There's no room beside me
I'm not looking for romance
Say, "I'll be here, I'll be here"
But there's no way you'd understand
All I want, all I want, all I want
When I don't even know myself
I don't want another partner
So don't try and break the spell
I can't even understand me
So don't think that you can help
When I say things and see things
There's no way on earth to tell
What I want? What I want? What I want?
'Cause I don't even know myself
No one wants to be lonely
But what am I to do?
I'm just trying to be honest
I don't want to hurt you too
When I'll be there I'll be there
I know I sound confused
But all I want
All I want
All I want
All I want
All I want
Say all I want
All I want is to one day come to know myself
Forwarded from Collocations
He arrived at exactly 11am, _____ on time.
Anonymous Quiz
Words in This Story

translate – v. to change words from one language into another language
practice – v. to do something again and again in order to become better at it
fluency – n. the ability to speak easily and smoothly
teenager – n. someone who is between 13 and 19 years old
habit – n. a usual way of behaving
pop up – v. to appear in usually a sudden or unexpected way
label – v. to put a word or name on something to describe or identify it
garage – n. a building or part of a building in which a car or other vehicle is kept
absolutely – adv. completely or totally
book – v. to make arrangements so that you will be able to use or have something, such as a room, at a later time
silence – n. a period of time in which people do not talk
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ادریس البا که امروزه یکی از بهترین و مشهورترین بازیگران جهان است در این ویدیو از راز موفقیت خود صحبت می‌کند.
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1️⃣ To doze off

Meaning: to go into a light sleep for a short period of time


Uncle Jamie used to doze off in an armchair after dinner.

It's typical of that old uncle or aunt that you have after the Christmas dinner. They enjoyed the turkey and the vegetables, and now they sit down and within a couple of minutes they doze off. They fall asleep very quickly, but it's usually not a heavy sleep.

2️⃣ To drop off

Meaning: to fall asleep easily, often without intending to do so


Paul closed his eyes and dropped off to sleep.

We are sitting there, and our head just falls down and we drop off in seconds or minutes. Often happens when you're sitting on a bus or a train. Hopefully, you don't fall asleep as I did many times on the shoulder of the person sitting beside you.